NYC Free Meals: A Black Man Worker's Hostile Attitude and B

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NYC Free Meals: A Black Man Worker's Hostile Attitude and Behavior

June 13, 2020

by Limin Wang

{The following is what I contacted online to the NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. I want to recite the same slogan to the black man I mentioned below, I AM A

First of all, thank Mayor de Blasio for providing free meals to students and anyone else who are willing to take during this COVID-19 shutdown. Although the news says three free meals a day, what I get is always two meals (
breakfast and lunch, and very occasionally an extra piece like a box of milk) a "school-day". That's still no problem to me.

What's annoying to me is the ATTITUDES of one particular person, a black man, at the P.S. 120 food service station. This black man was OFTEN picking the food himself and then throwing it into my bag. Sometimes the food was
dropped to floor and he then still gave it to my bag. Sometimes the food he picked and gave was found bag untied or ripped open. He was often picking on me with this or that, saying things like go fast, open your bag, don't hold the door while he was passing his picked food to me at the door, or rush
the one behind me to go ahead of me, etc, etc, with unfriendly, harsh tones, and sometimes nasty words and sometimes body language threatening.
Sometimes, he was not using his mask at all or not using it to cover his
nose and mouth, when he came close and picked and threw food into my bag.

When occasionally some other people were filling in his position, they were all acting normal and nice to me . I was allowed to take the food from piles, and I was never harassed with verbal and body languages.

It is the NYC's FREE food provided to the general people. I would like to
enjoy such a blanket governmental care WITHOUT the harassment from a
particular governmental worker. It would be a lot pleasant for this black
man to keep the social distance of 6 feet from the food-takers while he does his governmental job.

Black lives matter, but other people's lives matter too. This P.S. 120 food service station serves a lot of ethnic Chinese.

Sometimes, some of the food tasted WRONG. That's another reason why I don't like he picks and throws to my bag.

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYC Free Meals: A Black Man Worker's Hostile Attitude and Behavior
: June 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: {The following is what I contacted online to the NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. I
: want to recite the same slogan to the black man I mentioned below, I AM A
: MAN.}
: First of all, thank Mayor de Blasio for providing free meals to students
: anyone else who are willing to take during this COVID-19 shutdown.
: the news says three free meals a day, what I get is always two meals (
: breakfast and lunch, and very occasionally an extra piece like a box of
: ...................


Never a wrong time to let expose experiences. Black lives matter, OK; Other races' lives matter too. The black man is verbally and physically
threatening to me, beyond the insults. What makes him so arrogant to me and
other Chinese? I think he looks just physically stronger and stays at a
better social status! My life in America has many times being threatened or discriminated by blacks too, including black police. Of course, I don't mean the black is the only race who tramples my rights or other Chinese's rights. Interested in looking what the black judge Lucky Enobakhare twisted in the written decisions of my Work "Accident" Injury case? The whole case can
reflect this American system is a BRUTAL CANNIBALISM system. Understand the point?!

My contact was only to hope that the Mayor's Office notifies all NYC Free
Meals stations a GENERAL DECENT and SAFE procedure.

【 在 WangLimin (王利民) 的大作中提到: 】
: NYC Free Meals: A Black Man Worker's Hostile Attitude and Behavior
: June 13, 2020
: by Limin Wang
: {The following is what I contacted online to the NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. I
: want to recite the same slogan to the black man I mentioned below, I AM A
: MAN.}
: First of all, thank Mayor de Blasio for providing free meals to students
: anyone else who are willing to take during this COVID-19 shutdown.
: the news says three free meals a day, what I get is always two meals (
: breakfast and lunch, and very occasionally an extra piece like a box of
: ...................