所以我先打电话给律师楼,问parol legal要payoff quote,她让我发书面材料给她,她再转发给我。我是这样request的:I am a new homeowner to this neighborhood. I would like to pay off this lien as soon as possible. Could you please let me talk to the attorney so that I can set up a time to meet him and bring him a check for payoff? 那位姐姐估计很爱听这话,就真的把我的电话转给了律师GG。
Hi, Jason, my name is XXX and I recently bought a house at XXX address in this neighborhood. " Good to hear from you. How are you doing?" Great. And you? "I am doing good, too" I am so glad that I got hold of you. You are the first attorney that I ever got to speak on the phone over the HOA fee. That's so amazing. You are hands on. Most of the time I only get to speak to parol legals. "Thanks for telling me that. It's Friday afternoon, a good time to talk to me." 先糖衣炮弹打过去,让他放松警惕,然后我再开始插足谈请他给我减fee的事儿。
I am not a person who likes to owe anyone a penny. Too bad I have to be responsible for what the last homeowner owed on this house. I am calling to find out how much is the lien that I shall be responsible for. "I feel sorry for you. I can help you with that. Let me find it out for you." 博取同情,明明不是我欠的钱,还要我来还,真是够倒霉的。
趁着他算帐的当儿,我继续说话,攒同情。 When I was buying the house, I did not know the existence of lien. After I called my title company, they told me that there was a judgment of $4300. I was like, holy moly! This is going to make me broke. What an unpleasant surprise! (其实我买这个房子以前就知道的,不过我故意这么说,博取他的同情)
他一面算帐,一面回答我: "I know. Last homeowner hasn't been paying us for a few years, and we were trying hard to get him to pay us".
我马上作义愤填膺状: I just do not understand. This neighborhood has very low HOA dues. Only $700 a year. How can someone not pay that? It's not much money. Whenever one does not pay, the final judgment will be a few times bigger! I just do not understand people! "I know. That's why it is a headache to deal with them. You keep on pushing them, sending them letters, and they will just ignore you.!"
说话的当儿,他算好了欠费: "The total is $6428.01, that covers all owed fees until today." What? You just gave me a bigger surprise! I was thinking about $4300+$700=$5000,now it is even more expensive. Can you tell me the breakdown of these fees? 然后他开始blah blah给我细数他是如何得到这个数目的,听起来都reasonable,无懈可击。
我说:This is not the first time I pay the HOA lien off. But no other neighborhoods charge as much as this one. Usually the liens are just the amount of HOA fees owed, plus a few hundred dollars of lawyers' charge for filing the lien, but not in this case. How did they wrack up thousands of dollars lawyers' charge?
"The homeowner wouldn't pay us, and we were trying to foreclose his property. I sent multiple notices to them, and we had to go through the legal proceedings. We had to pay court fees to file, and that was expensive."
you know, i do not like to owe anything. i always pay my bills as soon as i receive them. i would like to do the same for you, but i am hoping that you could give me a break. i already spent tons of money on the house, and really would like to get a reduced fee for me to pay off.
"we do not give breaks. it is what it is. i can not reduce the total lien, even though i feel bad that you have to be responsible for the lien."
how about this? let's set up a time to meet. i would come by your office, and we can sit down and chat about this lien? 杀手锏之一,一般面谈我更有把握劝服人,电话里面还难一些。
"we do not meet with homeowners about owed fees. we just want it to be paid."
i bet you would like to meet me. you know what i do for a living? i can give you lots of good tips on wealth management and help you generate a lot more business.
"well i do have a mba from va tech, and i know these things pretty well." 嗬,还自我感觉挺良好嘛。不管,我求他给我少收钱的时候,只好顺着他捧他一下。
wow. you have both mba and jd? that's very impressive credentials. va tech is a great school and i heard lots of goods things about it. (心道,啥呀,不就那么多murder和枪杀的地儿吗)
"thanks for telling me that. you can come to meet me if you want. but if you are hoping for a reduced fee, that's not going to happen. we do not reduce our fees."
come on. you are the attorney. it's all your decision. you have the absolute power to make a decision over this. i have faith in you.
"no, not in this case. hoa is the one who is out. they already pre-paid the attorney charge to us. we are just collecting fees for them now. so it is not money owed to us, and we cannot reduce that fee." 切,你这么说,我就信了?hoa都给你们律师玩的团团转。file个lien三分钟的事儿,你凭啥收人家这么多fee啊,大蛀虫!
i am sure that by now you are tired of looking at that folder, and i would like to get it cleaned up as well. the only problem is: after i bought that house, i am really broke now。杀手锏之二:哭穷。
"where did you get that house?" that does not matter, right? "that's all public records, and i will find it out". ok, i tell you. here is where i got the house from:xxx. "how much did you pay for it?" do i have to tell you that? "if you do not, i will find it on my own." --心里暗骂,你怎么这样8,我付多少钱关你什么事? there is a lag in county record, and they haven't posted it online yet. "i will call them to find out." -- nnd,真跟我较上劲了。 ok, i will tell you again. i paid $$$ for the house. now you see why i am so broke. i spent all my money, and do not have anything left. 趁机哭穷,谁让你非要逼问我出了多少钱的。 "what are you going to do with the house? move in or sell it?" --因为对方是律师老狐狸,我不得不防他给我设套,因为房子只要出手卖的话,lien就一定会被payoff,我不能中他的圈套。 no, i am going to rent it out.
"how much do you have left now?" all i have left is $5000, and if you would release me, i will give you everything i have. --我越哭越像真的了,咬死我的底线5000刀。
"no, i cannot do that. hoa will not allow me to do it. actually i already gave you a break. i did not charge you the 8% interest for xx months. that would be another $60." --继续腹诽,才$60,你也好意思叫给我打折,要是我只要$60的话,才不会浪费我的宝贵功夫给你打电话呢。 well, as much as i would like to pay you off, i guess you would have to wait until i collect enough rent from my renter. that could take up to six months. or in the worst case of scenario, you might have to wait until i sell the house in 5, 6 years. -- 杀手锏之三:耍赖。
"you know that hoa has the power to foreclose your property and if the lien is not paid off within 30 days, i will file another lien." i know it takes them a couple of years to foreclose it. i am sure that by then i would have collected enough rent from my renter to pay you off. do not worry, you will get paid. it is just the matter of time. --杀手锏之四:软硬不吃。
这下他真没辙了,他软硬兼施,可惜对我毫无用处,哪怕威胁我要foreclose我的房子我也四两拨千斤,立刻点破他的伎俩,让他英雄无用武之处。 我赶快趁热打铁: look, i have $5000. we are very close, only $1400 apart. if you just write off the difference, i will come by your office on monday with a cashier's check at hand to pay you off. -- 杀手锏之五:现金诱惑。 这下他实在忍不住了,想想啊,5千刀呢!这年头这么多foreclosure,他就是再狠也狠不过不付钱的赖皮啊,能收一点儿是一点儿啊。 "ok, hold on a second. let me redo the calculation and see whether we could meet there."
我很高兴,看来他口气松动,有戏了,就看他到底要收我多少。 surprisingly,他说: "i just calculated. i think we can do $5000!" awesome! you are my hero! --杀手锏之六:送佛上西天,人家给我打折了,好歹我也让他心情舒畅点儿,说点儿动听的!
I am looking for a stainless steel package for a flipper house. Let me tell you what I am looking for: it is not my own house, so I am looking for something with great price. Do not care about fancy functions. All I care is that it looks good. -- 言简意赅,直达重点。
"OK, I can certainly help you with that. Is there anything specific in your mind that you are looking for?" No, I do not. All I want is: something looks good, and has great price. The kitchen has white appliances right now. I do not plan on changing them unless I find a great deal on stainless stain. -- 再次强调,我不是你的冤大头客户, 别浪费我时间,引导我去看又贵又华而不实的电器,我忙着呢。
"Why don't you look around, and we can put a package together for you?" Well, why do not you give me the lowest price you have on any stainless steel package, and we will go from there. -- 第三次straight him out。这个salesperson不太聪明,没办法,只好再次强调。
"I think we had a package for $2199. Let me see whether we still have it." OK. That sounds good. I am interested in that price.
I cannot pay you $2199 for this package. I surely will not buy it today at that price. "What can I do to earn your business today?" Give me your lowest price on this package, and I will consider making the purchase today. "How about $2099?" No, I am expecting under $2000. "You know what, I can do $1999. Do we have a deal?" Let me call my friends who flip houses all day. I want them to tell me that this is a good price for me to buy. --杀手锏之一,拖延时间,继续讲价。 我就当着他的面给我朋友打电话了,朋友说他们在另外一个店谈下来的价格是$2199,当然这个消息我是不跟salesperson share的。
My friend is calling his partner to verify your price. We are trying to get the lowest package price together. Let me tell you, if you can give me a good package price, I will bring my friends over here. They flip anywhere from 40 to 80 houses a year, and they need tons of appliances. I will send them directly to you if you give us a good group discount. --杀手锏之二,以更多的business来诱惑他。因为一般他的提成跟销售价格挂钩不大,能卖出他就有commission拿,所以他听到我提到我电话里面的朋友们每人一年买几十套,心驰神往啊。大概他心里已经偷偷换算成了如果他们都来找他买,他能够拿到的commission了。
"I understand where you are at, and I certainly want to earn your business today. What can we do to get the deal done today?" Well, price is OK now. But I want the better pieces. I want the Gallery fridge which is nicer. --杀手锏之三,我不再还价,而是转向高一档的产品,要求他给我免费upgrade。
"If you want to replace with that fridge, your package price will go up by $200." Hey, I am investor, and I am certainly cannot do that. I need the better fridge at the same package price for me to buy it today. I will have to go to Lowe's HD Sears and XXX (当地另外一家电器折扣连锁)to check their prices. --杀手锏之四,货比三家。 "You do not need to go there, I have all their prices in the computer. Let me show you right here."他真把其他几家的价格在电脑上点出来,果然他们家的最低。 Well, what they have on their website does not matter. When I go to their physical store, I will be able to get a much better package deal. --继续不为所动,以我的还价的本领,不会没有店面不给我打折的。
"Let me go to get my manager, and see what is the best we could do for you."--这个不错,经理可以给出的价格往往比salesperson能够给出的价格要好,因为他们的权限大一些。 我也没闲着,同时跟几个Investor朋友短信来去,商讨价格,他们都说如果我能够以1999的价格拿下,就是个好价格,并要求我回家后把invoice发给他们,他们也可以过来买一样的package。 经理来了,他们两人上电脑上捣鼓。我顺便提点一下经理: Your sales guy is awesome, very helpful. I am trying to get a good package deal so that I can bring all my investor friends over. They need hundreds of sets year long. They just texted me and told me that they would want the same package deal I get. So I am expecting the absolute best price that we can give you tons of business。--同样以volume来诱惑经理。
过了一会儿,经理走了。salesperson告诉我,基本款的洗碗机缺货,他们给我高一款的洗碗机,还有我要求的高一款的洗碗机,两个upgrades,总共收我$2099。 我预计经理给他了bottom line,他没有直接给我,我猜是$1999。 然后我们俩又讨价还价了五分钟的光景。 I told you that I cannot pay over $2000 for the package, otherwise I cannot buy today. "How much do you want to pay?" 他大概也在慨叹,怎么遇上了这么个难缠的主儿的。 Let me tell you how much I can pay today: $1950。I will give you my credit card right now for that price and let's get it done。--杀手锏之五:现金诱惑 "I cannot do $1950. How about we meet in the middle $1975?" Nope, $1950 is how much I can pay.
"As much as I want to sell it to you today, I just cannot do it."--估价我是触到了底线了,他没法卖了。 What is $25 to you? You order a pizza and spend that. Why do not you help me a little bit from your commission? --杀手锏之六:试图让他从他的commission里面给我让利。 "I just cannot. I am sorry. It is only $25, just as you said. Can you just give me another $25 please?" All right. You know what, I give you $1960. Let's be done with it. (对了,还有一个杀手锏,就是问如果付现金的话,是否可以拿到更多的discount。不过这个店已经给我压到最低的价格了,我就没有再多此一举。这一招在Lowe's和HD,Bestbuy 是有效的) "OK, I can do it. You are killing me." --可怜的sales帅哥哥,给我逼的快走投无路了。
How about this? Let's set up a time to meet. I would come by your office, and we can sit down and chat about this lien? 杀手锏之一,一般面谈我更有把握劝服人,电话里面还难一些。
"We do not meet with homeowners about owed fees. We just want it to be paid."
I bet you would like to meet me. You know what I do for a living? I can give you lots of good tips on wealth management and help you generate a lot more business.
"Well I do have a MBA from VA Tech, and I know these things pretty well." 嗬,还自我感觉挺良好嘛。不管,我求他给我少收钱的时候,只好顺着他捧他一下。
以下是引用emily8866在3/21/2010 12:24:00 AM的发言: 还有如何跟搞装修的contractor谈价格,能否举例子指点一下。这种专业行当,是否自己要先变成专家才好谈?否则感觉一不留神就容易被忽悠。 请问你都是同一天找好几个contractor来看房子吗?让他们知道有其他人同时在竞争这业务吗?请他们帮助设计,还是自己先全部设计好,直接谈施工和价格问题?每天都要去督工吗? 楼主辛苦建楼,造福人类,不顶不行! if you want to customize yourself, that is different. contact some chinese or mexican contractors. then use lovebaby's price+10% as your guidence.
I am looking for a stainless steel package for a flipper house. Let me tell you what I am looking for: it is not my own house, so I am looking for something with great price. Do not care about fancy functions. All I care is that it looks good. -- 言简意赅,直达重点。
"OK, I can certainly help you with that. Is there anything specific in your mind that you are looking for?" No, I do not. All I want is: something looks good, and has great price. The kitchen has white appliances right now. I do not plan on changing them unless I find a great deal on stainless stain. -- 再次强调,我不是你的冤大头客户, 别浪费我时间,引导我去看又贵又华而不实的电器,我忙着呢。
"Why don't you look around, and we can put a package together for you?" Well, why do not you give me the lowest price you have on any stainless steel package, and we will go from there. -- 第三次straight him out。这个salesperson不太聪明,没办法,只好再次强调。
"I think we had a package for $2199. Let me see whether we still have it." OK. That sounds good. I am interested in that price.
I cannot pay you $2199 for this package. I surely will not buy it today at that price. "What can I do to earn your business today?" Give me your lowest price on this package, and I will consider making the purchase today. "How about $2099?" No, I am expecting under $2000. "You know what, I can do $1999. Do we have a deal?" Let me call my friends who flip houses all day. I want them to tell me that this is a good price for me to buy. --杀手锏之一,拖延时间,继续讲价。 我就当着他的面给我朋友打电话了,朋友说他们在另外一个店谈下来的价格是$2199,当然这个消息我是不跟salesperson share的。
My friend is calling his partner to verify your price. We are trying to get the lowest package price together. Let me tell you, if you can give me a good package price, I will bring my friends over here. They flip anywhere from 40 to 80 houses a year, and they need tons of appliances. I will send them directly to you if you give us a good group discount. --杀手锏之二,以更多的business来诱惑他。因为一般他的提成跟销售价格挂钩不大,能卖出他就有commission拿,所以他听到我提到我电话里面的朋友们每人一年买几十套,心驰神往啊。大概他心里已经偷偷换算成了如果他们都来找他买,他能够拿到的commission了。
"I understand where you are at, and I certainly want to earn your business today. What can we do to get the deal done today?" Well, price is OK now. But I want the better pieces. I want the Gallery fridge which is nicer. --杀手锏之三,我不再还价,而是转向高一档的产品,要求他给我免费upgrade。
"If you want to replace with that fridge, your package price will go up by $200." Hey, I am investor, and I am certainly cannot do that. I need the better fridge at the same package price for me to buy it today. I will have to go to Lowe's HD Sears and XXX (当地另外一家电器折扣连锁)to check their prices. --杀手锏之四,货比三家。 "You do not need to go there, I have all their prices in the computer. Let me show you right here."他真把其他几家的价格在电脑上点出来,果然他们家的最低。 Well, what they have on their website does not matter. When I go to their physical store, I will be able to get a much better package deal. --继续不为所动,以我的还价的本领,不会没有店面不给我打折的。
"Let me go to get my manager, and see what is the best we could do for you."--这个不错,经理可以给出的价格往往比salesperson能够给出的价格要好,因为他们的权限大一些。 我也没闲着,同时跟几个Investor朋友短信来去,商讨价格,他们都说如果我能够以1999的价格拿下,就是个好价格,并要求我回家后把invoice发给他们,他们也可以过来买一样的package。 经理来了,他们两人上电脑上捣鼓。我顺便提点一下经理: Your sales guy is awesome, very helpful. I am trying to get a good package deal so that I can bring all my investor friends over. They need hundreds of sets year long. They just texted me and told me that they would want the same package deal I get. So I am expecting the absolute best price that we can give you tons of business。--同样以volume来诱惑经理。
过了一会儿,经理走了。salesperson告诉我,基本款的洗碗机缺货,他们给我高一款的洗碗机,还有我要求的高一款的洗碗机,两个upgrades,总共收我$2099。 我预计经理给他了bottom line,他没有直接给我,我猜是$1999。 然后我们俩又讨价还价了五分钟的光景。 I told you that I cannot pay over $2000 for the package, otherwise I cannot buy today. "How much do you want to pay?" 他大概也在慨叹,怎么遇上了这么个难缠的主儿的。 Let me tell you how much I can pay today: $1950。I will give you my credit card right now for that price and let's get it done。--杀手锏之五:现金诱惑 "I cannot do $1950. How about we meet in the middle $1975?" Nope, $1950 is how much I can pay.
"As much as I want to sell it to you today, I just cannot do it."--估价我是触到了底线了,他没法卖了。 What is $25 to you? You order a pizza and spend that. Why do not you help me a little bit from your commission? --杀手锏之六:试图让他从他的commission里面给我让利。 "I just cannot. I am sorry. It is only $25, just as you said. Can you just give me another $25 please?" All right. You know what, I give you $1960. Let's be done with it. (对了,还有一个杀手锏,就是问如果付现金的话,是否可以拿到更多的discount。不过这个店已经给我压到最低的价格了,我就没有再多此一举。这一招在Lowe's和HD,Bestbuy 是有效的) "OK, I can do it. You are killing me." --可怜的sales帅哥哥,给我逼的快走投无路了。
所以我先打电话给律师楼,问parol legal要payoff quote,她让我发书面材料给她,她再转发给我。我是这样request的:I am a new homeowner to this neighborhood. I would like to pay off this lien as soon as possible. Could you please let me talk to the attorney so that I can set up a time to meet him and bring him a check for payoff? 那位姐姐估计很爱听这话,就真的把我的电话转给了律师GG。
我很高兴,到了律师手上,就还有转机的可能,parol legal可是没权做主的。下面的对话开始用英文描叙,要是都翻译成中文,比较难以表达我们是如何negotiate的。他的回答,我加上引号,可以区分出什么是我说的,什么是他说的。
Hi, Jason, my name is XXX and I recently bought a house at XXX address in this neighborhood.
" Good to hear from you. How are you doing?"
Great. And you?
"I am doing good, too"
I am so glad that I got hold of you. You are the first attorney that I ever got to speak on the phone over the HOA fee. That's so amazing. You are hands on. Most of the time I only get to speak to parol legals.
"Thanks for telling me that. It's Friday afternoon, a good time to talk to me."
I am not a person who likes to owe anyone a penny. Too bad I have to be responsible for what the last homeowner owed on this house. I am calling to find out how much is the lien that I shall be responsible for.
"I feel sorry for you. I can help you with that. Let me find it out for you."
When I was buying the house, I did not know the existence of lien. After I called my title company, they told me that there was a judgment of $4300. I was like, holy moly! This is going to make me broke. What an unpleasant surprise! (其实我买这个房子以前就知道的,不过我故意这么说,博取他的同情)
"I know. Last homeowner hasn't been paying us for a few years, and we were trying hard to get him to pay us".
I just do not understand. This neighborhood has very low HOA dues. Only $700 a year. How can someone not pay that? It's not much money. Whenever one does not pay, the final judgment will be a few times bigger! I just do not understand people!
"I know. That's why it is a headache to deal with them. You keep on pushing them, sending them letters, and they will just ignore you.!"
"The total is $6428.01, that covers all owed fees until today."
What? You just gave me a bigger surprise! I was thinking about $4300+$700=$5000,now it is even more expensive. Can you tell me the breakdown of these fees?
然后他开始blah blah给我细数他是如何得到这个数目的,听起来都reasonable,无懈可击。
我说:This is not the first time I pay the HOA lien off. But no other neighborhoods charge as much as this one. Usually the liens are just the amount of HOA fees owed, plus a few hundred dollars of lawyers' charge for filing the lien, but not in this case. How did they wrack up thousands of dollars lawyers' charge?
"The homeowner wouldn't pay us, and we were trying to foreclose his property. I sent multiple notices to them, and we had to go through the legal proceedings. We had to pay court fees to file, and that was expensive."
我马上开始改变策略,不去责问他如何得到这个数目的,而是开始用立刻payoff来诱惑他。这个时候,我已经推断出了他的底线,把他的$2700减去一半,就是我的目标了,如果我能以$5000搞定这个Lien的话,就是个good deal。
rewarded by 黄豆妈
[此贴子已经被菜菩头小囡于2010/4/1 22:32:04编辑过]
dish network讨价还价篇:13页
you know, i do not like to owe anything. i always pay my bills as soon as i receive them. i would like to do the same for you, but i am hoping that you could give me a break. i already spent tons of money on the house, and really would like to get a reduced fee for me to pay off.
"we do not give breaks. it is what it is. i can not reduce the total lien, even though i feel bad that you have to be responsible for the lien."
how about this? let's set up a time to meet. i would come by your office, and we can sit down and chat about this lien? 杀手锏之一,一般面谈我更有把握劝服人,电话里面还难一些。
"we do not meet with homeowners about owed fees. we just want it to be paid."
i bet you would like to meet me. you know what i do for a living? i can give you lots of good tips on wealth management and help you generate a lot more business.
"well i do have a mba from va tech, and i know these things pretty well." 嗬,还自我感觉挺良好嘛。不管,我求他给我少收钱的时候,只好顺着他捧他一下。
wow. you have both mba and jd? that's very impressive credentials. va tech is a great school and i heard lots of goods things about it. (心道,啥呀,不就那么多murder和枪杀的地儿吗)
"thanks for telling me that. you can come to meet me if you want. but if you are hoping for a reduced fee, that's not going to happen. we do not reduce our fees."
come on. you are the attorney. it's all your decision. you have the absolute power to make a decision over this. i have faith in you.
"no, not in this case. hoa is the one who is out. they already pre-paid the attorney charge to us. we are just collecting fees for them now. so it is not money owed to us, and we cannot reduce that fee." 切,你这么说,我就信了?hoa都给你们律师玩的团团转。file个lien三分钟的事儿,你凭啥收人家这么多fee啊,大蛀虫!
i am sure that by now you are tired of looking at that folder, and i would like to get it cleaned up as well. the only problem is: after i bought that house, i am really broke now。杀手锏之二:哭穷。
"where did you get that house?"
that does not matter, right?
"that's all public records, and i will find it out".
ok, i tell you. here is where i got the house from:xxx.
"how much did you pay for it?"
do i have to tell you that?
"if you do not, i will find it on my own." --心里暗骂,你怎么这样8,我付多少钱关你什么事?
there is a lag in county record, and they haven't posted it online yet.
"i will call them to find out." -- nnd,真跟我较上劲了。
ok, i will tell you again. i paid $$$ for the house. now you see why i am so broke. i spent all my money, and do not have anything left. 趁机哭穷,谁让你非要逼问我出了多少钱的。
"what are you going to do with the house? move in or sell it?" --因为对方是律师老狐狸,我不得不防他给我设套,因为房子只要出手卖的话,lien就一定会被payoff,我不能中他的圈套。
no, i am going to rent it out.
"how much do you have left now?"
all i have left is $5000, and if you would release me, i will give you everything i have. --我越哭越像真的了,咬死我的底线5000刀。
"no, i cannot do that. hoa will not allow me to do it. actually i already gave you a break. i did not charge you the 8% interest for xx months. that would be another $60." --继续腹诽,才$60,你也好意思叫给我打折,要是我只要$60的话,才不会浪费我的宝贵功夫给你打电话呢。
well, as much as i would like to pay you off, i guess you would have to wait until i collect enough rent from my renter. that could take up to six months. or in the worst case of scenario, you might have to wait until i sell the house in 5, 6 years. -- 杀手锏之三:耍赖。
"you know that hoa has the power to foreclose your property and if the lien is not paid off within 30 days, i will file another lien."
i know it takes them a couple of years to foreclose it. i am sure that by then i would have collected enough rent from my renter to pay you off. do not worry, you will get paid. it is just the matter of time. --杀手锏之四:软硬不吃。
look, i have $5000. we are very close, only $1400 apart. if you just write off the difference, i will come by your office on monday with a cashier's check at hand to pay you off. -- 杀手锏之五:现金诱惑。
"ok, hold on a second. let me redo the calculation and see whether we could meet there."
"i just calculated. i think we can do $5000!"
awesome! you are my hero! --杀手锏之六:送佛上西天,人家给我打折了,好歹我也让他心情舒畅点儿,说点儿动听的!
然后我们就开始了平等友好的交谈。他开始他假装对我跟他见面没兴趣,没问题问我,这下我们达成协议后,他问了我无数的问题,特别是如何倒房子。我因为心情大好,还给他指点了不少多挣钱的途径,好几条是他想都没有想过的,(比如专门给那些investor当closing agent close房子,做的好的话一年也可以挣很多钱)。
最后,他很热切的跟我约定了周一的时间,我去他办公室payoff lien。
(后续:我周一去他办公室,他关上会议室的大门,跟我又闲聊了靠近一个小时,继续问了n多问题,甚至连painter, air conditioner guy, tile guy的号码都跟我要过去了)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/20 15:50:19编辑过]
"How can I help you today?"
I am looking for a stainless steel package for a flipper house. Let me tell you what I am looking for: it is not my own house, so I am looking for something with great price. Do not care about fancy functions. All I care is that it looks good. -- 言简意赅,直达重点。
"OK, I can certainly help you with that. Is there anything specific in your mind that you are looking for?"
No, I do not. All I want is: something looks good, and has great price. The kitchen has white appliances right now. I do not plan on changing them unless I find a great deal on stainless stain. -- 再次强调,我不是你的冤大头客户, 别浪费我时间,引导我去看又贵又华而不实的电器,我忙着呢。
"Why don't you look around, and we can put a package together for you?"
Well, why do not you give me the lowest price you have on any stainless steel package, and we will go from there. -- 第三次straight him out。这个salesperson不太聪明,没办法,只好再次强调。
"I think we had a package for $2199. Let me see whether we still have it."
OK. That sounds good. I am interested in that price.
I cannot pay you $2199 for this package. I surely will not buy it today at that price.
"What can I do to earn your business today?"
Give me your lowest price on this package, and I will consider making the purchase today.
"How about $2099?"
No, I am expecting under $2000.
"You know what, I can do $1999. Do we have a deal?"
Let me call my friends who flip houses all day. I want them to tell me that this is a good price for me to buy.
我就当着他的面给我朋友打电话了,朋友说他们在另外一个店谈下来的价格是$2199,当然这个消息我是不跟salesperson share的。
My friend is calling his partner to verify your price. We are trying to get the lowest package price together. Let me tell you, if you can give me a good package price, I will bring my friends over here. They flip anywhere from 40 to 80 houses a year, and they need tons of appliances. I will send them directly to you if you give us a good group discount. --杀手锏之二,以更多的business来诱惑他。因为一般他的提成跟销售价格挂钩不大,能卖出他就有commission拿,所以他听到我提到我电话里面的朋友们每人一年买几十套,心驰神往啊。大概他心里已经偷偷换算成了如果他们都来找他买,他能够拿到的commission了。
"I understand where you are at, and I certainly want to earn your business today. What can we do to get the deal done today?"
Well, price is OK now. But I want the better pieces. I want the Gallery fridge which is nicer. --杀手锏之三,我不再还价,而是转向高一档的产品,要求他给我免费upgrade。
"If you want to replace with that fridge, your package price will go up by $200."
Hey, I am investor, and I am certainly cannot do that. I need the better fridge at the same package price for me to buy it today. I will have to go to Lowe's HD Sears and XXX (当地另外一家电器折扣连锁)to check their prices. --杀手锏之四,货比三家。
"You do not need to go there, I have all their prices in the computer. Let me show you right here."他真把其他几家的价格在电脑上点出来,果然他们家的最低。
Well, what they have on their website does not matter. When I go to their physical store, I will be able to get a much better package deal. --继续不为所动,以我的还价的本领,不会没有店面不给我打折的。
"Let me go to get my manager, and see what is the best we could do for you."--这个不错,经理可以给出的价格往往比salesperson能够给出的价格要好,因为他们的权限大一些。
Your sales guy is awesome, very helpful. I am trying to get a good package deal so that I can bring all my investor friends over. They need hundreds of sets year long. They just texted me and told me that they would want the same package deal I get. So I am expecting the absolute best price that we can give you tons of business。--同样以volume来诱惑经理。
我预计经理给他了bottom line,他没有直接给我,我猜是$1999。
I told you that I cannot pay over $2000 for the package, otherwise I cannot buy today.
"How much do you want to pay?" 他大概也在慨叹,怎么遇上了这么个难缠的主儿的。
Let me tell you how much I can pay today: $1950。I will give you my credit card right now for that price and let's get it done。--杀手锏之五:现金诱惑
"I cannot do $1950. How about we meet in the middle $1975?"
Nope, $1950 is how much I can pay.
"As much as I want to sell it to you today, I just cannot do it."--估价我是触到了底线了,他没法卖了。
What is $25 to you? You order a pizza and spend that. Why do not you help me a little bit from your commission? --杀手锏之六:试图让他从他的commission里面给我让利。
"I just cannot. I am sorry. It is only $25, just as you said. Can you just give me another $25 please?"
All right. You know what, I give you $1960. Let's be done with it.
(对了,还有一个杀手锏,就是问如果付现金的话,是否可以拿到更多的discount。不过这个店已经给我压到最低的价格了,我就没有再多此一举。这一招在Lowe's和HD,Bestbuy 是有效的)
"OK, I can do it. You are killing me." --可怜的sales帅哥哥,给我逼的快走投无路了。
其实讲价基本上上都差不多,跟不同的人要讲不同的策略。律师那边以扮可怜为主,sweet talk为辅,因为那个钱我早晚得付,非付不可的,在电器店里我就aggressive的多了,因为我有权选择不买,所以极尽可能的压到最低价格。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/5 9:36:38编辑过]
为什么不能让seller 富呢?
买房子的时候真的不知道这个lien 吗?还是你用这个来negotiate?
为什么不能让seller 富呢?
哈哈我逗他呢,我买以前就知道这个lien的。是foreclosed property,所以lien都归我,我能谈下价格的话,少付一分,我自己就多赚一分,明白了吗?
哈哈我逗他呢,我买以前就知道这个lien的。是foreclosed property,所以lien都归我,我能谈下价格的话,少付一分,我自己就多赚一分,明白了吗?
明白了,,你很有negotiation skill 啊。。。
明白了,,你很有negotiation skill 啊。。。
How about this? Let's set up a time to meet. I would come by your office, and we can sit down and chat about this lien? 杀手锏之一,一般面谈我更有把握劝服人,电话里面还难一些。
"We do not meet with homeowners about owed fees. We just want it to be paid."
I bet you would like to meet me. You know what I do for a living? I can give you lots of good tips on wealth management and help you generate a lot more business.
"Well I do have a MBA from VA Tech, and I know these things pretty well." 嗬,还自我感觉挺良好嘛。不管,我求他给我少收钱的时候,只好顺着他捧他一下。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 7:46:55编辑过]
让我跟别人说wealth mgt,我自己都不知道怎们manage我自己的呢。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/18 8:46:55编辑过]
我猜测,你在公司应该也很吃的开的。太会说话了。不光是TOUGH COOKIE, 还很有策略,有理有据有情啊。
该sweet talk的时候,需要sweet talk,该狠的时候,需要狠。
我周一去律师GG那儿,他还问我,是不是跟其他人谈话讲价都是这样sweet talk,我说不是,看人的了,跟不同的人有不同的talk的啦。
想查什么信息?请问具体一点儿。lien的话county records下面可以查一些,但是也查不全,比如HOA的就肯定不全,需要自己去HOA问。
另外,看房子的时候要注意哪些地方?除了房子结构等要注意,是否还牵涉到你说的lien, HOA这些费用?
另外,看房子的时候要注意哪些地方?除了房子结构等要注意,是否还牵涉到你说的lien, HOA这些费用?
期待跟contractor negotiate 的case study!
i messgae you le
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 8:24:15编辑过]
还有如何跟搞装修的contractor谈价格,能否举例子指点一下。这种专业行当,是否自己要先变成专家才好谈?否则感觉一不留神就容易被忽悠。 请问你都是同一天找好几个contractor来看房子吗?让他们知道有其他人同时在竞争这业务吗?请他们帮助设计,还是自己先全部设计好,直接谈施工和价格问题?每天都要去督工吗? 楼主辛苦建楼,造福人类,不顶不行!
if you want to customize yourself, that is different. contact some chinese or mexican contractors. then use lovebaby's price+10% as your guidence.
debt collector, general contractor, sales person, negotiator, purchase manager, 咔咔。
debt collector, general contractor, sales person, negotiator, purchase manager, 咔咔。
我说过多少遍了,是安装实木地板,包括remove carpet, baseboard and partial area tile,1SF2刀不到,LL的professional installment team不可能拿到1SF1刀的价格的。靠近2刀还比较靠谱。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 8:24:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 12:59:06编辑过]
嗯一个IDEA, 大家如果有讨价还价需求,不若也来这里求教?看看以爱宝宝的经验,可以给出些啥建议不?这样讨论自然就热烈起来了嘛。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 12:59:06编辑过]
嗯一个IDEA, 大家如果有讨价还价需求,不若也来这里求教?看看以爱宝宝的经验,可以给出些啥建议不?这样讨论自然就热烈起来了嘛。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 12:59:06编辑过]
以下是引用lovemybaby在3/18/2010 7:13:00 AM的发言:
本篇讲如何买电器讨价还价。就拿上周末我买stainless steel 4-piece package来说事儿吧。引号内的话是salesperson说的,其他的话是我自己说的:
"How can I help you today?"
I am looking for a stainless steel package for a flipper house. Let me tell you what I am looking for: it is not my own house, so I am looking for something with great price. Do not care about fancy functions. All I care is that it looks good. -- 言简意赅,直达重点。
"OK, I can certainly help you with that. Is there anything specific in your mind that you are looking for?"
No, I do not. All I want is: something looks good, and has great price. The kitchen has white appliances right now. I do not plan on changing them unless I find a great deal on stainless stain. -- 再次强调,我不是你的冤大头客户, 别浪费我时间,引导我去看又贵又华而不实的电器,我忙着呢。
"Why don't you look around, and we can put a package together for you?"
Well, why do not you give me the lowest price you have on any stainless steel package, and we will go from there. -- 第三次straight him out。这个salesperson不太聪明,没办法,只好再次强调。
"I think we had a package for $2199. Let me see whether we still have it."
OK. That sounds good. I am interested in that price.
I cannot pay you $2199 for this package. I surely will not buy it today at that price.
"What can I do to earn your business today?"
Give me your lowest price on this package, and I will consider making the purchase today.
"How about $2099?"
No, I am expecting under $2000.
"You know what, I can do $1999. Do we have a deal?"
Let me call my friends who flip houses all day. I want them to tell me that this is a good price for me to buy.
我就当着他的面给我朋友打电话了,朋友说他们在另外一个店谈下来的价格是$2199,当然这个消息我是不跟salesperson share的。
My friend is calling his partner to verify your price. We are trying to get the lowest package price together. Let me tell you, if you can give me a good package price, I will bring my friends over here. They flip anywhere from 40 to 80 houses a year, and they need tons of appliances. I will send them directly to you if you give us a good group discount. --杀手锏之二,以更多的business来诱惑他。因为一般他的提成跟销售价格挂钩不大,能卖出他就有commission拿,所以他听到我提到我电话里面的朋友们每人一年买几十套,心驰神往啊。大概他心里已经偷偷换算成了如果他们都来找他买,他能够拿到的commission了。
"I understand where you are at, and I certainly want to earn your business today. What can we do to get the deal done today?"
Well, price is OK now. But I want the better pieces. I want the Gallery fridge which is nicer. --杀手锏之三,我不再还价,而是转向高一档的产品,要求他给我免费upgrade。
"If you want to replace with that fridge, your package price will go up by $200."
Hey, I am investor, and I am certainly cannot do that. I need the better fridge at the same package price for me to buy it today. I will have to go to Lowe's HD Sears and XXX (当地另外一家电器折扣连锁)to check their prices. --杀手锏之四,货比三家。
"You do not need to go there, I have all their prices in the computer. Let me show you right here."他真把其他几家的价格在电脑上点出来,果然他们家的最低。
Well, what they have on their website does not matter. When I go to their physical store, I will be able to get a much better package deal. --继续不为所动,以我的还价的本领,不会没有店面不给我打折的。
"Let me go to get my manager, and see what is the best we could do for you."--这个不错,经理可以给出的价格往往比salesperson能够给出的价格要好,因为他们的权限大一些。
Your sales guy is awesome, very helpful. I am trying to get a good package deal so that I can bring all my investor friends over. They need hundreds of sets year long. They just texted me and told me that they would want the same package deal I get. So I am expecting the absolute best price that we can give you tons of business。--同样以volume来诱惑经理。
我预计经理给他了bottom line,他没有直接给我,我猜是$1999。
I told you that I cannot pay over $2000 for the package, otherwise I cannot buy today.
"How much do you want to pay?" 他大概也在慨叹,怎么遇上了这么个难缠的主儿的。
Let me tell you how much I can pay today: $1950。I will give you my credit card right now for that price and let's get it done。--杀手锏之五:现金诱惑
"I cannot do $1950. How about we meet in the middle $1975?"
Nope, $1950 is how much I can pay.
"As much as I want to sell it to you today, I just cannot do it."--估价我是触到了底线了,他没法卖了。
What is $25 to you? You order a pizza and spend that. Why do not you help me a little bit from your commission? --杀手锏之六:试图让他从他的commission里面给我让利。
"I just cannot. I am sorry. It is only $25, just as you said. Can you just give me another $25 please?"
All right. You know what, I give you $1960. Let's be done with it.
(对了,还有一个杀手锏,就是问如果付现金的话,是否可以拿到更多的discount。不过这个店已经给我压到最低的价格了,我就没有再多此一举。这一招在Lowe's和HD,Bestbuy 是有效的)
"OK, I can do it. You are killing me." --可怜的sales帅哥哥,给我逼的快走投无路了。
其实讲价基本上上都差不多,跟不同的人要讲不同的策略。律师那边以扮可怜为主,sweet talk为辅,因为那个钱我早晚得付,非付不可的,在电器店里我就aggressive的多了,因为我有权选择不买,所以极尽可能的压到最低价格。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/21 13:05:11编辑过]
even retails could get 25-30% discount from the ticket price of Homedepot, lowe's and sears. it takes some time and work though.
mm那里买电器没税?我每次买东西想到要plus 10%就很沮丧……
有的,很少有州不收sales tax的吧。
哈哈我逗他呢,我买以前就知道这个lien的。是foreclosed property,所以lien都归我,我能谈下价格的话,少付一分,我自己就多赚一分,明白了吗?
请问到哪里去查foreclosed property的lien啊?我们才买了一个,还没close呢。没听说有lien....