Once breastpumps are opened they CANNOT be returned. Customer will be charged a 10% restocking fee for all returned breast pumps. All breastpump returns must occur within 14 days of purchase. These are personal use products. All breastpumps must remain in factory sealed box, with no evidence of tampering, and no external damage to packaging. A returned pump will be inspected for tampering and or damage before your partial refund is granted. If a breastpump is returned that has been opened it will be returned to the customer and additional shipping fees will be charged to the customer. Shipping Fees Are Not Refundable.
**Customer is responsible for all return shipping fees. **
> Your breast pump includes FREE Shipping, FREE Support, 1yr MFG Warranty. A NURSE is Always Available for YOU.
> Brand New Factory Sealed Breast Pumps - WE PRICE MATCH !!!
> *No Sales Tax except in NJ
> *No Coupons or Discount Codes Apply
> Pump In Style Adv. Shoulder (57027) - $219.95 (Reg $279)
> Pump In Style Adv. Backpack (57062) - $219.95 (Reg $279)
> Medela Pump In Style Adv. Metro Bag (57036) - $240 (Reg. $340)
> Medela Freestyle (67060) - $279 (Reg. $389)
想找diapers.com price match 一下,结果没成功, 郁闷。 我发现这里的妈妈们找deal都很厉害, 有什么更省钱的方法推荐一下吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/14 15:41:17编辑过]
bestbuybaby.com instyle $210
那freestyle呢, $280 是不是可以出手了?
推荐Medela Freestyle!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 8:29:43编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 9:56:35编辑过]
推荐Medela Freestyle!
breastpumps are opened they CANNOT be returned. Customer will be
charged a 10% restocking fee for all returned breast pumps. All
breastpump returns must occur within 14 days of purchase. These are
personal use products. All breastpumps must remain in factory sealed
box, with no evidence of tampering, and no external damage to packaging.
A returned pump will be inspected for tampering and or damage before
your partial refund is granted. If a breastpump is returned that has
been opened it will be returned to the customer and additional shipping
fees will be charged to the customer. Shipping Fees Are Not Refundable.
**Customer is responsible for all return shipping fees. **