Dec 01, 2009: The Berlinale’s 60th Anniversary – Looking Back at the History of the Festival From February 11 to 21, 2010, the Berlin International Film Festival will be held for the 60th time. This anniversary will be accompanied by two book publications and a DVD edition that look back at the history of one of the world’s most important film festivals.
“On occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Berlinale, the past six decades will be brought back to life. These two publications recount the history of the festival from entirely different perspectives,” says Festival Director Dieter Kosslick. “We are also especially delighted that our anniversary has inspired the film staff of the Süddeutsche Zeitung to put together a new edition for their SZ Cinemathek.”
In January 2010, journalist and author Peter Cowie’s reflections on the festival will be published with a foreword by French film critic and writer Michel Ciment. Cowie recalls the history of the Berlin International Film Festival and presents the Berlinale today. This book, “The Berlinale. The Festival”, illustrated with historical photos and snapshots from the Berlinale’s many sections and initiatives, is being published by Bertz + Fischer in both German and English.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung publishing house is bringing out another anniversary publication, a book of photos, entitled “The Berlinale”. The Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen has compiled a work dramaturgically arranged in 18 chapters that enacts photos from six decades - from the arrival of the stars to the award ceremony, from the giant fan community to a glimpse behind the scenes. The book will be available from January 9, 2010.
“The history of the Berlinale has been marked by political turbulence – the Cold War, the protests of 1968, the opening of the East and the later political upheaval in Europe. This book of photos impressively reflects the diversity of the festival,” comments Rainer Rother, Director of the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung Cinemathek is releasing a Berlinale edition with 22 films that will also go on sale on January 9, 2010. The film staff of the Süddeutsche Zeitung has selected their own personal highlights from the films screened in the Competition and the official programme of the Berlinale since 1951. The outcome is an extraordinary DVD series that reflects the enormous range of works presented in the six decades of the Berlinale and international cinema.
“These publications and the DVD edition will enable guests and fans to get into the mood for the coming Berlinale. And then at the festival there’ll be all sorts of other nice birthday surprises”, states Berlinale Director Dieter Kosslick.
另:这是今年出的。 谢谢顶贴 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 18:28:45编辑过] 楼主如果认识英文的自己读一遍,然后再坚称说是2011年的。来源柏林电影节官网。 Dec 01, 2009: The Berlinale’s 60th Anniversary – Looking Back at the History of the Festival
From February 11 to 21, 2010, the Berlin International Film Festival will be held for the 60th time. This anniversary will be accompanied by two book publications and a DVD edition that look back at the history of one of the world’s most important film festivals. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 22:04:58编辑过]
Julia Boxler Presseabteilung / Press Office Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin Potsdamer Str. 5 10785 Berlin Tel.: +49.30.259 20.707 Fax: +49.30.259 20.799 [email protected]
还有两个我最喜欢的, 有人说我说过巩俐加入新加坡籍是奚落她,其实是多虑了. 我自己再过两年,等5年满了以后,也会加入美籍, 不觉得加入外籍和嫁给外国人就是不爱国了.
2011-2-18 9:59:12 来源:Mtime社区 会员评论 26条
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 19:31:23编辑过]
Dec 01, 2009:
The Berlinale’s 60th Anniversary – Looking Back at the History of the Festival
From February 11 to 21, 2010, the Berlin International Film Festival will be held for the 60th time. This anniversary will be accompanied by two book publications and a DVD edition that look back at the history of one of the world’s most important film festivals.
“On occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Berlinale, the past six decades will be brought back to life. These two publications recount the history of the festival from entirely different perspectives,” says Festival Director Dieter Kosslick. “We are also especially delighted that our anniversary has inspired the film staff of the Süddeutsche Zeitung to put together a new edition for their SZ Cinemathek.”
In January 2010, journalist and author Peter Cowie’s reflections on the festival will be published with a foreword by French film critic and writer Michel Ciment. Cowie recalls the history of the Berlin International Film Festival and presents the Berlinale today. This book, “The Berlinale. The Festival”, illustrated with historical photos and snapshots from the Berlinale’s many sections and initiatives, is being published by Bertz + Fischer in both German and English.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung publishing house is bringing out another anniversary publication, a book of photos, entitled “The Berlinale”. The Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen has compiled a work dramaturgically arranged in 18 chapters that enacts photos from six decades - from the arrival of the stars to the award ceremony, from the giant fan community to a glimpse behind the scenes. The book will be available from January 9, 2010.
“The history of the Berlinale has been marked by political turbulence – the Cold War, the protests of 1968, the opening of the East and the later political upheaval in Europe. This book of photos impressively reflects the diversity of the festival,” comments Rainer Rother, Director of the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
The Süddeutsche Zeitung Cinemathek is releasing a Berlinale edition with 22 films that will also go on sale on January 9, 2010.
The film staff of the Süddeutsche Zeitung has selected their own personal highlights from the films screened in the Competition and the official programme of the Berlinale since 1951. The outcome is an extraordinary DVD series that reflects the enormous range of works presented in the six decades of the Berlinale and international cinema.
“These publications and the DVD edition will enable guests and fans to get into the mood for the coming Berlinale. And then at the festival there’ll be all sorts of other nice birthday surprises”, states Berlinale Director Dieter Kosslick.
Press Office
December 1, 2009
所谓经典, 跟时间无关。
另:这是今年出的。 谢谢顶贴
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 18:28:45编辑过]
Dec 01, 2009:
The Berlinale’s 60th Anniversary – Looking Back at the History of the Festival
From February 11 to 21, 2010, the Berlin International Film Festival will be held for the 60th time. This anniversary will be accompanied by two book publications and a DVD edition that look back at the history of one of the world’s most important film festivals.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 22:04:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 22:23:16编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 18:03:12编辑过]
柏林是中国电影人的福地。1982年,动画片《三个和尚》获第32届柏林电影节银熊奖。其后,《红高粱》、《喜宴》、《香魂女》、《图雅的婚事》曾获得柏林电影节的最高荣誉———金熊奖。 而两段中国电影人的“柏林情愫”,则更堪称巧合中的巧合:1988年,张艺谋和巩俐携《红高粱》亮相柏林,他们的一段恋情也由此而生;19年后,同是陕西籍导演的王全安和女主角余男凭借《图雅的婚事》举起了金熊奖杯,随后他们的情侣关系也被证实。 世事难料,两对银幕情侣最终都选择了分手,但历史却给了两代电影人第二次惊人的巧合:2000年,巩俐担任柏林电影节评委会主席,她评审的影片则包括张艺谋的《我的父亲母亲》,那一年,张艺谋从巩俐手中接过了银熊奖;而在10年后,余男成为了柏林电影节的评委之一,而王全安从她手上接过的,竟然也是一座银熊奖杯。 两段恋情,居然有如此多的巧合,不得不令人惊叹。 王全安 我和余男依然亲密 尽管王全安不承认,不少记者都注意到他捧着银熊在舞台上发表感言时,眼中闪烁着泪光。三年前,和他一同捧着金熊被世界注目的余男,今天却以评委的身份,把银熊交到他的手上。 被
己又跟奖项有关联的话,这是一种幸运。” 王全安随后更坦言其实两个人关系一直很
功宴上两人也是远远地看着对方,还没来得及说话就被人群冲散了,王全安说:“我觉得等待也是魅力的一部分。” 余男 和王全安曾经很美好 当王全安从评委余男手中接过奖杯,比奖座更能激起媒体兴趣的是,三年前在这个舞台一同举起金熊奖的余男和王全安,分手后首次同台、更在万人瞩目下相拥。余男的一句“世界很小,又回到了出发的起点”,让台下媒体也浮想联翩。 有记者问她:“你在舞台和王全安拥抱,让大家都觉得很感慨。你从来不在媒体面前提两个人的关系,为什么选择在那么多人面前跟他说那段话?”余男说:“因为我们之前就在这个舞台领奖、又一起回到北京,现在又回到同一个舞台。我说的不是两个人的事情,是电影的事。” 说
感情有好的时候就要记住。” 徐绍娜(新快报)
作者:c0sic0si 回复日期:2011-02-27 03:33:54
Dear xxxx:
please find all informations concerning the
anniversary publications in the following links:
We didn't display it this year.
Kind regards,
Julia Boxler
Presseabteilung / Press Office
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Potsdamer Str. 5
10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49.30.259 20.707
Fax: +49.30.259 20.799
[email protected]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/26 15:35:25编辑过]
还有两个我最喜欢的, 有人说我说过巩俐加入新加坡籍是奚落她,其实是多虑了. 我自己再过两年,等5年满了以后,也会加入美籍, 不觉得加入外籍和嫁给外国人就是不爱国了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/21 18:12:43编辑过]
外面的新闻都是巩章,题目说得都是两位华裔女星, 里面明明有余男啊?
rain 的小眼睛很会放电
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/27 18:44:36编辑过]
其实这两张照片都选得不好,巩的脸色太苍白了. 章的90%的照片比这个好看.
我觉得巩俐这个挺好看的呀。皮肤挺好的,感觉也挺年轻,又没有ps的那种感觉,所以感觉很真实自然,气质也好,人也漂亮。 当然了,拍的比巩俐好看的人的照片多多了,现在年轻人漂亮的多着呢。