硅谷运营将近20年的亚裔职场培训项目招新 (转载)

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发信人: wgaggassi34 (GG), 信区: Working
标 题: 硅谷运营将近20年的亚裔职场培训项目招新
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 2 14:08:33 2020, 美东)


Are you looking to grow as a professional, break out as an entrepreneur, or develop your leadership skills during the unprecedented time? In the last 16 years, MJAA Executive Mentorship Program has helped countless Asian
American professionals to unlock their true potential and reach executive
leadership positions. Our Alumni includes leaders at many prominent Silicon Valley companies such as Amazon, Cisco, and Google. We are open for
applicants outside of Bay Area, given our session will go virtual amid COVID-19.

To learn more about the 2020 Monte Jade Executive Mentorship Program or
apply, please visit https://bit.ly/39VMzuz. We are accepting applicants to
the program on a rolling basis. The deadline to apply for the program is
September 1st.

Please visit our website below for:
Mentorship program details: https://www.montejade.org/mentorship
Meet Our Mentors: https://www.montejade.org/mentors
Open house schedule: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/mjaa-23643817227
Application form: https://forms.gle/k5XT4Cs9iGqCAQ3Q9

Questions? Please email: [email protected]