电影中的描述他flashback concentration camp比较多,好像那段情节影响他比较深刻。 在书中,他梦的最多的是他的wife. 给我的感觉是,他的wife的死是对他最有影响的。 He misses his wife the most.
因为看过书, 所以知道结局。 发现一些导演用心拍得镜头。 比如teddy and chuck在问一位女patient what does dr. sheehan like, 她先瓢了一眼chuck。 chuck听到她的description后, 很得意地笑了一下。 如果不只道ending的人恐怕不会注意到这些情节。 还有就是dr. cawley跟teddy解释how they treat their patients and why chuck was having a hard time giving his gun to the guard when they first arrived the island是很好的hints/clues。It helps to explain the ending.
1. When Leo's charactor first got off the boat, all the guards are "a little bit on the toes". It was said they were worried about the run away female patient. But they actually are all watching Leo, the male patient who were let loose;
2. Chuck, the other marshall, had problem releasing his own firearms;
3. The nurses, male or female, appeared quite absent minded during the investigation. Looking back, why, of course, they know it's just a show;
4. When the marshalls were interviewing the patients, Leo's charactor knew exactly how to annoy one of the male patient (by rubbing pencil on paper) How did he knew? He had lived there for 2 years;
5. Also during the interview of the patients, one female patient was using flirting terms "easy on the eye" on the missing Dr. Sheehan, and she was looking at Chuck. Why they are the same person.
6. Also during the interview of the patients, Chuck (Dr. Sheehan) was sitting sideway, watching both the incoming patients, and Leo's charactor.
7. "why are you all wet, baby" is the key sentence. It appeared 3 times: First time, in the beginging, leo dreamed of his dead wife, "remember the smoke got to her". But before she crumble into ashes, she was soaking wet and began bleeding in Leo's hands.
Second time, at the lighthouse, the bald doctor greeted Leo with this sentence. Leo's chcactor was wetting from swimming, but that is not the point.
Finally, we learned the origin of this sentence. This is a question Leo asked his wife at the original crime scene. After he went home that day, he first poured himself some drink. Then he went on to meet his family as usual, asked about his children. He finally realized something must be wrong with his wife. This sentence marked the turning point of Leo's life.
------------------------------------- And finally, here is my over-analysis of the plot.
Leo's charactor was said to be the most dangerous patient on the island, because he charged with 4X murders.
You see, it is hard to tell whether a dead person has mental problems. When the cops finally got to the crime scene, what could they see: 3 drown children, one wet and shot wife, and one wet husband. There must be evidence of him being in the lake, and him firing the shot. Leo probably already gone insane, and claiming he had no children, and his wife died in a fire. It is logical that the cops/court decided Leo murdered all his children and wife.
The children's time of death must be close to the time Leo got home. Hence Leo's guilt trip in his dreams, his daughter saying "you could have saved us".
The doctors on the island must have found out about the meaning of the sentence "why are you all wet, baby". It means Leo's wife drown the baby, and he is not a 4x murderer. That's maybe why Dr. Sheehan and the bald doctor took great sympathy to Leo, went to great length to bring him to reality.
1. When Leo's charactor first got off the boat, all the guards are "a little bit on the toes". It was said they were worried about the run away female patient. But they actually are all watching Leo, the male patient who were let loose;
2. Chuck, the other marshall, had problem releasing his own firearms;
3. The nurses, male or female, appeared quite absent minded during the investigation. Looking back, why, of course, they know it's just a show;
4. When the marshalls were interviewing the patients, Leo's charactor knew exactly how to annoy one of the male patient (by rubbing pencil on paper) How did he knew? He had lived there for 2 years;
5. Also during the interview of the patients, one female patient was using flirting terms "easy on the eye" on the missing Dr. Sheehan, and she was looking at Chuck. Why they are the same person.
6. Also during the interview of the patients, Chuck (Dr. Sheehan) was sitting sideway, watching both the incoming patients, and Leo's charactor.
7. "why are you all wet, baby" is the key sentence. It appeared 3 times: First time, in the beginging, leo dreamed of his dead wife, "remember the smoke got to her". But before she crumble into ashes, she was soaking wet and began bleeding in Leo's hands.
Second time, at the lighthouse, the bald doctor greeted Leo with this sentence. Leo's chcactor was wetting from swimming, but that is not the point.
Finally, we learned the origin of this sentence. This is a question Leo asked his wife at the original crime scene. After he went home that day, he first poured himself some drink. Then he went on to meet his family as usual, asked about his children. He finally realized something must be wrong with his wife. This sentence marked the turning point of Leo's life.
------------------------------------- And finally, here is my over-analysis of the plot.
Leo's charactor was said to be the most dangerous patient on the island, because he charged with 4X murders.
You see, it is hard to tell whether a dead person has mental problems. When the cops finally got to the crime scene, what could they see: 3 drown children, one wet and shot wife, and one wet husband. There must be evidence of him being in the lake, and him firing the shot. Leo probably already gone insane, and claiming he had no children, and his wife died in a fire. It is logical that the cops/court decided Leo murdered all his children and wife.
The children's time of death must be close to the time Leo got home. Hence Leo's guilt trip in his dreams, his daughter saying "you could have saved us".
The doctors on the island must have found out about the meaning of the sentence "why are you all wet, baby". It means Leo's wife drown the baby, and he is not a 4x murderer. That's maybe why Dr. Sheehan and the bald doctor took great sympathy to Leo, went to great length to bring him to reality.
Can't type Chinese.. I give 4 points, if there were half points i would give it 3.5 Too long, could've cut at least 20 minutes of hallucinations of main character..
今天上映的Shutter Island我打算去看,先开了推荐的帖子大家讨论
看过的同学,投票有奖哦(奖励5/5/5),请投过票的同学跟帖要奖! (活动已截止,谢谢参与~~~)
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/4/20 10:50:08编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/19 13:41:00编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/6/26 23:48:46编辑过]
俺非常想弄清楚到底怎么回事,但是又不敢去看,只好等大家回来说说了,下个星期有另外一个恐怖片-the crazies, 是偶很喜欢的hitman的帅哥演的,好纠结啊,看预告还挺好看的,可是恐怖片俺一般都是闭着眼睛的~
这个片子看了无数片预告就是没有看懂啊?汗~看懂了还用去看电影嘛?俺非常想弄清楚到底怎么回事,但是又不敢去看,只好等大家回来说说了,下个星期有另外一个恐怖片-the crazies, 是偶很喜欢的hitman的帅哥演的,好纠结啊,看预告还挺好看的,可是恐怖片俺一般都是闭着眼睛的~
前几天刚看了他和kate的revolutionary road(是这个名不)。前面都还不错了,就是结尾仓促了点,没处理好。可惜了
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/19 16:31:55编辑过]
总的来说,没有书好看。 有些情节不一样。 比如,Teddy不是该是那么violent的人. 比如,teddy挣脱了那个attack他的那个病人后狂打他,在书上好像就没有。 Teddy因该是一个很calm的人,Andrew才是violent的。
电影中的描述他flashback concentration camp比较多,好像那段情节影响他比较深刻。 在书中,他梦的最多的是他的wife. 给我的感觉是,他的wife的死是对他最有影响的。 He misses his wife the most.
因为看过书, 所以知道结局。 发现一些导演用心拍得镜头。 比如teddy and chuck在问一位女patient what does dr. sheehan like, 她先瓢了一眼chuck。 chuck听到她的description后, 很得意地笑了一下。 如果不只道ending的人恐怕不会注意到这些情节。 还有就是dr. cawley跟teddy解释how they treat their patients and why chuck was having a hard time giving his gun to the guard when they first arrived the island是很好的hints/clues。It helps to explain the ending.
这个片子看了无数片预告就是没有看懂啊?汗~看懂了还用去看电影嘛?俺非常想弄清楚到底怎么回事,但是又不敢去看,只好等大家回来说说了,下个星期有另外一个恐怖片-the crazies, 是偶很喜欢的hitman的帅哥演的,好纠结啊,看预告还挺好看的,可是恐怖片俺一般都是闭着眼睛的~
因为这阵子折腾,进场差15分钟就开演了,真叫座无虚席,我们只能坐在很前面,搞得我一场电影看下来头昏眼花。最不爽的是后面坐着几个teenage, 把脚放在我椅背上不说,一个小弟弟一直在说话,他旁边的小mm整场电影都在笑,也不知道在笑什么,我气!!!
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/21 11:10:54编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/21 17:23:45编辑过]
因为这阵子折腾,进场差15分钟就开演了,真叫座无虚席,我们只能坐在很前面,搞得我一场电影看下来头昏眼花。最不爽的是后面坐着几个teenage, 把脚放在我椅背上不说,一个小弟弟一直在说话,他旁边的小mm整场电影都在笑,也不知道在笑什么,我气!!!
好看,不恐怖,比想象中要有意思.没看过的请参考BEAUTIFUL MIND.
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/21 11:10:54编辑过]
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/27 14:58:05编辑过]
我喜欢它的结局,比较耐人寻味,过程某些地方还是有点吓人和恶心的,惊恐指数有3-4分。但是我有同学不喜欢这种模棱两可纠结的结局,网上也有两派解读一直在讨论。相比起来,我更喜欢Beautiful mind和飞跃疯人院多些,这种从头疯到尾的,有点歇斯底里得让人窒息,不过还算一部值得一看的片子吧,最近好片实在不多。
rewarded by cmdsh
[此贴子已经被cmdsh于2010/2/27 22:10:25编辑过]
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/28 11:39:24编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/28 16:25:12编辑过]
我俩就死磕 讨论ing
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/28 16:25:12编辑过]
好看,不恐怖,比想象中要有意思.没看过的请参考BEAUTIFUL MIND.
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/2/21 11:10:54编辑过]
片子还好 有一些地方的镜头切换到是稍微有点吓人
我的感觉是他是的马勺 然后那个岛上都是坏人 他吃了乱七八糟的东西最后大脑也分裂了
最后到了灯塔是做手术吧 可是奇怪他去灯塔的时候里面不是空的么=。=
算了 看过小说的人出来说一说吧
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/7 3:17:17编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/7 11:45:33编辑过]
1. When Leo's charactor first got off the boat, all the guards are "a little bit on the toes". It was said they were worried about the run away female patient. But they actually are all watching Leo, the male patient who were let loose;
2. Chuck, the other marshall, had problem releasing his own firearms;
3. The nurses, male or female, appeared quite absent minded during the investigation. Looking back, why, of course, they know it's just a show;
4. When the marshalls were interviewing the patients, Leo's charactor knew exactly how to annoy one of the male patient (by rubbing pencil on paper) How did he knew? He had lived there for 2 years;
5. Also during the interview of the patients, one female patient was using flirting terms "easy on the eye" on the missing Dr. Sheehan, and she was looking at Chuck. Why they are the same person.
6. Also during the interview of the patients, Chuck (Dr. Sheehan) was sitting sideway, watching both the incoming patients, and Leo's charactor.
7. "why are you all wet, baby" is the key sentence. It appeared 3 times:
First time, in the beginging, leo dreamed of his dead wife, "remember the smoke got to her". But before she crumble into ashes, she was soaking wet and began bleeding in Leo's hands.
Second time, at the lighthouse, the bald doctor greeted Leo with this sentence. Leo's chcactor was wetting from swimming, but that is not the point.
Finally, we learned the origin of this sentence. This is a question Leo asked his wife at the original crime scene. After he went home that day, he first poured himself some drink. Then he went on to meet his family as usual, asked about his children. He finally realized something must be wrong with his wife. This sentence marked the turning point of Leo's life.
And finally, here is my over-analysis of the plot.
Leo's charactor was said to be the most dangerous patient on the island, because he charged with 4X murders.
You see, it is hard to tell whether a dead person has mental problems. When the cops finally got to the crime scene, what could they see:
3 drown children, one wet and shot wife, and one wet husband. There must be evidence of him being in the lake, and him firing the shot. Leo probably already gone insane, and claiming he had no children, and his wife died in a fire. It is logical that the cops/court decided Leo murdered all his children and wife.
The children's time of death must be close to the time Leo got home. Hence Leo's guilt trip in his dreams, his daughter saying "you could have saved us".
The doctors on the island must have found out about the meaning of the sentence "why are you all wet, baby". It means Leo's wife drown the baby, and he is not a 4x murderer. That's maybe why Dr. Sheehan and the bald doctor took great sympathy to Leo, went to great length to bring him to reality.
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/10 17:51:22编辑过]
1. When Leo's charactor first got off the boat, all the guards are "a little bit on the toes". It was said they were worried about the run away female patient. But they actually are all watching Leo, the male patient who were let loose;
2. Chuck, the other marshall, had problem releasing his own firearms;
3. The nurses, male or female, appeared quite absent minded during the investigation. Looking back, why, of course, they know it's just a show;
4. When the marshalls were interviewing the patients, Leo's charactor knew exactly how to annoy one of the male patient (by rubbing pencil on paper) How did he knew? He had lived there for 2 years;
5. Also during the interview of the patients, one female patient was using flirting terms "easy on the eye" on the missing Dr. Sheehan, and she was looking at Chuck. Why they are the same person.
6. Also during the interview of the patients, Chuck (Dr. Sheehan) was sitting sideway, watching both the incoming patients, and Leo's charactor.
7. "why are you all wet, baby" is the key sentence. It appeared 3 times:
First time, in the beginging, leo dreamed of his dead wife, "remember the smoke got to her". But before she crumble into ashes, she was soaking wet and began bleeding in Leo's hands.
Second time, at the lighthouse, the bald doctor greeted Leo with this sentence. Leo's chcactor was wetting from swimming, but that is not the point.
Finally, we learned the origin of this sentence. This is a question Leo asked his wife at the original crime scene. After he went home that day, he first poured himself some drink. Then he went on to meet his family as usual, asked about his children. He finally realized something must be wrong with his wife. This sentence marked the turning point of Leo's life.
And finally, here is my over-analysis of the plot.
Leo's charactor was said to be the most dangerous patient on the island, because he charged with 4X murders.
You see, it is hard to tell whether a dead person has mental problems. When the cops finally got to the crime scene, what could they see:
3 drown children, one wet and shot wife, and one wet husband. There must be evidence of him being in the lake, and him firing the shot. Leo probably already gone insane, and claiming he had no children, and his wife died in a fire. It is logical that the cops/court decided Leo murdered all his children and wife.
The children's time of death must be close to the time Leo got home. Hence Leo's guilt trip in his dreams, his daughter saying "you could have saved us".
The doctors on the island must have found out about the meaning of the sentence "why are you all wet, baby". It means Leo's wife drown the baby, and he is not a 4x murderer. That's maybe why Dr. Sheehan and the bald doctor took great sympathy to Leo, went to great length to bring him to reality.
I give 4 points, if there were half points i would give it 3.5
Too long, could've cut at least 20 minutes of hallucinations of main character..
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/14 13:48:13编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/15 9:40:23编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/21 17:25:50编辑过]
to live a monster, or to die as a good man, 很引人思考,据说和原著相差就这一句,意义大变
rewarded by pitachips
[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/27 20:49:22编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/27 20:49:35编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/29 15:29:21编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/3/29 15:29:35编辑过]
这部戏让我想起了Fight Club 和 Mulholland Drive。
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[此贴子已经被cmdsh于2010/4/4 22:44:15编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被pitachips于2010/4/9 18:15:29编辑过]
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