An email intended for internal testing purposes was accidentally sent to some of our Gymboree customers and email subscribers. Please be assured that no customer information was shared, no credit cards were charged and there is no virus associated with this email. This is our error and we apologize for any concern that it may have created.
An email intended for internal testing purposes was accidentally sent to some of our Gymboree customers and email subscribers. Please be assured that no customer information was shared, no credit cards were charged and there is no virus associated with this email. This is our error and we apologize for any concern that it may have created.
Order Summary
Rewards #: %%REWARDSNUMBER%%
Order Details For Order #%%ORDERNUMBER%%
Ordered On:%%ORDERDATE%%
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Subtotal Of Items: $64.95
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me too. 莫名其妙阿
我也是啊 好奇怪
An email intended
for internal testing purposes was accidentally sent to some of our
Gymboree customers and email subscribers. Please be assured that no
customer information was shared, no credit cards were charged and there
is no virus associated with this email. This is our error and we
apologize for any concern that it may have created.
An email intended for internal testing purposes was accidentally sent to some of our Gymboree customers and email subscribers. Please be assured that no customer information was shared, no credit cards were charged and there is no virus associated with this email. This is our error and we apologize for any concern that it may have created.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/14 23:05:49编辑过]
same here,连金额都一样,我决定不理。。。。。
same here...................what to do?