波士顿的热心妈妈们请进 - 让我们一起来帮助小怡帆

楼主 (北美华人网)
在mitbbs上看到小怡帆将来Boston Children's Hospital治疗,需要志愿者的消息,想到华人上热心的JM多,就转过来了。不知道是不是已经有JM转过了。


怡帆的故事 http://help-yifan.org/

【 以下文字转载自 Harvard_Medical_School 俱乐部 】

发信人: amedio (Boasting Father), 信区: Harvard_Medical_School

标  题: ****Yifan's visiting Boston children's hospital update***

发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 13 15:07:32 2010, 美东)

Dear HMS-CSSA members,

Here is an update about Yifan, a Chinese girl coming to Boston for critical medical treatment

(http://help-yifan.org).  Yifan and her mother are expected to arrive Boston on March 17

Wednesday night.  YAN Zhipeng, a volunteer from our HMS community, will provide temporary

housing for Yifan and her mother.  A number of other local organizations and individuals  have

also volunteered to help from different aspects.  The primary communication channel among

volunteers in pan-Boston area will be through "Help Yifan Volunteer" Google group mailing list


After coordinating with other volunteer groups, the primary responsibility of our HMS-CSSA is to

provide English-Chinese translational assistance and medical consultation for Yifan and her

family.  Occasionally, brief babysitting (e.g. a few hours) may be needed when her mother can not

be with her.

Yifan's initial medical evaluation will start immediately after their arrival (presumably March 18 or

19) and is expected to last for about one week.  More medical treatment will follow, pending on

the results of initial evaluation.  Therefore, we are calling for your assistance and involvement.  If

you are willing to be a volunteer to help this little girl, please send your name, email, and phone

number to [email protected].  In the subject line, please write "help Yifan volunteer" and specify

the type of assistance you would like to participate, e.g. translation, medical consultation,


After we receive your email, we will inform you how to sign up for specific date/hours when you

will be available.  Currently, we are looking for translation volunteers who can help Yifan and her

mother from March 18/19 to March 19 during their initial visit to Children's Hospital.  If you could

communicate with your doctor, you will be able to help them as well.

With the input from members of our Chinese community at Harvard Medical School and affiliated

hospitals, we believe that Yifan and her family will not feel that they are left alone.  We are with


Thank you.

2 楼
3 楼

可惜我不在波士顿。。。如果有什么可以remotely替她做的,let me know...
4 楼
配合lz mm, 我把俺两个月前发的帖子给顶上来了,呵呵