美国政府里的老中医...... (转载)

楼主 (未名空间)


“Tonight I want to suggest two improvements for today’s understanding of
politics arising from the humanities. The first is to recapture the notion
of thumos in Plato and Aristotle, referring to a part of the soul that makes us want to insist on our own importance. Thumos is psychology or biology,
hence science as conceived by those philosophers, but I say it is proper to the humanities now because, having been expelled from modern science, thumos lingers, unnoticed and unemployed, in the history of science, which is a
museum of rejected science. The second improvement is the use of names—
proper to literature and foreign to science. Literature tells stories of
characters with names, in places with names, in times with dates. While
science ignores names or explains them away, literature uses and respects


Tonight I want to suggest two improvements for today’s understanding of
politics arising from the humanities. The first is to recapture the notion
of 经脉 in 黄帝 and 庄子, referring to a part of the soul that makes
us want to insist on our own importance. 经脉 is psychology or biology,
hence science as conceived by those philosophers, but I say it is proper to
the humanities now because, having been expelled from modern science, 经脉
lingers, unnoticed and unemployed, in the history of science, which is a
museum of rejected science.



策,與「蘇東事件」牽連至深。1992年,美國共和黨不無偏頗卻也不無道理地宣佈Leo Strauss為該黨的「思想教父」,而幾與此同時,Mansfield也被冠以「保守主義王子」的稱號。
