<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> -上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题 What is the nature of communication that helps us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s well-being? How is that process of communication different in the people who contribute to the violence of others? Where did we learn this way of thinking and communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
We came out of it having organized ourselves so that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of Kings. This required a language of domination – a language in which you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination. In a domination structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination structures in which a few people dominated many.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:14:45编辑过]
确实很有意思。谢谢分享。 第一个问题深得我心。自从看了《a single man》之后,对human connection有了更深的感触。
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> -上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题 What is the nature of communication that helps us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s well-being? How is that process of communication different in the people who contribute to the violence of others? Where did we learn this way of thinking and communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
We came out of it having organized ourselves so that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of Kings. This required a language of domination – a language in which you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination. In a domination structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination structures in which a few people dominated many.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:14:45编辑过]
Very interesting. Obviously China has the domination structure all the time which explains the culture, and language--amazing theory!
I took those out of the transcript of the youtube clip Part I :) I missed lots of what he said when I saw the clip, and felt I gained better understanding by reading the transcript.
I took those out of the transcript of the youtube clip Part I :) I missed lots of what he said when I saw the clip, and felt I gained better understanding by reading the transcript.
how about people who claim to be at the bottom? In his book he talked about "communications that blocks compassion", he called them "life-alienating communication"
Moralistic judgment Making comparisons Denial of responsibility etc. He then attribute these phenomenon to our edcuation, the way in which we communicate (with others and ourselves) are ways we are taught.
To learn non-violent communication(NVC), one first needs to learn to distinguish observation from evluations. As for your question, "be at the bottom" is an evaluation, not an observation. Maybe you can practice rephrase your question in terms of observation?
NVC requires one to pick up a new set of language, I am not advocating that as they may or may not be useful. Here's another interesting clip featuring role play to demonstrate how to use NVC in daily life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bydhuxilg_A&feature=related
呵呵,我听出来了,如果不是对你有信心的话,我可能第一分钟就放弃了。 Thanks for 对我有信心
maybe this is what you are looking for? not sure. It's a 10 minute clip featuring role play and how to use it in daily life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bydhuxilg_A&feature=related
Xinlaide 最近情绪报警频频,昨天晚上重新翻开<Nonviolent communication: a language of life>. 好好花了些时间观察整理情绪,现在感觉又重新做情绪的主人了. 虽然时不时情绪还要小爆发一下,但是自己已经能够警觉到,捕捉到,然后跟自己协商和解。现在这个时刻心情很平静。 翻译成中文,这本书叫做《爱的语言,非暴力沟通》. 这本书讲的是什么呢?是日常生活中最不起眼的情绪表达与沟通。 "学会理解对方话语之下想要表达的感受和需求,并且学 会表达自己的感受。 " " ——描述观察 而非 发表评论 ——表达感受 而非 粗略想法 ——理解需要 而非 强制安慰 ——说明请求 而非 生硬命令 " 这个书我自己还在读,感觉很受益,不知道楼里有没有人有兴趣,没兴趣或者没需要的就跳过吧。 作者的演讲 http://ipower.ning.com/group/nonviolentcommunication/forum/topics/marshall-rosenberg-nonviolent 中文下载大家可以找找,我翻到一个,没有试能不能用。 http://www.pwgg.net/view/1421.html Book Reviews: http://book.douban.com/subject/3533221/ http://www.amazon.com/Nonviolent-Communication-Language-Marshall-Rosenberg/dp/1892005034
Xinlaide 上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题 What is the nature of communication that helps us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s well-being? How is that process of communication different in the people who contribute to the violence of others? Where did we learn this way of thinking and communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
下面他详细陈述了自己的观点:也就是暴力的语言(或者说容易引起冲突的语言)来自于社区里主导结构(domination structure)的形成,具体的说,是主导的语言(a language of domination).下面这一段有点长,有兴趣的可以读读。 We came out of it having organized ourselves so that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of Kings. This required a language of domination – a language in which you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination. In a domination structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination structures in which a few people dominated many.
Xinlaide 以下是引用冬日阳光灿烂在1/14/2011 1:23:00 PM的发言: 呵呵,我听出来了,如果不是对你有信心的话,我可能第一分钟就放弃了。 Thanks for 对我有信心
maybe this is what you are looking for? not sure. It's a 10 minute clip featuring role play and how to use it in daily life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bydhuxilg_A&feature=related
Xinlaide In his book he talked about "communications that blocks compassion", he called them "life-alienating communication" Moralistic judgment Making comparisons Denial of responsibility etc. He then attribute these phenomenon to our edcuation, the way in which we communicate (with others and ourselves) are ways we are taught.
To learn non-violent communication(NVC), one first needs to learn to distinguish observation from evluations. As for your question, "be at the bottom" is an evaluation, not an observation. Maybe you can practice rephrase your question in terms of observation?
NVC requires one to pick up a new set of language, I am not advocating that as they may or may not be useful. Here's another interesting clip featuring role play to demonstrate how to use NVC in daily life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bydhuxilg_A&feature=related
seal 方法同理呀,就像我整理自己的工作目录一样。先按project定文件夹,然后每个project里面再按性质分,又是一些文件夹,再里面按网格,模拟,talk,report,这样分下去。当然会有两个project里面做的东西相关,这个大不了写readme做cross reference。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:07:44编辑过]
I'm listening to the nonviolent talk (the language of need) and comparing my immediate task with it. Got a question: I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities. I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
I'm listening to the nonviolent talk (the language of need) and comparing my immediate task with it. Got a question: I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities. I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
I am simply highlighting the words that are evaluation, not observation. Your questions are clear to me, maybe try to replace evaluation with observation, and see if that makes you feel better
I'm listening to the nonviolent talk (the language of need) and comparing my immediate task with it. Got a question: I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities. I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
我的建议是,做自己能做的,控制自己能控制的。 我知道如果别人给我评价,可能也会是,tough, never take no as an answer. 但是我现在在不断提醒自己,说任何话之前,把对方的立场考虑一遍;说话的时候,一定要笑。
我的建议是,做自己能做的,控制自己能控制的。 我知道如果别人给我评价,可能也会是,tough, never take no as an answer. 但是我现在在不断提醒自己,说任何话之前,把对方的立场考虑一遍;说话的时候,一定要笑。
这个好! 我现在觉得别人对我的评价,全部也仅仅来源于我对自己的评价。 In other words, people's perception of who you are is a reflection of your own evaluation of who you are. So when you are in negative moods, first thing first is to clear out the negative thoughts before you take any action. If you can't, at least try not to evaluate yourself. Because negativity is very easy to sense and to escalate, so the feedback you get (if you are getting any) will come with twice as much negativity. That's why I think it helps to focus on describing the observation.
I am simply highlighting the words that are evaluation, not observation. Your questions are clear to me, maybe try to replace evaluation with observation, and see if that makes you feel better
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 14:56:05编辑过]
hmmm...observation: 1. I need a lot of favors 2. Lots of times I can't be sure the emotional tone of some words 3....difficult...
Reshape it in terms of "meeting my needs": 1. need this favor 2. need to keep the people who have the power to do me favors in favor of me 3. my boss' need: me out, ideally to a reasonable position by May feel like problem solved: my needing this favor is consistent with my boss' need of my graduating
hmmm...observation: 1. I need a lot of favors 2. Lots of times I can't be sure the emotional tone of some words 3....difficult...
Reshape it in terms of "meeting my needs": 1. need this favor 2. need to keep the people who have the power to do me favors in favor of me 3. my boss' need: me out, ideally to a reasonable position by May feel like problem solved: my needing this favor is consistent with my boss' need of my graduating
actually all I can say is bless. I don't think I have anything to offer to help you with your practical problem.
其实我是希望能听你细说说你听到的“有启发性的、他找到理论的过程”,但感觉it's gonna be quite some typing,所以没好意思这么问。。你愿意说说吗?
Sorry, I know what you are asking, just too lazy to analyze how I form my perspectives. I simply watched the video once and just shared my first impression.
Frankly speaking, I probably won't watch it again if my interest is not stirred up by something else.
actually all I can say is bless. I don't think I have anything to offer to help you with your practical problem.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:31:57编辑过]
You've already helped me! The moment you put on the link of the talk, and your questions about reshaping my question. After listening to the author talking about the language of need, I sent out the email as soft as I could think of. After all it's my unmet need that's causing all my problems and thinking. Well I'm not exactly sure my later analysis about need is a correct one. But at least it's done and out of my mind now. Thanks Wintersun too. If it weren't her positive opinion on the talk I wouldn't have to listened to it today.
Sorry, I know what you are asking, just too lazy to analyze how I form my perspectives. I simply watched the video once and just shared my first impression.
Frankly speaking, I probably won't watch it again if my interest is not stirred by something else.
I'm guessing the part your felt inspiring is the dialog between two tribes he cited. Yes? Anyway, I've got a lot out of the talk today, largely thanks to you! Asking you about details is just bonus (I'm always greedy on everything :P ). Thanks for sharing!
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> -上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题
What is the nature of communication that helps
us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s
well-being? How is that process of communication different in the
people who contribute to the violence of others? Where did we learn this way of thinking and
communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> --><br/>
下面他详细陈述了自己的观点:也就是暴力的语言(或者说容易引起冲突的语言)来自于社区里主导结构(domination structure)的形成,具体的说,是主导的语言(a language of domination).下面这一段有点长,有兴趣的可以读读。
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> --><br/>
We came out of it having organized ourselves so
that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes
they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born
closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of
This required a language of domination – a language in which
you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are
they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or
abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination.
In a domination
structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is
right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of
power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They
need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This
is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of
what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you
judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all
began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination
structures in which a few people dominated many.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:14:45编辑过]
第一个问题深得我心。自从看了《a single man》之后,对human connection有了更深的感触。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:32:29编辑过]
最近情绪报警频频,昨天晚上重新翻开<Nonviolent communication: a language of life>. 好好花了些时间观察整理情绪,现在感觉又重新做情绪的主人了. 虽然时不时情绪还要小爆发一下,但是自己已经能够警觉到,捕捉到,然后跟自己协商和解。现在这个时刻心情很平静。
翻译成中文,这本书叫做《爱的语言,非暴力沟通》. 这本书讲的是什么呢?是日常生活中最不起眼的情绪表达与沟通。
" ——描述观察 而非 发表评论
——表达感受 而非 粗略想法
——理解需要 而非 强制安慰
——说明请求 而非 生硬命令
Book Reviews:
have fun!
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> -上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题
What is the nature of communication that helps
us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s
well-being? How is that process of communication different in the
people who contribute to the violence of others? Where did we learn this way of thinking and
communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> --><br/>
下面他详细陈述了自己的观点:也就是暴力的语言(或者说容易引起冲突的语言)来自于社区里主导结构(domination structure)的形成,具体的说,是主导的语言(a language of domination).下面这一段有点长,有兴趣的可以读读。
<br/> <!--<br/> @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }<br/> P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }<br/> --><br/>
We came out of it having organized ourselves so
that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes
they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born
closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of
This required a language of domination – a language in which
you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are
they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or
abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination.
In a domination
structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is
right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of
power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They
need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This
is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of
what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you
judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all
began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination
structures in which a few people dominated many.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:14:45编辑过]
Very interesting. Obviously China has the domination structure all the time which explains the culture, and language--amazing theory!
第一个问题深得我心。自从看了《a single man》之后,对human connection有了更深的感触。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:32:29编辑过]
Colin Firth?? Mr. Darcy!!
Thanks for sharing, just put that movie in my queue.
<Nonviolent communication: a language of life>.这本书非常感兴趣,列入书单,我跟我女儿都正在学习怎么听别人说话,然后怎么反应。
哇 这本书文盲我以前在同学家见过 好像是一个系列来着 讲communication的
Colin Firth?? Mr. Darcy!!
Thanks for sharing, just put that movie in my queue.
据说他在里边的表演是oscar worthy的,去年没给他,所以今年要在a king's speech里找补回来。
据说他在里边的表演是oscar worthy的,去年没给他,所以今年要在a king's speech里找补回来。
第一个问题深得我心。自从看了《a single man》之后,对human connection有了更深的感触。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 11:32:29编辑过]
book? movie?
how about people who claim to be at the bottom?
收回这个,小新介绍的理论不是我的hot botton,但我看了youtube之后,觉得他如何解决tribe 纠纷,如何自省,如何看待别人,非常非常的enlighten,
收回这个,小新介绍的理论不是我的hot botton,但我看了youtube之后,觉得他如何解决tribe 纠纷,如何自省,如何看待别人,非常非常的enlighten,
I took those out of the transcript of the youtube clip Part I :) I missed lots of what he said when I saw the clip, and felt I gained better understanding by reading the transcript.
hand...我现在特别干兴趣能把历史串起来讲的。。。所以不是特别某个历史时期的, 也是因此我特别喜欢听袁腾飞讲课。。 从中国到外国, 从古代到近代到现代。。。 我很喜欢那种举重若轻的感觉。。 这也是我现在看全球通史的一个最大的感触。。。 现在感想很多。我抽空又看了2章
I took those out of the transcript of the youtube clip Part I :) I missed lots of what he said when I saw the clip, and felt I gained better understanding by reading the transcript.
I had similar feelings about description vs solution. Shame that I can't take time to listen to this lecture. crying monkey
how about people who claim to be at the bottom?
In his book he talked about "communications that blocks compassion", he called them "life-alienating communication"
Moralistic judgment
Making comparisons
Denial of responsibility
He then attribute these phenomenon to our edcuation, the way in which we communicate (with others and ourselves) are ways we are taught.
To learn non-violent communication(NVC), one first needs to learn to distinguish observation from evluations. As for your question, "be at the bottom" is an evaluation, not an observation. Maybe you can practice rephrase your question in terms of observation?
NVC requires one to pick up a new set of language, I am not advocating that as they may or may not be useful. Here's another interesting clip featuring role play to demonstrate how to use NVC in daily life.
Thanks for 对我有信心
maybe this is what you are looking for? not sure. It's a 10 minute clip featuring role play and how to use it in daily life
I had similar feelings about description vs solution. Shame that I can't take time to listen to this lecture. crying monkey
谢谢。。。。 生物物理也算在思想史里面了? 有意思
谢谢。。。。 生物物理也算在思想史里面了? 有意思
He later talked about Picasso too. :)
He later talked about Picasso too. :)
The modern mind: An intellectual history of the 20th century.
Fast read, but very big, 800 pages.
我花了一个小时的时间, 大概仿造了一下李敖的分类法, 整理了我的gmail 电子邮件。。。 我希望今年能够建立起来一个自己的简单可行可以长期坚持的分类方法。 另外一个就是对事件的管理能够有个突破, 这样能有更多的时间做别的事情。。
Thanks for 对我有信心
maybe this is what you are looking for? not sure. It's a 10 minute clip featuring role play and how to use it in daily life
其实我理解, 指导思想就是要分类。 他是建议每本书, 买两份, 一份看完就五马分尸了, 剪开, 象报纸剪贴那样分类, 放在folder里面。。 分类要大类然后小类。。。
其实我理解, 指导思想就是要分类。 他是建议每本书, 买两份, 一份看完就五马分尸了, 剪开, 象报纸剪贴那样分类, 放在folder里面。。 分类要大类然后小类。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 13:59:24编辑过]
我花了一个小时的时间, 大概仿造了一下李敖的分类法, 整理了我的gmail 电子邮件。。。 我希望今年能够建立起来一个自己的简单可行可以长期坚持的分类方法。 另外一个就是对事件的管理能够有个突破, 这样能有更多的时间做别的事情。。
这个只能电子的了。。 他本人是不推崇的。。。。 但是很多东西不可能打印出来再归档。。 我觉得就是两点:1. 即时归类, 立刻归类, 2. 多打几个label..其他的目前我想不到了。。。 不过他也提到要特别清楚自己的分类目录到底是什么。。 这个是我的弱点。。。 因为我一个记性不好, 二个我分类的时候经常性的不知道该打什么标签。。。。 (其实主要是觉得可以打很多标签。。。 所以现在这个要舍得多打几个)...其他我还没想到怎么apply到我自己的case...
这是a short history of nearly everything吗?我打算读完两本跑步书就读这个,到时候和你讨论。
我觉得就是不能懒。。 即时整理最好。 我现在设置了很多filter,直接根据来的邮件地址打标签。 这个省一些时间。 其他的邮件一定要督促自己即时打标签。。。。 要养成这个习惯
这个只能电子的了。。 他本人是不推崇的。。。。 但是很多东西不可能打印出来再归档。。 我觉得就是两点:1. 即时归类, 立刻归类, 2. 多打几个label..其他的目前我想不到了。。。 不过他也提到要特别清楚自己的分类目录到底是什么。。 这个是我的弱点。。。 因为我一个记性不好, 二个我分类的时候经常性的不知道该打什么标签。。。。 (其实主要是觉得可以打很多标签。。。 所以现在这个要舍得多打几个)...其他我还没想到怎么apply到我自己的case...
光头师太的方法也有局限 就是一个一个独立的可以, 相关就不行了
这是a short history of nearly everything吗?我打算读完两本跑步书就读这个,到时候和你讨论。
你能给一下audio book么
其实我理解, 指导思想就是要分类。 他是建议每本书, 买两份, 一份看完就五马分尸了, 剪开, 象报纸剪贴那样分类, 放在folder里面。。 分类要大类然后小类。。。
我婆婆每个月给我们一封信, 就是这样的简报。。所以她这个年纪了, 什么都能找得到。。。问她什么, 她马上就知道在哪里。我佩服的要命。。。
这是a short history of nearly everything吗?我打算读完两本跑步书就读这个,到时候和你讨论。
就是不需要再记忆具体的材料了, 但是要记得自己是怎么分类的, 分类的folder都放哪儿了。。。
光头师太的方法也有局限 就是一个一个独立的可以, 相关就不行了
方法同理呀,就像我整理自己的工作目录一样。先按project定文件夹,然后每个project里面再按性质分,又是一些文件夹,再里面按网格,模拟,talk,report,这样分下去。当然会有两个project里面做的东西相关,这个大不了写readme做cross reference。
方法同理呀,就像我整理自己的工作目录一样。先按project定文件夹,然后每个project里面再按性质分,又是一些文件夹,再里面按网格,模拟,talk,report,这样分下去。当然会有两个project里面做的东西相关,这个大不了写readme做cross reference。
wow! very nice! 写readme做cross reference!! Good idea!
就是不需要再记忆具体的材料了, 但是要记得自己是怎么分类的, 分类的folder都放哪儿了。。。
方法同理呀,就像我整理自己的工作目录一样。先按project定文件夹,然后每个project里面再按性质分,又是一些文件夹,再里面按网格,模拟,talk,report,这样分下去。当然会有两个project里面做的东西相关,这个大不了写readme做cross reference。
工作项目目录和一般的资料分类有区别的, 因为工作项目有dependency啊。。。 比如你要等一个外界的event trigger,或者你要等自己先做完一件事情才能做另外一件事情, 所以机械的manage 是不行的。。。。 话说这个我研究很久很久了, 一直没有好的工具和方法。。我再哭一下。。。
还有就是scalable的问题, 你一个两个, 10,个8个用Cross reference, 用readme 可以。。。 几百个就没办法readme了
wow! very nice! 写readme做cross reference!! Good idea!
这个办法我用了n 年了, 都是一个问题, 有瓶颈。。。。 其实我觉得李敖的办法也是有瓶颈的, 他用redundancy来解决。。。 加上他的分类方法可能非常的科学,。但是这个他没有细讲
how? tag?
最近情绪报警频频,昨天晚上重新翻开<Nonviolent communication: a language of life>. 好好花了些时间观察整理情绪,现在感觉又重新做情绪的主人了. 虽然时不时情绪还要小爆发一下,但是自己已经能够警觉到,捕捉到,然后跟自己协商和解。现在这个时刻心情很平静。
翻译成中文,这本书叫做《爱的语言,非暴力沟通》. 这本书讲的是什么呢?是日常生活中最不起眼的情绪表达与沟通。
"学会理解对方话语之下想要表达的感受和需求,并且学 会表达自己的感受。 "
" ——描述观察 而非 发表评论
——表达感受 而非 粗略想法
——理解需要 而非 强制安慰
——说明请求 而非 生硬命令 "
Book Reviews:
上来喘口气,把youtube那个谈话总结一下. 需要说明的是,这里的violence不是我们传统意义上的暴力,我理解是泛指引起冲突。在那个youtube的谈话里,Rosenberg博士首先提了几个有趣的问题
What is the nature of communication that helps us to connect with others so as to enjoy contributing to each other’s well-being?
How is that process of communication different in the people who contribute to the violence of others?
Where did we learn this way of thinking and communicating that contributes to violence on our planet?
下面他详细陈述了自己的观点:也就是暴力的语言(或者说容易引起冲突的语言)来自于社区里主导结构(domination structure)的形成,具体的说,是主导的语言(a language of domination).下面这一段有点长,有兴趣的可以读读。
We came out of it having organized ourselves so that a few people claiming to be superior dominated others.Sometimes they based their superiority on the claim that their family was born closer to God. They controlled on the basis of the divine rights of Kings.
This required a language of domination – a language in which you classify people in terms of what they are. Are they peons or are they royalty? Are they good or are they bad? Are they normal or abnormal? That way of thinking goes with domination.
In a domination structure the people who claim to be on top claim to know what is right and what is wrong. They maintain their power through the use of power-overt tactics such as punishment, reward, guilt and shame. They need a language that justifies the use of punishment and reward. This is the language of retributive justice in which you make judgments of what the other person deserves. And that is dependent on how you judge them: good or bad, right or wrong. That’s how I think it all began – about 8,000 years ago when we started to have domination structures in which a few people dominated many.
我再次推荐wikipedia app..我每天早上醒来第一件事情, 是用wiki找词条, 看东西。 什么都看, 主要是技术方面的。还有历史啊艺术啊哲学啊。。。反正想到什么看什么。。 每天0.5-一个小时。。。
The modern mind: An intellectual history of the 20th century.
Fast read, but very big, 800 pages.
以下是引用冬日阳光灿烂在1/14/2011 1:23:00 PM的发言:
Thanks for 对我有信心
maybe this is what you are looking for? not sure. It's a 10 minute clip featuring role play and how to use it in daily life
In his book he talked about "communications that blocks compassion", he called them "life-alienating communication"
Moralistic judgment
Making comparisons
Denial of responsibility
He then attribute these phenomenon to our edcuation, the way in which we communicate (with others and ourselves) are ways we are taught.
To learn non-violent communication(NVC), one first needs to learn to distinguish observation from evluations. As for your question, "be at the bottom" is an evaluation, not an observation. Maybe you can practice rephrase your question in terms of observation?
NVC requires one to pick up a new set of language, I am not advocating that as they may or may not be useful. Here's another interesting clip featuring role play to demonstrate how to use NVC in daily life.
方法同理呀,就像我整理自己的工作目录一样。先按project定文件夹,然后每个project里面再按性质分,又是一些文件夹,再里面按网格,模拟,talk,report,这样分下去。当然会有两个project里面做的东西相关,这个大不了写readme做cross reference。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:07:44编辑过]
工作项目目录和一般的资料分类有区别的, 因为工作项目有dependency啊。。。 比如你要等一个外界的event trigger,或者你要等自己先做完一件事情才能做另外一件事情, 所以机械的manage 是不行的。。。。 话说这个我研究很久很久了, 一直没有好的工具和方法。。我再哭一下。。。
还有就是scalable的问题, 你一个两个, 10,个8个用Cross reference, 用readme 可以。。。 几百个就没办法readme了
cross reference如果到了几百个那就量变引起质变了。如果有一个东西在自己的文件里能达到几百个,绝对值得单列出来了。
how? tag?
cross reference如果到了几百个那就量变引起质变了。如果有一个东西在自己的文件里能达到几百个,绝对值得单列出来了。
比如item A, 可能主要是topic X, 所以可以放在folder X 下面,这个没有问题。 如果BCD都要reference他, 你要在BCD下面有3个readme么?
为什么这个问题咱们俩都有, 他们好像没有?
比如item A, 可能主要是topic X, 所以可以放在folder X 下面,这个没有问题。 如果BCD都要reference他, 你要在BCD下面有3个readme么?
ok。 那你这个新的folder就会越来越大啊。。。 还有你怎么知道哪个project 需要这个材料folder里面的哪个材料呢? 就是说你必须还得建立一个reference的对照表。。。 这个你放在哪里呢?
ok。 那你这个新的folder就会越来越大啊。。。 还有你怎么知道哪个project 需要这个材料folder里面的哪个材料呢? 就是说你必须还得建立一个reference的对照表。。。 这个你放在哪里呢?
I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities.
I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
I'm listening to the nonviolent talk (the language of need) and comparing my immediate task with it. Got a question:
I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities.
I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
I am simply highlighting the words that are evaluation, not observation.
Your questions are clear to me, maybe try to replace evaluation with observation, and see if that makes you feel better
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 14:56:05编辑过]
其实最frustrate的是每个项目基本上都有尾巴。。。 下一次, 还得先解决尾巴。。。。 这个也是很烦恼。。 就没几个能干干净净的做完的。。
I'm listening to the nonviolent talk (the language of need) and comparing my immediate task with it. Got a question:
I do need many things and I'm not afraid of being not-on-top. But my problem is that I'm afraid that I'd appear too needy and pushy or rude, and accumulatively piss people off and loose my already limited resources. Meanwhile I'm afraid of not being assertive enough and missing opportunities.
I want to my advisor to remind her to contact a professor she knows, to support my application to this professor. She offered to do so when I first told her that I was gonna apply for that professor. But she often forgets things and I didn't explicitly remind her when I sent out the application (which I should have). So I want to make sure. But I worry that I'd come across pushy or un-trusting if I write this separate email to her.My problem also stems from my uncertainty and distrust about people, and myself. Can they remember to do what they promised me? Can they remember what they said exactly? Will they do their best job (the best a given person would ever give me) at the moment they do it for me? How much bargain I have for a given person? I feel I'm blindfolded whenever I need to deal with people. And I'm always in dilemma T_T
我知道如果别人给我评价,可能也会是,tough, never take no as an answer. 但是我现在在不断提醒自己,说任何话之前,把对方的立场考虑一遍;说话的时候,一定要笑。
我觉得跟现在有点象,我的buttons跟你的不一样,所以同样的信息,我们能捕捉到再处理成的感受,可能很不一样。然后我们communicate,能互补得到更全面的信息,that is the beauty of this building.
我知道如果别人给我评价,可能也会是,tough, never take no as an answer. 但是我现在在不断提醒自己,说任何话之前,把对方的立场考虑一遍;说话的时候,一定要笑。
In other words, people's perception of who you are is a reflection of your own evaluation of who you are.
So when you are in negative moods, first thing first is to clear out the negative thoughts before you take any action. If you can't, at least try not to evaluate yourself. Because negativity is very easy to sense and to escalate, so the feedback you get (if you are getting any) will come with twice as much negativity. That's why I think it helps to focus on describing the observation.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:19:04编辑过]
I am simply highlighting the words that are evaluation, not observation.
Your questions are clear to me, maybe try to replace evaluation with observation, and see if that makes you feel better
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 14:56:05编辑过]
1. I need a lot of favors
2. Lots of times I can't be sure the emotional tone of some words
Reshape it in terms of "meeting my needs":
1. need this favor
2. need to keep the people who have the power to do me favors in favor of me
3. my boss' need: me out, ideally to a reasonable position by May
feel like problem solved: my needing this favor is consistent with my boss' need of my graduating
我觉得跟现在有点象,我的buttons跟你的不一样,所以同样的信息,我们能捕捉到再处理成的感受,可能很不一样。然后我们communicate,能互补得到更全面的信息,that is the beauty of this building.
其实我是希望能听你细说说你听到的“有启发性的、他找到理论的过程”,但感觉it's gonna be quite some typing,所以没好意思这么问。。你愿意说说吗?
1. I need a lot of favors
2. Lots of times I can't be sure the emotional tone of some words
Reshape it in terms of "meeting my needs":
1. need this favor
2. need to keep the people who have the power to do me favors in favor of me
3. my boss' need: me out, ideally to a reasonable position by May
feel like problem solved: my needing this favor is consistent with my boss' need of my graduating
actually all I can say is bless. I don't think I have anything to offer to help you with your practical problem.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:31:57编辑过]
其实我是希望能听你细说说你听到的“有启发性的、他找到理论的过程”,但感觉it's gonna be quite some typing,所以没好意思这么问。。你愿意说说吗?
Sorry, I know what you are asking, just too lazy to analyze how I form my perspectives. I simply watched the video once and just shared my first impression.
Frankly speaking, I probably won't watch it again if my interest is not stirred up by something else.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:56:11编辑过]
actually all I can say is bless. I don't think I have anything to offer to help you with your practical problem.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:31:57编辑过]
You've already helped me! The moment you put on the link of the talk, and your questions about reshaping my question. After listening to the author talking about the language of need, I sent out the email as soft as I could think of. After all it's my unmet need that's causing all my problems and thinking. Well I'm not exactly sure my later analysis about need is a correct one. But at least it's done and out of my mind now. Thanks Wintersun too. If it weren't her positive opinion on the talk I wouldn't have to listened to it today.
Sorry, I know what you are asking, just too lazy to analyze how I form my perspectives. I simply watched the video once and just shared my first impression.
Frankly speaking, I probably won't watch it again if my interest is not stirred by something else.
I'm guessing the part your felt inspiring is the dialog between two tribes he cited. Yes? Anyway, I've got a lot out of the talk today, largely thanks to you! Asking you about details is just bonus (I'm always greedy on everything :P ). Thanks for sharing!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/14 15:54:11编辑过]