
楼主 (未名空间)

Mikal Kamil
7 months ago

When I saw this story, I felt it was my duty as a humanist to contact Lou
Jing and her mother and provide assistance. I spoke with them both and asked if they wanted to leave China and move to the United States. Lou Jing and
her mother replied YES! I immediately made arrangements for them to leave
and move to Los Angeles, where they've been living happily ever since.

这个绝对是和华东理工有关联的新闻。她妈当年是闵行区的女人。老公是吴泾化工厂团委书记。结果呢,老婆婚内出轨。在华东理工跟非洲黑人无套内射。最后怀孕了。生下了 未来的加州参议员 娄精。全上海当年只有华东理工有黑人啊。