答谢贴 – 宝宝湿疹的治疗经过 (长,慎入)

楼主 (北美华人网)
 Benj的湿疹3个月时开始严重,从脸上发展到全身。期间换了三个儿医,三个皮肤专科医生,一个过敏专科。药物无非是不同种类的激素,反反复复,总不见好。5个月时,由于自己的疏误,用药不当,导致湿疹加重,从moderate severe 升级到severe,让我这个做妈妈的恨不得撞墙。现在Benj 8个月了,经过长时间的实验尝试,总结出一些适合Benj的保湿、治疗方法。目前宝宝的湿疹还是全身都发,但皮肤明显好转,不用激素可以控制。这4个多月来,我在网上疯狂搜索湿疹的治疗方法,听取湿疹宝宝论坛里妈妈们的意见。感谢这些妈妈的经验,今天我开这个帖子,也是答谢。

一.  湿疹的成因
Google “湿疹”或者 “eczema”, 会看到精确的医学解释和分类,有兴趣的自己搜索,我就不重复了,只讲讲我的理解。
1)   消化系统没有发育完全,一些食物不能完全分解吸收,例如蛋白质不耐受,被免疫系统认为是异质,发生过敏;
2)   皮肤的保护层(skin barrier)没有发育完全,皮肤水分流失,同时外界异质容易入侵,引起过敏;
3)   免疫系统not smart enough,把体内正常的物质当成异质,产生过敏反应。我的儿医还举了个例子,给小宝宝注射疫苗,每两个月一次,就是因为免疫系统容易“忘记”,需要反复提醒。宝宝长到一岁以后,免疫系统就比较聪明了。

        我知道做父母的不可能看着宝宝难受,自己什么也不做安心等他grow out of it. 大多数父母在等待宝宝发育完全以前做的一件事就是:寻找过敏原。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/15 17:58:30编辑过]
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一.  湿疹的过敏原


Most-Allergenic Foods

Least-Allergenic Foods
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都怪我,昨天给她洗了bleach bath,我觉得你说的很有道理,这湿疹宝宝的皮肤是不能随便刺激的。bleach bath可以杀菌,但是太刺激了。
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我用的是处方的外用抗生素药膏:2% Mupirocin ,涂在破口处,收住以后保湿。
有一种非处方的外用抗生素药膏,Bacitracin ointment。cvs, rite aid都有卖,功效一样。

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 0:22:43编辑过]
8 楼
 thanks very good post
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谢谢!我宝宝没有湿疹(knock on wood),但是自己有,知道有多痛苦。
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谢谢benj妈妈,写的这么详细。我也是含着眼泪看完的,真的是能深切体会那种感情,为了娃的湿疹,我已经崩溃了不知道多少次了。在无数次的崩溃中,不断地强大起来。宝宝的湿疹真的是对妈妈的心理素质的考验阿。我家宝宝是用了Cera Ve慢慢好起来的,现在下巴和耳朵还有一些。感觉宝宝湿疹就是要多试验,每个宝宝都不同。也祝愿所有的湿疹宝宝都能快点好起来。
14 楼
very much touched by all you did for your baby. 
my baby also has eczema.  he started @2mons and much better after he turned 10mons.  he used to be all over the body and face, and now is mainly a bit on the face.  we tried aveeno baby soothing bath treatment (used perhaps 2 to 3 boxes).  don't know whether it helps or baby outgrows, the eczema on his body are almost gone after that.
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 非常感谢benj妈妈share宝贵的经验。为了宝宝的湿疹,我也是绞尽脑汁,什么办法都试过了。 每天想的都是这个,career也受到极大影响。如果宝宝湿疹能好,我也会跟各位妈妈分享我的经验。
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benj妈妈能不能说说买了哪种air purifier呢?
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谢谢! 看到这样的帖子,让我重新燃起了斗志!!
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  Pat pat,wish your baby outgrow soon...
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Thank you so much for taking the time to write all these valuable info.  Just out of curiosity, Nutramigen did not help your child at all.  As for us, nutramigen and alimentum helped quite a bit. 
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Thanks for sharing!
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多谢lzmm的详细介绍。只有湿疹宝宝的妈妈才能体会其中的艰辛~ 我现在想起我家宝宝湿疹厉害的时候都想哭。对于湿疹,有一点千万要注意,用任何新方法、新产品的时候一定要先在一小块皮肤上试过,不过敏才用。
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以下是引用ucjade在4/15/2010 6:11:00 PM的发言:

     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 0:27:13编辑过]

天 我们就用了那个t开头的药……还用了两管子了……
和你比起来 我真是太后妈太不负责任了……
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不小心抢了个沙发     很有用 谢谢啦  我家最近湿疹特严重 身上 前胸 胳膊上全是 脸上被噌破了 还渗水 都急得我掉眼泪  医生给看了喝的药现在好多了 准备试试你家Benj用的那些保湿 沐浴的
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[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/13 6:14:15编辑过]
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以下是引用我不爱美丽在5/11/2010 10:32:00 PM的发言:
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so much details.
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以下是引用我不爱美丽在5/11/2010 10:32:00 PM的发言:

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 阿莱妈, Benj妈,

Please update your babies' situations now.

After reading you two's posts, I did what I can to my daughter. Her situation is not getting worse, but is not getting better either. She still has 红色斑点 all around her bodies. I have to apply some 1% hydrocortisone to her every night.

We are gonna see both pediatric dermatologist and Allergist in the following week.

How are your babies?
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以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/13/2010 2:35:00 PM的发言:
 阿莱妈, Benj妈,

Please update your babies' situations now.

After reading you two's posts, I did what I can to my daughter. Her situation is not getting worse, but is not getting better either. She still has 红色斑点 all around her bodies. I have to apply some 1% hydrocortisone to her every night.

We are gonna see both pediatric dermatologist and Allergist in the following week.

How are your babies?

Benj is better now. I say "better" because his eczema has cycles now. Sometimes, there are still 红色斑点 all around his bodies due to weather change or food allergy or just nothing. One or two days later,  most of the 红色斑点s will gone without steroid. His sleep is not good. I still have to sit on the couch all night holding him by arms to give him better sleeps at night.
1% hydrocortisone is safe to use consecutively till baby's eczema is gone according to my peditrian and dermatologist. If your baby's eczema can be controlled by 1% hydrocortisone, you need not worry about it too much. Summar is coming soon and baby will be better then.
44 楼
You are such a perfect Mom. When Benj grows up, he will know how much you love him, how much you did for him.

I can not imagine you have to hold him all night long every night. You did everything you can, he will be better and better everyday.

Eczema baby is 靠天吃饭,when it is cool and humid, they are doing well. I pray for rain everyday now. Like what you said, summer is coming soon, they will be better.
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以下是引用ucjade在5/13/2010 12:09:00 PM的发言:

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以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/13/2010 2:35:00 PM的发言:
 阿莱妈, Benj妈,

Please update your babies' situations now.

After reading you two's posts, I did what I can to my daughter. Her situation is not getting worse, but is not getting better either. She still has 红色斑点 all around her bodies. I have to apply some 1% hydrocortisone to her every night.

We are gonna see both pediatric dermatologist and Allergist in the following week.

How are your babies?

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 7:52:10编辑过]
47 楼
阿莱妈, Benj妈:
First thank both of you for your eczema articles. They are super super strong.

1)You mentioned it will be better for eczema babies when the summer comes. I have one question regarding how to dress eczema baby in the summer. If you dress the baby in short one-piece, his arms and legs will be exposed for his scratch. But if you dress him in footed one-piece, he may sweat and his eczema gets severe. In your experience, what should we do?

2) Bleach bath: what brand and what concentration bleach did you buy? If I use a baby bath tub, how much bleach do you think I can use?
Thank you very much.
48 楼
  Thanks a lot 阿莱妈, Benj妈 for your updates. It is great that both of
babies are doing better.

About Mango79's question on bleach bath, we had bad experience about
that on my daughter. We followed instructions on concentration ( approx
0.5 cup per full adult size tub) and used clorox. However, the night
after the bath, my daughter becomes super itchy, much more itchy than other days. My mom and I have to take turns to hold her hands
to prevent her from scratching like a monkey. Probably it is one time
thing, but we are not dare to try again.

My theory is that bleach bath will be good for eczema which involved
certain degree of bacteria infection, for example, if you see water
sweating out the skin, which indicates infection, bleach bath can help
by killing the bacteria. However, if there are no bacteria involving,
bleach will irritate the skin more. Since that accident, we even switch
to Chlorine-free diaper, which did not do much to my daughter, but they
are more expensive, I would like think it did something 
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For the clothing part, I am waiting for good solutions too.

Our way is to dress the baby in long but thin pants, it covers over the ankle, but not her entire foot to leave some port for cooling.

The other way is to cool the house down, a good way to burn money fast
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以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/14/2010 12:52:00 PM的发言:
Thanks a lot 阿莱妈, Benj妈 for your updates. It is great that both of babies are doing better.

About Mango79's question on bleach bath, we had bad experience about that on my daughter. We followed instructions on concentration ( approx 0.5 cup per full adult size tub) and used clorox. However, the night after the bath, my daughter becomes super itchy, much more itchy than other days. My mom and I have to take turns to hold her hands to prevent her from scratching like a monkey. Probably it is one time thing, but we are not dare to try again.

My theory is that bleach bath will be good for eczema which involved certain degree of bacteria infection, for example, if you see water sweating out the skin, which indicates infection, bleach bath can help by killing the bacteria. However, if there are no bacteria involving, bleach will irritate the skin more. Since that accident, we even switch to Chlorine-free diaper, which did not do much to my daughter, but they are more expensive, I would like think it did something 
Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I dare not to give it a try now. My in-laws and my husband are all against bleach bath. If my baby will be like your daughter after the bath, I will be killed by them...
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以下是引用gelsemium在5/14/2010 7:51:00 AM的发言:

     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 7:52:10编辑过]

看阿莱妈的帖子,我觉得我遇到的医生们都够狠,开的desonide(查资料是1% 氢化可的松的5倍强度)都说可以连续用,一直用到宝宝clear为止。
我不敢严格follow. 用一段时间,即使不clear,我能忍受就停下来了,或者换成氢化可的松。

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 14:16:35编辑过]
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以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/13/2010 2:35:00 PM的发言:

     阿莱妈, Benj妈,

Please update your babies' situations now.

After reading you two's posts, I did what I can to my daughter. Her situation is not getting worse, but is not getting better either. She still has 红色斑点 all around her bodies. I have to apply some 1% hydrocortisone to her every night.

We are gonna see both pediatric dermatologist and Allergist in the following week.

How are your babies?

Rosepathhome, pediatric dermatologist and Allergist 有什么收获,记得回来update一下。谢谢。
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以下是引用ucjade在5/14/2010 2:36:00 PM的发言:

     Rosepathhome, pediatric dermatologist and Allergist 有什么收获,记得回来update一下。谢谢。
I will, we have already waited for over one month for both appointments. I don't know why it took so long. Anyway, I am gonna to see them.
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以下是引用Mango79在5/14/2010 12:10:00 PM的发言:

阿莱妈, Benj妈:
First thank both of you for your eczema articles. They are super super strong.

1)You mentioned it will be better for eczema babies when the summer comes. I have one question regarding how to dress eczema baby in the summer. If you dress the baby in short one-piece, his arms and legs will be exposed for his scratch. But if you dress him in footed one-piece, he may sweat and his eczema gets severe. In your experience, what should we do?

2) Bleach bath: what brand and what concentration bleach did you buy? If I use a baby bath tub, how much bleach do you think I can use?
Thank you very much.
bleach bath 还是慎重,rosemm看法我觉得很有道理。。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/16 3:29:04编辑过]
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以下是引用ucjade在5/14/2010 2:15:00 PM的发言:

看阿莱妈的帖子,我觉得我遇到的医生们都够狠,开的desonide(查资料是1% 氢化可的松的5倍强度)都说可以连续用,一直用到宝宝clear为止。
我不敢严格follow. 用一段时间,即使不clear,我能忍受就停下来了,或者换成氢化可的松。

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 14:16:35编辑过]
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以下是引用gelsemium在5/16/2010 3:29:00 AM的发言:

bleach bath 还是慎重,rosemm看法我觉得很有道理。。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/16 3:29:04编辑过]
Thank you so much for your response. One more quesiton. so so sorry to bother you:
We have been using the 2.5% hydro-cortisone on my baby’s FACE for about 3 weeks (only stopped twice, each one day). The doctor asked us to use it until the eczema is clear. However, there was not a single day that I can say it is totally cleared on his face, sometimes better, sometimes worse.
Last night I decided to use Westcort hydro-cortisone ointment 0.2% (Grade 4, pretty potent), which was prescribed by the dermatologist. I expected it can completely clear my son’s face overnight. This morning, I see a little improvement, but far worse than I expected.
What should I do now? Continue using Westcort, or, go back to 2.5%? I am really afraid the side-effect of steroid has already occurred to my little son. Why it is his face that has the most severe eczema? Any other area I would not feel so tortured...
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跟医生聊聊Elidel, 只用在脸上,面积小,还是比较安全的,也没有激素对local皮肤的副作用。
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Benj妈, so happy you reply to me. yes, 是渗水蛮严重那种.I remember you said Benj took 口服 steroid once. Not sure which one is more evil if you compare 口服 steroid  and Elidel. I have been thinking of Elidel too..I will take your advice and call the doctor.
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No, Benj hasn't taken oral steroid. But I ever asked my doctors the same question:" oral steroid or Elidel, which is less evil." Both the peditrician and the dermotologist said:"if were my baby, I'd give him Elidel."
The peditrician prescribed Elidel for Benj but he did not use it because his eczema was under control then. One of my co-workers applied Elidel to her son on and off for over a year. Her son is 5 now. She said many babies used Elidel and doctors believed Elidel were safe before FDA released the warning,
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以下是引用Mango79在5/17/2010 9:29:00 AM的发言:

Thank you so much for your response. One more quesiton. so so sorry to bother you:
We have been using the 2.5% hydro-cortisone on my baby’s FACE for about 3 weeks (only stopped twice, each one day). The doctor asked us to use it until the eczema is clear. However, there was not a single day that I can say it is totally cleared on his face, sometimes better, sometimes worse.
Last night I decided to use Westcort hydro-cortisone ointment 0.2% (Grade 4, pretty potent), which was prescribed by the dermatologist. I expected it can completely clear my son’s face overnight. This morning, I see a little improvement, but far worse than I expected.
What should I do now? Continue using Westcort, or, go back to 2.5%? I am really afraid the side-effect of steroid has already occurred to my little son. Why it is his face that has the most severe eczema? Any other area I would not feel so tortured...
mm 不好意思看到晚了。如果用了那么久还不能清除,那么说明2。5%可的松对你家宝宝已经太弱了,要换强激素。要想一个晚上就清除,只能再提高激素强度。不过别担心,等后来湿疹控制住了,就可以回到弱激素。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/21 2:02:23编辑过]
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以下是引用Mango79在5/17/2010 12:41:00 PM的发言:
Benj妈, so happy you reply to me. yes, 是渗水蛮严重那种.I remember you said Benj took 口服 steroid once. Not sure which one is more evil if you compare 口服 steroid  and Elidel. I have been thinking of Elidel too..I will take your advice and call the doctor.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/21 2:04:08编辑过]
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以下是引用gelsemium在5/20/2010 10:08:00 PM的发言:

mm 不好意思看到晚了。如果用了那么久还不能清除,那么说明2。5%可的松对你家宝宝已经太弱了,要换强激素。要想一个晚上就清除,只能再提高激素强度。不过别担心,等后来湿疹控制住了,就可以回到弱激素。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/21 2:02:23编辑过]
阿莱妈. Thank you, I couldn't get any appointment with dermitologist. Two of my friends mentioned Cutivate lotion/cream (grade 5) are very useful to their babies. So I tried that. In three days, eczema on my son's face is controlled although there are still a little pink area. I am really afraid it will come back in one or two days. I always look at my baby's picture taken when he was 2 months old. Really wish his 脸就又能白白嫩嫩了.I agree with 保湿加强加强再加强. but my in-laws, who watch my son while I am at work, do not use moisturizer as much as I do. No matter what I say, they still think the way I use is a waste. Sigh!
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 医生对激素的使用看法都不一样. 外用和口服,似乎也各有主张. 我的皮肤科医生外用激素很aggressive, 但始终不肯开口服. 我不知道她的做法是否正确. 我们外用中强激素那么长时间, 是否早已超过口服的强度.
Mango79 和 Rosepathhome, 不知道你们的儿医对激素的用法有什么意见, 能否讲一讲.
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以下是引用ucjade在5/21/2010 10:55:00 PM的发言:
 医生对激素的使用看法都不一样. 外用和口服,似乎也各有主张. 我的皮肤科医生外用激素很aggressive, 但始终不肯开口服. 我不知道她的做法是否正确. 我们外用中强激素那么长时间, 是否早已超过口服的强度.
Mango79 和 Rosepathhome, 不知道你们的儿医对激素的用法有什么意见, 能否讲一讲.

My son't face is oozing again, the whole face, including eye lid. I am collapsed. I am afraid he needs oral antibiotic.
For the open area on face, my first dermitologist asked me only use Bactroban for 2 weeks. My second dermitologist  asked me use hydrocortisone and Bactroban together on the open area. This time I only use bactroban. I gotta to see a third doctor cause I am consufed now.
If there is no open area, first doc says using steriod three days a week. The second one says to use it until it is clear. To show what is clear, he pointed at my son's forehead, which was 白白嫩嫩 at that time. I think both are not practical. I made an appointment for a pediatric dermertologist for June 8th. Will update you by then. I will ask about oral steroid and Elidel. My peditrician dares not to give me any opinion.
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Just saw the post, my daughter's appointment with pediatric dermatologist is tomorrow,  but her situation has already improved in the past couple of weeks. I think 阿莱妈 is right, after 7 months, the situation will improve.

For Mango79 MM, did you try to get rid of detergent from your house, we think that helped my daughter's situation. But again, she never had skin breakout or water oozing.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/24 10:45:07编辑过]
68 楼
nice mom, bless your baby can everntually outgrow the eczema and not suffer from it anymore.

Just one note from what I see in my babies.  I have twin boys, now they are over 13 months old. The older one had eczema since he was very little.  But now it seems that he does not has it anymore.  However, my little one started some strange eczema a few weeks ago (after he turned 1 year old), it was on his head and behind his ears the most.  We had to see a doctor and get some prescription med.  So be careful.  Even after the baby turns one year old, there might still be some eczema happening.  Taking care of babies is an on-going process.
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以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/24/2010 10:44:00 AM的发言:

Just saw the post, my daughter's appointment with pediatric dermatologist is tomorrow,  but her situation has already improved in the past couple of weeks. I think 阿莱妈 is right, after 7 months, the situation will improve.

For Mango79 MM, did you try to get rid of detergent from your house, we think that helped my daughter's situation. But again, she never had skin breakout or water oozing.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/24 10:45:07编辑过]
I am using All cear detergent (dye free, perfume free) for washing clothes of everybody. Do you mean I need to get rid of dish detergent as well? thanks.
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Would a humidifier help eczema babies?
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以下是引用Mango79在5/24/2010 11:10:00 AM的发言:

     I am using All cear detergent (dye free, perfume free) for washing clothes of everybody. Do you mean I need to get rid of dish detergent as well? thanks.
UCjade recommended www.solveeczema.com. The site owner did terrific job on explaining and updating information.

I followed the suggestion and changed everything in my household. Basically, you need to use soap to replace all "detergent", anything contains sodium laurdyl sulfate or SDS.
72 楼
 yes. It helps most babies a lot.
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Benj's mother and other mothers:
Did you ever use Neosalus cream/foam? I feel it is something similar to Atopiclair. Yesterday the dermitologist precribed this for my son. My pharmacy says my insurance does not pay it at all.
To update this doctor's opinion on how to use steroid. He was talking about Locoid cream (grade 5): you can use it on face continuously for 2 weeks; on body for 4 weeks. To summarize my findings: each new doctor I see would prescribe a new steriod and antibiotic, which is different from the preious doctor. I feel that although Locoid and Cutivate cream are in the same grade in potency chart, Cutivate works better on my son. Maybe Locoid has less side effect than Cutivate since it is hydrocortisone series?  Does anyone happen to know this?
74 楼
以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/24/2010 2:46:00 PM的发言:

UCjade recommended www.solveeczema.com. The site owner did terrific job on explaining and updating information.

I followed the suggestion and changed everything in my household. Basically, you need to use soap to replace all "detergent", anything contains sodium laurdyl sulfate or SDS.

Thanks a lot.
75 楼
以下是引用Mango79在5/25/2010 9:01:00 AM的发言:

Benj's mother and other mothers:
Did you ever use Neosalus cream/foam? I feel it is something similar to Atopiclair. Yesterday the dermitologist precribed this for my son. My pharmacy says my insurance does not pay it at all.
To update this doctor's opinion on how to use steroid. He was talking about Locoid cream (grade 5): you can use it on face continuously for 2 weeks; on body for 4 weeks. To summarize my findings: each new doctor I see would prescribe a new steriod and antibiotic, which is different from the preious doctor. I feel that although Locoid and Cutivate cream are in the same grade in potency chart, Cutivate works better on my son. Maybe Locoid has less side effect than Cutivate since it is hydrocortisone series?  Does anyone happen to know this?
never heard of Neosalus cream. But you can have a try. (and many these new medicines offer rebate. ask your doctor or pharmacy.)
My insurance did not cover atopiclair at first. So the first tube I paid cash. It cost about $120/100g. Later I argued with them and got covered by one tube per month.
and the two steroid, never used. But chose the one work best for your son.
Your baby is 100% mother's milk, right?
Have your doctor ever suggested amino-acid based formula?
I know mother's milk is the best for babies. The possiblity of baby's allergy to mother's milk is very very little.
I hesitate to make this suggestion. But if I were you, I still want to have a try for a couple of weeks, and keep pumping, just in case.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/25 11:57:12编辑过]
76 楼
以下是引用Mango79在5/24/2010 8:15:00 AM的发言:

My son't face is oozing again, the whole face, including eye lid. I am collapsed. I am afraid he needs oral antibiotic.
For the open area on face, my first dermitologist asked me only use Bactroban for 2 weeks. My second dermitologist  asked me use hydrocortisone and Bactroban together on the open area. This time I only use bactroban. I gotta to see a third doctor cause I am consufed now.
If there is no open area, first doc says using steriod three days a week. The second one says to use it until it is clear. To show what is clear, he pointed at my son's forehead, which was 白白嫩嫩 at that time. I think both are not practical. I made an appointment for a pediatric dermertologist for June 8th. Will update you by then. I will ask about oral steroid and Elidel. My peditrician dares not to give me any opinion.
Sorry, I have little experience in weepy eczema.   I hope the oozy area is under control now.
Eczema is not something big in doctor's eyes. They always have solutions. But mothers always worry about the side effects. The only way we can do is to use steroid to keep eczema under control, while working hard to eliminate allergen, from food and environment.
77 楼
以下是引用ucjade在5/25/2010 11:33:00 AM的发言:

Sorry, I have little experience in weepy eczema.   I hope the oozy area is under control now.
Eczema is not something big in doctor's eyes. They always have solutions. But mothers always worry about the side effects. The only way we can do is to use steroid to keep eczema under control, while working hard to eliminate allergen, from food and environment.
Thanks for asking. The oozy face mostly dried out today after using antibiotic. Now he has a yellowish crusty face instead. Poor baby.
Thanks the reminder from rosepathhome, I just read "www.solveeczema.com'. The information about detergent is shocking. Although I really want to give it a try, it seems the project is huge...Esp. when I knew this did not help with Benj's case, I am hesitating to move forward. rosepathhome, did removing detergent help with you baby?
78 楼
以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/24/2010 10:44:00 AM的发言:

Just saw the post, my daughter's appointment with pediatric dermatologist is tomorrow,  but her situation has already improved in the past couple of weeks. I think 阿莱妈 is right, after 7 months, the situation will improve.

For Mango79 MM, did you try to get rid of detergent from your house, we think that helped my daughter's situation. But again, she never had skin breakout or water oozing.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/24 10:45:07编辑过]
Benj mother and Rosepathhome:
Did you do the washing test (suggested by the http://www.solveeczema.com/) before you swiching from
detergent to soap? Did you use Cal Ben or any other brand? I am thinking to order a sample first to do a test. Totalling swiching the household is way too big a project.
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我们家宝宝曾经也湿疹很厉害,用激素药将近两个月,压下去了以后,坚持保湿,身上每天洗完澡涂一次,脸上每次吃完东西,用facial tissue沾水擦干净,然后保湿,现在皮肤很好。我的经验就是保湿一定要做到。不要嫌麻烦,一天多次。
82 楼
以下是引用Mango79在5/25/2010 3:17:00 PM的发言:

     Benj mother and Rosepathhome:
     Did you do the washing test (suggested by the http://www.solveeczema.com/) before you swiching from
     detergent to soap? Did you use Cal Ben or any other brand? I am thinking to order a sample first to do a test. Totalling swiching the household is way too big a project.

We did not do the test, just went ahead and did the change. The reason is my daughter's situation was pretty bad at that time, it would be impossible for us to do any skin test, she just kept scratching everywhere restlessly. It was so heartbreaking to see her like that.
I think using soap is a good idea since less irritation will help eczema baby anyway.
We used a line called Dr. Bronner from whole food, it has liquid form of soap and recommended by the website too.
You may think it is a huge project, but actually it is quite doable. Dr. Bronner's soap can be used everywhere, I wash my hair, dish and clothing all with it. It is good stuff.
83 楼
A quick update from today's visit with pediatric dermatologist.
We visited John Hopkins Children's hospital pediatric dermatology specialist. The name is pretty impressive, but I am not impressed by the doctor.
Basically, only two things, moisturizer and steroid ointment. I will bla bla this part later in more details, but really nothing we do not know.
The only interesting part is she does not recommend us to see an allergist. She told us only 5% eczema was caused by food allergy. Since my daughter's situation has been improved by cream and steroid, she thinks it will be very unlikely related to food.
I do not know how to think about this, so many babies's eczema was improved by switching formula or eliminating some food resources, but she does not consider that is a big deal.......
John Hopkins Children's hospital is very new and organized, I am trembling now how much it will cost us.........
84 楼
以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/25/2010 10:06:00 PM的发言:
A quick update from today's visit with pediatric dermatologist. We visited John Hopkins Children's hospital pediatric dermatology specialist. The name is pretty impressive, but I am not impressed by the doctor. Basically, only two things, moisturizer and steroid ointment. I will bla bla this part later in more details, but really nothing we do not know. The only interesting part is she does not recommend us to see an allergist. She told us only 5% eczema was caused by food allergy. Since my daughter's situation has been improved by cream and steroid, she thinks it will be very unlikely related to food. I do not know how to think about this, so many babies's eczema was improved by switching formula or eliminating some food resources, but she does not consider that is a big deal....... John Hopkins Children's hospital is very new and organized, I am trembling now how much it will cost us.........
Rosepathhome, thanks for your update.
My allergist says only 1/3 of baby's eczema is caused by food. The others' causes are unknown ...
handshake ...
We spent a lot of money on the third dermotologist we visited, a university based research-type clinic. Her bills are always very high. I didn't realized unitl recently that she charged us by minutes, every 15 minutes!  That's part of the reason she answered my question patiently. But I did not count the minutes. I don't know if we are overcharged. Somethimes, we have to wait in the room during or after her check-up. Not sure how the visit time were calculated.
But when Benj's eczema was severe, I almost went crazy. I cared nothing but him. I would pay any price only if his eczema were put under control.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/26 12:26:58编辑过]
85 楼
以下是引用Mango79在5/25/2010 3:17:00 PM的发言:

Benj mother and Rosepathhome:
Did you do the washing test (suggested by the http://www.solveeczema.com/) before you swiching from
detergent to soap? Did you use Cal Ben or any other brand? I am thinking to order a sample first to do a test. Totalling swiching the household is way too big a project.
no, I did not do the test. Benj's eczema was pretty bad then. Any small mistake would cause his condition deteriorate very fast. 
I just did what I could do.  Soap is mild, will not stimulate his skin even if it does not help his eczema.
I use Cal Ben and Trader Joe's.
86 楼
Benj's Mom, you always impressed me by how much you are willing to do for your son. He is very lucky to have you as his Mom.
One of my coworker is complaining to me that her daughter-in-law would not bother to put moisturizer multiple times a day on her baby, I guess it is too much work. Her son's eczema is not improving at all and only under control by steroid cream.
In the case of taking care of eczema baby, I would think daily maintenance work is so important that will make a whole world difference.

I am on the same boat with you on spending money on my daughter, I will sell my pants if that can make her more healthy and happy.
87 楼
以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/26/2010 12:47:00 PM的发言:
Benj's Mom, you always impressed me by how much you are willing to do for your son. He is very lucky to have you as his Mom.
One of my coworker is complaining to me that her daughter-in-law would not bother to put moisturizer multiple times a day on her baby, I guess it is too much work. Her son's eczema is not improving at all and only under control by steroid cream.
In the case of taking care of eczema baby, I would think daily maintenance work is so important that will make a whole world difference.

I am on the same boat with you on spending money on my daughter, I will sell my pants if that can make her more healthy and happy.

My husband criticized me that I almost lost my mind when Benj needed me the most.  As a mother, I should be cool-headed. Yeah ... he is right.
Be cool-headed.
88 楼
Benj mother and Rosepathhome,
Thank you for replying me about detergent-free project. It is a huge project to me because it has to involve my in-laws (a lot of explanantion and pursuading work) and my older son (4 year old, you can imagine..). It only takes a small thing that they do behind me to ruin whatever I do beforehand.
One question: what do you use to wash baby's face and body since Cetaphil cleanser is not an option any more? is the soap from Cal ben or Dr. Bronner OK for this use?
Thanks a lot.
89 楼
以下是引用Mango79在5/28/2010 11:23:00 AM的发言:

Benj mother and Rosepathhome,
Thank you for replying me about detergent-free project. It is a huge project to me because it has to involve my in-laws (a lot of explanantion and pursuading work) and my older son (4 year old, you can imagine..). It only takes a small thing that they do behind me to ruin whatever I do beforehand.
One question: what do you use to wash baby's face and body since Cetaphil cleanser is not an option any more? is the soap from Cal ben or Dr. Bronner OK for this use?
Thanks a lot.
detergent-free project for me is just "something good to have".  I'm not sure if it helps or how much it helps Benj's eczema. 
I used Free and Clear shampoo. For the last 3 months,  I gave Benj two baths per day. No shampoo or cleanser at all.
90 楼
Dr. Bronner has one product for baby, in whole foods, you can find in baby section. It has both liquid and bar soap. I used both on my daughter, it is better than California baby ( the only one I used on my daughter since she was born).
It will be useless if you only use soap for the baby, but detergent for everything else. The website made it very clear, even if you get rid of 95% of detergent in the house, the leftover 5% will screw you over. My parents gave me enormous support on this after I explained to them. At first, they are very skeptical, but after they saw the improvement, they stick with it. Really, it is not that hard, just buy lots of soap, hide all detergent, they will use it.
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92 楼
我家宝宝从一个多月有baby acne, 之后发展成为轻微的湿疹,皮肤比较干燥,湿疹一直好好停停,也没有大发过,也鲜有完全clear的日子。当时我们不知道这样的宝宝需要特别的加强保湿,只是在每天洗完澡后给全部抹上(大概当时错过了最佳的保养时期)。
自那天开始,湿疹就开始猖狂,不可收拾。虽然后两天用药消下去一点,但是之后反反复复,一直非常严重。睡眠也开始一塌糊涂,半夜常常痒醒三四次,烦躁不安,喂抗组胺药也无济于事。我开始严格忌口,只吃猪骨头汤、鸡汤和常见的不容易致敏的几样蔬菜,连孕妇维生素都停了,因为里面含DHA有鱼油成分,最近开始吃普通孕妇维生素。保湿更加强,一周一罐cerave,十天一罐aquaphor. 十来天用掉一管曲安奈德,几乎是全身都抹,四肢多些,前胸后背少些。用的前两三天就基本clear了,之后逐渐有小红点冒出来,所以坚持了一周多,刚开始想逐渐停药把一天两次改成一天一次的时候,四肢的湿疹大反弹。崩溃。。。干脆停掉了。用激素的同时还给中药洗澡,医院的方子。
七个半月开始吃益生菌,多喂水。八个月差一周把从出生就吃的similac advance换成alimentum.(每天只是睡前吃2~4oz作为对母乳的补充,同时为了保持她喝奶瓶的习惯。之前一直没停是因为从出生开始就吃,起初并没有这么严重的过敏现象)。刚开始换alimentum的时候对它寄予了厚望,不知是心里作用还是什么,真的觉得那一两天有点好转的迹象(决定停激素也有一部分这个原因)。可是现在换奶粉一周了,停了激素仍然发成了龙虾腿,手臂也是。。。
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以下是引用miaozi在5/31/2010 10:58:00 PM的发言:
Pat pat..I just read your article. Totally understand how you feel. "觉得非常疲惫和茫然", which is how I feel most of the time. unlike your son, the most severe part of my son is on face. Since 3 months old, his face has been always in the cycle: oozing, crusty, heals(for one day), oozing again...I have not seen his original terder skin for about three months. In half a month he will be six months old. I originally hope he will grow out or at least improve a little big by 6 months old. But your article didn't give me the hope. I am currently changing detergent to soap. Hope it will help to some degree. Did you already try this?
YOu may want to keep on using the hypoallergetic milk for one more week. I remember somebody said you will see the effect in two weeks. Good luck. 
96 楼
以下是引用Rosepathhome在5/28/2010 9:25:00 PM的发言:
Dr. Bronner has one product for baby, in whole foods, you can find in baby section. It has both liquid and bar soap. I used both on my daughter, it is better than California baby ( the only one I used on my daughter since she was born). It will be useless if you only use soap for the baby, but detergent for everything else. The website made it very clear, even if you get rid of 95% of detergent in the house, the leftover 5% will screw you over. My parents gave me enormous support on this after I explained to them. At first, they are very skeptical, but after they saw the improvement, they stick with it. Really, it is not that hard, just buy lots of soap, hide all detergent, they will use it.
I already put an order from Cal Ben. I also bought Dr. Bronner’s all in one magic soap from whole foods since I want to use soap immediately.  I checked Dr. Bronner’s website, it suggested mixing one part of soap with 40 parts of water for light cleaning. So I diluted the soap when I use it as hand soap.  I just added some water without accurately measuring it.  Do you dilute the soap when you use it? Thanks.
97 楼
以下是引用miaozi在5/31/2010 10:54:00 PM的发言:

我家宝宝从一个多月有baby acne, 之后发展成为轻微的湿疹,皮肤比较干燥,湿疹一直好好停停,也没有大发过,也鲜有完全clear的日子。当时我们不知道这样的宝宝需要特别的加强保湿,只是在每天洗完澡后给全部抹上(大概当时错过了最佳的保养时期)。
自那天开始,湿疹就开始猖狂,不可收拾。虽然后两天用药消下去一点,但是之后反反复复,一直非常严重。睡眠也开始一塌糊涂,半夜常常痒醒三四次,烦躁不安,喂抗组胺药也无济于事。我开始严格忌口,只吃猪骨头汤、鸡汤和常见的不容易致敏的几样蔬菜,连孕妇维生素都停了,因为里面含DHA有鱼油成分,最近开始吃普通孕妇维生素。保湿更加强,一周一罐cerave,十天一罐aquaphor. 十来天用掉一管曲安奈德,几乎是全身都抹,四肢多些,前胸后背少些。用的前两三天就基本clear了,之后逐渐有小红点冒出来,所以坚持了一周多,刚开始想逐渐停药把一天两次改成一天一次的时候,四肢的湿疹大反弹。崩溃。。。干脆停掉了。用激素的同时还给中药洗澡,医院的方子。
七个半月开始吃益生菌,多喂水。八个月差一周把从出生就吃的similac advance换成alimentum.(每天只是睡前吃2~4oz作为对母乳的补充,同时为了保持她喝奶瓶的习惯。之前一直没停是因为从出生开始就吃,起初并没有这么严重的过敏现象)。刚开始换alimentum的时候对它寄予了厚望,不知是心里作用还是什么,真的觉得那一两天有点好转的迹象(决定停激素也有一部分这个原因)。可是现在换奶粉一周了,停了激素仍然发成了龙虾腿,手臂也是。。。
miaozi, 严重反复发作的湿疹是很麻烦,每个经历过或者经历着的妈妈都和你有同感。
alimentum 是低敏奶粉,不是无敏奶粉。只是把蛋白分子break down 到更易于吸收的程度,只能降低过敏的概率。提倡母乳,就是因为母乳里面的蛋白分子小于奶粉,宝宝不易过敏。
虽然母乳过敏的概率极小极小,但如果不难做的话,可以进一步试试 Neocate or Nutramigen AA。同时keep pump, keep 母乳。有效的话,一周就能看出效果。
98 楼
以下是引用miaozi在5/31/2010 10:58:00 PM的发言:








我记得有个护士鼓励我母乳喂养as long as possible,说这是我一生能给他的最好礼物,我也很激动,还很得意地瞅了lg一眼;经历了这前几个月的养育的心得,我觉得能不断的学习思考和探索,在他还没有能力自己选择的时候,为他做最好的选择,才tnnd是我能给他的最好礼物吧(当然那个护士说的时候我家还没有湿疹问题呢,我对她的鼓励很感激,只是对这边盲目地推崇母乳喂养有意见)
99 楼
zan great mom!
100 楼
以下是引用Mango79在6/1/2010 8:53:00 AM的发言:

     I already put an order from Cal Ben. I also bought Dr. Bronner’s all in one magic soap from whole foods since I want to use soap immediately.  I checked Dr. Bronner’s website, it suggested mixing one part of soap with 40 parts of water for light cleaning. So I diluted the soap when I use it as hand soap.  I just added some water without accurately measuring it.  Do you dilute the soap when you use it? Thanks.

I did not dilute it. I use bar soap for hand wash, liquid soap for clothing and hair. I don't think you need to be precisely 1:40 dilute it. Just feel about it, dilute more if u feel too soapy. There are couple of occasions, I use liquid to wash my hand directly, it is fine, not harsh at all.