Britax Free Ride starts today! Buy new B-Ready stroller and get car seat or other accessory FREE
March 1 is the start of the Britax Free Ride promotion. I just picked up a B-Ready stroller and Chaperone infant seat at Amazon in red for $406. Great deal. You can get the infant seat, bassinette, or rumble seat for free when you buy the stroller. The infant retails for the most, at $172, so I picked it. Other colors were available also. The silver was the cheapest by about $10 and the green was most expensive. It also comes in black. This stroller has great reviews. The red rumble seat is $112 but don't put it on your stroller order if you are also getting the infant car seat. It will adjust your price to just cover the price of the rumble seat and the deal won't be as good. I did 2 orders.
Britax Free Ride starts today! Buy new B-Ready stroller and get car seat or other accessory FREE
March 1 is the start of the Britax Free Ride promotion. I just picked
up a B-Ready stroller and Chaperone infant seat at Amazon in red for
$406. Great deal. You can get the infant seat, bassinette, or rumble
seat for free when you buy the stroller. The infant retails for the
most, at $172, so I picked it. Other colors were available also. The
silver was the cheapest by about $10 and the green was most expensive.
It also comes in black. This stroller has great reviews. The red rumble
seat is $112 but don't put it on your stroller order if you are also
getting the infant car seat. It will adjust your price to just cover
the price of the rumble seat and the deal won't be as good. I did 2
link to stroller:
link to infant seat:
When you check out, the price of the car seat will be deducted from the total.
我跳了,实物还没有收到。amazon上的rating 很好。我本来想买baby jogger city select,功能上和这个差不多。看到这个deal出来,就跳了。
用amazon baby registry 是不是还能再有10% off啊
Thanks LZ。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/3 13:25:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/3 13:12:23编辑过]
这个stroller好吗? 价格不低
我自己买了那个银色的,真得很漂亮。推起来很轻松,但是自重确实不轻。不过,我觉得stroller要稳,frame很重要,frame结实,重量相对就重,所以这里有个取舍。jms的价格都比我买得好,我这儿要税的,即便是这样,我还是觉得挺划算的。我当时在baby jogger 的city select 和这款之间一直犹豫,这款review很不错,而且自带一些accessory;city select 的附件都要单独买。
chose the red.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/10 8:21:08编辑过]
大家的10%的都是怎么弄的?我注册了个baby registry,但是不给我打10%,为什么啊
你得把due day写成今天,才会马上给你吧
你用的是baby registration 的10% ,要求东西是amazon卖的,这个不是amazon卖的,因为是backorder
(1)改due date,选一个近一点的日子,你会看到有一个10% completion 的link
(2)从那个link进去,把amazon卖的car seat and stroller 加到shoping cart
(3)check out
另外,从产品页加入baby registration 时, 如果东西不是amazon 卖的,点击 more option, 你可以找到amazon卖的同样的东西,加入shoping cart, 去点shoping cart 的链接,再加入到baby registration 中
你用的是baby registration 的10% ,要求东西是amazon卖的,这个不是amazon卖的,因为是backorder
(1)改due date,选一个近一点的日子,你会看到有一个10% completion 的link
(2)从那个link进去,把amazon卖的car seat and stroller 加到shoping cart
(3)check out
另外,从产品页加入baby registration 时, 如果东西不是amazon 卖的,点击 more option, 你可以找到amazon卖的同样的东西,加入shoping cart, 去点shoping cart 的链接,再加入到baby registration 中
我加的东西的确是amazon卖的,(ship and sold from 我想买银色的,现在不是back order啊.唉,搞个deal怎么这么麻烦啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/25 13:07:31编辑过]