我的到期后自动就停止membership了,刚才查已经不是了,我确定没有cancel过的。奇怪的是我刚才又重新注册了这个student prime member,也成功了,没让我交钱啊,到期日期是7/10/11. 看term里面说有效期是4年或不再是学生了,哪个先到算哪个。扫了几眼,没仔细看,贴上来 If you sign up for an Amazon Student membership, you will receive certain Amazon Prime benefits free for an initial period as indicated in the Amazon Student program pages at the time you sign up. These benefits include an initial period of FREE Two-Day Shipping and $3.99 per item One-Day Shipping on all eligible purchases. There is no minimum purchase requirement. We may choose to extend this free offer for more than the initial period. Unless you cancel, when the initial period expires you will, while you remain eligible for an Amazon Student membership, automatically receive full Amazon Prime benefits (except that you may not invite your household members to share your Prime membership) for a reduced rate of $39 per year for a total benefit period (free and discounted) of up to four years. These benefits include FREE Two-Day Shipping and $3.99 per unit One-Day Shipping on all eligible purchases, and Amazon Prime instant videos. Unless you cancel, after you graduate or at the end of the fourth year of your Amazon Student membership, whichever comes first, your subscription will automatically renew on its anniversary date into a full paid subscription for Amazon Prime at then-current rates. Amazon Student members may also receive discounts and promotions, which we will communicate to you via e-mail or make available on the Amazon Student membership page at www.amazon.com/student.
以下是引用taohuayuan在7/10/2011 4:33:00 PM的发言:
your account-student prime membership-cancel
cancel在your account裡面,amazon student membership,而不是manage your prime membership
cancel在your account裡面,amazon student membership,而不是manage your prime membership
your account-student prime membership-cancel
学习了 mark 一下
以下是引用啊哞在7/10/2011 4:26:00 PM的发言:
cancel在your account裡面,amazon student membership,而不是manage your prime membership
If you sign up for an Amazon Student membership, you will receive
certain Amazon Prime benefits free for an initial period as indicated in
the Amazon Student program pages at the time you sign up. These
benefits include an initial period of FREE Two-Day Shipping and $3.99
per item One-Day Shipping on all eligible purchases. There is no
minimum purchase requirement. We may choose to extend this free offer
for more than the initial period. Unless you cancel, when the initial
period expires you will, while you remain eligible for an Amazon Student
membership, automatically receive full Amazon Prime benefits (except
that you may not invite your household members to share your Prime
membership) for a reduced rate of $39 per year for a total benefit
period (free and discounted) of up to four years. These benefits include
FREE Two-Day Shipping and $3.99 per unit One-Day Shipping on all
eligible purchases, and Amazon Prime instant videos. Unless you cancel,
after you graduate or at the end of the fourth year of your Amazon
Student membership, whichever comes first, your subscription will
automatically renew on its anniversary date into a full paid
subscription for Amazon Prime at then-current rates. Amazon Student
members may also receive discounts and promotions, which we will
communicate to you via e-mail or make available on the Amazon Student
membership page at www.amazon.com/student.