retailer分几种,有mass discount store, i.e walmart, target, loblawe, department marcy' ,saks , bay , holts, sears, boutique chain, i.e coach, cratel and barrel, home sense etc. Groecery store : ie . metero, sobey etc. 在有些mass discount store , 有些公司管buyer 叫" category manager or merchandise manager " 。 百货公司用buyer 的称号比叫多。那个buyer 的最主要职责是要deliver 所负责的那个产品线的每年销售指标,利润指标,target turn over。不管是你是管 vegetable, meat or high fashion outfit ,最终的目标是要帮公司赚钱。
那要达成最终目标:buyer 要对目标消费群的喜欢,消费习惯有深度了解,要对所在的market segement 有深度了解,要有较强的negoniate skill(因为经常要和内部和外部各种人员谈价格,谈场地,谈support, presenation ),要有较强的presentation skills,因为经常要 do product presentation, sell idea to high level or persaudate internal support team to help .etc.
那高级时装的买手,是一定要眼力,找到最 in trend or hottest up coming designer. 高级时装的买手是公众眼中最”glamourous ",因为有机会看最好的时装秀,上欧洲,有些公司给高clothing津贴。要在北美做到这样,机会比较少,一般这样的买手都有时装设计背景的。
但是如果有兴趣做普通百货商店的时尚买手,那机会还是很多的,但这样的买手上europe 的机会相对较少,要看公司,要看具体的品牌。像我在加拿大,我们出差最多的是去new york or Montreal, 因为很多vendor or big market presenation 都在那里。 喜欢老出差的同学,和时尚有关的买手就不能做了。
一般buyer 在公司里是属于manager level ( from Band 9- Band 11),在向上走就是DMM or GMM depends on company. 在公司里,买手都会有个小team support , including buyer assistant, planner , replenishment alanyst, marketing accordinator, ISM team 。
一般买手具体工作 includes “building size scale for assortment go to store to setup visual for product display, year end markdown credits negoatiation, order cancel or Inventory return negotiation, competitive store visits, buiding story board, marketing strategy , price setting etc.
那么要怎样才能走这条路呢? 需要什么样的经验才能qualify?或者有没有entry level的buyer做起? Assistant buyer , so you will start to do key in purchase order, pickup sample, fill marketing form these stuff. Lots of fashison college graduates will start there. Or You can start as planning analsyt basic " report or data " organizer to get into merchandise office.
If you have MBA degree ,some of sort of retail or marketing experience with general fashion sense, you might be able to get buyer job in non high profile area first . i .e underware buyer ,men's socks buyer. Then you can transfer urself to more trend fashion area later
If you have MBA degree ,some of sort of retail or marketing experience with general fashion sense, you might be able to get buyer job in non high profile area first . i .e underware buyer ,men's socks buyer. Then you can transfer urself to more trend fashion area later
有些过气模特也可以做吧,反正要有sense。。。 well , not sure if model can be buyer. Coz high fashion buyer needs understand material , fabric, structure and have business mind. Not all model has the all.
以下是引用ALEXIA在1/12/2011 1:46:00 PM的发言: 需要什么背景才能做这个呢? I think i wrote in the thread, " markting, business managment experience will be qualified. You can search job posting for buyer job online to get more ideas as well.
以下是引用dinglingling在1/12/2011 1:51:00 PM的发言: 我们有个客人是中国来的女的作buyer,能做到这个位置很厉害了,眼光要准,下的订单要能卖完,那就成功了。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 13:51:23编辑过] That is correct. The key is to over deliver all the key business target.
先从SALES做起吧 了解市场行情,产品信息 Not necessary. But you are right, sales are at vendor side table and those people deal with department store buyer a lot, so eventually will get opportunity to be a buyer. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 13:59:52编辑过]
为啥为啥? Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot.
Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot.
以下是引用rabbitjing2010在1/12/2011 2:21:00 PM的发言: Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot. 真是不容易,mm挺牛的
应响当当和moo moo妹妹要求讲一下buyer是怎么回事。其实buyer ,另一个真正的title叫merchant,也就是商人,这个更符合零售业“买手”的职责。 这retail“买手”是制造业或原油业的“purchasing" 是完全不一样的概念。
retailer分几种,有mass discount store, i.e walmart, target, loblawe, department marcy' ,saks , bay , holts, sears, boutique chain, i.e coach, cratel and barrel, home sense etc. Groecery store : ie . metero, sobey etc. 在有些mass discount store , 有些公司管buyer 叫" category manager or merchandise manager " 。 百货公司用buyer 的称号比叫多。那个buyer 的最主要职责是要deliver 所负责的那个产品线的每年销售指标,利润指标,target turn over。不管是你是管 vegetable, meat or high fashion outfit ,最终的目标是要帮公司赚钱。
那要达成最终目标:buyer 要对目标消费群的喜欢,消费习惯有深度了解,要对所在的market segement 有深度了解,要有较强的negoniate skill(因为经常要和内部和外部各种人员谈价格,谈场地,谈support, presenation ),要有较强的presentation skills,因为经常要 do product presentation, sell idea to high level or persaudate internal support team to help .etc.
那有人要问,那对产品的了解呢。那就是要看commodities ,如果是超市里管papaer buyer, 产品是无关的。只要能把弄到最低价,把竞争对手的促销情况了解清楚,那就好了。如果是furniture , 高级时装或者公司的自由品牌的买手,那对产品是要有一定了解的,特别公司自有品牌的,因为很多情况下,买手要到市场去买样品,然后再找厂来copy and manufacture . 如果买手对产品不了解,找的厂商做出来的copy cat 质量太差,销售上不去,就不好了。
那高级时装的买手,是一定要眼力,找到最 in trend or hottest up coming designer. 高级时装的买手是公众眼中最”glamourous ",因为有机会看最好的时装秀,上欧洲,有些公司给高clothing津贴。要在北美做到这样,机会比较少,一般这样的买手都有时装设计背景的。
但是如果有兴趣做普通百货商店的时尚买手,那机会还是很多的,但这样的买手上europe 的机会相对较少,要看公司,要看具体的品牌。像我在加拿大,我们出差最多的是去new york or Montreal, 因为很多vendor or big market presenation 都在那里。 喜欢老出差的同学,和时尚有关的买手就不能做了。
一般buyer 在公司里是属于manager level ( from Band 9- Band 11),在向上走就是DMM or GMM depends on company. 在公司里,买手都会有个小team support , including buyer assistant, planner , replenishment alanyst, marketing accordinator, ISM team 。
一般买手具体工作 includes “building size scale for assortment go to store to setup visual for product display, year end markdown credits negoatiation, order cancel or Inventory return negotiation, competitive store visits, buiding story board, marketing strategy , price setting etc.
最后讲讲 buyer pay scale,那个妹妹们期望别太高,不能和计算机,金融业比,我说的加拿大行情,一般6万-12万 之间,这都是根据工作经验和管理的 commodity 来的,然后奖金是9%--20%。 当然这是业绩直接联系的,指标完不成,奖金就没了。一般的工作时间,至少要工作10 小时一天,如果是christmas 期间,那个工作时间肯定会会长,而且时时都最后时间救火。
最后总结一下,那个buyer工作不是shopping for fun,是帮公司买的库存赚钱。我想这一点会让好多妹妹失望的。.
需要什么样的经验才能qualify?或者有没有entry level的buyer做起?
fashion design
需要什么样的经验才能qualify?或者有没有entry level的buyer做起?
Assistant buyer , so you will start to do key in purchase order, pickup sample, fill marketing form these stuff. Lots of fashison college graduates will start there. Or You can start as planning analsyt basic " report or data " organizer to get into merchandise office.
If you have MBA degree ,some of sort of retail or marketing experience with general fashion sense, you might be able to get buyer job in non high profile area first . i .e underware buyer ,men's socks buyer. Then you can transfer urself to more trend fashion area later
fashion design
If you have MBA degree ,some of sort of retail or marketing experience with general fashion sense, you might be able to get buyer job in non high profile area first . i .e underware buyer ,men's socks buyer. Then you can transfer urself to more trend fashion area later
well , not sure if model can be buyer. Coz high fashion buyer needs understand material , fabric, structure and have business mind. Not all model has the all.
需要什么样的经验才能qualify?或者有没有entry level的buyer做起?
先从SALES做起吧 了解市场行情,产品信息
I think i wrote in the thread, " markting, business managment experience will be qualified. You can search job posting for buyer job online to get more ideas as well.
I am not 牛mm at all. No master or PHD degree, just very average person.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 13:51:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 13:51:23编辑过]
That is correct. The key is to over deliver all the key business target.
先从SALES做起吧 了解市场行情,产品信息
Not necessary. But you are right, sales are at vendor side table and those people deal with department store buyer a lot, so eventually will get opportunity to be a buyer.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 13:59:52编辑过]
Lord and taylor is my sister company in USA.
做了以后, 你会后悔的。
做了以后, 你会后悔的。
I knew buyer who has been industry over 30 years. I think I only need work for another 15 years, then i plan to retire anyway. :)
做了以后, 你会后悔的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/12 14:20:08编辑过]
为啥为啥? Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot.
Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot.
Well ,buyer is very stress ful job especially in down time. Whe you are not able to deliver the sale and profit, you will be ass kicked. In some company, president call buyer in mid of night or vacation time to ask why sale is tanking and ask take action immeidatly. worst case, buyer will be fired on the spot.
I am not 牛mm at all. No master or PHD degree, just very average person.
You are too sweet. This is minimum requirment for anyone in any kind of industry. Thanks anyway.