I would like to purchase "Peg Perego 2010 Pliko P3 Stroller in Kiwi". Albeebaby.com has it with sitewide sale of 20% off (coupon code "20off") at regular price of $329.99. Please see attached screen shot. Can you please also give me 20% off for it?
This email address is my diapers.com account.
要先PM了再买。diapers。com一两个小时之内就会回信,PM完,如果原先item已经在cart里了,要先把要买的item删掉,log out, 然后再log in, PM的discount才会显示,把这个item加进cart,然后加15% coupon code。check out,搞定。
fromDiapers.com Customer Care <[email protected]> to dateSun, Aug 15, 2010 at 11:33 AM subjectRE: purchase "Peg Perego 2010 Pliko P3 Stroller in Kiwi" mailed-bydiapers.com hide details 11:33 AM (28 minutes ago)
Hello, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we would be unable to honor your request for a price match as the 20% off offer excludes Peg Perego. Please click on the offer details on Albee Baby to see full details of excluded brands for the online promotion. If you have any further questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact our friendly Customer Care team by phone (toll-free, 1-800-342-7377) or by email ([email protected]). We're now here to help you out 24 hours a day 7 days a week!! Take care, L.G.DuBose Customer Care Representative
以下是引用包子花卷在8/15/2010 9:40:00 AM的发言: 请问以下lz mm parenting杂志的rebate在第几页呢?我有8月的,没看到你说的这个呢‘
Here is the link for parenting rebate. http://www.diapers.com/HelpCenter/Parenting.htm?site=pfx&cm_ven=affiliate&cm_cat=Performics&cm_pla=DealsHuaren&cm_ite=Primary
But this stroller is included in the 20% off promotion at Albee.You can try to add into the shopping cart, then add the promotion code 20OFF from this link: http://www.albeebaby.com/peg-perego-2010-pliko-p3-stroller-in-black-step.html
It's because my friend says diaper.com has a lot better customer service that I'm shopping with you. Anyway, let me try one more time.
那个code是我网上找来的,是someone's referral code, but he will not get the referral credit even if you use this code. 这是因为PM的discount不能和 referral credit一起用,系统不知道为什么让用了,但是不认可这个是referral credit。
在diapers.com price match albeebaby的Peg Perego Pliko P3 Stroller- Kiwi (或者其他PP3,只要两家都有同款同颜色,而且不是out of stock)
原价330,PM完264. 可以打电话或者Email PM。
新用户 15% code: YAX_1551, 得到Credits: $39.60 这个一定不要打客服电话,因为他们明文规定得到price match的东西就不能用off code,但是自己online加没问题。
新用户还有个parenting magazine 的10刀rebate
从fatwallet里面连进去还有6%的cash back
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/14 20:27:55编辑过]
email: [email protected]
Phone #: 1800-342-7377
Hello Customer Serive,
I would like to purchase "Peg Perego 2010 Pliko P3 Stroller in Kiwi".
Albeebaby.com has it with sitewide sale of 20% off (coupon code "20off") at
regular price of $329.99. Please see attached screen shot. Can you please
also give me 20% off for it?
This email address is my diapers.com account.
要先PM了再买。diapers。com一两个小时之内就会回信,PM完,如果原先item已经在cart里了,要先把要买的item删掉,log out, 然后再log in, PM的discount才会显示,把这个item加进cart,然后加15% coupon code。check out,搞定。
fromDiapers.com Customer Care <[email protected]>
dateSun, Aug 15, 2010 at 11:33 AM
subjectRE: purchase "Peg Perego 2010 Pliko P3 Stroller in Kiwi"
hide details 11:33 AM (28 minutes ago)
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we would be unable to honor your request for a price match as the 20% off offer excludes Peg Perego. Please click on the offer details on Albee Baby to see full details of excluded brands for the online promotion.
If you have any further questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact our friendly Customer Care team by phone (toll-free, 1-800-342-7377) or by email ([email protected]). We're now here to help you out 24 hours a day 7 days a week!!
Take care,
Customer Care Representative
不过我又发了信,加了一个ALBEE APPLY20% OFF后的价格截图, 看看他们会不会MATCH~
请问以下lz mm parenting杂志的rebate在第几页呢?我有8月的,没看到你说的这个呢‘
Here is the link for parenting rebate.
客服回信了,死活不给MATCH~ 省钱了
这么奇怪啊,albeebaby 明明PP3可以用20%的,baby jogger city mini 倒是不可以。
Thanks for the quick response.
But this stroller is included in the 20% off promotion at Albee.You can try
to add into the shopping cart, then add the promotion code 20OFF from this
link: http://www.albeebaby.com/peg-perego-2010-pliko-p3-stroller-in-black-step.html
It's because my friend says diaper.com has a lot better customer service
that I'm shopping with you. Anyway, let me try one more time.
15%的code是referral code 吧
那个code是我网上找来的,是someone's referral code, but he will not get the
referral credit even if you use this code. 这是因为PM的discount不能和
referral credit一起用,系统不知道为什么让用了,但是不认可这个是referral
I already receive my stroller, it is great!
I received my stroller too. I love it.