吃2SERVING的 nuts等可溶性纤维素Soluble fibers are found in oats, fruits, vegetables, and legumes
Other dietary means to increasing HDL. Cranberry juice has been shown to increase HDL levels. Fish and other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can also increase HDL levels.: JUICE就PASS(血糖的问题, 鱼可以多吃)
LOW FAT DIET: The best advice regarding fat in the diet appears to be this: 1) reduce the fat intake to 30 - 35% of the total calories in the diet - but probably no lower than 25% of total calories; 2) try to eliminate saturated fats and trans fats from the diet, and substitute monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats instead. (That is, eliminate animal and dairy fat, and substitute unprocessed vegetable fats. Click here for a quick review of the various types of fatty acids.) Such a diet will avoid the problems seen with an ultra-low-fat diet, and should help raise HDL cholesterol levels.
Jealous of your long & lean legs and fine skin! I can see your abdominal wall too! You don't have wobbly fat on your lower abs. Is this result of the abs wheel you practised before?? Great figure !! More picture!!!
Jealous of your long & lean legs and fine skin! I can see your abdominal wall too! You don't have wobbly fat on your lower abs. Is this result of the abs wheel you practised before?? Great figure !! More picture!!!
以下是引用ilovehouston99在7/14/2011 7:42:00 PM的发言: 刚查了, 就那么一小捆(2个拇指粗的)荞麦面是290CAL, 加点turky HAM 70CAL+蔬菜50CAL+DRESSING 50CAL=460CAL.
外加今天休息一天, 不去GYM.
the noodles is always high cal.
I also ate a lot last night. Exactly, I already ate less than before. But my stomach got stuck. I felt too full and could not sleep very well. I think my stomach becomes small and does not work very well.
今早我LG 197LB, 我的天哪, 终于又开始往下减了, 这个周末一定要顶住。不容易啊, 不容易
今早我LG 197LB, 我的天哪, 终于又开始往下减了, 这个周末一定要顶住。不容易啊, 不容易
今早我LG 197LB, 我的天哪, 终于又开始往下减了, 这个周末一定要顶住。不容易啊, 不容易
my husband is 171LB again!
long weekend is tough~ no soccer game ~
Thanks for your emails~~~
May I give your glasses back next Tuesday? I forgot to bring it today. Sorry
明天要去CORP CHRISTI, LG的公司请客(包旅馆和吃的), 礼拜1回来。 我LG像我保证每天回去旅馆的小GYM锻炼, 保证点菜只吃SALAD在加点肉。
my lord, your husband's company has great benefit!!!
how poor your husband! please allow him have some ice cream~
等我忙完PAPERWORK, 贴几张照片, 赚点魅力。
刚回来, 我还以为帖子会沉到第三页, 看来大家都出去玩了。
等我忙完PAPERWORK, 贴几张照片, 赚点魅力。
co wait~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
LG:300CAL+40MINS 器械
好几天没去GYM, 昨天踩的我死去活来的。
昨天: GYM :370CAL
LG:300CAL+40MINS 器械
好几天没去GYM, 昨天踩的我死去活来的。
i just uploaded mine, LOL
wait for your pp :)
i just uploaded mine, LOL
where is your p??
where is your p??
in nichole's post ya
wait for your pp :)
i just uploaded mine, LOL
看见了, 很漂亮。
今早在前面园子里挖坑种树, 累的我半死。
昨天零时有事, 停一天
今早在前面园子里挖坑种树, 累的我半死。
昨天零时有事, 停一天
今早在前面园子里挖坑种树, 累的我半死。
you can find Mexican to do it. only cost around 30 dollars.
you can find Mexican to do it. only cost around 30 dollars.
就是被我妈挖掉的那种灌木丛, 买的是小小的,
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/7 14:43:54编辑过]
It is better to dig it after raining, otherwise ...
我LG的胆固醇化验单出来了, 除了好胆固醇还有点低外, 别的都正常了, 耶减肥是硬道理。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/7 14:43:54编辑过]
my husband is still 171LB today. he eats a lot at night.
烧菜用单一不饱和脂肪油, 像OLIVE OIL
吃2SERVING的 nuts等可溶性纤维素Soluble fibers are found in oats, fruits, vegetables, and legumes
Other dietary means to increasing HDL. Cranberry juice has been
shown to increase HDL levels. Fish and other foods containing omega-3
fatty acids can also increase HDL levels.: JUICE就PASS(血糖的问题, 鱼可以多吃)
The best advice regarding fat in the diet appears to be this: 1) reduce
the fat intake to 30 - 35% of the total calories in the diet - but
probably no lower than 25% of total calories; 2) try to eliminate
saturated fats and trans fats from the diet, and substitute
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats instead. (That is, eliminate
animal and dairy fat, and substitute unprocessed vegetable fats. Click
here for a quick review of the various types of fatty acids.) Such a diet will avoid the problems seen with an ultra-low-fat diet, and should help raise HDL cholesterol levels.
接下去的3个月调整一下要注意的地方, 看看3个月后再化验HDL有所变化没。
-------------------------奖, by meso
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/7 20:19:41编辑过]
post pictures:
此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/7 16:20:24编辑过]
No!!!!!! WW 1, please!
No!!!!!! WW 1, please!
OK, 为了你。
Jealous of your long & lean legs and fine skin! I can see your abdominal wall too! You don't have wobbly fat on your lower abs. Is this result of the abs wheel you practised before?? Great figure !! More picture!!!
WOW! You are a hot mama!!!
Jealous of your long & lean legs and fine skin! I can see your abdominal wall too! You don't have wobbly fat on your lower abs. Is this result of the abs wheel you practised before?? Great figure !! More picture!!!
我肚子上还是有肉, 不过最近3礼拜练了有关AB的器械, 好很多, 大腿后半段还是粗的, 只是侧边看不见而已。继续加油, 不放松。
post pictures:
经被作者于2011/7/7 16:40:24编辑过]
惭愧, 没胸, 那是PUSH UP的效果。
你那机场, 飞机还没飞起来就撞山峰了.
exactly what i wanted to say!
你那机场, 飞机还没飞起来就撞山峰了.
严格控制, 算好每天的卡路里+锻炼。反正我是恶人做到底了。
昨天下午太忙都没上网,houston mm再奔一次吧,please!!!!!!!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/8 10:47:01编辑过]
LG: 700CAL
以下是引用千年老妖在7/7/2011 9:11:00 PM的发言:
LG; 500+20MINS 器械+带小孩玩水2小时
LG:700CAL+30 MINS 器械
昨天: GYM:400+30MINS 器械
you burn 400cal every day. ZAN!!!
LG:700CAL+20MINS 器械
今天我LG生日, 为了不给他机会狂吃, 今晚就煮一晚荞麦面给他吃吧。,
you are so mean! please give him some vegetables and soybean sauce!
我也那么想来着, 就想餐馆那样, 一大盘子蔬菜沙拉上面加点10块毛豆大小的GRILL CHICKEN, 在来点荞麦面。哈哈
I will go to east china buffet. my mom comes tonight.
And I will have a party this saturday. My weight will be up.
这周末如果我公婆回来的话, 我LG肯定晚节不保,
my husband got stomach virus. he is 167LB now. how poor!
my husband got stomach virus. he is 167LB now. how poor!
maybe the virus!
he and my daughter got same virus. yesterday I took my daughter to see the doctor.
外加今天休息一天, 不去GYM.
刚查了, 就那么一小捆(2个拇指粗的)荞麦面是290CAL, 加点turky HAM 70CAL+蔬菜50CAL+DRESSING 50CAL=460CAL.
外加今天休息一天, 不去GYM.
the noodles is always high cal.
I also ate a lot last night. Exactly, I already ate less than before. But my stomach got stuck. I felt too full and could not sleep very well. I think my stomach becomes small and does not work very well.
LG: 700CAL+15MINS 器械
07/17 gym: LG:700CAL+15MINS WT+265CAL(割草2小时)
after stomach virus, my husband's weight is 165lb now though the big party on Saturday.
after stomach virus, my husband's weight is 165lb now though the big party on Saturday.
LA:700CAL+30MINS 器械
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/25 15:33:41编辑过]
07/23 今天动物园早9点进去, 下午5点才出来, 除了休息吃东西1.5小时, 其余不停的走啊, 回到家就倒下了, 我一直睡到第二天早上8点
your kids really like the zoo. we left before the lunch bcs my son is not interested in it.
后悔去动物园了, 我公婆带了很多面还有很多吃了, 我LG是放开肚子吃啊, 今早的体重是惨不忍睹, 我都气昏了, TNND, 这世界上怎么有这么没控制能力的人。
so 200LB again?
My husband is 167LB again after hitting 165LB.
I told him "it's ok, keep working for 163LB in August. I will be very happy to see 155LB by the end of this year."
196LB, 最低的时候是194LB, 看来了到年底是只能减到170LB , 还有15LB要明年了。
2LB is ok, not so bad!
take it easy!
your husband will reach your goal!!!
我LG让我生气, 我女儿昨天让我高兴了一点, 下个月她要上PATCH LEVEL了。
congrats! so she almost completes all the levels?