昨天跟DISH NETWORK讨价还价,因为我家的杆子断了,一周没有电视了,我忙的到了周末才有空打电话。 "How can I help you today?" My dish is not working. I think it was very windy last week and the wind blew off my pole where dish was on. Now the pole is on the ground and I haven't been getting any signals for over a week. "OK, I can help you with that. I can send someone over tomorrow. It's going to be a one-time charge of $99." $99? I am not paying that. That is too much. I had dish for three years, and the pole is all rusty and fragile. It's time for you to upgrade my pole. "Sorry, it is our policy to charge $99 for the service." No, I cannot pay that. If I have to pay $99 to get the dish to work, I am switching to cable tomorrow. Dish is just too much trouble.--杀手锏之一,威胁换公司,不用他们了。
It's XXX again. Thanks for talking to me about the home on 2781 VVVV Blvd. Just want to give you my writing of what I think the home is worth so that you can present my verbal offer to the seller.
We were interested in buying the home next door which was move-in condition. Their realtor told us to make a backup offer in case their current buyer's financing fails.
Not sure what's the contract price of next door. Let's assume it's $460k. (home on 2761 VVVV was listed for $499k, and it is indeed move-in condition) I hope that the sellers understand that as soon as the house next door and the short sale on 2241 VVVV close, they will become the COMPS for this home. I spoke to the realtor of the short sale home listed for $450K, and the contract has already been approved by the bank.
Here is how much I am willing to pay for 2781 VVVV Blvd.
1495 => 1779 SF, 300SF bigger, + 20k (brand new construction cost at $70/SF), 1 more garage, + 5k.
Need a new dock and boat lift: -20k.
Inside needs total renovation: kitchen -10k, bathroom -10k, floor -10k, pool pavers -5k, others -15k.
So I am around 415k for this home. I am a little flexible over the final offer price. If sellers are willing to fix the property into move-in condition, I can surely pay for the renovations.
Please feel free to share with me what the sellers think of the value of the property. This is a decling market, and I am taking a chance of buying in deteriorating market condition.
We are serious buyers who will put $10k ernest money and will close within a month, guaranteed.
It's XXX again. Thanks for talking to me about the home on 2781 VVVV Blvd. Just want to give you my writing of what I think the home is worth so that you can present my verbal offer to the seller.
We were interested in buying the home next door which was move-in condition. Their realtor told us to make a backup offer in case their current buyer's financing fails.
Not sure what's the contract price of next door. Let's assume it's $460k. (home on 2761 VVVV was listed for $499k, and it is indeed move-in condition) I hope that the sellers understand that as soon as the house next door and the short sale on 2241 VVVV close, they will become the COMPS for this home. I spoke to the realtor of the short sale home listed for $450K, and the contract has already been approved by the bank.
Here is how much I am willing to pay for 2781 VVVV Blvd.
1495 => 1779 SF, 300SF bigger, + 20k (brand new construction cost at $70/SF), 1 more garage, + 5k.
Need a new dock and boat lift: -20k.
Inside needs total renovation: kitchen -10k, bathroom -10k, floor -10k, pool pavers -5k, others -15k.
So I am around 415k for this home. I am a little flexible over the final offer price. If sellers are willing to fix the property into move-in condition, I can surely pay for the renovations.
Please feel free to share with me what the sellers think of the value of the property. This is a decling market, and I am taking a chance of buying in deteriorating market condition.
We are serious buyers who will put $10k ernest money and will close within a month, guaranteed.
以下是引用lovemydog99在8/10/2010 4:48:00 PM的发言: 爱宝宝,我有个问题: 自从自己装了cable以后我才发现大部分cable company都在contract里面写明他们随时可以更改plan的价格,这就是没有lock价格,完全的不平等条约。。。可是每每我们都还是签了。 我现在用的也是dishnetwork,但是他们最近要加收亚洲频道的费用,我打电话去半天没用。。。我也说了我要switch to other company,可是contract里面有个违约费。两年不到就cancel的话,要付installation还有其它乱七八糟的费,大概400块。。。 我很快就要搬去别的地方了,也不知道請他们去新的地方install是不是要重新加钱。反正我现在非常不喜欢dishnetwork,加上verizon有个no contract+lock price的combo,很像换掉它家。有没有什么好主意? 谢谢谢谢! How much more than before? It is difficult to get out of the contract while you are still under contract. You can call to complain about the raise and a lot of times they can waive some charges. If you need to re-install, you probably need to pay for installation.
以下是引用anymanofmine在8/18/2010 3:19:00 am的发言: 太牛了,强帖一定要马克!!!居然今天才看到,居然让我聚精会神地读了尽2个小时,把lz的对白一字字一遍遍的看了又看,直到半夜两点了都还没洗澡。lz啊,太佩服,谢谢你伟大的分享。希望lz常来加新。 hehe, welcome to climb my other highrise buildings. you can esily spend another few hours there:
i found this post because you gave such a great "reference letter" to ironny mm on chat board! i am so impressed that i started reading your posts on home fashion, which i seldom visit.
it was truly an eye-opening read and well spent 2 hours!!! you are truly amazing!!
in getting what you want, you always try to create a win-win situation by articulating what you can offer, and what can not be taken granted for.
the latter part is especially new to me. by making clear the hidden benefit of closing on spot, in cash, and by calculating the cost of alternative, you truly convinced the others that the deal is fair and square.
just curious, what is the most challenging deal you've done so far? would you mind to share it?
I found this post because you gave such a great "reference letter" to ironny mm on Chat board! I am so impressed that I started reading your posts on Home Fashion, which I seldom visit.
It was truly an eye-opening read and well spent 2 hours!!! You are truly amazing!!
In getting what you want, you always try to create a win-win situation by articulating what you can offer, and what can not be taken granted for.
The latter part is especially new to me. By making clear the hidden benefit of closing on spot, in cash, and by calculating the cost of alternative, you truly convinced the others that the deal is fair and square.
Just curious, what is the most challenging deal you've done so far? Would you mind to share it?
Thanks for all the compliments. I only do these things on the side for fun... Not my profession to negotiate.
有很多个好师傅,我们城市里诸位倒房的investor大鳄小鳄,我都了如指掌,去了都能叫出他们每个人的名字的。他们也都挺乐意教我的。(因为我是业余做着玩玩,他们知道我不是competition,所以对我比较friendly) MM, 我特别想知道怎样才能认识自己想认识的人,有什么途径吗?要有MM一般的能力,做梦都要笑醒了。
以下是引用xiaodiqiu在1/22/2011 1:30:00 PM的发言: LZ连几十年前的价钱都能查到,请问我们这些不是这个行业的人怎么能查到呢? title search都可以查到的。要是你们county的records都在网上的话,也能查到的。 county property appraiser网站上面有,然后court records下面也有的。
他们要真能降下来,也行啊,不过你仔细看清楚fine print,得make sure没有hidden charges才行。
昨天跟DISH NETWORK讨价还价,因为我家的杆子断了,一周没有电视了,我忙的到了周末才有空打电话。
"How can I help you today?"
My dish is not working. I think it was very windy last week and the wind blew off my pole where dish was on. Now the pole is on the ground and I haven't been getting any signals for over a week.
"OK, I can help you with that. I can send someone over tomorrow. It's going to be a one-time charge of $99."
$99? I am not paying that. That is too much. I had dish for three years, and the pole is all rusty and fragile. It's time for you to upgrade my pole.
"Sorry, it is our policy to charge $99 for the service."
No, I cannot pay that. If I have to pay $99 to get the dish to work, I am switching to cable tomorrow. Dish is just too much trouble.--杀手锏之一,威胁换公司,不用他们了。
电邮 + 支票。CARBUYINGTIPS.COM 没必要和他们浪费时间。一般比MSRP低几千制上万。
这封信,是我写给listing agent的,让他forward给seller的。其实我买不买无所谓的,这个房子condition差,整起来也麻烦。所以才这样low ball offer。
It's XXX again. Thanks for talking to me about the home on 2781 VVVV Blvd. Just want to give you my writing of what I think the home is worth so that you can present my verbal offer to the seller.
We were interested in buying the home next door which was move-in condition. Their realtor told us to make a backup offer in case their current buyer's financing fails.
Not sure what's the contract price of next door. Let's assume it's $460k. (home on 2761 VVVV was listed for $499k, and it is indeed move-in condition) I hope that the sellers understand that as soon as the house next door and the short sale on 2241 VVVV close, they will become the COMPS for this home. I spoke to the realtor of the short sale home listed for $450K, and the contract has already been approved by the bank.
Here is how much I am willing to pay for 2781 VVVV Blvd.
1495 => 1779 SF, 300SF bigger, + 20k (brand new construction cost at $70/SF), 1 more garage, + 5k.
Need a new dock and boat lift: -20k.
Inside needs total renovation: kitchen -10k, bathroom -10k, floor -10k, pool pavers -5k, others -15k.
So I am around 415k for this home. I am a little flexible over the final offer price. If sellers are willing to fix the property into move-in condition, I can surely pay for the renovations.
Please feel free to share with me what the sellers think of the value of the property. This is a decling market, and I am taking a chance of buying in deteriorating market condition.
We are serious buyers who will put $10k ernest money and will close within a month, guaranteed.
rewarded by 小囡
[此贴子已经被菜菩头小囡于2010/7/20 16:08:39编辑过]
给大家看一个我最近写的EMAIL,试图给一个房子下个offer。这个房子又老又旧,根本不值钱的,价值都在这块地上面,是个waterfront lot。隔壁房子move-in condition,$499K要价,under contract, final offer不清楚价格。这个房子大300尺,要价685K,但是condition很糟糕,厨房卫生间都是1974年的版本。老太太去世了,三个孩子一起卖房,而且意见不一致。唯一的共同点就是:贪心。最多值50多万的房子,非要卖60多万。(50多万还是需要花上很多钱来upgrade才值这个价的)
这封信,是我写给listing agent的,让他forward给seller的。其实我买不买无所谓的,这个房子condition差,整起来也麻烦。所以才这样low ball offer。
It's XXX again. Thanks for talking to me about the home on 2781 VVVV Blvd. Just want to give you my writing of what I think the home is worth so that you can present my verbal offer to the seller.
We were interested in buying the home next door which was move-in condition. Their realtor told us to make a backup offer in case their current buyer's financing fails.
Not sure what's the contract price of next door. Let's assume it's $460k. (home on 2761 VVVV was listed for $499k, and it is indeed move-in condition) I hope that the sellers understand that as soon as the house next door and the short sale on 2241 VVVV close, they will become the COMPS for this home. I spoke to the realtor of the short sale home listed for $450K, and the contract has already been approved by the bank.
Here is how much I am willing to pay for 2781 VVVV Blvd.
1495 => 1779 SF, 300SF bigger, + 20k (brand new construction cost at $70/SF), 1 more garage, + 5k.
Need a new dock and boat lift: -20k.
Inside needs total renovation: kitchen -10k, bathroom -10k, floor -10k, pool pavers -5k, others -15k.
So I am around 415k for this home. I am a little flexible over the final offer price. If sellers are willing to fix the property into move-in condition, I can surely pay for the renovations.
Please feel free to share with me what the sellers think of the value of the property. This is a decling market, and I am taking a chance of buying in deteriorating market condition.
We are serious buyers who will put $10k ernest money and will close within a month, guaranteed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/20 15:56:51编辑过]
very good,顶
very good,顶
这其实就是seller agent没教育好,不过estate sell很多时候还是有大deal的。总的来说,estate sale这么贪得还真少见。estate的房子好处就是卖方心不齐,不能hold长久,很容易out of ballpark
这其实就是seller agent没教育好,不过estate sell很多时候还是有大deal的。总的来说,estate sale这么贪得还真少见。estate的房子好处就是卖方心不齐,不能hold长久,很容易out of ballpark
how are estate properties in general? are they usually cheaper, more willing to negociate? where to find estate houses for sale?
great! keep us posted on the progress.
how are estate properties in general? are they usually cheaper, more willing to negociate? where to find estate houses for sale?
就是正常的MLS listing。但是你打电话过去,对方realtor会告诉你的。或者在MLS上有realtor remark会注明的。不一定estate sale就便宜的。这个老太太三个孩子都很贪的。而且有一个要降价,另外一个还不同意呢。
这个房子,我就没指望能拿下来的,毕竟他们太unrealistic了。我继续等deal。这年头是buyer's market,谁怕谁啊。
哈哈我逗他呢,我买以前就知道这个lien的。是foreclosed property,所以lien都归我,我能谈下价格的话,少付一分,我自己就多赚一分,明白了吗?
自从自己装了cable以后我才发现大部分cable company都在contract里面写明他们随时可以更改plan的价格,这就是没有lock价格,完全的不平等条约。。。可是每每我们都还是签了。
我现在用的也是dishnetwork,但是他们最近要加收亚洲频道的费用,我打电话去半天没用。。。我也说了我要switch to other company,可是contract里面有个违约费。两年不到就cancel的话,要付installation还有其它乱七八糟的费,大概400块。。。
我很快就要搬去别的地方了,也不知道請他们去新的地方install是不是要重新加钱。反正我现在非常不喜欢dishnetwork,加上verizon有个no contract+lock price的combo,很像换掉它家。有没有什么好主意?
爱宝宝,我有个问题: 自从自己装了cable以后我才发现大部分cable company都在contract里面写明他们随时可以更改plan的价格,这就是没有lock价格,完全的不平等条约。。。可是每每我们都还是签了。 我现在用的也是dishnetwork,但是他们最近要加收亚洲频道的费用,我打电话去半天没用。。。我也说了我要switch to other company,可是contract里面有个违约费。两年不到就cancel的话,要付installation还有其它乱七八糟的费,大概400块。。。 我很快就要搬去别的地方了,也不知道請他们去新的地方install是不是要重新加钱。反正我现在非常不喜欢dishnetwork,加上verizon有个no contract+lock price的combo,很像换掉它家。有没有什么好主意? 谢谢谢谢!
How much more than before? It is difficult to get out of the contract while you are still under contract. You can call to complain about the raise and a lot of times they can waive some charges.
If you need to re-install, you probably need to pay for installation.
hehe, welcome to climb my other highrise buildings. you can esily spend another few hours there:
hehe, welcome to climb my other highrise buildings. you can esily spend another few hours there:
i found this post because you gave such a great "reference letter" to ironny mm on chat board! i am so impressed that i started reading your posts on home fashion, which i seldom visit.
it was truly an eye-opening read and well spent 2 hours!!! you are truly amazing!!
in getting what you want, you always try to create a win-win situation by articulating what you can offer, and what can not be taken granted for.
the latter part is especially new to me. by making clear the hidden benefit of closing on spot, in cash, and by calculating the cost of alternative, you truly convinced the others that the deal is fair and square.
just curious, what is the most challenging deal you've done so far? would you mind to share it?
I found this post because you gave such a great "reference letter" to ironny mm on Chat board! I am so impressed that I started reading your posts on Home Fashion, which I seldom visit.
It was truly an eye-opening read and well spent 2 hours!!! You are truly amazing!!
In getting what you want, you always try to create a win-win situation by articulating what you can offer, and what can not be taken granted for.
The latter part is especially new to me. By making clear the hidden benefit of closing on spot, in cash, and by calculating the cost of alternative, you truly convinced the others that the deal is fair and square.
Just curious, what is the most challenging deal you've done so far? Would you mind to share it?
Thanks for all the compliments.
I only do these things on the side for fun... Not my profession to negotiate.
Thanks for all the compliments.
I only do these things on the side for fun... Not my profession to negotiate.
I am sold!
Thanks for sharing, waiting for more!
正在通读MM的帖子,写得真好,请问什么店里的电器可以讲价,bestbuy 一类的都可以吗?谢谢
可以,任何电器店都可以讲价,Bestbuy可以轻轻松松拿下10%,piece of cake,要想拿到15%或者更多,就要费劲了。
MM, 我特别想知道怎样才能认识自己想认识的人,有什么途径吗?要有MM一般的能力,做梦都要笑醒了。
MM, 我特别想知道怎样才能认识自己想认识的人,有什么途径吗?要有MM一般的能力,做梦都要笑醒了。
mm你觉得这个stainless steel 4-piece package (fridge, stove/oven, microwave/range, dishwasher)四件如果不一样牌子,会很难看么?是不是不建议这样啊?
title search都可以查到的。要是你们county的records都在网上的话,也能查到的。
county property appraiser网站上面有,然后court records下面也有的。
以下是引用yaoyaomm在4/2/2010 3:06:00 PM的发言:
我的都是省小小钱的。话说我两年前买房的时候rebate拿得是cash, 真是亏大了。你的帖子早点出来就好了。
多谢lz mm了 真是受益匪浅啊 想问问关于买电器 想HD lowes sears这些店里也能降价吗 总觉得他都是明码标价了 还有对于那些已经标着10% off之类的 也管用吗
★ Sent from iPhone App: i-Reader Huaren Lite 7.56
能不能來一篇bestbuy、lowe's、home depot這種連鎖店的講價教學?
嘿嘿,把提高口语和交流能力加入你的下一个TOPIC的LIST? 太厉害了!膜拜
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