lancome mm 这两天,我们Ames这里flood了,很多朋友的房子和车子都被淹了,所以就到我家里来住,一天没上这里报道感觉缺了点什么,昨天一天控制了下食量,想说其实昨天下午就从50kg-49.5kg,晚上请朋友吃饭,所以自己也或多或少吃了点菜和水果。中午刚称了就在48.5kg。今晚去打球看看明后天能否达到48kg,想说今天已经是第三次在48.5kg,感觉比前两次都要容易很多,之前到48.5kg都是属于挨饿的状态,但是今天自我感觉应该在49kg,但是却比我想象的要少0.5kg,而且一天也有一定的食物补充。今天和明天继续清肠胃,现在额头上已经发了好多的小红豆豆,我每次mc之前都有很多症状。想着周六要去明尼shopping,这两天少吃多运动减重,去买衣服的时候,试穿心情也会佳。btw,mm贴的小金项链前面2款我都很喜欢,就喜欢这种简单的,不知道mm知道是什么牌子? [此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 13:33:56编辑过]
lancome mm 这两天,我们Ames这里flood了,很多朋友的房子和车子都被淹了,所以就到我家里来住,一天没上这里报道感觉缺了点什么,昨天一天控制了下食量,想说其实昨天下午就从50kg-49.5kg,晚上请朋友吃饭,所以自己也或多或少吃了点菜和水果。中午刚称了就在48.5kg。今晚去打球看看明后天能否达到48kg,想说今天已经是第三次在48.5kg,感觉比前两次都要容易很多,之前到48.5kg都是属于挨饿的状态,但是今天自我感觉应该在49kg,但是却比我想象的要少0.5kg,而且一天也有一定的食物补充。今天和明天继续清肠胃,现在额头上已经发了好多的小红豆豆,我每次mc之前都有很多症状。想着周六要去明尼shopping,这两天少吃多运动减重,去买衣服的时候,试穿心情也会佳。btw,mm贴的小金项链前面2款我都很喜欢,就喜欢这种简单的,不知道mm知道是什么牌子? [此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 13:33:56编辑过]
这两天纽约也下雨呢。 我今天收到 nature made super b complex with vitamin c and folic acid 了。 开始吃了。
小金项链我也不知道什么牌子。 两个名流的名字倒知道。vanessa_paradis, caroline-sieber people magazine style watch fashion 有专栏叫:You Asked, We Found: Star Looks 我已经写信去问了。 Here is the website where it says you can contact them: [email protected]
7 Habits of Highly Effective Exercisers Day after day, working out can feel like a drill. Yet fitness devotees somehow muster the motivation to get exercise regularly. Steal their tricks and (almost) never miss a workout again. By Jennifer Soong
Get Motivated, Stay Motivated Five or six days every week, Sue Wolcott, 41, hits the treadmill in her basement. It's a habit that started after she named her exercise machine Ripley. "It's as in 'Believe it or not, I'm working out,'" says Sue, a teacher in Grand Island, New York. "I would never skip out on meeting a friend, so I decided to treat my treadmill like a person." It's become, ahem, a running joke in her set; one pal now refers to her own treadmill as Dusty. "It's just us being silly, but when I'm asked if I've seen Ripley, I really love answering yes," Sue says. Despite what you may think, the trick to exercising regularly isn't finding your inner enforcer. Rather, "it's getting creative and tapping your natural motivations," says Kelly McGonigal, PhD, a health psychologist and fitness instructor at Stanford. We asked women who work up a sweat almost every day for their stick-with-it solutions. Check out our seven fail-proof favorites. 1. Don't put away your gear. From the moment she rises, Kristina Monét Cox, 26, has exercise on the brain. That's because the first things she sees are her sneakers and workout clothes. "I've got them next to the bed in plain sight," says Kristina, the CEO of a communications firm in Houston. "I've also got dumbbells right where I can see them in the bathroom, and a balance ball, a yoga mat, and a rope strategically placed throughout the house." Forgetting to exercise is never her problem. Why it works: Visual cues are a wake-up call to your brain. "We all have competing priorities like work, family, chores. Sometimes we need a reminder to keep exercise at the forefront," McGonigal says. Do it yourself: If you don't have the space to display your gear (or if it'll mess with your decor), choose just one or two prime locations that you'll never miss. Better yet, "pick places where you spend a lot of time and can use the equipment, like by the TV or the phone," says Amanda Visek, PhD, assistant professor of sport and exercise psychology at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. 2. Turn your commute into a workout. On days that Monica Vazquez, 27, a master trainer for New York Sports Clubs in New York City, can't do her usual run, she stuffs her essentials -- keys, cash, credit card, phone and ID -- into a fanny pack and jogs home from work instead. "Running is a great workout, but it's also great transportation," she says. "Sometimes I get home even earlier than I normally do taking the subway." Why it works: Running, walking, or biking somewhere you have to go anyway makes exercise feel time-efficient. "And you don't have to carve out another part of your day for it," says Michelle Fortier, PhD, professor of health sciences at the University of Ottawa. "It's an effective strategy for people who are busy from morning to night." Do it yourself: Your logistics may be a bit more complex if you drive to work or don't have good public transportation at your disposal. Maybe you can carpool in the morning or park your car a mile from the office and speed walk the distance to and from your job. If you don't have a safe place at work to stash your stuff, invest in a lightweight backpack with waist and chest straps (we like Patagonia's Pocket Pack; $69, or swap your purse for a fanny pack on days that you plan to run home.
Exercise Motivation Tips 3-4 3. Invest in more workout clothes. For years, Gina Cancellaro, 36, a paralegal in Bronxville, New York, owned only one sports bra. "I didn't want to spend the money," she admits. Then one day she realized that this was a barrier to her working out: "My usual excuse was that it wasn't clean." So she went to the mall and loaded up on bras -- and cute tops and shorts. Now she exercises five days a week. Why it works: "Having the right clothing doesn't just remove a hurdle; it reinforces your identity as an exerciser," McGonigal says. "And when exercising is an integral part of your identity, it isn't optional anymore. It's just part of your life." Plus, you've got to wear those adorable new workout clothes somewhere. Do it yourself: Stock up on at least a week's worth of gym outfits to eliminate any last-minute hand washing in the sink. Think of it as spending now to save yourself grief later. To truly simplify your life, you may want to get several of the same tops and bottoms. "There's no time-consuming decision making that way," says Patricia Moreno, a FITNESS advisory board member and body and mind coach for the Web site SatiLife. "Look for basics that are comfy and show off your assets -- whether that's your shoulders or your abs -- so you feel good just suiting up." 4. Log your workouts online. A surprising thing happened when Michelle Busack, 38, started to post her exercise routines on Facebook: Old friends from high school whom she hadn't seen in years began writing comments. "At first they just congratulated me," says Michelle, a nurse in Columbus, Indiana. "But now we've bonded over this and they're my biggest cheerleaders." In fact, if she doesn't post a workout update for a few days, they'll demand to know what's going on. Why it works: Social networking sites like Facebook and DailyMile offer an extra layer of social support. "You've got potentially all of your online contacts holding you accountable," says Michele Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University at Montgomery in Alabama. Do it yourself: Choose a social platform or online fitness tool (check out ours at Then get in the habit of chronicling your progress after your workout every day so that your friends know when you usually exercise -- and when you've slacked off. Post your minutes, your miles, or whatever motivates you most. Get started: Try our free Fitness Tracker >>
Exercise Motivation Tips 5-7 5. Involve your causes. A political junkie, Rachel Simpson, 31, decided to use her partisan loyalties to help herself lose weight. She vowed to exercise four times a week; for each week she failed to do so, she agreed on Stickk (a Web site that helps people stay committed to their goals) to donate $25 to the library of a former president she didn't like. "Suddenly, working out was mandatory!" says the recent law school graduate in Minneapolis. Three months later she was down 16 pounds -- and hadn't betrayed her party. Why it works: Strong feelings, especially antipathies, have a multiplier effect. "Losing $10 to an enemy feels like $20 or even $30, so you push yourself harder," says Dean Karlan, PhD, professor of economics at Yale and a founder of Stickk. Do it yourself: On Stickk, you can pledge to give a minimum of $5 to a charity or an individual (you provide the name and address) you like if you meet your goal or to one you dislike if you fall short. (Your credit card is charged.) Or sign up to raise money for a charity on the Web site Plus 3 Network: You pick from a list of goals that have prearranged corporate sponsors; if you meet yours, they'll pay the charity. 6. Make friends with class regulars. The thought of spending time with her Spinning buddies pushes Marie Bruce, 24, a coach and events director in Austin, Texas, to her morning class three times a week. "We're a tight-knit group," she says. "If I'm grumpy when I walk in, they don't let me stay that way for long." During the past six years, she's grown close to her extended gym family; in fact, they're invited to her upcoming wedding. Why it works: It's smart time management. "You get your social fix while doing physical activity," Fortier says. Both boost health, and the better you feel, the likelier you are to want to exercise. Do it yourself: Some classes foster friendships more than others, so you'll have to do some sleuthing. "Arrive early and observe," suggests Moreno, who teaches IntenSati, a mix of aerobics, dance, yoga, and kickboxing. "Are people staking out their places in silence, or are they chatting and laughing and flitting around the room?" Another good sign: The instructor seems to know everyone's name. 7. Create an exercise contest. Taking a page from The Biggest Loser, Elizabeth Kirat, 35, and her friends are embroiled in a sweaty battle to see who can diet and exercise off the most weight. Every six weeks, they call the winner. "There's money at stake, but it's really the bragging rights that keep you returning to the treadmill," says Elizabeth, a photographer in Denville, New Jersey. So far she's dropped 10 pounds. Why it works: Competition turns a solitary pursuit into a fun group one. "By trying to beat each other, you're actually pulling each other along," Visek says. "Even playful heckling validates that you're working toward a similar goal." Do it yourself: The contest can be for anything: most steps walked, most hours logged at the gym, highest percentage of body weight lost. Aim for anywhere from four to 10 participants. "Fewer than that, and one person who's not really trying can hobble the group. More than that, and it's hard for everyone to interact," Visek explains. To keep group members engaged, limit the competition to six-week rounds and have weekly check-ins, when people put money in the jar. "Your incentive is regularly refreshed in your mind that way," Visek says. Once everyone has agreed to the rules, let the games begin!
Supercharge Your Metabolism! Burn more calories 24/7 (even while you sleep!) with our metabolism-boosting plan. By Maura Kelly
Turn Up the Burn Last winter I put on a few extra pounds. No biggie -- I do it every year. The weight usually comes off in the spring once I stop chowing down on pasta and bread and shift my outdoor running program into high gear. But this year the scale refused to budge. At all. "Maybe your metabolism is slowing," a friend suggested. She had a point; I was in my thirties, which is when scientists say the ebb usually starts. Yikes! How could I rev it back up and drop the flab? Here's what I learned to turn up the burn -- and how you can do it too. The M Factor Metabolism sounds mysterious and complicated, but it's actually pretty simple: It's the amount of energy (aka calories) our bodies need daily. About 70 percent of those calories are used for basic functions, such as breathing and blood circulation, says Rochelle Goldsmith, PhD, director of the Exercise Physiology Lab at Columbia University Medical Center. Another 20 percent is fuel for physical activity, including working out, fidgeting, walking, and even holding our bodies upright while standing. The remaining 10 percent helps us digest what we eat (it's true; eating burns calories!). The trouble begins when you consume more calories than your body needs to do these things: That's when you pack on the pounds. You can partly thank your parents for the speed of your metabolism. Genes contribute to the levels of appetite-control hormones we have floating around in our bodies, Goldsmith explains. "Some people are genetically programmed to be active; they're naturally restless and use more energy," she says. Those are the lucky high-metabolism types. Gender also plays a role. "The average man's metabolism is about 10 to 15 percent higher than a woman's," Goldsmith notes. That's mainly because men have more muscle mass than women do, which means they burn more calories. "Muscle does the work to help you move, while fat just sits there," says John Porcari, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and director of the clinical exercise physiology program at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Not only that, but women's bodies are designed to hold on to body fat in case of pregnancy. The good news is, you can make your metabolism faster, experts say, despite genetics and gender. These are the 10 simple secrets to boosting it big-time.
Part 1: Get Moving! 1. Exercise more often. Working out is the number-one way to keep your furnace cranking. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn all day. That's because muscle uses energy even when you're resting. Exercise enough and you can help prevent the natural metabolic slowdown that can begin as early as your late twenties, according to Goldsmith. Your amp-it-up game plan: five workouts a week. "Do three days of aerobic activity and two days of weight lifting," advises Shawn Talbott, PhD, an exercise physiologist, nutritional biochemist, and the executive producer of Killer at Large, a documentary about the U.S. obesity epidemic. 2. Kick up your cardio. Aerobic intervals will help you maximize your burn, doubling the number of calories you torch during a workout, studies show. Intervals also keep your metabolic rate higher than a steady-pace routine does for as long as an hour after you stop exercising, according to Michele Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University at Montgomery in Alabama. That means you could blast as many as 65 additional calories after your sweat session. The ideal metabolism-boosting interval routine is to "go hard for a couple of minutes, then take it down to an easier pace for a minute or two, and keep alternating like that throughout your workout," Talbott says. Just pick your cardio carefully. Aim for exercises that require your body to work its hardest by using a lot of muscle groups, Talbott says. That means running is better than cycling. Or try a cardio circuit. "Do a variety of activities -- like running stadium stairs, huaren.using rope, and squat thrusts -- for two minutes each, aiming for a total of 10 minutes," Olson says. "That will really rock your metabolism." 3. Put some muscle behind it. Too many women steer clear of weight machines, fearing that they'll bulk up. Or they work only their legs and skip their arms. Don't make this mistake. A head-to-toe strength routine will turbocharge your calorie-blasting quotient. Add five pounds of muscle to your body and you can zap as many as 600 calories an hour during your workout, Olson says. Be sure to choose a weight-lifting routine that targets your core, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders; challenging numerous muscles will help your body function like a calorie-burning machine, according to Goldsmith. Find some great total-body strength workouts here! >>
Part 2: Eat Your Way Slim 4. Don't skip meals. We know you're superbusy, but make sure you grab lunch. "Simply chewing, digesting and absorbing food kicks your metabolism into gear," says Jim White, RD, a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "The more frequently you eat, the more often it revs up." Conversely, missing a meal, or going too long between meals, brings your metabolism to a crawl. "Your body switches into starvation mode and your system slows down to conserve energy," White explains. Keep your engine humming by having three healthy meals of 300 to 400 calories and two snacks of 200 to 300 calories every day, he advises. 5. Fill up on smart foods. Start by serving yourself protein at every sitting, says Darwin Deen, MD, medical professor in the department of community health and social medicine at City College of New York and a coauthor of Nutrition for Life. Not only does your body need it to help build lean muscle mass, but protein also takes more calories to digest. To get your fix, have low-fat yogurt at breakfast, chicken in your salad at lunch, and salmon for dinner. Between meals, snack on protein-rich walnuts. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote weight loss by increasing your feelings of fullness, according to a recent study in the journal Appetite. While you're at it, eat more foods that slowly release the sugar you need for sustained energy, like high-fiber fruits and veggies and whole-grain breads and pastas. Munch a food high in fiber three hours before your workout and you'll also burn extra fat, a study at the University of Nottingham in England found. Sipping java can also help. "Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, which speeds up the metabolism," White says. Research shows that caffeine can significantly accelerate your burn. Just limit yourself to no more than two cups a day; too much caffeine can overtax your system, resulting, ironically, in fatigue. 6. Eat breakfast. It will switch your metabolism from idle to high speed. That's because your level of cortisol, a hormone that helps you use calories to build muscle, is highest just before you get up in the morning. When you eat an a.m. meal, your body is primed to turn those calories into muscle pronto -- the only time during the day this happens. Take advantage of the natural torching process by having a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, low-fat turkey bacon, and a piece of whole-grain toast.
Part 3: Small Changes, Big Results 7. Get off your butt. Sitting too much -- at the computer at work, at home in front of the TV -- slows your metabolism, even if you're exercising regularly. An easy fix is to stretch, stroll, and fidget throughout the day. That's what scientists call NEAT, or nonexercise activity thermogenesis, and it can boost your burn and help you drop weight, says James Levine, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and author of Move a Little, Lose a Lot. The proof: In a study of lean volunteers who were fed extra calories, those who paced frequently, for example, maintained their weight, while the people who did no additional walking got chubbier. If you take advantage of every opportunity to walk and climb stairs, it can make a big difference. "A woman who needs to lose weight would have to burn about 190 to 200 extra calories a day to lose 10 percent of her body weight, which you can do by increasing your overall activity level," Goldsmith says. "Try striding around your house or office when you're on the phone, standing up at your desk whenever you can, and walking to your coworker's cube instead of e-mailing her." 8. Go to bed earlier. Deprive yourself of sleep and your body starts to respond as if it were under siege. "When you get two hours less shut-eye than you normally do, your system becomes stressed and produces about 50 percent more cortisol," Talbott says. "That in turn triggers your appetite." At the same time, lack of zzz's throws the body's hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin out of whack, making you more likely to overeat. Skimp on pillow time for too long and you could be facing a serious weight problem, says Michael Breus, PhD, author of Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health. In a 16-year study of sleep-deprived women published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that those who slept seven to eight hours a night had the lowest risk for major weight gain, while women who got six hours a night were 12 percent more likely to pile on a significant number of pounds, and those who logged five hours or less were 32 percent more likely to gain weight. 9. Schedule a nighttime workout. Do a 20- to 30-minute moderate-intensity cardioroutine before you hit the hay to keep your metabolism humming all night, Porcari says. The average woman's metabolic rate naturally decreases by about 15 percent while she sleeps, but an end-of-day sweat session will make the drop closer to 5 percent, he explains. So take the dog for an evening walk or go for a bike ride with your family after dinner. And don't worry that the activity will keep you awake: As long as you exercise at least two and a half hours before lights out, you should be able to drift off with no problem, Breus says. 10. Check your meds. Some of the most dramatic metabolic dips occur when women start taking birth control pills and widely prescribed antidepressants known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. "These drugs commonly slow the metabolism because they affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates how our bodies use energy," says Kent Holtorf, MD, a thyroidologist and the founder of the National Academy of Hypothyroidism. Depo-Provera, a contraceptive that's injected every three months, seems to cause the most weight gain. "It's high in the hormone progestin, which stimulates insulin secretion, leading to increased appetite and a lowered metabolism," Dr. Holtorf explains. "It also signals the body to store fat." (Oral contraceptives, which contain less progestin, aren't as problematic.) If you've recently started taking any new medication and the scale is inching upward, ask your doc if there's an alternative treatment that is less likely to cause weight gain.
44 Fat-Fighting Superfoods: The Secret Diet of Slim Women Some women seem to eat everything they want and still lose weight. Here's how they do it -- and how you can, too. Plus, the 44 superfoods that fight fat. By Sara Wells
Slim Women's Secret Diet The reason you can't ditch those extra pounds? Your body may be working against you. According to new research, inflammation, a condition in which your immune system is kicked into overdrive, may lead to weight gain and make losing more difficult. Doctors think inflammation interferes with leptin, a hormone that helps control appetite and metabolism. "In a normal-weight person, when body fat increases, leptin levels rise, which signals the brain that it needs to speed up metabolism and decrease appetite," explains Leo Galland, MD, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in New York City and author of The Fat Resistance Diet. "But in heavy people, that message gets lost, and the body can't regulate its fat stores." Inflammation is caused by a number of factors, including stress, lack of exercise, and exposure to toxins, and it contributes to medical problems such as heart disease and arthritis. But the foods you eat, especially a diet high in saturated and trans fats, sugar, and red meat, can also trigger it. The Anti-Inflammation Diet >>
The simple solution, says Dr. Galland, is the Fat Resistance Diet: Eat superfoods, such as apples, almonds, bell peppers, salmon, and egg whites, that act as natural forms of ibuprofen, helping to stop inflammation. Some pretty convincing evidence that his plan works: On this diet, people have achieved their optimal weight, losing as much as 100 pounds. A number of Dr. Galland's patients have kept the weight off for up to 20 years. "It's all about consuming the right foods and enjoying what you're eating," says Dr. Galland. You'll be amazed by what you can eat on this plan. This delicious dessert recipe is just a taste of what we mean. Dig in! Black Forest Banana Split Recipe >>
44 Superfoods That Fight Fat NUTS AND SEEDS: (raw, unsalted) Almonds, Flaxseeds, Sesame seeds, Walnuts
Can I Lose Weight Without Losing My Bust? Why weight loss can lead to the loss of a cup size -- and how strength moves can help prevent it. By Betsy Stephens
Question: "I go down a cup size whenever I drop five pounds. How can I lose weight without losing my bust?" Answer: One of the little-known upsides to carrying a tad bit of extra weight is that glorious cleavage that diverts attention from your butt. Sadly, when you're shedding fat, you don't get to keep what you want and send the rest packing, says Michele S. Olson, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama. The good news is that even if you're losing inches from your chest, you can keep it looking lifted by adding regular strength moves into your routine. Olson suggests the following exercises: push-ups, planks, bench presses, and dumbbell flyes.
是我家的称坏了还是怎么样? 今天直接50kg,话说周末大吃后来运动一天都回到49kg,昨天早上还是49kg,怎么今天早晨就重了2斤,太恐怖了~~~~~肚子也不撑,难道我睡前牛奶喝多了?要不就是昨天的cookies吃太多,热量好高的,心情有点不好。难道又要这么大运动大节食吗?
拿一点重物 benchmark 一下。我体重也在涨呢。早上到109。 估计吃了那许多面包,杂粮饼干,干果,银耳莲子羹,下午吃了个鱼豆腐砂锅。今天热量又超标。
发现吃甜食特别影响血糖浓度平衡,吃一口不过瘾,吃第二口还不解恨,换种零食继续吃,豁出去的样子。这种事我已经发生了三五次了。大多是冰激凌,肉加膜,蛋卷饼干,巧克力,cracker, pita, roasted almonds, 绿茶蛋糕,好吃的面包,早茶里的餐包和芒果豆腐布丁
拿一点重物 benchmark 一下。我体重也在涨呢。早上到109。 估计吃了那许多面包,杂粮饼干,干果,银耳莲子羹,下午吃了个鱼豆腐砂锅。今天热量又超标。
发现吃甜食特别影响血糖浓度平衡,吃一口不过瘾,吃第二口还不解恨,换种零食继续吃,豁出去的样子。这种事我已经发生了三五次了。大多是冰激凌,肉加膜,蛋卷饼干,巧克力,cracker, pita, roasted almonds, 绿茶蛋糕,好吃的面包,早茶里的餐包和芒果豆腐布丁
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/11 18:04:01编辑过]
周期性变化的 情绪, 食欲,体重,皮肤,运动的motivation, 这些事情如果不做记录,我还真不知道mc 前后会变化那么多!强大的荷尔蒙
weight 109.4 lb
breakfast: 8 am.
oatmeal with raisins and nuts, sesame seeds, and soy milk.
snacks: hazlnut coffee with three cookies
lunch: steamed broccoli and fish
snacks: apple salad
dinner: egg tomato soup
豆浆,杏仁奶,无糖杏仁/核桃粉,三文鱼,虾,混合蔬菜汁,菠菜,dried cranberries, 红薯, 黑巧克力, 牛油果,樱桃
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 9:30:00编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 9:33:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/10 0:42:20编辑过]
是 vintage, ~8000 usd. 有祖母绿 1。75克拉,碎钻加在一起3。5克拉。
这些古董店里有,ebay上应该也有很多吧。 有犹太朋友她们戴的比较这个味道。
爱马仕这个广告 比较感觉像dior: 高级灰,最上乘的面料和剪裁。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 13:33:56编辑过]
if you are under 20, it is not too short.
if you are under 20, it is not too short.
lancome mm 这两天,我们Ames这里flood了,很多朋友的房子和车子都被淹了,所以就到我家里来住,一天没上这里报道感觉缺了点什么,昨天一天控制了下食量,想说其实昨天下午就从50kg-49.5kg,晚上请朋友吃饭,所以自己也或多或少吃了点菜和水果。中午刚称了就在48.5kg。今晚去打球看看明后天能否达到48kg,想说今天已经是第三次在48.5kg,感觉比前两次都要容易很多,之前到48.5kg都是属于挨饿的状态,但是今天自我感觉应该在49kg,但是却比我想象的要少0.5kg,而且一天也有一定的食物补充。今天和明天继续清肠胃,现在额头上已经发了好多的小红豆豆,我每次mc之前都有很多症状。想着周六要去明尼shopping,这两天少吃多运动减重,去买衣服的时候,试穿心情也会佳。btw,mm贴的小金项链前面2款我都很喜欢,就喜欢这种简单的,不知道mm知道是什么牌子?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 13:33:56编辑过]
我今天收到 nature made super b complex with vitamin c and folic acid 了。 开始吃了。
小金项链我也不知道什么牌子。 两个名流的名字倒知道。vanessa_paradis, caroline-sieber
people magazine style watch fashion 有专栏叫:You Asked, We Found: Star Looks
Here is the website where it says you can contact them:
[email protected]
说道PP, 我还想练得翘翘的呢。
我目前只是做8min bun.
我今天收到 nature made super b complex with vitamin c and folic acid 了。 开始吃了。
小金项链我也不知道什么牌子。 两个名流的名字倒知道。vanessa_paradis, caroline-sieber 要不要写信给一些时尚杂志问问?
You Asked, We Found: Star Looks
mm happy shopping. 有什么收获一定要报告哦~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 16:33:46编辑过]
21 世紀美容中心 Sai Kay 21 Beauty Skin Ctr
有好多家分店,我去的是 曼哈顿grand street 那家。 朋友去bayard那家还有flushing 那家。连锁的。会员可以去任何一家。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 17:14:26编辑过]
1. 锻炼时间可以逐步增加锻炼强度,但每周平均增加的锻炼时间不应超过20%。自我锻炼的最好方法是锻炼结束1小时内身体能恢复正常。 为了防止在锻炼过程中身体的某些部位受伤。可以先做一些准备活动、如原地慢慢跑几分钟或做一做伸展运动等。锻炼的最佳时间是在饭前1-2小时左右。比如清晨和下午。
2、讲究吃的合理 多吃些蔬菜和水果 专家认为,大多数腿部减肥不成功者。主要是由于太依赖锻炼,而不注意饮食这些人常常明显地限制热量的摄入。但却不太考虑脂肪在其中所起的作用因此。饮食上要做到低脂肪和高纤维相结合。例如,多吃些蔬菜和水果、少吃那些富含脂肪的膳食,尤其是快餐等。
3、坚持高抬腿运动 高抬腿是一项看似很难做起来却很容易的一项有氧运动,起初可能你练不了,认为那是运动员才干的事情,可是当你坚持一段时间后,你后发现越坚持越有精神,越坚持高抬腿动作越标准,腿抬的越高,坚持坚持,腿部脂肪燃烧迅速,瘦腿自然不在话下。 每天起床后,可以在客厅或房间做五组高抬腿运动,每组一分钟,每做完一组可以休息一会。高抬腿是一种很好的瘦大腿运动,它很好地运动到大腿上的肌肉,促进腿部脂肪的燃烧。爱美的MM们,不想大象腿一直跟着你,想穿上短裙,那每天起床就让我们大腿运动一下,让自己拥有纤细修长的美腿吧!
4、按摩腿部 坚持按摩腿部各部位有利腿部的脂肪燃烧,每天坚持按摩至少十分钟,特别是在跑步、高抬腿等这样的运动之后再配合按摩,事半功倍。 洗澡的时候最好是站着洗,这样可以消耗热量。用热水冲洗两分钟,用手帮大腿按摩;然后换冷水冲洗两分钟,再用手帮大腿按摩。这样反复几次,可以很好地促进大腿的血液循环,帮助燃烧大腿上面多余的脂肪,从而达到瘦腿的目的。
5、游泳减肥方法 在水中行走锻炼大腿 游泳也是一项全身性增氧运动、但游泳对大腿的使用不是太多。如果你想在游泳池中健美大腿。可以在浅水中行走,或者穿着救生衣在深水处行走。水的天然阻力会使你的大腿得到强有力的锻炼。这种锻炼效果是在马路上所得不到的。 坚持按摩腿部各部位有利腿部的脂肪燃烧,每天坚持按摩至少十分钟,特别是在跑步、高抬腿等这样的运动之后再配合按摩,事半功倍。
6、饭后站一会或散步 吃完饭可别直接坐着不动,这样会让你的脂肪积累到你大腿和臀部的。去洗洗碗,收拾一下厨房很不错,这样可以让你站一会。你知道吗?饭后站半个小时可以防止脂肪积累在你下半身。如果你有时间的话,可以饭后出去散个步。“饭后走一走,活到99”,出去走走看以运动到大腿的肌肉,消耗吸入的热量,达到瘦大腿的目的,并且让自己变得更加健康。
7、骑脚踏车 骑脚踏车是一种很悠闲的活动,也是一种很好玩的运动。有空的时候,可以骑脚踏车出去郊外或附近的公园玩玩。我个人很喜欢这样的运动,因为骑脚踏车可以很好地减掉大腿的赘肉。骑车的过程中可以很好地锻炼到自己大腿的肌肉,让它得到充分的锻炼,上面多余的脂肪就会很容易消失了。爱美的MM,不妨多骑脚踏车吧!
8、睡前瘦瘦腿 睡前可以做一些瘦腿操,让自己在睡前燃烧一下大腿多余的脂肪。下面介绍一种简单的瘦腿操:侧睡在床上,将身体躺直,抬起远离床那只脚,抬到与床差不多垂直,反复抬脚动作二十次。然后换一个方向侧身睡,用另一只脚做抬脚运动。直到自己感受到大腿酸软就可以停。这种是很不错的瘦腿操,躺在床上还没睡得着的时候要多做,一个星期后,你会发现你大腿内侧的肌肉变得结实,大腿变得纤细了。
9、多走楼梯 上下班的时候可以多走楼梯,如果你的公司是在五楼或六楼,吃完午饭后可以直接走上去,消化一下自己刚吃进去的东西,顺便帮腿部做个减肥。走楼梯可以拉动大腿肌肉,促进血液循环,促进脂肪的燃烧。想瘦腿的MM们,不妨多走走楼梯,会让你有意想不到的惊喜的。
10、均衡饮食 一个人的饮食很重要,它不单止关系到我们是否肥瘦,更会直接影响到我们的健康。平时不要吃太多的垃圾食品,煎炸的东西要少吃。蔬菜水果要多吃,它们可以补充我们人体所需要的维生素和纤维,有效地调理身体,并且有瘦腿的作用。不想要大象腿的MM们,要注意的饮食,记得要健康食品是少油少盐。 二、常见的瘦腿食物 平时要多吃一些瘦腿的食物,知道什么食物可以帮助你瘦腿吗?菠菜可以促进血液循环,帮助脂肪的燃烧,是很不错的瘦腿蔬菜。而苹果含有苹果酸,可以加速身体代谢,并且苹果含有丰富的钙,可以减少下半身的水肿,是一种不错的瘦身水果。西柚也很好,它的热量很低,并且含有丰富的钾,可以帮组减少大腿脂肪的积累,爱美的MM们可以多吃。
1.海苔 维生素A、B1、B2海苔里都有,还有矿物质和纤维素,对调节体液的平衡稗益良多,想纤细玉腿可不能放过它。
2.芝麻 提供人体所需的维他命E、B1、钙质,特别是它的“亚麻仁油酸”成份,可去除附在血管壁上的胆固醇,食用前将芝麻磨成粉,或是直接购买芝麻糊以充分吸收这些美腿营养素!
3.香焦 卡路里有点高的香焦,其实可以当正餐吃,它含有特别多的钾。脂肪与钠却低得很,符合美丽双腿的营养需求。
4.苹果 它是另类水果,其含钙量比一般水果丰富很多,有助于代谢掉体内多余盐份。“苹果酸”可代谢热量,防止下半身肥胖。
5.红豆 它里头的“石碱酸”成份,可啬肠胃蠕动,促进排尿,消除心脏或肾脏病所引起的浮肿。另有纤维素,帮助排泄体内盐份、脂肪等废物,对美腿有百分百的效果。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/13 11:13:33编辑过]
21 世紀美容中心 Sai Kay 21 Beauty Skin Ctr
有好多家分店,我去的是 曼哈顿grand street 那家。 朋友去bayard那家还有flushing 那家。连锁的。会员可以去任何一家。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 17:14:26编辑过]
谢谢阿,我去过flushing 的那家,实在不敢恭维,有次清洁完我的面孔后,美容师跑去给别人做,等了半个小时没人过来,我起来走人,楼下的receptionist 还替那个小姐要小费,我火腾的一下子上来了,居然敢要小费。太不要脸了。另外的一个朋友去也遇上类似的事情,就再也不去了。估计曼哈顿的那家要好些。
4)经济不好, 她们随时可能走人,所以要巴结一点
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 21:24:47编辑过]
说道PP, 我还想练得翘翘的呢。
我目前只是做8min bun.
weight 107.8 lb
早晨喝了杯咖啡, 一大壶浓乌龙,一包肉桂茶饮食和平时相仿。
breakfast: 9am. 和平时一样
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/13 8:07:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/13 13:34:20编辑过]
万事俱备,只欠gold necklace charm
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/13 18:44:38编辑过]
weight 107.2 lb
breakfast 10 am
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/14 18:30:30编辑过]
一次花了600多,那时候没有牙医保险,因为是中国城医生(但也是这边名校牙医毕业)给现金就打6折。 mm要不要去中国医生那里问问。
还有是去年十一二月,看了三次医生,有保险,cover 2000多,但是好些只包80%,还是自己掏腰包花了近1000多。
btw,起初减肥很单纯,自从来了fitness这个版认识了lancome mm ,感觉很warm也很lucky,可以在这里认识到好mm,也庆幸跟了mm的帖子一直到现在,感觉现在不光是与体重相关的事情会上来聊,连fashion,beauty我们都会discuss。
大牌子(tiffany, links of london)的18k,我去看了看,小小的,也要800多。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/14 21:33:39编辑过]
weight 107.8 lb
昨天吃了一块日本店的绿茶蛋糕,一杯甜的牙都掉了黑葡萄/再也不买了; 一杯咖啡,好多坚果莓子干(大概1.5杯左右),午饭屯的药材鸡汤,玉竹沙参花旗参莲子银耳,三只去皮的鸡腿;晚饭吃的麻油山药完鱼汤,傍晚8点才吃上。
breakfast: 10am
饮食照旧。 目标是消灭冰箱屯货,不浪费粮食。
中午去吃了早茶。 这家非常不错,上米其林蓝版名单的。火鸭蛋白炒萝卜糕是我的最爱。 一大壶寿眉消消油腻。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/15 20:29:07编辑过]
jill mm 好一些了吗
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/15 20:29:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/15 22:16:50编辑过]
aug 16, 2010, monday,
weight 107.8 lb
aug 16, 2010, monday,
weight 107.8 lb
我是那种不太喝coffee的,不过最近在某人的blog看到别人推荐了一种,牌子是maxwell house,flavor:vanella caramel latte。我喝了挺赞,还尝试了其他就的确这个系列的这有这款好喝,价格还便宜才3刀多一小盒,自泡起来不比星巴克的拿铁差,香味很浓郁,泡的时候还能听到霹雳吧啦的声音。
我是那种不太喝coffee的,不过最近在某人的blog看到别人推荐了一种,牌子是maxwell house,flavor:vanella caramel latte。我喝了挺赞,还尝试了其他就的确这个系列的这有这款好喝,价格还便宜才3刀多一小盒,自泡起来不比星巴克的拿铁差,香味很浓郁,泡的时候还能听到霹雳吧啦的声音。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 20:01:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 20:01:30编辑过] 偶尔狼吞虎咽下也挺幸福的,我这两天就狼吞虎咽试图把自己养肥点,体重真的就飕飕地上来了。明天正式开始恢复减肥计划。
艺术品:我有一幅5米多长的清明上河图复制品,在墙上挂起来,然后去art supply store 去买点东西做一面绿色的苏州园林窗棂格的墙;
把以前的一些裱的画换掉; 挑一些新的有灵感的作品挂上;
厨房改造;清点屯的食才药材; 再买一口日本砂锅/铸铁锅;
衣柜鞋柜:买点organizing 的东西;
书架:不看的书全换/还/捐/掉; 再买一些和专业职业相关的书
总共4克多,链子和吊坠各2克左右; 足金,立体的镂空的心形吊坠,很简单大方。样子不输给大牌牌的。有几分像娇兰香水瓶
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 22:25:20编辑过]
weight 107.2 lb
breakfast: as usual
Day after day, working out can feel like a drill. Yet fitness devotees somehow muster the motivation to get exercise regularly. Steal their tricks and (almost) never miss a workout again.
By Jennifer Soong
Get Motivated, Stay Motivated
Five or six days every week, Sue Wolcott, 41, hits the treadmill in her basement. It's a habit that started after she named her exercise machine Ripley. "It's as in 'Believe it or not, I'm working out,'" says Sue, a teacher in Grand Island, New York. "I would never skip out on meeting a friend, so I decided to treat my treadmill like a person." It's become, ahem, a running joke in her set; one pal now refers to her own treadmill as Dusty. "It's just us being silly, but when I'm asked if I've seen Ripley, I really love answering yes," Sue says.
Despite what you may think, the trick to exercising regularly isn't finding your inner enforcer. Rather, "it's getting creative and tapping your natural motivations," says Kelly McGonigal, PhD, a health psychologist and fitness instructor at Stanford. We asked women who work up a sweat almost every day for their stick-with-it solutions. Check out our seven fail-proof favorites.
1. Don't put away your gear.
From the moment she rises, Kristina Monét Cox, 26, has exercise on the brain. That's because the first things she sees are her sneakers and workout clothes. "I've got them next to the bed in plain sight," says Kristina, the CEO of a communications firm in Houston. "I've also got dumbbells right where I can see them in the bathroom, and a balance ball, a yoga mat, and a rope strategically placed throughout the house." Forgetting to exercise is never her problem.
Why it works: Visual cues are a wake-up call to your brain. "We all have competing priorities like work, family, chores. Sometimes we need a reminder to keep exercise at the forefront," McGonigal says.
Do it yourself: If you don't have the space to display your gear (or if it'll mess with your decor), choose just one or two prime locations that you'll never miss. Better yet, "pick places where you spend a lot of time and can use the equipment, like by the TV or the phone," says Amanda Visek, PhD, assistant professor of sport and exercise psychology at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
2. Turn your commute into a workout.
On days that Monica Vazquez, 27, a master trainer for New York Sports Clubs in New York City, can't do her usual run, she stuffs her essentials -- keys, cash, credit card, phone and ID -- into a fanny pack and jogs home from work instead. "Running is a great workout, but it's also great transportation," she says. "Sometimes I get home even earlier than I normally do taking the subway."
Why it works: Running, walking, or biking somewhere you have to go anyway makes exercise feel time-efficient. "And you don't have to carve out another part of your day for it," says Michelle Fortier, PhD, professor of health sciences at the University of Ottawa. "It's an effective strategy for people who are busy from morning to night."
Do it yourself: Your logistics may be a bit more complex if you drive to work or don't have good public transportation at your disposal. Maybe you can carpool in the morning or park your car a mile from the office and speed walk the distance to and from your job. If you don't have a safe place at work to stash your stuff, invest in a lightweight backpack with waist and chest straps (we like Patagonia's Pocket Pack; $69, or swap your purse for a fanny pack on days that you plan to run home.
Exercise Motivation Tips 3-4
3. Invest in more workout clothes.
For years, Gina Cancellaro, 36, a paralegal in Bronxville, New York, owned only one sports bra. "I didn't want to spend the money," she admits. Then one day she realized that this was a barrier to her working out: "My usual excuse was that it wasn't clean." So she went to the mall and loaded up on bras -- and cute tops and shorts. Now she exercises five days a week.
Why it works: "Having the right clothing doesn't just remove a hurdle; it reinforces your identity as an exerciser," McGonigal says. "And when exercising is an integral part of your identity, it isn't optional anymore. It's just part of your life." Plus, you've got to wear those adorable new workout clothes somewhere.
Do it yourself: Stock up on at least a week's worth of gym outfits to eliminate any last-minute hand washing in the sink. Think of it as spending now to save yourself grief later. To truly simplify your life, you may want to get several of the same tops and bottoms. "There's no time-consuming decision making that way," says Patricia Moreno, a FITNESS advisory board member and body and mind coach for the Web site SatiLife. "Look for basics that are comfy and show off your assets -- whether that's your shoulders or your abs -- so you feel good just suiting up."
4. Log your workouts online.
A surprising thing happened when Michelle Busack, 38, started to post her exercise routines on Facebook: Old friends from high school whom she hadn't seen in years began writing comments. "At first they just congratulated me," says Michelle, a nurse in Columbus, Indiana. "But now we've bonded over this and they're my biggest cheerleaders." In fact, if she doesn't post a workout update for a few days, they'll demand to know what's going on.
Why it works: Social networking sites like Facebook and DailyMile offer an extra layer of social support. "You've got potentially all of your online contacts holding you accountable," says Michele Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University at Montgomery in Alabama.
Do it yourself: Choose a social platform or online fitness tool (check out ours at Then get in the habit of chronicling your progress after your workout every day so that your friends know when you usually exercise -- and when you've slacked off. Post your minutes, your miles, or whatever motivates you most.
Get started: Try our free Fitness Tracker >>
Exercise Motivation Tips 5-7
5. Involve your causes.
A political junkie, Rachel Simpson, 31, decided to use her partisan loyalties to help herself lose weight. She vowed to exercise four times a week; for each week she failed to do so, she agreed on Stickk (a Web site that helps people stay committed to their goals) to donate $25 to the library of a former president she didn't like. "Suddenly, working out was mandatory!" says the recent law school graduate in Minneapolis. Three months later she was down 16 pounds -- and hadn't betrayed her party.
Why it works: Strong feelings, especially antipathies, have a multiplier effect. "Losing $10 to an enemy feels like $20 or even $30, so you push yourself harder," says Dean Karlan, PhD, professor of economics at Yale and a founder of Stickk.
Do it yourself: On Stickk, you can pledge to give a minimum of $5 to a charity or an individual (you provide the name and address) you like if you meet your goal or to one you dislike if you fall short. (Your credit card is charged.) Or sign up to raise money for a charity on the Web site Plus 3 Network: You pick from a list of goals that have prearranged corporate sponsors; if you meet yours, they'll pay the charity.
6. Make friends with class regulars.
The thought of spending time with her Spinning buddies pushes Marie Bruce, 24, a coach and events director in Austin, Texas, to her morning class three times a week. "We're a tight-knit group," she says. "If I'm grumpy when I walk in, they don't let me stay that way for long." During the past six years, she's grown close to her extended gym family; in fact, they're invited to her upcoming wedding.
Why it works: It's smart time management. "You get your social fix while doing physical activity," Fortier says. Both boost health, and the better you feel, the likelier you are to want to exercise.
Do it yourself: Some classes foster friendships more than others, so you'll have to do some sleuthing. "Arrive early and observe," suggests Moreno, who teaches IntenSati, a mix of aerobics, dance, yoga, and kickboxing. "Are people staking out their places in silence, or are they chatting and laughing and flitting around the room?" Another good sign: The instructor seems to know everyone's name.
7. Create an exercise contest.
Taking a page from The Biggest Loser, Elizabeth Kirat, 35, and her friends are embroiled in a sweaty battle to see who can diet and exercise off the most weight. Every six weeks, they call the winner. "There's money at stake, but it's really the bragging rights that keep you returning to the treadmill," says Elizabeth, a photographer in Denville, New Jersey. So far she's dropped 10 pounds.
Why it works: Competition turns a solitary pursuit into a fun group one. "By trying to beat each other, you're actually pulling each other along," Visek says. "Even playful heckling validates that you're working toward a similar goal."
Do it yourself: The contest can be for anything: most steps walked, most hours logged at the gym, highest percentage of body weight lost. Aim for anywhere from four to 10 participants. "Fewer than that, and one person who's not really trying can hobble the group. More than that, and it's hard for everyone to interact," Visek explains. To keep group members engaged, limit the competition to six-week rounds and have weekly check-ins, when people put money in the jar. "Your incentive is regularly refreshed in your mind that way," Visek says. Once everyone has agreed to the rules, let the games begin!
Burn more calories 24/7 (even while you sleep!) with our metabolism-boosting plan.
By Maura Kelly
Turn Up the Burn
Last winter I put on a few extra pounds. No biggie -- I do it every year. The weight usually comes off in the spring once I stop chowing down on pasta and bread and shift my outdoor running program into high gear. But this year the scale refused to budge. At all.
"Maybe your metabolism is slowing," a friend suggested. She had a point; I was in my thirties, which is when scientists say the ebb usually starts. Yikes! How could I rev it back up and drop the flab? Here's what I learned to turn up the burn -- and how you can do it too.
The M Factor
Metabolism sounds mysterious and complicated, but it's actually pretty simple: It's the amount of energy (aka calories) our bodies need daily. About 70 percent of those calories are used for basic functions, such as breathing and blood circulation, says Rochelle Goldsmith, PhD, director of the Exercise Physiology Lab at Columbia University Medical Center. Another 20 percent is fuel for physical activity, including working out, fidgeting, walking, and even holding our bodies upright while standing. The remaining 10 percent helps us digest what we eat (it's true; eating burns calories!). The trouble begins when you consume more calories than your body needs to do these things: That's when you pack on the pounds.
You can partly thank your parents for the speed of your metabolism. Genes contribute to the levels of appetite-control hormones we have floating around in our bodies, Goldsmith explains. "Some people are genetically programmed to be active; they're naturally restless and use more energy," she says. Those are the lucky high-metabolism types.
Gender also plays a role. "The average man's metabolism is about 10 to 15 percent higher than a woman's," Goldsmith notes. That's mainly because men have more muscle mass than women do, which means they burn more calories. "Muscle does the work to help you move, while fat just sits there," says John Porcari, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and director of the clinical exercise physiology program at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Not only that, but women's bodies are designed to hold on to body fat in case of pregnancy.
The good news is, you can make your metabolism faster, experts say, despite genetics and gender. These are the 10 simple secrets to boosting it big-time.
Part 1: Get Moving!
1. Exercise more often.
Working out is the number-one way to keep your furnace cranking. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn all day. That's because muscle uses energy even when you're resting. Exercise enough and you can help prevent the natural metabolic slowdown that can begin as early as your late twenties, according to Goldsmith.
Your amp-it-up game plan: five workouts a week. "Do three days of aerobic activity and two days of weight lifting," advises Shawn Talbott, PhD, an exercise physiologist, nutritional biochemist, and the executive producer of Killer at Large, a documentary about the U.S. obesity epidemic.
2. Kick up your cardio.
Aerobic intervals will help you maximize your burn, doubling the number of calories you torch during a workout, studies show. Intervals also keep your metabolic rate higher than a steady-pace routine does for as long as an hour after you stop exercising, according to Michele Olson, PhD, a FITNESS advisory board member and professor of exercise science at Auburn University at Montgomery in Alabama. That means you could blast as many as 65 additional calories after your sweat session. The ideal metabolism-boosting interval routine is to "go hard for a couple of minutes, then take it down to an easier pace for a minute or two, and keep alternating like that throughout your workout," Talbott says.
Just pick your cardio carefully. Aim for exercises that require your body to work its hardest by using a lot of muscle groups, Talbott says. That means running is better than cycling. Or try a cardio circuit. "Do a variety of activities -- like running stadium stairs, huaren.using rope, and squat thrusts -- for two minutes each, aiming for a total of 10 minutes," Olson says. "That will really rock your metabolism."
3. Put some muscle behind it.
Too many women steer clear of weight machines, fearing that they'll bulk up. Or they work only their legs and skip their arms. Don't make this mistake. A head-to-toe strength routine will turbocharge your calorie-blasting quotient. Add five pounds of muscle to your body and you can zap as many as 600 calories an hour during your workout, Olson says. Be sure to choose a weight-lifting routine that targets your core, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders; challenging numerous muscles will help your body function like a calorie-burning machine, according to Goldsmith.
Find some great total-body strength workouts here! >>
Part 2: Eat Your Way Slim
4. Don't skip meals.
We know you're superbusy, but make sure you grab lunch. "Simply chewing, digesting and absorbing food kicks your metabolism into gear," says Jim White, RD, a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
"The more frequently you eat, the more often it revs up." Conversely, missing a meal, or going too long between meals, brings your metabolism to a crawl. "Your body switches into starvation mode and your system slows down to conserve energy," White explains. Keep your engine humming by having three healthy meals of 300 to 400 calories and two snacks of 200 to 300 calories every day, he advises.
5. Fill up on smart foods.
Start by serving yourself protein at every sitting, says Darwin Deen, MD, medical professor in the department of community health and social medicine at City College of New York and a coauthor of Nutrition for Life. Not only does your body need it to help build lean muscle mass, but protein also takes more calories to digest. To get your fix, have low-fat yogurt at breakfast, chicken in your salad at lunch, and salmon for dinner. Between meals, snack on protein-rich walnuts. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote weight loss by increasing your feelings of fullness, according to a recent study in the journal Appetite.
While you're at it, eat more foods that slowly release the sugar you need for sustained energy, like high-fiber fruits and veggies and whole-grain breads and pastas. Munch a food high in fiber three hours before your workout and you'll also burn extra fat, a study at the University of Nottingham in England found. Sipping java can also help. "Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, which speeds up the metabolism," White says. Research shows that caffeine can significantly accelerate your burn. Just limit yourself to no more than two cups a day; too much caffeine can overtax your system, resulting, ironically, in fatigue.
6. Eat breakfast.
It will switch your metabolism from idle to high speed. That's because your level of cortisol, a hormone that helps you use calories to build muscle, is highest just before you get up in the morning. When you eat an a.m. meal, your body is primed to turn those calories into muscle pronto -- the only time during the day this happens. Take advantage of the natural torching process by having a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, low-fat turkey bacon, and a piece of whole-grain toast.
Part 3: Small Changes, Big Results
7. Get off your butt.
Sitting too much -- at the computer at work, at home in front of the TV -- slows your metabolism, even if you're exercising regularly. An easy fix is to stretch, stroll, and fidget throughout the day. That's what scientists call NEAT, or nonexercise activity thermogenesis, and it can boost your burn and help you drop weight, says James Levine, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and author of Move a Little, Lose a Lot. The proof: In a study of lean volunteers who were fed extra calories, those who paced frequently, for example, maintained their weight, while the people who did no additional walking got chubbier. If you take advantage of every opportunity to walk and climb stairs, it can make a big difference. "A woman who needs to lose weight would have to burn about 190 to 200 extra calories a day to lose 10 percent of her body weight, which you can do by increasing your overall activity level," Goldsmith says. "Try striding around your house or office when you're on the phone, standing up at your desk whenever you can, and walking to your coworker's cube instead of e-mailing her."
8. Go to bed earlier.
Deprive yourself of sleep and your body starts to respond as if it were under siege. "When you get two hours less shut-eye than you normally do, your system becomes stressed and produces about 50 percent more cortisol," Talbott says. "That in turn triggers your appetite."
At the same time, lack of zzz's throws the body's hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin out of whack, making you more likely to overeat. Skimp on pillow time for too long and you could be facing a serious weight problem, says Michael Breus, PhD, author of Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health. In a 16-year study of sleep-deprived women published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that those who slept seven to eight hours a night had the lowest risk for major weight gain, while women who got six hours a night were 12 percent more likely to pile on a significant number of pounds, and those who logged five hours or less were 32 percent more likely to gain weight.
9. Schedule a nighttime workout.
Do a 20- to 30-minute moderate-intensity cardio routine before you hit the hay to keep your metabolism humming all night, Porcari says. The average woman's metabolic rate naturally decreases by about 15 percent while she sleeps, but an end-of-day sweat session will make the drop closer to 5 percent, he explains. So take the dog for an evening walk or go for a bike ride with your family after dinner. And don't worry that the activity will keep you awake: As long as you exercise at least two and a half hours before lights out, you should be able to drift off with no problem, Breus says.
10. Check your meds.
Some of the most dramatic metabolic dips occur when women start taking birth control pills and widely prescribed antidepressants known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. "These drugs commonly slow the metabolism because they affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates how our bodies use energy," says Kent Holtorf, MD, a thyroidologist and the founder of the National Academy of Hypothyroidism. Depo-Provera, a contraceptive that's injected every three months, seems to cause the most weight gain. "It's high in the hormone progestin, which stimulates insulin secretion, leading to increased appetite and a lowered metabolism," Dr. Holtorf explains. "It also signals the body to store fat." (Oral contraceptives, which contain less progestin, aren't as problematic.) If you've recently started taking any new medication and the scale is inching upward, ask your doc if there's an alternative treatment that is less likely to cause weight gain.
Some women seem to eat everything they want and still lose weight. Here's how they do it -- and how you can, too. Plus, the 44 superfoods that fight fat.
By Sara Wells
Slim Women's Secret Diet
The reason you can't ditch those extra pounds? Your body may be working against you. According to new research, inflammation, a condition in which your immune system is kicked into overdrive, may lead to weight gain and make losing more difficult. Doctors think inflammation interferes with leptin, a hormone that helps control appetite and metabolism. "In a normal-weight person, when body fat increases, leptin levels rise, which signals the brain that it needs to speed up metabolism and decrease appetite," explains Leo Galland, MD, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in New York City and author of The Fat Resistance Diet. "But in heavy people, that message gets lost, and the body can't regulate its fat stores."
Inflammation is caused by a number of factors, including stress, lack of exercise, and exposure to toxins, and it contributes to medical problems such as heart disease and arthritis. But the foods you eat, especially a diet high in saturated and trans fats, sugar, and red meat, can also trigger it.
The Anti-Inflammation Diet >>
The simple solution, says Dr. Galland, is the Fat Resistance Diet: Eat superfoods, such as apples, almonds, bell peppers, salmon, and egg whites, that act as natural forms of ibuprofen, helping to stop inflammation. Some pretty convincing evidence that his plan works: On this diet, people have achieved their optimal weight, losing as much as 100 pounds. A number of Dr. Galland's patients have kept the weight off for up to 20 years. "It's all about consuming the right foods and enjoying what you're eating," says Dr. Galland. You'll be amazed by what you can eat on this plan. This delicious dessert recipe is just a taste of what we mean. Dig in!
Black Forest Banana Split Recipe >>
44 Superfoods That Fight Fat
NUTS AND SEEDS: (raw, unsalted) Almonds, Flaxseeds, Sesame seeds, Walnuts
FRUIT: Apples, Blueberries, Cherries, Grapefruit, Oranges, Pomegranates
BEVERAGES: (unsweetened) Blueberry juice, Cherry juice, Green tea, Pomegranate juice, Vegetable juice
VEGETABLES: Arugula, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Leeks, Onions, Romaine lettuce, Scallions, Shiitake mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes
HERBS AND SPICES: Basil, Black pepper, Cardamom, Chives, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Cloves, Garlic, Ginger, Parsley, Turmeric
FISH: Flounder, Salmon, Sole, Tilapia
OTHER: Egg whites, Yogurt (plain, nonfat)
Why weight loss can lead to the loss of a cup size -- and how strength moves can help prevent it.
By Betsy Stephens
Question: "I go down a cup size whenever I drop five pounds. How can I lose weight without losing my bust?"
Answer: One of the little-known upsides to carrying a tad bit of extra weight is that glorious cleavage that diverts attention from your butt. Sadly, when you're shedding fat, you don't get to keep what you want and send the rest packing, says Michele S. Olson, PhD, a professor of exercise science at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama. The good news is that even if you're losing inches from your chest, you can keep it looking lifted by adding regular strength moves into your routine.
Olson suggests the following exercises: push-ups, planks, bench presses, and dumbbell flyes.
weight : 107.8 lb
为什么虾的胆固醇含量那么高? 七八只中等大小就达到人体每天摄入上限的47% ?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/18 9:54:57编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/2 13:11:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/18 23:33:10编辑过]
谢谢mm夸奖。。小腿就是内侧有块肌肉。。。那个blissfatslim 好像还有点作用。最近软化了一点。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/18 23:33:10编辑过]
好像瘦下来最明显的是脸部和腰。。 好姐妹们说手臂和腿也有改进。。。
昨天出门散步,11点了,路过日本街的荞麦屋,想起荞麦面的香味,就跑去吃了一碗南蛮鸭的荞麦面。把汤喝了精光。 以前的一个导师/老北京吃遍全球的美食家说,你最想吃什么的时候,说明你的身体精神最需要什么。 就去吃好了。这个时候满足感最大。
谢谢mm夸奖。。小腿就是内侧有块肌肉。。。那个blissfatslim 好像还有点作用。最近软化了一点。。
好像瘦下来最明显的是脸部和腰。。 好姐妹们说手臂和腿也有改进。。。
目标体重还是105磅啊。 然后一月内周期起伏,留两三磅弹性的余地。
同时期待mm的pp。。。 看看人杰地灵的浙江mm...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/19 16:55:20编辑过]
俺就是穿美国的0号/xs的, 少数要穿2号, 除去HM要2或者4号, AF要M, 买过英国牌子的都买的8号, 法国的都要36 38
那欧洲的0号2号给什么人穿阿, 我觉得过了1.6m就只有骨架子可以穿, 1.68+人干脆就不要穿, 骨架子都塞不下
Weight:48.5kg 白天一块榛子巧克力,三个梨子
原定计划去明尼shopping改在9月的labor day,到时如果可以瘦到94kg应该可以试到几件满意的洋装,还是打算去tiffany看下金饰,昨天在网上看到字母necklace好像三四百的样子,是那个小size的,necklace还是要自己亲自去试戴才知道合适不? 还是想买简单耐看型的,虽说18k但是色泽我想也不会差到哪里去,本身想下次回国到香港淘的,不过要是这次去看到钟意的还是下手买一条算是本命年给自己的礼物。
lancomemm 最近工作是不是比较忙?等你的update。
Weight:48.5kg 白天一块榛子巧克力,三个梨子
原定计划去明尼shopping改在9月的labor day,到时如果可以瘦到94kg应该可以试到几件满意的洋装,还是打算去tiffany看下金饰,昨天在网上看到字母necklace好像三四百的样子,是那个小size的,necklace还是要自己亲自去试戴才知道合适不? 还是想买简单耐看型的,虽说18k但是色泽我想也不会差到哪里去,本身想下次回国到香港淘的,不过要是这次去看到钟意的还是下手买一条算是本命年给自己的礼物。
lancomemm 最近工作是不是比较忙?等你的update。
Weight:48.5kg 白天一块榛子巧克力,三个梨子
原定计划去明尼shopping改在9月的labor day,到时如果可以瘦到94kg应该可以试到几件满意的洋装,还是打算去tiffany看下金饰,昨天在网上看到字母necklace好像三四百的样子,是那个小size的,necklace还是要自己亲自去试戴才知道合适不? 还是想买简单耐看型的,虽说18k但是色泽我想也不会差到哪里去,本身想下次回国到香港淘的,不过要是这次去看到钟意的还是下手买一条算是本命年给自己的礼物。
lancomemm 最近工作是不是比较忙?等你的update。
mm的目标体重47公斤,才103.6磅呢. 加油加油.
八月底我想达到106磅左右, 而且希望比较固定在那里。奖品是一个上网本本。(预算三百)
工作量还好,就是比较繁琐。明天出门开会一周。一会儿就打包,顺便把屋子收拾了。如果还有力气就做一些仰卧起坐俯卧撑.就算今天的运动量。在外面估计就会大吃大喝。希望多走走消耗热量. 一周以后就是mc,所以对饮食也不是特别计较。
我也便秘呢.早餐没吃香蕉红薯以后就这样. 这些太甜热量高,也不能常吃. 纤维素片好像对我已经不管用了.
燕麦每天最多也只能吃半杯. 不知道该怎么办呢...
tiffany 的项链我原先看上下图这张.还有香港的just gold 手链...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/20 18:06:29编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/20 18:10:55编辑过]
mm的目标体重47公斤,才103.6磅呢. 加油加油.
八月底我想达到106磅左右, 而且希望比较固定在那里。奖品是一个上网本本。(预算三百)
工作量还好,就是比较繁琐。明天出门开会一周。一会儿就打包,顺便把屋子收拾了。如果还有力气就做一些仰卧起坐俯卧撑.就算今天的运动量。在外面估计就会大吃大喝。希望多走走消耗热量. 一周以后就是mc,所以对饮食也不是特别计较。
我也便秘呢.早餐没吃香蕉红薯以后就这样. 这些太甜热量高,也不能常吃. 纤维素片好像对我已经不管用了.
燕麦每天最多也只能吃半杯. 不知道该怎么办呢...
tiffany 的项链我原先看上下图这张.还有香港的just gold 手链...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/20 18:06:29编辑过]
HR 上次应该给mm看图片了,就是豹纹的那种。价格大概在38刀左右。
哎。。。 那我再大些腿要更小象了
weight:48.5kg,最近的一个月基本都保持在48.5kg这个数字,减重比较缓慢,所以把目标47kg推后到labor day。差不多还是十天的时间,其实没多大的信心,自我感觉最多在十天减掉1kg即47.5kg。不过现在好现象就是不运动体重依旧保持的不错,而且饭菜照常吃,零食也在吃的。之前都要汗流浃背的,运动比较过量,饭菜也吃得少,现在看来体重是实在的,不是之前有轻的体重,但是看起来依旧和体重不符的感觉。
好期待lancome 早点来更新,不知道你最近怎么样了?出差还顺利吗?体重变化大吗?
lancome mm出差去了,所以好久都没看她上来。
weight:48.5kg,最近的一个月基本都保持在48.5kg这个数字,减重比较缓慢,所以把目标47kg推后到labor day。差不多还是十天的时间,其实没多大的信心,自我感觉最多在十天减掉1kg即47.5kg。不过现在好现象就是不运动体重依旧保持的不错,而且饭菜照常吃,零食也在吃的。之前都要汗流浃背的,运动比较过量,饭菜也吃得少,现在看来体重是实在的,不是之前有轻的体重,但是看起来依旧和体重不符的感觉。
好期待lancome 早点来更新,不知道你最近怎么样了?出差还顺利吗?体重变化大吗?
谢谢mm惦记. 偶回来了。
1)做一下detox 的功课。如果有必要,开始启动。
2)mc 最后一天,去做facial.
weight 112 lb
晚上又和另外同事吃生煎包 4个;
Detox plan:
以前有做过7天的detox. 效果还不错,可以一周内甩掉5-10磅。当然前提是清肠胃之前,饮食作息很不规律,吃的很油腻。
以前在whole food market 买一个detox package. 现在在网上买比较便宜。
7 DAY Total Nutritional Cleanseby Natural Factors
bergdorf goodman:
1) sulwhasoo first care serum
2) kose body styling serum
3) tom ford black orchid parfume
1) oscar blandi jasmine oil
这个油在sephora 试过几次,很爱这个味道和质感。这次出去感触比较深的是,如果头发被风吹得乱乱的,去洗手间如果抹一点精华,就会好很多。发型对整个人的气质提升太重用了。
2) 豆浆机
3) netbook
4) 看牙医/洗牙补牙
5) 一个月一次facial, yoga class, pilates class
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/27 22:42:09编辑过]
septemeber 购物清单/行动计划:
bergdorf goodman:
1) sulwhasoo first care serum
2) kose body styling serum
3) tom ford black orchid parfume
1) oscar blandi jasmine oil
这个油在sephora 试过几次,很爱这个味道和质感。这次出去感触比较深的是,如果头发被风吹得乱乱的,去洗手间如果抹一点精华,就会好很多。发型对整个人的气质提升太重用了。
2) 豆浆机
3) netbook
4) 看牙医/洗牙补牙
5) 一个月一次facial, yoga class, pilates class
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/27 22:42:09编辑过]
通常说,过了labor day就不穿白裤子了。。。
通常说,过了labor day就不穿白裤子了。。。
有人说那是从前的规矩了,不过我一般也是过了labor day就收起来了。
septemeber 购物清单/行动计划:
bergdorf goodman:
1) sulwhasoo first care serum
2) kose body styling serum
3) tom ford black orchid parfume
1) oscar blandi jasmine oil
这个油在sephora 试过几次,很爱这个味道和质感。这次出去感触比较深的是,如果头发被风吹得乱乱的,去洗手间如果抹一点精华,就会好很多。发型对整个人的气质提升太重用了。
2) 豆浆机
3) netbook
4) 看牙医/洗牙补牙
5) 一个月一次facial, yoga class, pilates class
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/27 22:42:09编辑过]
weight: 112.8 lb
breakfast: oatmeal, goji berries, dates, almond milk,
mixed frozen berries + almond milk
sesame seeds 1 tsp
lunch: 茼蒿豆腐汤,荞麦面。
说起荞麦面,japanese women don't get fat or old 里说,荞麦面有多种微量营养元素,粗的膳食纤维. 不过通常日本店买到的, 2~6块钱一包的,第一成分还是白面粉. 那些第一成分是荞麦面粉的,要贵一点. 有些掺合山芋粉, 因为荞麦面粘性很差. 100% 成分荞麦面的也有, 大概5块钱一个serving. amazon 上有个牌子是eden, 有100% 的荞麦面. 大概60多, 12包.
个人认为吃荞麦面还是吃干冷的,过过冰水的,比较好吃. 就着soba base.
点心: 绿色叶子沙拉一大分,一块印度鸡, 一份无糖酸奶.
点心: 一块黑巧克力. 一杯咖啡
开会时借了老板的小电脑,赖着没有还. 这会儿在书店泡着. 一比较家里两笔记本就俩砖头.
是应该搞一个轻便的上网本了. 很轻便, 2磅多, 便宜, 小于400, 电池时间11小时. 便携,适合浏览,写博写信聊天,学习课件,编辑日程做计划,写日记.
家里干扰太多. 咖啡馆书店学习氛围要好得多.
一个顾虑是,我还想编辑文本做ppt, 这些软件自己买要150刀. 这样总共就要500 多了. 就一个功能齐全的小电脑价格了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/28 14:33:23编辑过]
其中一个观点是, 我们对于我们吃的食物总是在撒谎, 调查问卷, 个人日志记载的事物, 总是比实际摄入的少上1/5 到1/3 . 就算是普鲁斯特,他回忆起来, 也未必属实.
另一个观点是,我们对健康饮食的概念很多来自媒体报道. 1)记者本身对饮食科学的理解值得怀疑. 2) 许多结论来源于数十年前进行的有局限的研究.
还有一点, 我们倾向于response. 就是喜欢接招. 所以不要安于现状, 要时不时整点花样, 譬如学一点新的健身方式, 吃一些特别的饮食, 流水不腐,户枢不蠹.
最近发现一些比较有趣的现象, 就是身边有些女生, 很people smart. 交流交谈无形中, 就把你的理念生活方式知识构架全方复制. 她们的知识构架很大很全. 深刻未必,但是用来聊天吹牛扯皮忽悠绰绰有余. 不过聪明反被聪明误.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/28 14:50:25编辑过]
weight 110 lb
breakfast: mixed grain soup. tofu avocado salad.腐乳半块。一勺芝麻。 一杯杏仁奶。
说一说那个埃及魔法膏。 成分是橄榄油蜂胶蜂皇浆花粉,质地在手心按摩化成油,可以田中按摩5分钟,质地越来越好,最后会被皮肤吸收,让皮肤很嫩滑。我用了杏仁大一块。脸,耳轮,脖子,锁骨都有按摩到。 手心剩下来的我抹在发稍和肘膝关节。感觉还不错。28刀。很推荐。
August 29, 2010
weight 110 lb
breakfast: mixed grain soup. tofu avocado salad.腐乳半块。一勺芝麻。 一杯杏仁奶。
说一说那个埃及魔法膏。 成分是橄榄油蜂胶蜂皇浆花粉,质地在手心按摩化成油,可以田中按摩5分钟,质地越来越好,最后会被皮肤吸收,让皮肤很嫩滑。我用了杏仁大一块。脸,耳轮,脖子,锁骨都有按摩到。 手心剩下来的我抹在发稍和肘膝关节。感觉还不错。28刀。很推荐。