Is there interbeing between Catholicism and Buddhism?

楼主 (未名空间)

I am a Christian and meditating with Thay and sangha has made the bible much more understandable for me.

I have always felt the love of Jesus as the
strongest love ever in my life.

Through retreats at plum village the
teaching of Jesus became much more concrete for me.

To feel Jesus' love is
not that hard (in my experience but thats personal).

But to live by such a
divine love is what we all could do to make the world a better place...

to live and love as Jesus did. the level of compassion at plum village munks and nuns is so touching and so real.

and their excercises to do so are so
beautiful and applicable.

It brought me closer to Jesus.

I will always be
thankful for this.

I love that Gods truth is inclusive, not exclusive.

As I
heard He is Alpha and Omega. so we are reminded never to judge others or say we are the only true faith excluding everyone else.

I believe we are one in
True faith. when I am True in my faith I am one. one inside. and one with
everything. only one in True faith. not half not 75% but 100%.

This is my
personal explanation of choosing one true faith. Being one in True faith.

the kingdom of God is justice and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

I see
no difference in the buddhist description of enlightenment.

Isnt that
beautiful? Thay is very near in my heart. I am so grateful. He brought me
closer to Jesus Christ.

And Jesus Christ is my saviour. This pure love of
the Holy Spirit is our saviour and it can perform miracles if we turn to the Holy Spirit.

And I believe we still can transform through this and save our
beautiful Earth. If we become one /if we all learn to feel this unity that all life is holy. I hope we can inspire eachother. Amen.


-- Quoted from one of the comments