Tello missed calls?

楼主 (未名空间)

Today a friend of mine told me that she can't call my Tello number which
runs on T-Mobile network.

I checked my iPhone 7+, there wasn't any missing call. And I knew my iPhone7+ got at least 2 bars all day today because I didn't go anywhere.

She had to call me on my Freeup Mobile (att network) to reach me.

She uses the T-Mobile postpaid service.

I want to know if you have/had similar experience with missing calls.

Previously, I had MetroByT-Mobile, it had no problem at all. And I am just 1 week in Tello, I just want to know if this happens to you all.



【 在 mystwu 的大作中提到: 】
:Today a friend of mine told me that she can't call my Tello number
:runs on T-Mobile network.
:I checked my iPhone 7+, there wasn't any missing call. And I knew my
iPhone7+ got at least 2 bars all day today because I didn't go anywhere.
:She had to call me on my Freeup Mobile (att network) to reach me.
:She uses the T-Mobile postpaid service.
:I want to know if you have/had similar experience with missing calls.


Tmo 的老毛病了,所以 Tmo 只能用数据,不能当主力