NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by

楼主 (未名空间)

NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
Aug. 13, 2020
by Limin Wang

First, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the full set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a little

Between the p1 and p2 audio files, there were about FORTY MINUTES not
represented here. During that time, I was filling in the three-page
Questionnaire and Dr. Robert S. April came out twice to me. I was rushed to wrap up on the Questionnaire without finishing everything or reviewing
anything, when RSA came over the 2nd time to urge me to go to the exam room.

Now, the rest five files have been uploaded as a separate playlist.https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-second-half-of-sound-tracks-of-

More details and images to come.

For those who are interested in studying the REAL AMERICAN SYSTEM, a real
murderous evil system shown in this case of me being murder-attempted again and again by perpetrators in their premeditated and coordinated way, please download, and repost the files if you can help me.


For these who dare to look at the real American system with enough grits,
try to understand how evil such an NYS Workers' Compensation system is
played out by the
perpetrators to murder-attempt me the enslaved laborer and the sham-and-
shame case victim.

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
: April
: Aug. 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: So far, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the
: full set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a
: easiness. More to come. And details and images to come.
: https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-almost-complete-audio-tracks-of-
: nov-08-2019-ime-by-ime-dr-robert-s-april
: For those who are interested in studying the REAL AMERICAN SYSTEM, a real : ...................


the about-six-minutes IME on Nov. 08, 2019 by dr.
robert s. april is ALSO shown on youtube as a VIDEO

My written rebuttal of his 2nd-time Documents-Review and account of the Nov-08-2019 WHOLE experience at that 120 E86 St, 2nd Fl, New York, NY 10028
practice is on a 54-page document titled The Pursuit of Truth, available on Case Folder and my online posts, including
【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
: April
: Aug. 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: So far, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the
: full set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a
: easiness. More to come. And details and images to come.
: https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-almost-complete-audio-tracks-of-
: nov-08-2019-ime-by-ime-dr-robert-s-april
: For those who are interested in studying the REAL AMERICAN SYSTEM, a real : ...................


copy the WHOLE link to the web-browser URL line, and then see. I will try tofix it.
【 在 imageall2002 (image) 的大作中提到: 】
: 链接不work

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
: April
: Aug. 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: So far, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the
: full set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a
: easiness. More to come. And details and images to come.
: https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-almost-complete-audio-tracks-of-
: nov-08-2019-ime-by-ime-dr-robert-s-april
: For those who are interested in studying the REAL AMERICAN SYSTEM, a real : ...................


First, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the full set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a little

Now, the rest five files have been uploaded as a separate playlist.https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-second-half-of-sound-tracks-of-

More details and images to come.

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
: April
: Aug. 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: First, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the
: set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a little
: easiness.
: https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-almost-complete-audio-tracks-of-
: nov-08-2019-ime-by-ime-dr-robert-s-april
: Now, the rest five files have been uploaded as a separate playlist.
: ...................


Between the p1 and p2 audio files, there were about FORTY MINUTES not
represented here. During that time, I was filling in the three-page
Questionnaire and Dr. Robert S. April came out twice to me. I was rushed to wrap up on the Questionnaire without finishing everything or reviewing
anything, when RSA came over the 2nd time to urge me to go to the exam room.

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYS WCB G2029240: Sound Tracks of the Nov. 08 2019 IME by Dr. Robert S.
: April
: Aug. 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: First, I have only very roughly prepared the first six parts out of the
: set of eleven recordings for online audience to listen to with a little
: easiness.
: https://soundcloud.com/limin-wang/sets/the-almost-complete-audio-tracks-of-
: nov-08-2019-ime-by-ime-dr-robert-s-april
: Between the p1 and p2 audio files, there were about FORTY MINUTES not
: ...................