most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
以下是引用xinlaide在11/30/2010 10:30:00 AM的发言: 那我推荐你读born to run. 那本书的阅读经验就是跑步是fun, 人生是fun. 是I want to run,不是I should run, or I must run. 书的观点是帮你理解为什么人人都能跑,都能做到。而不是理解为什么少数人(某些牛人, 运动冠军)能做到。
most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
what are you writing now? I'd like to do some casual writing too. But no game stuff. have no idea about them. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 15:54:21编辑过]
what are you writing now? I'd like to do some casual writing too. But no game stuff. have no idea about them. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 15:54:21编辑过] nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过]
nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过]
I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly elaborated.
And one important thing, which I don't know how to do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing is to explain something I believe.
以下是引用xinlaide在11/30/2010 4:10:00 PM的发言: 是冬日的话,我强RE了 很久以前我有个想法,写作要天天写,如果每天能够写一篇,不用多惊世骇俗,就是写一个小idea,思想清楚完整,有始有终,这么积累下来,就像跑步,那就很好。不过培养一个习惯真不容易。 re, re it's helpful and re it's not easy..especially when I have some much time-sensitive stuff to do...
I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly elaborated.
And one important thing, which I don't know how to do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing is to explain something I believe.
that's really great! Way to go!! As for your technical question, I am no expert, wait for the expert to jump in.....
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:26:00 PM的发言: Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
It depends on the readers' personal preference. Since you have no control on who will read it, you have only one option left. Choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
Of course if you know who is going to read the summary, like during a postdoc application, and you can know a little bit more about the professor, I would suggest play his way.
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
the former one. one word i like a lot is "succinct", meaning "Briefly and clearly expressed". It is often used for praise in scientific fields.
when making presentation, engaging is very important. artistic is such a personal thing. what is artistic for one might be not be artistic for another. the effect you want to have is engaging.
which type did u order? I tried on katie(?), felt not enough support and concentration..
well, it does not have much padding, support wise i feel ok, it is very comfortable. i got 2 katie... i think as long as you do not run in them, then it is ok support... anyway, i am Da Ma le... comfortable is important...
a few days back, there was a good sale. now you can still get it around 20 per... i got this, in blue, so cute.. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 21:27:13编辑过]
was 15 a few days back.. now the 20% off deal is gone. i ordered a few last weekend just to try out.. i will wait till around xmas to get better deal....
was 15 a few days back.. now the 20% off deal is gone. i ordered a few last weekend just to try out.. i will wait till around xmas to get better deal....
most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
小新: 以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:04:00 PM的发言:
nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过] 是冬日的话,我强RE了 很久以前我有个想法,写作要天天写,如果每天能够写一篇,不用多惊世骇俗,就是写一个小idea,思想清楚完整,有始有终,这么积累下来,就像跑步,那就很好。不过培养一个习惯真不容易
冬日:I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly elaborated. And one important thing, which I don't know how to do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing is to explain something I believe.
以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:26:00 PM的发言:
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
It depends on the readers' personal preference. Since you have no control on who will read it, you have only one option left. Choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
Of course if you know who is going to read the summary, like during a postdoc application, and you can know a little bit more about the professor, I would suggest play his way.
summer: 以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:26:00 PM的发言:
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
the former one. one word i like a lot is "succinct", meaning "Briefly and clearly expressed". It is often used for praise in scientific fields.
when making presentation, engaging is very important. artistic is such a personal thing. what is artistic for one might be not be artistic for another. the effect you want to have is engaging.
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
goat cheese 我只在costco试过sample,觉得好难吃啊,后来就没再试过了。
en. 我回美国后找了好多个goat cheese,比如whole foods,trader joe's什么的,那里卖的都特别不好吃
goat cheese 我只在costco试过sample,觉得好难吃啊,后来就没再试过了。
哎呀, 玛雅, goat cheese 撒在salad上, 是很好吃的。。。 还有那个gorgenzolla (绝对拼写错误了)。 和spinash 做salad 也很美味的
你跑过很多地方啊。 真羡慕。。 我念书的时候急急忙忙想毕业, 几乎没去过哪儿。然后很快就上班了。 就是没时间了。。。 greek salad 我觉得很健康。。我也还特别喜欢他们的橄榄
恩 Greece的橄榄和橄榄油都特别好!!
哎呀, 玛雅, goat cheese 撒在salad上, 是很好吃的。。。 还有那个gorgenzolla (绝对拼写错误了)。 和spinash 做salad 也很美味的
美食+美景 是我人生的passion~
我只是很HC的喜欢看Prison Break
哎呀, 玛雅, goat cheese 撒在salad上, 是很好吃的。。。 还有那个gorgenzolla (绝对拼写错误了)。 和spinash 做salad 也很美味的
看来是没找对地方。你是说goat cheese要去希腊馆子吃,是吧?
Settings->General->About,有没有一个wifi address?
然后你要log on到你的wireless router的management web page去加这个address,
如果是linksys, the page looks like this:
我又去折腾了一上午,我家是trendnet的router,进去不了找不到加mac addrees的地方
恩 Greece的橄榄和橄榄油都特别好!!
我们本来假就很少,其中还有大半要和家人在一起。。。 不过也没啥, 短途旅行周末旅行也挺有意思的。。 因陋就简了
看来是没找对地方。你是说goat cheese要去希腊馆子吃,是吧?
可能你就是不爱那个味道。。 我这人不太讲究。 我喜欢的好吃的东西太多了。。
美食+美景 是我人生的passion~
同好啊 我这个好吃的恶名早就传播出去了
可能你就是不爱那个味道。。 我这人不太讲究。 我喜欢的好吃的东西太多了。。
same here!!!
我们本来假就很少,其中还有大半要和家人在一起。。。 不过也没啥, 短途旅行周末旅行也挺有意思的。。 因陋就简了
nod.. 美国这点好,road trip方便啊
那我推荐你读born to run. 那本书的阅读经验就是跑步是fun, 人生是fun. 是I want to run,不是I should run, or I must run. 书的观点是帮你理解为什么人人都能跑,都能做到。而不是理解为什么少数人(某些牛人, 运动冠军)能做到。
又到一年一度做新年resolution的时候了。。我现在也用spreadsheet manage 了。。。。 人生啊, 一开始用spreadsheet 管理每天每年 , 日子就哗哗的过去了。。
我又去折腾了一上午,我家是trendnet的router,进去不了找不到加mac addrees的地方
就一条一条列出来, 然后年底对照看看哪个实现了, 那个没有, 为什么, 做个总结啥的。。。
就一条一条列出来, 然后年底对照看看哪个实现了, 那个没有, 为什么, 做个总结啥的。。。
开卷不止 但认真读的不多 好多都是看了前面中间,或者看了开头结尾浏览
开卷不止 但认真读的不多 好多都是看了前面中间,或者看了开头结尾浏览
同好啊 我这个好吃的恶名早就传播出去了
哎呀, 玛雅, goat cheese 撒在salad上, 是很好吃的。。。 还有那个gorgenzolla (绝对拼写错误了)。 和spinash 做salad 也很美味的
还可以加shredded cabbage, nuts, 用apple sauce拌,好吃又营养。
masaman curry,买现成的curry酱,加椰奶、鱼露,自己做很简单的。是我经常做的4、5个菜之一。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 14:06:32编辑过]
来来来kiss kiss kiss
来来来kiss kiss kiss
来来来kiss kiss kiss
就是要在router里加个mac address就行了,哦哟,说着简单,折腾死人了。什么改touch里的子网掩码,ip address都没用。
翻了说明书,默认的198.162.1.1这个打不开,又去run cmd ipconfi /all 找新的IP地址,再打开router,找不到怎么加mac address,又去搜索,终于好了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 14:19:06编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 14:19:06编辑过]
上网不行。 读reader可以。其他的都用app 看, 买卖题啊, 天涯啊, 文学城啊,华人啊都有app
就是要在router里加个mac address就行了,哦哟,说着简单,折腾死人了。什么改touch里的子网掩码,ip address都没用。
翻了说明书,默认的198.162.1.1这个打不开,又去run cmd ipconfi /all 找新的IP地址,再打开router,找不到怎么加mac address,又去搜索,终于好了。
以下是引用huar在8/30/2010 10:05:00 AM的发言:
most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
那我推荐你读born to run. 那本书的阅读经验就是跑步是fun, 人生是fun. 是I want to run,不是I should run, or I must run. 书的观点是帮你理解为什么人人都能跑,都能做到。而不是理解为什么少数人(某些牛人, 运动冠军)能做到。
vote for burn to run
re,所以要fully understand的open-minded,我觉得我常常是啥也不了解,所以觉得啥都有道理
我看到这段儿(藏地密码的), 觉得非常的有意思。。 <br>
大迪巫说: 你们不明白, 要成就一个王者, 不仅仅要成就他的仁慈和智慧, 还要成就他的手段和决心。。。。。在我国的历史上, 从来只有最软弱无能的王, 才会在上任王老死后继位, 真正有能力的王者 从来都是通过武力夺取王权的。 只是, 他们都没有郭日(这个是现在篡位的)做的这么好, 这么晚上。 他以最少的人, 最快的速度完成了王权的更替。“
one of my beloved games conveyed a similar idea. I was deeply touched
联想到我和某人前段时间就美国历届政府更替相对和平的讨论, 和美国没有义战一说, 我觉得非常的enlightening..
elaborate please?
monkey tearing up~~tong zhi a~~
so, remember which page you were on..
hehe, to restrict neighbors 'borrowing' your service; Empty's home service is free to her neighbors. :P
download ihuaren from apple store (free).
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 15:43:09编辑过]
hehe, to restrict neighbors 'borrowing' your service; Empty's home service is free to her neighbors. :P
most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
what are you writing now? I'd like to do some casual writing too. But no game stuff. have no idea about them.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 15:54:21编辑过]
what are you writing now? I'd like to do some casual writing too. But no game stuff. have no idea about them. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 15:54:21编辑过]
nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过]
nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过]
I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly elaborated.
And one important thing, which I don't know how to do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing is to explain something I believe.
re, re it's helpful and re it's not easy..especially when I have some much time-sensitive stuff to do...
I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly elaborated.
And one important thing, which I don't know how to do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing is to explain something I believe.
that's really great! Way to go!!
As for your technical question, I am no expert, wait for the expert to jump in.....
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
Question: when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
how to?
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
It depends on the readers' personal preference. Since you have no control on who will read it, you have only one option left. Choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
Of course if you know who is going to read the summary, like during a postdoc application, and you can know a little bit more about the professor, I would suggest play his way.
how to?
我们这个路由怪怪的,上半年从comcast换到att,无论如何也连不上网,给att电话,人家就说我们的路由老了,不配它家的猫。我老公抠门,不信邪,google了很久才解决问题,好象也是把mac addree输入才搞好的,真怪了。
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
the former one.
one word i like a lot is "succinct", meaning "Briefly and clearly expressed". It is often used for praise in scientific fields.
when making presentation, engaging is very important. artistic is such a personal thing. what is artistic for one might be not be artistic for another. the effect you want to have is engaging.
鉴于书楼是谈书,我就不大段摘抄了,有兴趣的可以去翻翻,我比较喜欢是下面这几楼,14, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 41
友情提示,今晚cbs Victoria's secrets fashion show,别忘了提醒老公看啊
nice! thanks!
鉴于书楼是谈书,我就不大段摘抄了,有兴趣的可以去翻翻,我比较喜欢是下面这几楼,14, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 41
Mark. 回家去看!
友情提示,今晚cbs Victoria's secrets fashion show,别忘了提醒老公看啊
we still have 3 old TVs... those are like ancient... they never broke, and we pretty much don't watch TV....
呼唤seal,我想要born to run的有声书呀~
i should start this year's soaking the feet in the bucket exercise now
man, praise AE bra.. i am going to order another 10.....
which type did u order? I tried on katie(?), felt not enough support and concentration..
man, praise AE bra.. i am going to order another 10.....
which type did u order? I tried on katie(?), felt not enough support and concentration..
well, it does not have much padding, support wise i feel ok, it is very comfortable. i got 2 katie... i think as long as you do not run in them, then it is ok support... anyway, i am Da Ma le... comfortable is important...
not very long... i don't wash by hand....
not very long... i don't wash by hand....
not very long... i don't wash by hand....
a few days back, there was a good sale. now you can still get it around 20 per... i got this, in blue, so cute..
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 21:27:13编辑过]
using that bra ball thing helps..
a few days back, there was a good sale. now you can still get it around 20 per... i got this, in blue, so cute..
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 21:27:13编辑过]
was 15 a few days back.. now the 20% off deal is gone. i ordered a few last weekend just to try out.. i will wait till around xmas to get better deal....
was 15 a few days back.. now the 20% off deal is gone. i ordered a few last weekend just to try out.. i will wait till around xmas to get better deal....
want to get rich quickly? join groupon, seriously.. i wish i live in one of the metro area..
哈哈, sorry, i got very excited when i put that on....i also got matching undie.......
哈哈, sorry, i got very excited when i put that on....i also got matching undie.......
以下是引用Teaa在11/30/2010 1:13:00 PM的发言:
我好像一般是记时间比较好记,页数我从来记不住。比如说我上午最后一瓢大概是11:30的样子,再回来就跳着按时间找回去。 不知道华人有什么标签工具没有?
summer: Teaa你前边问的问题,怎么找上次读到哪里,用同一台机器的话,直接用browser的Bookmark功能就行了。每次bookmark之前,要记得把上次的bookmark去掉,不然两个同名的会搞混。
以下是引用xinlaide在11/30/2010 10:30:00 AM的发言:
那我推荐你读born to run. 那本书的阅读经验就是跑步是fun, 人生是fun. 是I want to run,不是I should run, or I must run. 书的观点是帮你理解为什么人人都能跑,都能做到。而不是理解为什么少数人(某些牛人, 运动冠军)能做到。
以下是引用SunshineInWinter在11/30/2010 10:37:00 AM的发言:
most of the time writing, particularly finding the right words and
structures, takes too long and makes me guilty about spending all that
time writing stuff not related to my degree/job orz...
以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:04:00 PM的发言:
nothing right now. just generally speaking about Xinlaide's idea of writing down thoughts. I
used to write long casual blogs. And I found writing help thinking but
take seriously long time for me. So I stopped like 2, 3 years ago.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 16:04:52编辑过]
冬日:I am trying to do that. Just there are so many ideas bouncing around in
my head. And it is so hard to get even one of them to be clearly
And one important thing, which I don't know how to
do, is to tune the readers into your channel if the purpose of writing
is to explain something I believe.
以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:26:00 PM的发言:
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is
better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific
manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
It depends on the readers' personal preference. Since you
have no control on who will read it, you have only one option left.
Choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
Of course if you
know who is going to read the summary, like during a postdoc
application, and you can know a little bit more about the professor, I
would suggest play his way.
以下是引用redsilence在11/30/2010 4:26:00 PM的发言:
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
the former one.
one word i like a lot is "succinct", meaning "Briefly and clearly expressed". It is often used for praise in scientific fields.
making presentation, engaging is very important. artistic is such a
personal thing. what is artistic for one might be not be artistic for
another. the effect you want to have is engaging.
鉴于书楼是谈书,我就不大段摘抄了,有兴趣的可以去翻翻,我比较喜欢是下面这几楼,14, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 41
apple free app:
给推荐些free app吧,拒绝游戏app,。。。
除了我上面说的那些, weather channel, yelp, kayak, stanza, TED, instapaper, dropbox, wikipedia,
以下是引用enen^_^在11/30/2010 9:33:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/1 10:21:04编辑过]
man, seriously, does groupon worth 5-6B? a barely 2 year startup....
开始看《Born to run》(图书馆借的),很引人入胜。那个tarahumara tribe,真是个传奇啊。
when writing research summary for job hunting/finding postdoc which is better or does it matter: writing in simple, quick, dry scientific manner; or writing in a slightly artistic way?
Are they hiring a scientist, or an artist?
开始看《Born to run》(图书馆借的),很引人入胜。那个tarahumara tribe,真是个传奇啊。
100 emptyempty
200 grover
300 湫湫