mm是complain捆绑么, a little bit and also complain the stuffs from "tao bao". I have a feeling that she knew that the quality is not good, not worth the money, but she just use some popular items to 捆绑 sell them. In that case, most mm will lower the price on the 捆绑 stuff. But she didn't. I found out after I bought the skirt, that this skirt in her previous post is 30 dollars including shipping. And when she use juicy pants to 捆绑 sell, it is 30 dollars. Well, I do agree that she is a nice mm.
mm是complain捆绑么, a little bit and also complain the stuffs from "tao bao". I have a feeling that she knew that the quality is not good, not worth the money, but she just use some popular items to 捆绑 sell them. In that case, most mm will lower the price on the 捆绑 stuff. But she didn't. I found out after I bought the skirt, that this skirt in her previous post is 30 dollars including shipping. And when she use juicy pants to 捆绑 sell, it is 30 dollars. Well, I do agree that she is a nice mm.
质量问题,everybody has different opinion. My requirement is not high, the best mall in our city is dillards, we don't have NM, saks etc,.
AT, BR are the brands that I can accept. But the skirt from "tao bao" definitely is in a lower class than "AT, BR". Maybe more like those in Forever 21. That is my opinion.
质量问题,everybody has different opinion. My requirement is not high, the best mall in our city is dillards, we don't have NM, saks etc,.
AT, BR are the brands that I can accept. But the skirt from "tao bao" definitely is in a lower class than "AT, BR". Maybe more like those in Forever 21. That is my opinion.
I agree with that she knows the quality is not worth the price, that's why she want to sell it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/7/17 2:18:38编辑过]
pat, pat mm.
mm是complain捆绑么, a little bit and also complain the stuffs from "tao bao". I have a feeling that she knew that the quality is not good, not worth the money, but she just use some popular items to 捆绑 sell them. In that case, most mm will lower the price on the 捆绑 stuff. But she didn't. I found out after I bought the skirt, that this skirt in her previous post is 30 dollars including shipping.
And when she use juicy pants to 捆绑 sell, it is 30 dollars. Well, I do
agree that she is a nice mm.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 13:52:56编辑过]
你是读完大字报,在反馈区结合你的实际情况写个观后感吗? 呵呵。你和2楼那位一样是么?行吧,我没力气在这浪费精力跟你争论个啥,我特晕。不道你想表达什么。
最后就是,网购有风险,购物需谨慎。你可以跟我沟通沟通么?你已经上班了,应该23+了吧,有判断是非的能力,肯定的,对吧。可是你还是和2楼那位一样。你的题目,about 小浣mm,已经说明一切了,judge我RP?请换班的MM提防我?亲爱的,你还说了一句我nice,真的,打一棒子给个甜枣什么感觉。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 14:48:21编辑过]
我又咋地你了。额滴神。 那裙子我完全有实物图,有淘宝链接,裙子300多RMB,我自己降价到30刀,我没有卖高。衣服评价什么的你也都看了。我是捆绑30刀东西,最后你还是选了裙子。JUICY的尺码写在那,我没胡诌。
mm是complain捆绑么, a little bit and also complain the stuffs from "tao bao". I have a feeling that she knew that the quality is not good, not worth the money, but she just use some popular items to 捆绑 sell them. In that case, most mm will lower the price on the 捆绑 stuff. But she didn't. I found out after I bought the skirt, that this skirt in her previous post is 30 dollars including shipping.
And when she use juicy pants to 捆绑 sell, it is 30 dollars. Well, I do
agree that she is a nice mm.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 13:52:56编辑过]
你说以前的帖子里,裙子卖30刀包邮,对。但是我想说我忘了当时怎么写的 。放到新帖子里,裙子30刀没写包邮,用JUICY促销囤货,这就是我的本意。我也并没有低买高卖,裙子邮费多钱?2.3刀?我如果给你2.3刀你心里就平衡了,不写这个帖子了么。裙子实际是给我妈买的,但是她嫌自己腰粗,穿着不好看,我就拿来转,并不是你说的质量问题,我觉得没有问题。你觉得咋有问题了?淘宝东西怎么了,裙子是韩国代购的。你也都知道。人和人差距这么大么。儿了。我没有逼你买JUICY,捆绑写的也很清楚,到头来,再埋怨我一下,心里舒服了没。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:26:12编辑过]
你说以前的帖子里,裙子卖30刀包邮,对。但是我想说我忘了当时怎么写的 。放到新帖子里,裙子30刀没写包邮,用JUICY促销囤货,这就是我的本意。我也并没有低买高卖,裙子邮费多钱?2.3刀?我如果给你2.3刀你心里就平衡了,不写这个帖子了么。裙子实际是给我妈买的,但是她嫌自己腰粗,穿着不好看,我就拿来转,并不是你说的质量问题,我觉得没有问题。你觉得咋有问题了?是破了还是坏了,摸起来不舒服,还是你穿着太嫩找借口说质量不好呢。淘宝东西怎么了,裙子是韩国代购的。你也都知道。人和人差距这么大么。儿了。我没有逼你买JUICY,捆绑写的也很清楚,到头来,再埋怨我一下,心里舒服了没。
mm别那么凶 也别随便臆测别人 虽然各种可能都有 但这么说没意思
你是没违反版规 占理 就表再占口头便宜了
mm别那么凶 也别随便臆测别人 虽然各种可能都有 但这么说没意思
你是没违反版规 占理 就表再占口头便宜了
lz mm如果略去卖家id,改改标题,单纯就发发淘宝质量的牢骚,就好了。。。卖家没做错啥
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:34:18编辑过]
表火气那么大 消消气
lz mm如果略去卖家id,改改标题,单纯就发发淘宝质量的牢骚,就好了。。。卖家没做错啥
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:34:18编辑过]
en, ok.
lz mm如果略去卖家id,改改标题,单纯就发发淘宝质量的牢骚,就好了。。。卖家没做错啥
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:34:18编辑过]
单纯发牢骚, en, yes. This case took me too much time, to resale in a low price on the board, change the juicy pants, then sale it individually.
so, 发牢骚
你说以前的帖子里,裙子卖30刀包邮,对。但是我想说我忘了当时怎么写的 。放到新帖子里,裙子30刀没写包邮,用JUICY促销囤货,这就是我的本意。我也并没有低买高卖,裙子邮费多钱?2.3刀?我如果给你2.3刀你心里就平衡了,不写这个帖子了么。裙子实际是给我妈买的,但是她嫌自己腰粗,穿着不好看,我就拿来转,并不是你说的质量问题,我觉得没有问题。你觉得咋有问题了?淘宝东西怎么了,裙子是韩国代购的。你也都知道。人和人差距这么大么。儿了。我没有逼你买JUICY,捆绑写的也很清楚,到头来,再埋怨我一下,心里舒服了没。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:26:12编辑过]
质量问题,everybody has different opinion. My requirement is not high, the
best mall in our city is dillards, we don't have NM, saks etc,.
AT, BR are the brands that I can accept. But the skirt from "tao bao"
definitely is in a lower class than "AT, BR". Maybe more like those in
Forever 21. That is my opinion.
lz mm如果略去卖家id,改改标题,单纯就发发淘宝质量的牢骚,就好了。。。卖家没做错啥
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:34:18编辑过]
Thanks, mm. I changed my title, that is more appropriate. You are right.
btw,taobao的东西见没见到实物都无法跟at,br的比,lz 应该有这个思想准备。以后有问题跟卖家及时沟通,谁的问题就说清楚,否则卖家那里还以为交易挺愉快呢,回头被人爆id爆东西质量差,的确不爽。所以到底是complain卖家,还是taobao ,主题思想弄清楚了。
mm别那么凶 也别随便臆测别人 虽然各种可能都有 但这么说没意思
你是没违反版规 占理 就表再占口头便宜了
质量问题,everybody has different opinion. My requirement is not high, the
best mall in our city is dillards, we don't have NM, saks etc,.
AT, BR are the brands that I can accept. But the skirt from "tao bao"
definitely is in a lower class than "AT, BR". Maybe more like those in
Forever 21. That is my opinion.
I agree with that she knows the quality is not worth the price, that's why she want to sell it.
btw,taobao的东西见没见到实物都无法跟at,br的比,lz 应该有这个思想准备。以后有问题跟卖家及时沟通,谁的问题就说清楚,否则卖家那里还以为交易挺愉快呢,回头被人爆id爆东西质量差,的确不爽。所以到底是complain卖家,还是taobao ,主题思想弄清楚了。