If you go out to purchase a used car from a private owner that is free and clear of a loan and they were selling for $10,000, you have done your research and the car is only worth $7000.00. Would you offer a full price offer?
On the other hand same scerio except the car still has a lein on it and the owner can not sell for any less than the $10,000 but they were asking $15,000. Would you give them the 15 or just a little over what is acutally owed?
If you go out to purchase a used car from a private owner that is free and clear of a loan and they were selling for $10,000, you have done your research and the car is only worth $7000.00. Would you offer a full price offer?
On the other hand same scerio except the car still has a lein on it and the owner can not sell for any less than the $10,000 but they were asking $15,000. Would you give them the 15 or just a little over what is acutally owed?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/5 17:16:27编辑过]
或者你是指拖欠了银行的房贷?比如某月份应该交的没有交?一般拖了几个月不交,就会面临foreclosure/short sale了吧。
是我现在准备签sale contract. 可是我朋友说你一定要在签之前弄清楚以前owner的贷款有没有还清. 我问她为什么. 她说了一大堆, 我也听不大懂. (英语不好, 汗一个.....) 我就是想知道为什么我一定要知道贷款有没有还清呢? 该不是我买下了这房子后, 以前owner没还的贷款,我要负责付吧?
我想也许你的朋友说的不是房贷,而是房子是否有lien? 这个一般在做title search的时候都会弄清楚。
她说的是mortgage. 这一点我很肯定.
我的agent说, 你不用担心, 所有未付清的贷款, title insurance company 会提供报告. 你把房钱最后付给title company. 然后他们扣除前owner 所欠的费用, 剩下的才给owner.
她说的是mortgage. 这一点我很肯定.
我的agent说, 你不用担心, 所有未付清的贷款, title insurance company 会提供报告. 你把房钱最后付给title company. 然后他们扣除前owner 所欠的费用, 剩下的才给owner.
对于那些以前的owner没有还清的贷款,我就等title company 的报告就可以了吗?
这个是title search的一部分,也是为什么你要买title insurance. 一般都是在签了contract之后的事.
还是华人的mm好! 真nice!
If you go out to purchase a used car from a private owner that is free and clear of a loan and they were selling for $10,000, you have done your research and the car is only worth $7000.00. Would you offer a full price offer?
On the other hand same scerio except the car still has a lein on it and the owner can not sell for any less than the $10,000 but they were asking $15,000. Would you give them the 15 or just a little over what is acutally owed?
我觉得要么是你听错了,要么是你朋友说错了,一般来说正常买房大多数情况都是卖主没付完贷款,尤其是美国人,cash买房或者提前付完贷款的是极少数。只要不是short sale,卖方和他的贷款银行的关系和买方是没什么关系的。
If you go out to purchase a used car from a private owner that is free and clear of a loan and they were selling for $10,000, you have done your research and the car is only worth $7000.00. Would you offer a full price offer?
On the other hand same scerio except the car still has a lein on it and the owner can not sell for any less than the $10,000 but they were asking $15,000. Would you give them the 15 or just a little over what is acutally owed?
用她的买车的例子--如果你已经作了research, 不论对方还有多少贷款,如果你觉得这辆车只值7000,那么你就offer 7000,至于对方是否接受就要看卖方的具体情况。假设卖方有1万的车贷款,如果7000就卖给你,那么他们就要自己再付银行10000-7000=3000的差价。 如果他们有能力而且非要卖车不可,那么他们可能自己把这3000补上了。如果他们一点钱没有,那么他们就会坚持要你出1万,才会把车卖给你。
换句话说,卖方的底线在一定程度上取决于他们欠的贷款。如果卖房的钱不足以偿还贷款,那么这个差价要不就是卖方自己补上,要不就是买方出,或者银行销账,很多时候short sale就是这种情况。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 0:11:37编辑过]