
楼主 (未名空间)

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发信人: zyxwv (一定要原谅俺555:)), 信区: NJU
标 题: 2of2__(十)2020年-2021年,庚子年,双规材料Poll人口普查----难兄难弟,之,B,T,--Biden,Trump,--(一)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 11 18:45:33 2021, 美东)



Biden,Trump,--(一)__2021__01-08#01-11#0043-0411__0426-0431__1956-2205 - 副本__Edit#2206-.docx


#2021-01-11#2331-2359 GMT,之间,
贴 在。。
。。mitbbs nju board。。mitbbs 南京大学版。。mitbbs南大版。。

然后,把回帖,作为单独的主贴,在,2021-01-11#2331 -2359 GMT,左右,之间,转
。。mitbbs leisuretime board。。mitbbs 读书听歌看电影版。。mitbbs雷版。。
。。mitbbs military board。。mitbbs 军事天地版。。mitbbs 军版。。
。。mitbbs history board。。mitbbs 史海钩沉版。。mitbbs 历史版。。

特使B:eh~~,刚才,说到,哪儿了???~~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。。



霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲手机盲法盲诗词盲数学
盲数字盲各种盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。。

=====你知道,,美国的白宫,White House,的门牌号码,是,多少么???~~~。。
。@@[email protected]@。。。:))。。。。。。。。


霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲手机盲法盲诗词盲数学
盲数字盲各种盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。。

一脑门子的,mis-spent youths etc etc etc,,,,
(脑门子里面,都是屎啊~~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。。)
(2021-01-11#0236 – 2021-01-11#2119)




霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲手机盲法盲诗词盲数学
盲数字盲各种盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。。


======好像是说是,美国的总统府,白宫,White House的门牌号码,是,

Eh~~, where am I???~~~.. I am not getting myself into troubles, again, am I???~~~…@@[email protected]@...:(((……..let write this part, again, it should be----
(2021-01-11#0239 – 2021-01-11#0240)




霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲手机盲法盲诗词盲数学
盲数字盲各种盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。。


======好像是说是,美国的总统府,白宫,White House的门牌号码,是,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

(google search了一下,地址全文,是,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500美国

不查,还是,不知道。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:((555。。。)

。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))。。。。。。。。
(2021-01-11#0241 – 2021-01-11#2122)

(2021-01-11#0242 – 2021-01-11#0252)
前些年,2012年,还有一次,申请了,Pennsyvlvannia State University,Penn
State的,postdoctoral博士后的工作呢,曾经。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。

如,见,。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。======


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Subject: Re: Additional Information needed for Penn State Postdoctoral
From: T Wang ([email protected])
To: #%%%#;
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected];
Date: Saturday, 4 August 2012, 0:51

Dear #%%%# Judy #%%%#,

Thank you for your four emails titled "Additional Information needed for
Penn State Postdoctoral Position" at 16:09pm BST, 16:47pm BST, 16:58pm BST
and 20:32pm BST on Tuesday 31 July 2012.

On Monday 23rd July 2012, I saw the four positions advertised on the New
Scientist website so I made four applications (links please see below):http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401363107/postdoctoral-research-fellow-in-water-science-/ http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401363104/postdoctoral-research-fellow-in-co2-utilization-/ http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401363103/postdoctoral-research-fellow-in-biogeochemical-cycles-/ http://jobs.newscientist.com/en-gb/job/1401363102/postdoctoral-research-fellow-in-batteries-and-energy-storage-/

In the above four advertisements it is said that there are "five positions" "in Batteries and Energy Storage, Biogeochemical Cycles, CO2 Utilization,
Health and the Environment, and Water Science", however it seems that the
position for "Health and the Environment" is not advertised on the New
Scientist website? I first see the above four advertisements on the category of "Chemistry", and I searched in the on-line database of the New Scientist job website again by using key word "Penn State" and it is still only
showing the above four positions and it seems that the position for "Health and the Environment" is not advertised on the New Scientist website?
Otherwise, I think I would probably make an application for the position for "Health and the Environment", as well?

Please see attached three documents:
1) ethanolD2O ingestion_Prague 2006_TSW.ppt
2) TSW Manuscript_Smell.doc
3) TSW manuscript_ADH.doc

Can these three documents be regarded as "letters"? Just a thought -- in
general, does any communication (in any form and/or of any type?) might/
could actually be viewed as some kind of "To Whom It May Concern" to start

Regarding "A 3-page concept (proposal) that leverages the faculty and
facilities at Penn State", I feel that probably in the CV I sent during the applications via New Scientist website on 23rd July 2012 there are possibly something could be potentially used in this regard? However, I must admit
that in reality I know so little about the faculty and facilities that are
at Penn State that I think at this point (or at these points?) I am probably feeling and finding it a little bit difficult and not quite sure about
exactly how to leverage the faculty and facilities at Penn State? I am
really sorry about this :((.

By the way, no disrespect and no offence to the faculty and facilities at
Penn State and/or anybody here, do the faculty and facilities at Penn State know how to leverage the faculty and facilities at Penn State? And/or, eh,
even potentially (?) a bit like that -- when Archimedes of Syracuse wanted
and/or planned and/or hoped (?) to do something about and/or with The Earth?

I must say that, no disrespect and no offence to the faculty and facilities at Penn State and/or anybody here, I am very sorry about my Chinese English, I am not sure whether all these are appropriate and/or suitable? And I must admit that somehow at some point a couple of days earlier I am even
thinking of and/or a little bit tempted(?) to start this email with "Hey
Judy" :((

Again, many thanks. And I am very sorry for the inconvenience(s) possibly
caused, I do apologize and please do forgive me.

Best regards,

Yours sincerely,
Tianshu Wang

PS. 1) On Monday 23rd July 2012, when I am browsing news on the internet, on the BBC website I see a news about Penn State and in it says that people of Penn State are much enthusiastic and passionate about sports?

I remember at a conference/symposium during late Aug/early Sept 2006 in
Prague, Czech Republic, I met a colleague (who is about the same age as mine?) from Innsbruck, Austria again (I think we first met during a conference/
symposium in Sept 2004 in Dornbirn, Austria, a city located in the beautiful scenes of mountains and waters?) while we are walking and visiting around
the posters in one of the Halls where the poster sessions are held, so we
stopped and talked to each other, at one point he said/commented/suggested (?) something like that the ethanol/D2O ingestion work might be/could be
applied to sports/sports research ((?) sorry, cannot remember the exact
sentence he said :(( ) -- think about it again, guessing what he means is
not just about the "drinking" part, doesn't he?

PS. 2) At a conference/symposium during late Aug/early Sept 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, I remember that, at one point during one of the talks, the
speaker (proudly?) said/mentioned that there are some of, last ((?) but not the least?), Sorcerers(?) are around (and/or at Penn State?)? The talk
itself is about some phenomenal phenomena of clusters (such as something
like aluminium/aluminium ions? Sorry, again, I cannot remember the exact
details:(( )

However, I must admit that, with something like aluminium/aluminium ions,
when listening to this talk it is a bit difficult for me and beyond what I
know and/or am most familiar with at the time? (And I must admit that
probably it still is...:(( ) I must admit that at the time before the talk I am much expecting to hear something about water/water cluster from the
talk initially, since my professor has said to me many times (must be many
times, has to be, does it? -- Since at one hand so often it is just so
difficult to leave a trace somewhere there :(( ; and on the other hand no
matter however whatever one tries, it just seems that it does not show any
sign of any of the trace one is expecting to leave anywhere there :((... -- it is quite common among the professors/teachers and students/youngsters,
isn't it? -- these heartless headaches(?) are like diamonds, forever...),
in any case, my professor has said to me many times something like that if
you want to know about water/water clusters, this is the man...

So, I must admit that from water/water cluster(s) to something like
aluminium/aluminium ions is a little bit far (at least for me then?),
wondering what is(are) the link(s) between water/water cluster(s) and
something like aluminium/aluminium ions?

By the way, according to the talk, no disrespect and no offence to the
faculty and facilities at Penn State and/or anybody here, does it mean that by the time of late Aug/early Sept 2006 there are already(?) possibly more
Sorceresses than Sorcerers?

Also, please do forgive my Chinese English, what about the words of "
aluminium"/"aluminum" and the words of "alumnus"/"alumni" and "alumna"/"
alumnae" etc, are they similar?...

Sorry, I am not sure whether now it is definitely(?) 03rd Aug 2012 or 04th
Aug 2012, or both? -- currently the time is about 00:50am BST (British
Summer Time) 04th Aug 2012, which is about 23:50pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 03rd Aug 2012? Is it still sometime during the day of 03rd Aug 2012 in PA?

Again, many thanks. And I am very sorry for the inconvenience(s) possibly
caused, I do apologize and please do forgive me.

From: "#%%%# " <#%%%# >
To: "'[email protected]'"
Sent: Tuesday, 31 July 2012, 16:09
Subject: Additional Information needed for Penn State Postdoctoral Position

Good Morning:

Thank you for your application for the Penn State Institutes of Energy and
the Environment postdoctoral research scholar position.

To complete your application, the following is needed:
61472;A 3-page concept (proposal) that leverages the faculty and facilities at Penn State; and
61472;3 letters of recommendation.

Please have all your material back to me by August 3, 2012.

For more information, please visit http://www.psiee.psu.edu/open_positions.asp

Thank you.

Best regards, #%%%#