I have read a lot of news about Yan Li-meng since last yea

楼主 (未名空间)

I have read a lot of news about Yan Li-meng since last year, , because her
speechs were closely related to the COVID-19. However, after reading more
and more news, I felt that there are many mistakes and unreasonable elements in Yan 's speechs and her academic paper. Let's take a look at the real
experts' objections to Yan 's claims about the COVID-19.She told the world
that the COVID-19 was made by China as a biochemical weapons .

Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University, was blunt in her
rebuke, saying that though Yan makes her effort to disguise her lies as the real science, her lies were in fact ridiculous and baseless.

Disease ecologist Brandon Ogbunu of Yale University also said the COVID-19
came from animals to humans, not the biological weapon as Yan said.

So what’s the reason for Yan’’s speehs?Her obvious mistakes repeated over and over again that makes me feel tied. I don't want to read any more.

Some people do a good job of analyse. Guo Wengui,a billionaire fleed from
Chiana and Bannon ,the former advisor to the United States came together to fund Yan, provided her big house, and promised her a lot of money and power in order to make Yan's erroneous speeches said in public and undermined
China.No matter the other people believes it or not , I believe this