Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan. re, we also use Potomac pediatrician, Dr. Glassman, top 100 Washingtonian doctors.
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan. re. I heard some complains about Dr. Huang too. We are using Potomac Pediatician too.
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
i am with potomac pediatric now....
i was with children first pediatric before, i think potomac is better than that
Category: Pediatricians [Edit]
6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 310
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-7995
医生都是GEORGE TOWN UNIV HOSPITAL 出来的,很不错的。里面的医生很负责,给我家宝宝看病的那个医生,打过三个FOLLOW UP 电话在两周内。我觉得很不错
Pediatric Care of Rockville
Category: Pediatricians [Edit]
6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 310
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-7995
医生都是GEORGE TOWN UNIV HOSPITAL 出来的,很不错的。里面的医生很负责,给我家宝宝看病的那个医生,打过三个FOLLOW UP 电话在两周内。我觉得很不错
MM家的宝宝是哪个医生啊,可以指定么,还是GROUP PRACTICE?我们也快搬去那里了,这个离我们要住的地方很近啊
4701 Randolph Road suite 102
Rockville, MD 20852
Dr. Huang 喜欢瘦宝,我家的胖娃不敢去看他,否则肯定让减肥了
加个电话: 301-881-6651
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 23:01:13编辑过]
up up
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
re, we also use Potomac pediatrician, Dr. Glassman, top 100 Washingtonian doctors.
Dr. Pengxin Lin
4701 Randolph Road suite 102
Rockville, MD 20852
Dr. Huang 喜欢瘦宝,我家的胖娃不敢去看他,否则肯定让减肥了
加个电话: 301-881-6651
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 23:01:13编辑过]
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
re. I heard some complains about Dr. Huang too. We are using Potomac Pediatician too.
Potomac Pediatrician. They are a group, American doctors. I looooooooooove them. you can google them to find their website. Several of them were rated as top doctors in America.
I heard some negative comments about a Dr. Huang, don't know if it is the same person. The one I heard about comes from Taiwan.
i am with potomac pediatric now....
i was with children first pediatric before, i think potomac is better than that
Dr. Pengxin Lin
4701 Randolph Road suite 102
Rockville, MD 20852
Dr. Huang 喜欢瘦宝,我家的胖娃不敢去看他,否则肯定让减肥了
加个电话: 301-881-6651
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 23:01:13编辑过]
We have the same Peditrician-Dr. Lin
MM家的宝宝是哪个医生啊,可以指定么,还是GROUP PRACTICE?我们也快搬去那里了,这个离我们要住的地方很近啊
他们是个GROUP, 当然你可以约你想看的医生,这样你就得提前好多天,他们得看那个医生的时间。如果看当天的医生,那就是谁有空,谁就给看。这个主要是你娃有急症的时候。 我上次看的医生是DR.Charles P. Coggeshall. 非常儒雅的一个老先生。一直FOLLOW 我们的CASE 直到好。 中间我都快忘了,老先生还没4天给我们打个电话问一下。问的我心里热乎乎的。
他们是个GROUP, 当然你可以约你想看的医生,这样你就得提前好多天,他们得看那个医生的时间。如果看当天的医生,那就是谁有空,谁就给看。这个主要是你娃有急症的时候。 我上次看的医生是DR.Charles P. Coggeshall. 非常儒雅的一个老先生。一直FOLLOW 我们的CASE 直到好。 中间我都快忘了,老先生还没4天给我们打个电话问一下。问的我心里热乎乎的。
以下是引用dididada在10/13/2010 11:00:00 PM的发言:
Dr. Pengxin Lin
4701 Randolph Road suite 102
Rockville, MD 20852
Dr. Huang 喜欢瘦宝,我家的胖娃不敢去看他,否则肯定让减肥了
加个电话: 301-881-6651
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 23:01:13编辑过]
Dr. Pengxin Lin
4701 Randolph Road suite 102
Rockville, MD 20852
Dr. Huang 喜欢瘦宝,我家的胖娃不敢去看他,否则肯定让减肥了
加个电话: 301-881-6651
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 23:01:13编辑过]
Lisa Zheng 怎么样,我ob推荐给我的
郑医生不错啊, 北医毕业的, 在shaddy grove hospital PICU 做了十多年, 现在也在做吧. 我们找她看过second opinion. 我们自己的儿医是Dr. Niu, 台湾人, 很不错. 有一次老二得了猩红热, 但是细菌检测是阴性, 纽医生很肯定是猩红热, 给果断上了抗生素, 我呢, 因为这个阴性结果, 就各种担心啊,怕是川崎病, 给耽搁了, 就又带孩子看了郑医生, 郑医生也说, 她肯定不是, 每个月她在PICU都见几例的, 再说纽医生很小心的(郑医生自己的孩子的儿医是纽医生, 当然十多年前的事儿了), 让我放心, 我呢, 还是担心, 又约了儿童心脏专科看了第三个医生, 直到心脏B超什么的都没事, 我这才踏实了. 为此我请了三周假, 最后把自己折腾倒下了.