车车通信可以减少615,000 motor vehicle crashes

楼主 (未名空间)

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication can wirelessly exchange information
about the speed and position of surrounding vehicles and can help prevent
accidents, ease traffic congestion and improve the environment. For this
technology to work, the automobile industry has to come together, making
sure that all vehicles on the road communicate with each other. In such a
scenario, theoretically, insurance rates should decrease for cars of all

According to the NHTSA, there were about 615,000 motor vehicle crashes that could have been prevented with the use of V2V technology.


The V2V communication technology uses a wireless protocol similar to Wi-Fi, this allows vehicles to broadcast and receive omnidirectional messages
creating a 360-degree awareness of other vehicles in its proximity. V2V has an approximate range of 300 meters. Drivers can now receive warnings about
potential hazards through a visual display, seat vibration, or tone,
enabling the driver to remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Some
of the safety warnings include:-

The Intersection movement assist warns the driver when it’s not safe to
enter an intersection due to higher chances of collision with a motor

Left turn warning warns the driver when there is a high probability of
crashing into an oncoming vehicle when making a left turn.

Emergency electronic brake light warns the driver when a vehicle in front
decelerates quickly. This would be especially helpful when vehicles in front are out of sight.

Forward collision warning alerts the driver in advance when there is a risk of a rear-end collision with an automobile in front.

Blind spot warning notifies the driver if a vehicle in the adjacent lane is positioned in the driver’s blind spot zone

Lane change warning warns the driver when he/she attempts a lane change when there is another vehicle in/or approaching his/her blind spot.

Do not pass warning informs the driver when it’s unsafe to pass a slower
moving vehicle as another vehicle could be approaching in the opposite

Although this technology may harbor concerns about vehicle cybersecurity,
personal information is kept anonymous and the vehicle is not tracked in V2V communication. Only essential safety messages such as heading, speed, and
location are exchanged between vehicles. The NHTSA estimates that the
technology would cost around $350 per car if it is to be implemented in 2020


【 在 Caravel (克拉维尔) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 车车通信可以减少615,000 motor vehicle crashes
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 4 04:15:20 2019, 美东)
: https://www.zimlon.com/b/vehicle-to-vehicle-communication-can-prevent-
: 615000-motor-vehicle-crashes-cm541/
: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
: vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication can wirelessly exchange information
: about the speed and position of surrounding vehicles and can help prevent : accidents, ease traffic congestion and improve the environment. For this
: technology to work, the automobile industry has to come together, making
: sure that all vehicles on the road communicate with each other. In such a : scenario, theoretically, insurance rates should decrease for cars of all
: categories.
: According to the NHTSA, there were about 615,000 motor vehicle crashes
: could have been prevented with the use of V2V technology.
: safety_warnings
: The V2V communication technology uses a wireless protocol similar to Wi-Fi,
: this allows vehicles to broadcast and receive omnidirectional messages
: creating a 360-degree awareness of other vehicles in its proximity. V2V
: an approximate range of 300 meters. Drivers can now receive warnings about
: potential hazards through a visual display, seat vibration, or tone,
: enabling the driver to remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Some
: of the safety warnings include:-
: The Intersection movement assist warns the driver when it’s not safe to
: enter an intersection due to higher chances of collision with a motor
: vehicle.
: Left turn warning warns the driver when there is a high probability of
: crashing into an oncoming vehicle when making a left turn.
: Emergency electronic brake light warns the driver when a vehicle in front : decelerates quickly. This would be especially helpful when vehicles in
: are out of sight.
: Forward collision warning alerts the driver in advance when there is a
: of a rear-end collision with an automobile in front.
: Blind spot warning notifies the driver if a vehicle in the adjacent lane
: positioned in the driver’s blind spot zone
: Lane change warning warns the driver when he/she attempts a lane change
: there is another vehicle in/or approaching his/her blind spot.
: Do not pass warning informs the driver when it’s unsafe to pass a slower : moving vehicle as another vehicle could be approaching in the opposite
: direction.
: Although this technology may harbor concerns about vehicle cybersecurity, : personal information is kept anonymous and the vehicle is not tracked in
: communication. Only essential safety messages such as heading, speed, and
: location are exchanged between vehicles. The NHTSA estimates that the
: technology would cost around $350 per car if it is to be implemented in
: .
: --
