Picaboo is offering new customers a FREE Large Classic book from via code FALLBK. This code is only good for new customers only.
The cost of one 20-page Large Classic, Classic Leather, or Classic Custom photo book (up to $39.99) will be deducted from the order total. If the book contains more than 20 pages, the customer will be charged for the additional pages. Taxes and shipping charges are additional.
for $9 shipping, I will stick with shutterfly, they got free book regularly too, I am not sure about the quality of picaboo I do use picaboo is backgroup sets though
I just ordered one, 11*8, leather cover, shipping is 9. I think it is very good. For others (snapfish, artscow, shutterfly, etc), I do not think they have free leather-cover photobooks.
I just ordered one, 11*8, leather cover, shipping is 9. I think it is very good. For others (snapfish, artscow, shutterfly, etc), I do not think they have free leather-cover photobooks.
我怎么老是登陆不了啊,老是提示 your request could not be completed because picaboo is temporarily unavailable or a new connection must be made with the picaboo server.
Do they have free photobook every month or very other two months? I just made two photobooks, and I need to take new pictures for my baby for new photobook, hope will have these kind of deal later.
for $9 shipping, I will stick with shutterfly, they got free book regularly too, I am not sure about the quality of picaboo I do use picaboo is backgroup sets though
Today only! Groupon Dayton is offering a $100 Picaboo.com Gift Card for $25. Although this is listed under Groupon Dayton, it can be purchased and used by anyone outside of that area. Limit one per person. Note: Picaboo is promoting a HOT deal right now. They offer FREE large photo book to new customers, click here to see details. Combined it is a smoking deal for all.
Picaboo is offering new customers a FREE Large Classic book from via code FALLBK. This code is only good for new customers only.
The cost of one 20-page Large Classic, Classic Leather, or Classic Custom photo book (up to $39.99) will be deducted from the order total. If the book contains more than 20 pages, the customer will be charged for the additional pages. Taxes and shipping charges are additional.
这个月Picaboo又推出免费的Photo Book了10月25日到期,以前错过的mm不要错过了。另外,以前曾经卖过Groupon Picaboo GC的mm现在可以把它用在shipping和tax上了。
Picaboo is offering new customers a FREE Large Classic book from via code FALLBK. This code is only good for new customers only.
The cost of one 20-page Large Classic, Classic Leather, or Classic
Custom photo book (up to $39.99) will be deducted from the order total.
If the book contains more than 20 pages, the customer will be charged
for the additional pages. Taxes and shipping charges are additional.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/25 16:28:08编辑过]
i see shipping is 9
I am not sure about the quality of picaboo
I do use picaboo is backgroup sets though
Thanks for sharing
I just ordered one, 11*8, leather cover, shipping is 9. I think it is very good. For others (snapfish, artscow, shutterfly, etc), I do not think they have free leather-cover photobooks.
Thanks for sharing
谢谢 ~~~
your request could not be completed because picaboo is temporarily unavailable or a new connection must be made with the picaboo server.
for $9 shipping, I will stick with shutterfly, they got free book regularly too,
I am not sure about the quality of picaboo
I do use picaboo is backgroup sets though
订过一本, 质量非常差. 里面还穿插着其他什么人的照片. 对他家放弃.
LOCAL软件 找照片很方便 对于我这种超级不ORGANIZED人来说很重要 不用上载照片省太多时间了
当然要是平时照片都整理好的,可能也没有太大区别 或者麻烦
模板还算多 背景啥的我感觉比SHUTTERFLY还多不少呢。。。可以按主题SERACH 我喜欢
BORDER没有啥花哨的 MS不能做圆角之类的?还是我没有发现怎么做?CORNER倒是有 但是只有方角感觉不够FLEXIBLE。
是不是新用户免费,只是9$ shipping?
是不是新用户免费,只是9$ shipping?
Today only! Groupon Dayton is offering a $100 Picaboo.com Gift Card for $25.
Although this is listed under Groupon Dayton, it can be purchased and
used by anyone outside of that area. Limit one per person.
Note: Picaboo is promoting a HOT deal right now. They offer FREE large photo book to new customers, click here to see details. Combined it is a smoking deal for all.
大家注意,那个Groupon的picaboo GC只能到8/27 12PM才能开始用。
大家注意。Free Photo Book明天到期了。需要的jm赶紧跳吧。
我定的 今天到了。 印象中是皮封面的,收到的不是。 是我错了还是picaboo弄错了啊。
这个月Picaboo又推出免费的Photo Book了10月25日到期,以前错过的mm不要错过了。另外,以前曾经卖过Groupon Picaboo GC的mm现在可以把它用在shipping和tax上了。
Picaboo is offering new customers a FREE Large Classic book from via code FALLBK. This code is only good for new customers only.
The cost of one 20-page Large Classic, Classic Leather, or Classic
Custom photo book (up to $39.99) will be deducted from the order total.
If the book contains more than 20 pages, the customer will be charged
for the additional pages. Taxes and shipping charges are additional.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/15 13:17:09编辑过]
thanks for sharing!!!
Groupon和free book的好像不能一起用啊!! 能不能指导一下。谢谢!
还有,我在想,是不是这次 35$买100$卡,这个offer,是不能和其它offer合用的,只是卡上是这么讲的,买的时候一激动买的,也没有仔细看。不知道能不能退。
也不知道,以前那次 25$买100$卡是不是没有这个限制
还有,我在想,是不是这次 35$买100$卡,这个offer,是不能和其它offer合用的,只是卡上是这么讲的,买的时候一激动买的,也没有仔细看。不知道能不能退。
也不知道,以前那次 25$买100$卡是不是没有这个限制