sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers.
以下是引用honeybearbear在9/16/2010 9:29:00 AM的发言: sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers. my goodness, where is that? I hate those kind of social workers then.
sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers.
以下是引用honeybearbear在9/16/2010 9:29:00 AM的发言: sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers. 为什么会是你的同事有问题?不应该是邻居的问题吗?
宝宝(12个半月)从床上滚下来,摔倒了右边额头,事发当时宝宝的父母都在客厅,就离开了他一分钟,谁也没看见宝宝是怎么从床上摔下来的。头部伤痕不大明显,但是父母依然赶紧抱上娃冲到医院。ct检查后,发现脑部 有一丝血丝。医生说要看specilist,由于我们这边地方小,没有儿科的specilist,立马医院派救护车送去了省城,省城的 specilist不断询问事情经过,父母如实交待,但是医生坚持说以他的行医经验,他们叙述的床的高度掉下来是不可能摔成那样的。 然后他们被安排在重护病房观察了4天。其间并无实质性治疗,只是反复抽血化验,给宝宝挂葡萄糖水。事实上宝宝早就能自己喝水了,并且哭闹,不愿意打针。4天内,医生不断说服父母,告诉他们希望其承认错误,这样就能带走小孩。但父母觉得事有蹊跷,没有做的事情不能乱承认,就没有答应。4天后,宝宝就被带走,并且父母收到指控,说虐待小孩。16日 听证会举行,医生摆出很多证据,并且称小孩诊 断为颅内膜出血以及视网膜后出血,以其专业的行医经验,小孩摔跤是不可能造成如此后果的,只有可能是虐待造成,并且语气非常绝对。本来很多当事人夫妇的朋 友赶来听证会作证,来到以后,当事人发现事情复杂程度超乎预计之中,害怕未经过精心准备的朋友们会掉入对方律师圈套,所以我方暂未有人出庭作证。由于以前 没有任何不良纪录,而且爸爸妈妈带宝宝跑医院也跑得很勤,所以法官还是很通情达理的,把这起案件划分到民事案件中。下一次听证会定在10月。
医生的情况:上网查,此医生是child abuse expert!这 个医生在宝宝刚入院的时候对父母说,事情不严重,宝宝马上就可以出院,没什么,而且反复说,爸爸妈妈当然是很担心小孩,不断要求治疗,害怕病情发展严 重,但是此医生坚持说没什么,马上可以出院。。同医院的几名住院医生护士(基本上是所有)也认为没有太大问题,都对他们说没什么,这个小孩摔了 这样正常。医生前后出现很多矛盾的地方,在医院说没什么,不严 重,很快出院,后面庭上说很严重等等。并且该医生凭借自己是专家,并不采纳同院其他医生的意见,而是在诊断书里说这是会诊结果。
当事人夫妇的情况:爸爸为phd第五年学生,妈妈f2专带小孩。妈妈为了怀孩子,精心准备一整年时间,读了无数的相关书籍,孩子生下来以后夫妻俩经常带着他到play ground玩,这几乎是所有认识他们家的朋友都知道的都看得见的。妈妈平时为人非常热情,乐于助人,对抚养教育小孩研究颇深,并且非常细心观察宝宝一举一动,研究宝宝心理等等。当事人夫妇是一对非常爱孩子的典型中国家长。
小孩的情况:现在还是在foster family,白人家庭,听不懂英文,无法交流。当事人夫妇的朋友们正在申请领回宝宝到自己家中。
截至18日进展:当事人已经联系了本地排名第三的律师,正在排名第一的律师那里排队,希望通过律师能拿到一切medical record,以及申请另外专家会诊;已经联系了当地华人教会的牧师,这个牧师是美国人,妻子是中国人,他能理解 中美文化差异,正在向法庭提出要求与他们交流,并且也通过教会四处打听其他能帮的方面,比如医院方面,律师方面等等;经过反复商议,当事人夫妇还是保留联 系大使馆,不希望惊动国内年迈的父母。
sept.19 noon update:
lz今早收到当事人关于捐款的回复。当事人告知周一将确定聘请的律师,就目前他们的情况和证据,衡量需要的费用,如果不是太多,比如几百或一两千,他们可以自己承担。如果超出承受范围,再来考虑捐款,所以目前暂时hold donation。他们再次表示对各位由衷的感谢!! lz会及时向大家汇报进展,如若需要,和联系斑斑召集捐款。谢谢!!
sept.21 update:
lz昨晚和当事人通电话,被告知他们已经拿到了medical report,里面有右边身体多处组织有摔跌的痕迹,能辨别出事发有小孩有摔倒的右侧着地的动作。另外他们联系了两个律师,第一个说这个case很小,很好解决,估价1500 ,这个还是在没有给他出具medical report的情况下;第二个律师说,这个case很大,非常复杂,给他看medical report,他看都没看,估价5000,而且两名律师都说要再找第二个医生鉴定,并且这二个医生的出庭费需要当事人自付。现在当事人很confused,不知道要相信哪位律师。于是他们又约了一名律师于今天见面,听听这第三个律师的建议。
sept.29 update:
当事人已经敲定了一个非常好的律师,此律师以前是我们学校医学院的教授,然后转行做律师,专门作类似的case 近20年了。此律师说这件案子可能不是那么容易的,必须的非常好的准备。目前我们已经在网上查到了相关医学领域关于这个小孩撞击引起颅内膜出血的最新研究进展文章,也确实有报道说一般的摔跤可以导致类似情况,当事人也已经联系了写文章以及文章提到的有关专家,幸运的是有个专家就在离我们不远芝加哥。现在律师正在和专家方面做准备。另一方面,律师叮嘱当事人不要再传这件事情了,因为我们这里太小,很容易就传来传去传出个出入来。所以最近lz也较为"低调",下次更新将在10月下旬第二次听证会后,报告大家事情进展情况。还是需要大家的bless,但愿他们下次听证会就能解决此事,接回宝宝。
差点忘记说了,正是的medical report也拿到了,上面还有宝宝右半身组织有撞击摔倒的痕迹,表明宝宝摔倒是右半身先着地的。。
刚刚又仔细爬了楼,inferno,ggbreeze,花花妞,begonia,blue2010 等等,就不一一列举了,lz,当事人夫妇,以及当事人夫妇身边的朋友们,对mm们的理解,支持,建议,祝福,感激之情无以言表!!
昨天晚上收到当事人夫妇的email,告知宝宝昨天已经回来了,case dismiss。 lz看到email很高兴,马上打电话给他们,知道宝宝一切都好,整个事情全部结束,共花费$5000。 他们正在enjoy 刚刚团聚的快乐,lz也不便再多打扰,等下次见面再详细聊。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/14 0:20:43编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/16 8:34:07编辑过]
哪跟哪呀? 好无耻呀。
是不是因为好多美国人不能生 才老这样把小孩抱走。
sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers.
my goodness, where is that? I hate those kind of social workers then.
sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers.
邻居是中国人还是美国人?social worker是不时歧视?
bless, bless, bless.
social workers are winners, they got their funding based on the cases they worked on
是啊, 能不能再在其他地方发贴, 组织到人去示威啊, 如果我和你一个地方, 我也去!难以想象这样活生生就把孩子抢走!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/16 11:15:59编辑过]
sorry cannot type chinese here..... it happens on my coworker family too, they went to visit their neighbors as usual and the neighbor's baby felt down from the bed by accident. My coworker drove the neighbors and the baby to go to the hospital and everythng was fine in the beginning. The next day, social workers went to my coworker's house and took their daughter away (4 months) and suspected them abuse the neighbor's infant and their own daughter. Everything went so sudden, and the poor baby was so small to take away from parents. Fortunately they are getting the baby back, however they really had a hard time to fight with the social workers.
美国这一点 的确让人气愤!一个中国妈妈说,一次儿子做错事,她说要打pp,小男孩马上说要报警(刚从学校学的),妈妈吓坏了,怕孩子被带走。
bless your friend.