I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
Please do not bring the personal issues to the public. The truth of the facts is that our marriage had falling apart 8 years ago, divorce had been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all the people in the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for her part! I am firmly standing by and behind Diane. I will certainly hope she will marry me one day soon!
1,首先,我倾向于使用bring sth. "out" to the public。 2,“The truth of the facts ”是很怪的说法(并无不妥),直接说“The fact is”就好。 3,“our marriage had falling apart 8 years ago”语法肯定错了,不知道作者是不是要使用过去完成时态。 4,后面一句更奇怪,最好加“since”(给人感觉是婚姻破碎了3年后才开始考虑离婚的)。基本看到这里就可以看出作者高中英语不是很扎实,连后面world笔误写成了word。 5,“for one's part”指的是“对某人而言”,“Stand by”是等待的意思,“Stand by one's side”和“Stand behind someone”基本同义,但后者还有其它意思,略显行文冗余。 6,“hope”不能表达成“will hope”。高考常考。
Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this way is not going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and our marriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. I am sorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please move on!
发件人: Zhang, Lily [mailto:lily.zhang@**.com] 发送时间: 2010年2月23日 10:23 收件人: XXX 抄送: Yale Yang 主题: Dear friends ... Moving on ..
Dear friends, After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I have parted our ways. Yale moved out last week.
Dear Diane/T** D** Y***,
Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family. You knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew when they had their swimming practices. You even knew their baby nicknames. On December 18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took my children to the U.S. for Christmas vacation. On the very same day, December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, you and Yale took off for the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok for Christmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children and me. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleep in the arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? I wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if you knew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bring endless tears to us.
We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clothes were in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touch those, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell. They are the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9 years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." My son, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychological damage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic. They are forever emotionally damaged. With this, I announce you the winner.
How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left me in so much pain that I don't know how to heal myself. This affair has taught me tear supply can actually be infinite. This affair has crushed me, leaving me a corpse walking around with no heart. I don't know how to deal with this kind of pain. I don't know how to move on. But I have children. I must move on. Diane, I pray to God that you will never have to experience this kind of betrayal and hurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life together because, after all, we are all women and we all deserve to be happy. With sincere regards, Lily
1,couple of years:几年,高考词汇。 2,tournaments,锦标赛,联赛,四级词汇。 3,……the very same day:very起强调语气作用。 4,I often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children and me.一种靠词组延长句子的好方式,可以显得更有文采。 5,ponder:权衡,揣摩。六级词汇。 6,They are the devil's cloth!:应该是Clothes,衣服;否则指的是布。 7,Voldemort!:伏地魔(《哈利波特》)。 8,psychological damage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic:六级词汇。 9,With this, I announce you the winner. :四级词汇的用法。 10, ..knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once.注意动名词用做状语的形式。 11,corpse:残骸,四级词汇。
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
"I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father."
I like what the wife of south carolina's governor said about the issue. It is not about hating their own father. It is about hating what their father did. It is about helping boys building their own character and integrity.
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
As a fellow woman....从大奶到二奶, 都对这句式情有独钟, 邪门儿。大伙儿觉着不别扭吗?
Yes, that statement sounds arrogant. Actually a lot of statements sounds like lecturing. The other woman's view of marriage is a liberal view. Conservatives do not agree.
As a fellow woman....从大奶到二奶, 都对这句式情有独钟, 邪门儿。大伙儿觉着不别扭吗?
that doesn't surprise me at all, a counter statement should use similar tone or/and words the other party used to attack effectively. for example she used "As a fellow woman" and "sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband", which hit right on the spots...
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China.... 可能让人润色了下...
isn't this what they want? wan jian chuan xin, compared with "1000 knives chopped and stabbed my heart" i prefer the former. 呵呵,你这个让我想起来林子祥有一首歌,叫"千枝针, 刺在心", 很多年前的歌了。
还有那个"行尸走肉 -- a corpse walking around with no heart."
isn't this what they want? wan jian chuan xin, compared with "1000 knives chopped and stabbed my heart" i prefer the former. seems to me that distinguish an educated cheated tortured wife from a regular painful woman... 英文表达起来还是有些磁不达意啊.
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China.... 呵呵。肯定的。不是想SHOW OFF, 而是想写的合乎情理感人至深的争取同情或者维护形象。
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 这人脸皮还真厚 你自己做小三还要大婆夸你不成?灰常搞笑~
The advantage of xiaosan is that, they don't need to pay anything to get all the benefits on the basis of many years' sacrifice of another woman. They can say anything beautiful they want since they lose nothing.
Old saying that you cannot desert your wife who accompany you in poverty is on the contrary to current WSNs. They only care about their charm and their physiologic urges. They think it is your own mistake because you are so stupid to believe in love and didn't do a good business. You wanted to be the bargain I could afford at that time. Now I am wealthy enough to buy what I want.
Then WSNs and xiaosans happily sing the song of "true love" that becomes the most popular rhythm today.
抄送: Yang, Yale; [email protected]; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh,
Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shiu, Ruby; [email protected]; Lai,
Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei;
[email protected]; Prince, Jamaliah
主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
Dear Lily,
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
Best regards,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 16:59:22编辑过]
发件人: Yale Yang [mailto:yale.yang@**.biz]
发送时间: 2010年2月23日 11:14
收件人: Zhang, Lily
抄送: XXX
主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
Please do not bring the personal issues to the public. The truth of the facts is that our marriage had falling apart 8 years ago, divorce had been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all the people in the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for her part! I am firmly standing by and behind Diane. I will certainly hope she will marry me one day soon!
1,首先,我倾向于使用bring sth. "out" to the public。
2,“The truth of the facts ”是很怪的说法(并无不妥),直接说“The fact is”就好。
3,“our marriage had falling apart 8 years ago”语法肯定错了,不知道作者是不是要使用过去完成时态。
5,“for one's part”指的是“对某人而言”,“Stand by”是等待的意思,“Stand by one's side”和“Stand behind someone”基本同义,但后者还有其它意思,略显行文冗余。
6,“hope”不能表达成“will hope”。高考常考。
Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this way is not going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and our marriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. I am sorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please move on!
Sincerely yours
2,“drag into”多用于口语表达,相当于involve。
发送时间: 2010年2月23日 10:23
收件人: XXX
抄送: Yale Yang
主题: Dear friends ... Moving on ..
Dear friends,
After 13 years and 2 beautiful children together, Yale and I have parted our ways. Yale moved out last week.
Dear Diane/T** D** Y***,
Over the past couple of years, you knew everything about my family. You knew when my kids had their soccer tournaments, you knew when they had their swimming practices. You even knew their baby nicknames. On December 18th, 2009, on a noon flight, I took my children to the U.S. for Christmas vacation. On the very same day, December 18th, 2009, on an afternoon flight, you and Yale took off for the beaches of Phuket and shopping streets of Bangkok for Christmas vacation. Diane, as a fellow woman, I often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children and me. Diane, I often asked myself what was it like for you to sleep in the arms of another woman's husband, other children's father? I wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt. I pondered if you knew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bring endless tears to us.
【翻译】亲爱的Diane和T** D** Y***(该是Diane的中文名),
We went to Beijing last week for Chinese New Year. Your clothes were in our Beijing home. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touch those, they are disgusting! Set them on fire, burn them to hell. They are the devil's cloth!" My children are hurt. My daughter, 9 years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get married." My son, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" The psychological damage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic. They are forever emotionally damaged. With this, I announce you the winner.
How do I feel, Diane? This affair is like 10 thousand knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once. This affair has left me in so much pain that I don't know how to heal myself. This affair has taught me tear supply can actually be infinite. This affair has crushed me, leaving me a corpse walking around with no heart. I don't know how to deal with this kind of pain. I don't know how to move on. But I have children. I must move on. Diane, I pray to God that you will never have to experience this kind of betrayal and hurt. I wish you and Yale a happy life together because, after all, we are all women and we all deserve to be happy.
With sincere regards, Lily
1,couple of years:几年,高考词汇。
3,……the very same day:very起强调语气作用。
4,I often wondered if the level of ecstasy this vacation had brought you equates to the level of devastation this vacation had brought to my children and me.一种靠词组延长句子的好方式,可以显得更有文采。
6,They are the devil's cloth!:应该是Clothes,衣服;否则指的是布。
8,psychological damage this affair has done to my children is catastrophic:六级词汇。
9,With this, I announce you the winner. :四级词汇的用法。
10, ..knives stabbing and chopping my heart all at once.注意动名词用做状语的形式。
As a fellow woman....从大奶到二奶, 都对这句式情有独钟, 邪门儿。大伙儿觉着不别扭吗?
收件人: Zhang, Lily
抄送: Yang, Yale; [email protected]; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh,
Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shiu, Ruby; [email protected]; Lai,
Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei;
[email protected]; Prince, Jamaliah
主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
Dear Lily,
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
Best regards,
sounds exactly like john edwards' mistress
还one day soon, 只能早一天, 早两天都不行!
I like what the wife of south carolina's governor said about the issue. It is not about hating their own father. It is about hating what their father did. It is about helping boys building their own character and integrity.
收件人: Zhang, Lily
抄送: Yang, Yale; [email protected]; Sun, Yonghong; Winn, Sean; Stevens, Joe; Dawson, Andrew; Morrison, Alastair; Huh,
Charles; Chu, Mabel; Yee, Andrew; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shiu, Ruby; [email protected]; Lai,
Daniel Xiao Ming; Li, Sherry Shao Ling; Yang, Sean; Zhang, Ting; Cheung, Clara Siu Yum; Wang, Cindy Xi; Zhu, Wei;
[email protected]; Prince, Jamaliah
主题: Re: Dear friends ... Moving on ...
Dear Lily,
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale's life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children's father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn't it make more sense, for the sake of the children's wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better? If there's anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don't you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
Best regards,
这英文算好吗? 我怎么不觉得?
As a fellow woman....从大奶到二奶, 都对这句式情有独钟, 邪门儿。大伙儿觉着不别扭吗?
Yes, that statement sounds arrogant. Actually a lot of statements sounds like lecturing. The other woman's view of marriage is a liberal view. Conservatives do not agree.
shouldn't it be turn a new page in your life?
you can turn a new leaf in your life.????
shouldn't it be turn a new page in your life?
Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page ("leaf") in your life and seeing what is on the other side.
you can turn a new leaf in your life.????
shouldn't it be turn a new page in your life?
Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page ("leaf") in your life and seeing what is on the other side.
玛雅 学习了, 我还真不知道这个表达方式。。 还以为是展开新的一页被理解成为了“一叶”。。。。然后chinglish了
Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page ("leaf") in your life and seeing what is on the other side.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 13:58:39编辑过]
Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page ("leaf") in your life and seeing what is on the other side.
Re PG的。
是的,new page和new leaf在这里是可以换用的。
可是, 戴安小姐忘记了写"over", 应该是turning over a new page (leaf), 可见还是用法不熟练。
这英文算好吗? 我怎么不觉得?
As a fellow woman....从大奶到二奶, 都对这句式情有独钟, 邪门儿。大伙儿觉着不别扭吗?
that doesn't surprise me at all, a counter statement should use similar tone or/and words the other party used to attack effectively. for example she used "As a fellow woman" and "sleeping in the arms of another woman's husband", which hit right on the spots...
能发密信么? 满足一下广大群众的好奇心?
贴吧... 你在哪里看到的, 告诉我们到哪里去找也行.
男的是不加修饰的直译,女的都带着"try too hard"的感角,字里行间都是conscious effort。
当然,对于非母语写作,能让人看懂目的也就达到了,不必要求文采。只是,在这样的唇枪舌剑的较量下,难道大家都不想尽量用自己最擅长的方式来表达吗? 为什么要用英文??
也不见得两个女人的英文多好,还没有达到native speaker的地步,其实不少地方还是挺chinglish的。
男的是不加修饰的直译,女的都带着"try too hard"的感角,字里行间都是conscious effort。
当然,对于非母语写作,能让人看懂目的也就达到了,不必要求文采。只是,在这样的唇枪舌剑的较量下,难道大家都不想尽量用自己最擅长的方式来表达吗? 为什么要用英文??
男的是不加修饰的直译,女的都带着"try too hard"的感角,字里行间都是conscious effort。
当然,对于非母语写作,能让人看懂目的也就达到了,不必要求文采。只是,在这样的唇枪舌剑的较量下,难道大家都不想尽量用自己最擅长的方式来表达吗? 为什么要用英文??
可能是觉得用中文对骂太直接,太犀利了. 我的理解.
google zhang lily,Diane,yale
the two women's English are all good, the man's is not
确实这个男的英文最差。 两个女的, 别的不说, 英文都很拽
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China....
可能是觉得用中文对骂太直接,太犀利了. 我的理解.
总之,进可攻,退可守,不比用英文顺手儿啊? 呵呵。
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China....
当然,对于非母语写作,能让人看懂目的也就达到了,不必要求文采。只是,在这样的唇枪舌剑的较量下,难道大家都不想尽量用自己最擅长的方式来表达吗? 为什么要用英文??
maybe they don't have chinese input? :P
可能是觉得用中文对骂太直接,太犀利了. 我的理解.
isn't this what they want?
wan jian chuan xin,
compared with "1000 knives chopped and stabbed my heart"
i prefer the former.
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China....
其实我觉得丈夫的信写得更好,简短有力,不浪费大家时间。两位女士的信太长了,如果我忙得话, 根本没有耐心读完 (如果他们的收信人是真的风投风云人物的话)
总之,进可攻,退可守,不比用英文顺手儿啊? 呵呵。
google zhang lily,Diane,yale
isn't this what they want?
wan jian chuan xin,
compared with "1000 knives chopped and stabbed my heart"
i prefer the former.
呵呵,你这个让我想起来林子祥有一首歌,叫"千枝针, 刺在心", 很多年前的歌了。
还有那个"行尸走肉 -- a corpse walking around with no heart."
英文哪里有这样表达的, 都是直接说walking corpse就得了。
maybe they don't have chinese input? :P
Or maybe their Chinese is not as good....LOL
还有, 男主那句"I will certainly hope she will marry me one day soon!" 也把我看乐了。
还one day soon, 只能早一天, 早两天都不行!
总之,进可攻,退可守,不比用英文顺手儿啊? 呵呵。
我的理解哈, 就象和美国人结婚的妹妹们,可能真的就骂不出什么话出来,因为隔着点,骂起来不顺手. 我猜的.
三个人看起来都很虚伪, 所以躲在外语的背后, 想出来说,但是又不想用中文说?
isn't this what they want?
wan jian chuan xin,
compared with "1000 knives chopped and stabbed my heart"
i prefer the former.
seems to me that distinguish an educated cheated tortured wife from a regular painful woman...
看了他们,尤其是第三者的英文后, 不得不感叹大家对英文学习的投入!
真的太象SEX AND THE CITY里的口吻和句子了!
我觉得骂人的时候用非母语, 其实比较平和一些
RE. 我就是这个意思. 比较"文明"些的感觉.
呵呵,你这个让我想起来林子祥有一首歌,叫"千枝针, 刺在心", 很多年前的歌了。
还有那个"行尸走肉 -- a corpse walking around with no heart."
英文哪里有这样表达的, 都是直接说walking corpse就得了。
take my heart away.
赞评论 男主信中中文语境迁移错误。
How should it be said then? syntaxwise for this example.
那新世纪女性标准里头有句话叫做: 斗得过小三, 打得过流氓。
但是, jms 啊,斗勇还是不够的, 这年头, 知识就是力量啊。 学好英语也是很重要的。。。
btw, 其实我并不觉得小三的英语比原配的好很多啊。。 基本上差不多吧。
也不见得两个女人的英文多好,还没有达到native speaker的地步,其实不少地方还是挺chinglish的。
That is because the man responded within an hour... The two women likely spent hours on the damn letters to show off their English... in China....
呵呵。肯定的。不是想SHOW OFF, 而是想写的合乎情理感人至深的争取同情或者维护形象。
我更加感兴趣看人肉搜索跟片片,强烈要求, 5pp5真相。
这人脸皮还真厚 你自己做小三还要大婆夸你不成?灰常搞笑~
呵呵,你这个让我想起来林子祥有一首歌,叫"千枝针, 刺在心", 很多年前的歌了。
还有那个"行尸走肉 -- a corpse walking around with no heart."
英文哪里有这样表达的, 都是直接说walking corpse就得了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 16:45:24编辑过]
男的在香港(可能是渣打吧),估计小三是同事,男的profile在linkedin, 不过我没有premium account, 看不到。Facebook上面有三个小三同名姓,只有一个有照片,不过看起来比较老,在香港。
Old saying that you cannot desert your wife who accompany you in poverty is on the contrary to current WSNs. They only care about their charm and their physiologic urges. They think it is your own mistake because you are so stupid to believe in love and didn't do a good business. You wanted to be the bargain I could afford at that time. Now I am wealthy enough to buy what I want.
Then WSNs and xiaosans happily sing the song of "true love" that becomes the most popular rhythm today.
mm can you also message them to me? Thanks.
黛安娜: 渣打直接投资 陶丹阳
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 17:17:28编辑过]
每人八一下什么背景么,这对ws nan nv