My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
我给儿子在幼儿园用的是blue lizard for sensitive skin, 也是在版上看来的,好像成分是属于比较安全的那种,local店里CVS有卖。
My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
Both my baby and I suffer from eczema (and no doubt we have sensitive skin). So far we are ok with California Baby Sun Screen SPF30. I read your other posts about taking care of a baby with eczema and learned how frustrated you are. If you need some sample, please feel free to send me a personal message.
TriDerma Eczema Fast Healing Cream
儿子三岁多,身上一直有一些湿疹,但不是很严重,各种各样的lotion试了很多种,包括cetaphil, aveeno, eucerin, aquaphor, cerave等等等等,都没什么用。最近两三个星期,不知道是德州的太阳太厉害还是过敏什么原因,身上湿疹大爆发,四肢,手指,眼皮,连耳朵上面都长了湿疹,小孩管不住自己手,抓的到处一片片的红块,真的是惨不忍睹。我都快郁闷死了。用了hydrocortisone, 有点用,但是不敢多擦,最后在网上google了一下,当天晚上就去walgreens买了一管这个东东,擦上。第二天早上起床给儿子穿衣服的时候,就发现他不怎么抓了,也没那么红了。现在擦了快一个星期,身上的湿疹好多了,手指上原来被他抠得都快流脓水的地方也heal的差不多,就是摸起来还有点粗糙。现在walgreens网上半价,是个好deal, 湿疹宝宝妈妈可以试试。
最后贴个成分表,不含fragrance, cortisone和paraben, 应该比较安全的。
Aloe Barbadensis (AP4 Genuine Virgin Organic Aloe Vera)
Leaf Extract
, Urea
, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E)
, Squalane
, Sodium PCA
, Allantoin
, Beeswax
, Avena Sativa (Oat Protein)
, Zinc PCA
, Dimethicone
, Petrolatum
, Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5)
, Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A)
, Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)
, Sodium Hyaluronate
, Mineral Oil
, Polysorbate 60
, Cetearyl Alcohol
, Cetyl Alcohol
, Triethanolamine
, Phenoxyethanol
, Disodium EDTA
我们这里太阳太猛,儿子晒黑了很多,但是以前长过湿疹的地方就晒不黑,所以现在弄的四肢黑一块白一块的,很难看。请问大家有什么办法吗?还是只有等时间来慢慢修复了?儿子上幼儿园,每天早上和下午要在室外玩半个小时,虽然用了blue lizard sunscreen, 还是晒得跟煤球似的,现在湿疹大爆发,已经跟老师说下午那次不要让他出去了。唉~~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/15 9:14:01编辑过]
My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
店里也是半价么?网上满25 才fs
我第一次在店里买的没有半价。后来发现有点效果,就在网上订了4管,就有free shipping了。这个cream价钱的确不可爱,其实里面是很小一管。但是只要有用,再贵也值了。可以在local店里买一管先试试。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/15 14:50:10编辑过]
谢谢lz 我家宝宝头上总是红红的 很痒 总是挠 小人儿手很重 总是挠出血印子 应该也是湿疹吧 不知道可不可以用这个
是不是cradle cap啊?
Thanks for sharing
My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
我给儿子在幼儿园用的是blue lizard for sensitive skin, 也是在版上看来的,好像成分是属于比较安全的那种,local店里CVS有卖。
Thanks for sharing
My baby is 8 month old, my pediatrician does not recommend to use sun cream on her because most of eczema baby also has sensitive skin, sun cream may irritate them. ( But I guess for three year old, you have to use suncream)
I am looking for a sun cream for sensitive skin, and wondering whether there is something like that.
Both my baby and I suffer from eczema (and no doubt we have sensitive skin). So far we are ok with California Baby Sun Screen SPF30. I read your other posts about taking care of a baby with eczema and learned how frustrated you are. If you need some sample, please feel free to send me a personal