ICSI 2020国际群体智能会议征稿通知(EI,ISI,ISTP,DBLP检索

楼主 (未名空间)

第十一届国际群体智能会议(ICSI 2020)将于2020年7月14日-20日在塞尔维亚的贝尔
ICSI 2020的录用论文将由施普林格出版社以计算机科学讲义书的形式出版,被EI,ISI,ISTP,DBLP等检索。

会议网站: http://ic-si.org/


ICSI'2020: Call for Papers and Proposals for Special Sessions & Tutorials

Name: Eleventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2020)
URL: http://www.ic-si.org/
Dates: July 14-20, 2020
Location: Belgrade, Serbia

Important Dates:

Jan. 15, 2020: Deadline for Special Session Proposal.
Jan. 30, 2020: Deadline for Paper Submission.

Submission Details: Prospective authors are invited to contribute the latest original and high-quality papers to ICSI'2020 through online submission
page at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsi20200.

Brief Desciption:

The Eleventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2020)
serves as an important forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange
latest advantages in theories, technologies, and applications of swarm
intelligence and related areas. The ICSI'2020 is the eleventh annual event
in this high-reputation ICSI series after Chiang Mai event (ICSI'2019),
Shanghai event (ICSI'2018), Fukuoka event (ICSI'2017), Bali event (ICSI'2016), etc. Papers presented at the ICSI'2020 will be published by Springer-
Nature in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (indexed by EI Compendex, ISTP, DBLP, SCOPUS, Web of Science ISI Thomson, etc.), some high-quality papers
will be selected for SCI-indexed Transaction and Journal (including IEEE
Trans, IASEI Trans. Swarm Intelligence, IJSIR, Swarm and Evolutionary
Optimization, Natural Computing, etc.).

Sponsored and Co-sponsored by International Association of Swarm and
Evolutionary Intelligences, Singidunum University, Peking University,
Southern University of Science and Technology. Technically Co-sponsored/
supported by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Beijing Chapter, World Federation of Soft Computing, International Neural Network Society,
Springer-Verlag, etc.(more to be added).

The ICSI'2020 will be held in Singidunum University at Belgrade, Serbia,
which is the most important and the largest city of Serbia, Belgrade is a
vibrant city, surprising in its diversity and rich in its history and
culture, Belgrade is not only one of the oldest cities in Europe but it also has one of the most tumultuous history of the Continent, due to its
strategic and coveted position, a crucial point between the East and the
West, often target of expansive campaigns and wars, for details, refer to http://www.aboutbelgrade.com/.

For the topics and other materials, please visit conference website: http://www.ic-si.org, for details.

We are sure that you will have a wonderful experience of visiting Belgrade, Serbia during the ICSI'2020.
Look forward to welcoming you at ICSI'2020!

ICSI'2020 Secretariat
Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.ic-si.org