I've never emailed you before, but I am an avid reader of your blog. I'm a fellow Seattleite, and I don't know where I was going with that...but your blog rocks. Anyway, I'm writing you because I don't know where else to turn to, and we need to do a MAJOR expose on the evil empire known as Anthro. I have a friend (totally reliable source) who used to be a manager there, and here is his horrifying tale: After the store had had furniture and accessories for a long time, and after they had been slightly marked down on sale and not sold, he had to take the
merchandise and mark it down to "ten cents" (I'm assuming for bookkeeping purposes). After that, he had to take it in the back room and DESTROY it. He says: "I've literally taken a hammer to plates, thousand-dollar chandeliers and more." Even the vintage stuff. If he had taken it home without destroying it, he would have been fired. If he had given it to a co-worker, he would have been fired. Do you want to know why they have this outrageous policy? Two words (their words): "Brand Integrity." They couldn't mark it down so low that people could "expect to walk in to Anthropologie and find a deal."
I nearly died when I heard this story. Can you freakin' believe that? Perhaps we (or you, via your blog) can get the word out to boycott stupid Anthro. Or...to maybe buy everything that's on sale so that it doesn't get destroyed? Ha, I'm not sure what would be the better method. I promise I'm not a crazy...so...hopefully this doesn't make me one by being really upset at this bit of inside info.
Thank you so much Decorno for bringing to light this small portion of the shallowness of the Anthropologie empire- so many style blogs continue to highlight Anthropologie every single season for their innovative displays, merchandise etc. Yes, their kool-aid is very very seductive.
As a former Home manager with Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie (and having also been a long term manager with Williams Sonoma- Ill get to them later...) all of the above is true. I slashed clothing, gave some to charity, i had to hammer quite a lot of pieces (for "safety" reasons, tried to repair defective low quality pieces, I did it all.
Some of it gets donated to a charity of each stores' choosing, all item's recorded so that and submitted to corporate so that teh number crunchers can make massive tax deductions on it, i'm sure.
One time, a beautiful necklace of semi precious stones broke, with no RTV (return to vendor) policy. I was told to throw it all away. I couldn't do it and smuggled the loose beads out in a starbucks coffee cup (as managers and associates alike were searched for stolen merchandise)... it is still with me as i restrung the beads.. why waste to follow rules? though i followed them SOOOO many times, my beautiful topaz beads were the least of their worries, and accounting still got the report that they were destroyed.
I truly despise Anthropologie on so many levels (like Anonymous 12:40pm), theyhave no appreciation for their employees, unethical practices in manufacturing, and steal many many designs from other artists and designers.
Thank you Decorno for publishing this letter, I wrote a similar letter to another Blog based out of Philadelphia, and my comments were denied. I brought light that Anthropologie's new concept store based out an old and established botanical nursery- the company then ousted and let go 25 yr veteran contributors to the horticultural majesty they had created... and I guess the blog owner was too scared of retribution because she also currently designs a stationary line that anthropolgie bought. anyhoo.
At Williams Sonoma I had to destroy a lot less, and got to donate a lot more- even food stuffs. WS also regularly congratulates great performance with hefty gift certificates and prizes from their vendors. my kitchen is beautiful and well stocked from my time there. It was a decent, morally thoguhtful, and rewarding experience working there.
Unlike anthropologie that would only give us measly $5 "anthro bucks" to reward one or two associates every 6 months. what are you going to buy at Anthro for $5??? Retail is a business that I don't miss, but UO/Anthro had the highest turnover I have ever seen, no loyalty, no corporate culture and that includes corporate offices and higher up designer/buyer/production jobs. I have had friends at every level of the company.
*sigh* it's a shame that they don't include more inclusive brand ownership into their company from top to bottom, because its a sad sad place to work and has soured the company from me forever. though i still walk in and look at their seasonal displays in awe, i know what lies behind the curtain.
And here's my opinion: I've never purchased a thing from Anthro. I believe the are overpriced for the mediocre shit they sell which all seems to be rip offs of vintage or better quality items. {along with Urban Outfitters -which I have purchased from in the past but no longer}.
As far as the environment is concerned {and most of you may know this is something I am passionate about} they get an F. Talk about waste.
This is a hard one because I know Anthro is a popular store ...but what are your thoughts?
“I believe the are overpriced for the mediocre shit they sell which all seems to be rip offs of vintage or better quality items.“ totally agree, their cloth are rip offs with poor quality
以下是引用izimijuju在2/9/2010 2:14:00 PM的发言: 看来写这个文章都是没有学过经济学的,要是他们都拿去做慈善了,他们也就要倒闭了~~~ I have read somewhere that anthropologie does donate their products that have been pulled from the shelf to charity. One of those is "Dress for Success" or something like that.
(我去的那家就是三藩市westfield shopping center最大那个shoppping mall对面那家) [此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/10 1:22:55编辑过] 1. Anthropologie is a boutique and their buyers travel to many other countries to bring back unique pieces. There are no clothes labeled with the brand "Anthropologie" although they do have some in-house brands.
2. Does your pants say "tumble dry"? If not, machine washable does not necessarily mean it's dryer safe.
1. Anthropologie is a boutique and their buyers travel to many other countries to bring back unique pieces. There are no clothes labeled with the brand "Anthropologie" although they do have some in-house brands.
2. Does your pants say "tumble dry"? If not, machine washable does not necessarily mean it's dryer safe.
A Letter to Decorno about Anthropologie
Dear Decorno,
never emailed you before, but I am an avid reader of your blog. I'm a
fellow Seattleite, and I don't know
where I was going with that...but
your blog rocks. Anyway, I'm writing you because I don't know where
else to
turn to, and we need to do a MAJOR expose on the evil empire
known as Anthro. I have a friend (totally reliable
source) who used to
be a manager there, and here is his horrifying tale: After the store
had had furniture and
accessories for a long time, and after they had
been slightly marked down on sale and not sold, he had to take the
merchandise and mark it down to "ten cents" (I'm assuming for
bookkeeping purposes). After that, he had to take
it in the back room
and DESTROY it. He says: "I've literally taken a hammer to plates,
thousand-dollar chandeliers
and more." Even the vintage stuff. If he
had taken it home without destroying it, he would have been fired. If
had given it to a co-worker, he would have been fired. Do you want
to know why they have this outrageous policy?
Two words (their words):
"Brand Integrity." They couldn't mark it down so low that people could
"expect to walk in
to Anthropologie and find a deal."
I nearly
died when I heard this story. Can you freakin' believe that? Perhaps we
(or you, via your blog) can get the
word out to boycott stupid Anthro.
Or...to maybe buy everything that's on sale so that it doesn't get
Ha, I'm not sure what would be the better method. I promise
I'm not a crazy...so...hopefully this doesn't make me
one by being
really upset at this bit of inside info.
One of your loyal bitches,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 10:11:13编辑过]
{click here to read all the comments if you're interested}
you so much Decorno for bringing to light this small portion of the
shallowness of the Anthropologie empire- so many style blogs continue
to highlight Anthropologie every single season for their innovative
displays, merchandise etc. Yes, their kool-aid is very very seductive.
a former Home manager with Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie (and
having also been a long term manager with Williams Sonoma- Ill get to
them later...) all of the above is true. I slashed clothing, gave some
to charity, i had to hammer quite a lot of pieces (for "safety"
reasons, tried to repair defective low quality pieces, I did it all.
of it gets donated to a charity of each stores' choosing, all item's
recorded so that and submitted to corporate so that teh number
crunchers can make massive tax deductions on it, i'm sure.
time, a beautiful necklace of semi precious stones broke, with no RTV
(return to vendor) policy. I was told to throw it all away. I couldn't
do it and smuggled the loose beads out in a starbucks coffee cup (as
managers and associates alike were searched for stolen merchandise)...
it is still with me as i restrung the beads.. why waste to follow
rules? though i followed them SOOOO many times, my beautiful topaz
beads were the least of their worries, and accounting still got the
report that they were destroyed.
I truly despise Anthropologie
on so many levels (like Anonymous 12:40pm), theyhave no appreciation
for their employees, unethical practices in manufacturing, and steal
many many designs from other artists and designers.
Thank you
Decorno for publishing this letter, I wrote a similar letter to another
Blog based out of Philadelphia, and my comments were denied. I brought
light that Anthropologie's new concept store based out an old and
established botanical nursery- the company then ousted and let go 25 yr
veteran contributors to the horticultural majesty they had created...
and I guess the blog owner was too scared of retribution because she
also currently designs a stationary line that anthropolgie bought.
At Williams Sonoma I had to destroy a lot less, and got
to donate a lot more- even food stuffs. WS also regularly congratulates
great performance with hefty gift certificates and prizes from their
vendors. my kitchen is beautiful and well stocked from my time there.
It was a decent, morally thoguhtful, and rewarding experience working
Unlike anthropologie that would only give us measly $5
"anthro bucks" to reward one or two associates every 6 months. what are
you going to buy at Anthro for $5??? Retail is a business that I don't
miss, but UO/Anthro had the highest turnover I have ever seen, no
loyalty, no corporate culture and that includes corporate offices and
higher up designer/buyer/production jobs. I have had friends at every
level of the company.
*sigh* it's a shame that they don't
include more inclusive brand ownership into their company from top to
bottom, because its a sad sad place to work and has soured the company
from me forever. though i still walk in and look at their seasonal
displays in awe, i know what lies behind the curtain.
And here's my opinion:
never purchased a thing from Anthro. I believe the are overpriced for
the mediocre shit they sell which all seems to be rip offs of vintage
or better quality items. {along with Urban Outfitters -which I have
purchased from in the past but no longer}.
As far as the
environment is concerned {and most of you may know this is something I
am passionate about} they get an F. Talk about waste.
This is a hard one because I know Anthro is a popular store ...but what are your thoughts?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 10:09:48编辑过]
现在觉得那些在TJ Marshalls,ross 和outlet出现的品牌比较可爱
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 11:39:56编辑过]
可能不想自己的產品賣到discount store,怕影響品牌形象。
某些產品又沒法捐,只能毀了,造孽阿。 。 。
现在觉得那些在TJ Marshalls,ross 和outlet出现的品牌比较可爱
拜读了~~~~~~~ 正好帮我拔草
the mediocre shit they sell which all seems to be rip offs of vintage
or better quality items.“
totally agree, their cloth are rip offs with poor quality
I think a lot of manufacturers destroy their products, just most of them did not get caught.
nod nod
I read something recently
after Xmas sale
H&M on 5th ave in NYC did the same thing
cut off their stuffs
在他家好几次扫出过10cents东西,被手动改回成tag上的price 了. 估计是他们销毁后又有人退了没及时藏起来。。。
那算是好了,还肯卖出去。0.10的DD不是sellable的,看那个more comments所得的........
在他家好几次扫出过10cents东西,被手动改回成tag上的price 了. 估计是他们销毁后又有人退了没及时藏起来。。。
噢原来这个 10cents就是应该被销毁的啊? 我遇到过三种情况,一个是SA按照 tag price 给我了,还有一次是改成9.95 卖给我,最lucky的一次,是真的 10cents卖的。估计那个SA刚来不懂,一边结账一边自己嘟囔,you are lucky, 10 cents...
握手,我也喜欢. 不过好闻的总是不打折扣.
I have read somewhere that anthropologie does donate their products that have been pulled from the shelf to charity. One of those is "Dress for Success" or something like that.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 15:59:47编辑过]
re。我遇到过10 cents的时候,人家就说sorry,不能卖了,根本不该挂在外面了的。
re。我遇到过10 cents的时候,人家就说sorry,不能卖了,根本不该挂在外面了的。
我一朋友曾burger king打过工,也说他们卖的汉堡,放在那里几分钟还没客人来取的话,就直接丢垃圾桶了。一天卖剩下的,到晚上打烊时也全部倒掉了。
我一朋友曾burger king打过工,也说他们卖的汉堡,放在那里几分钟还没客人来取的话,就直接丢垃圾桶了。一天卖剩下的,到晚上打烊时也全部倒掉了。
this sounds more like related to safety regulation. They can't resell the food.
But your friend...yes, he needs some serious talk.
You didn't miss much.
我一朋友曾burger king打过工,也说他们卖的汉堡,放在那里几分钟还没客人来取的话,就直接丢垃圾桶了。一天卖剩下的,到晚上打烊时也全部倒掉了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/9 21:39:40编辑过]
本着走不落空的精神,我当时怀孕,就顺了一条yoga式的裤子,当时觉得坠性蛮好的 (不是在打折区,就从台子上随便拿了条付钱了)
结果就杯具了,被烘得缩水成7分裤了!shock得我不是一般。我还是第一次在美国买“machine washable”的裤子缩水的。
(我去的那家就是三藩市westfield shopping center最大那个shoppping mall对面那家)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/10 1:22:55编辑过]
我一朋友曾burger king打过工,也说他们卖的汉堡,放在那里几分钟还没客人来取的话,就直接丢垃圾桶了。一天卖剩下的,到晚上打烊时也全部倒掉了。
佛教徒 can eat burgers?
本着走不落空的精神,我当时怀孕,就顺了一条yoga式的裤子,当时觉得坠性蛮好的 (不是在打折区,就从台子上随便拿了条付钱了)
结果就杯具了,被烘得缩水成7分裤了!shock得我不是一般。我还是第一次在美国买“machine washable”的裤子缩水的。
(我去的那家就是三藩市westfield shopping center最大那个shoppping mall对面那家)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/10 1:22:55编辑过]
1. Anthropologie is a boutique and their buyers travel to many other countries to bring back unique pieces. There are no clothes labeled with the brand "Anthropologie" although they do have some in-house brands.
2. Does your pants say "tumble dry"? If not, machine washable does not necessarily mean it's dryer safe.
我只碰到过一次10 cents,她们不卖我.....就说这个不能卖sorry~~~~
I bought a sweater at 10 cents before,
1. Anthropologie is a boutique and their buyers travel to many other countries to bring back unique pieces. There are no clothes labeled with the brand "Anthropologie" although they do have some in-house brands.
2. Does your pants say "tumble dry"? If not, machine washable does not necessarily mean it's dryer safe.
you are right
佛教徒 can eat burgers?
他们家的东西大于39.5的 我从来不买
same for me no buying for stuff over $35.
佛教徒 can eat burgers?
1。“overprice”? 我买的都是on sale的,价钱都在 $19.99-$39.99之间,(原价的只买过一件,觉得物有所值)。其实这个价钱不管是在贼窟还是在安裁缝家都不能淘到比这个价钱更低质量款式更好的了。
2。“没有自己的牌子”?这恰恰是我喜欢的地方。安家的咚咚因为不是一个品牌大批量生产,所以品牌风格不是很强烈,不像其他几家,一眼就看出这是zara的T, 这是BR的裙子。(。。。艾艾,我衣柜里也有一条)。这点适合我这个不喜欢逛很多店,但又喜欢不同牌子的人。(说个悲惨的故事:我去年在BR打折的时候买了条蓝色的百折裙,星期一打扮停当,穿到办公室臭美,发现我老板穿了一条以墨一样的,黑的。
3。销毁。我也觉得不太道德,不过,做会计的讲究profit margin,学经济讲究marginal utility。如果margianl profit>marginal utility, 所谓低价销售(折上加折,outlet 20%off)让这个牌子烂大街,这个听起来有点像coach. 安家不想有有这样的营销策略也是它自己的事。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/10 12:03:57编辑过]
1。“overprice”? 我买的都是on sale的,价钱都在 $19.99-$39.99之间,(原价的只买过一件,觉得物有所值)。其实这个价钱不管是在贼窟还是在安裁缝家都不能淘到比这个价钱更低质量款式更好的了。
2。“没有自己的牌子”?这恰恰是我喜欢的地方。安家的咚咚因为不是一个品牌大批量生产,所以品牌风格不是很强烈,不像其他几家,一眼就看出这是zara的T, 这是BR的裙子。(。。。艾艾,我衣柜里也有一条)。这点适合我这个不喜欢逛很多店,但又喜欢不同牌子的人。(说个悲惨的故事:我去年在BR打折的时候买了条蓝色的百折裙,星期一打扮停当,穿到办公室臭美,发现我老板穿了一条以墨一样的,黑的。
3。销毁。我也觉得不太道德,不过,做会计的讲究profit margin,学经济讲究marginal utility。如果margianl profit>marginal utility, 所谓低价销售(折上加折,outlet 20%off)让这个牌子烂大街,这个听起来有点像coach. 安家不想有有这样的营销策略也是它自己的事。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/10 12:03:57编辑过]
以下是引用ellyn在2/10/2010 1:19:00 AM的发言:
本着走不落空的精神,我当时怀孕,就顺了一条yoga式的裤子,当时觉得坠性蛮好的 (不是在打折区,就从台子上随便拿了条付钱了)
结果就杯具了,被烘得缩水成7分裤了!shock得我不是一般。我还是第一次在美国买“machine washable”的裤子缩水的。
(我去的那家就是三藩市westfield shopping center最大那个shoppping mall对面那家)
像fei elevenses maeves etc是她们家in house brand就是只在她家卖的 这些原价就不贵 上衣、半裙68 78,dress 118 148之类的 第一次打折 一般半价 基本就是大白菜了
原价看起来贵的 都是contemporary 小designer 比如baraschi、tracy reese、leifsdottir etc 这些牌子放nordie bloomie一样价钱 不是安家自己抬的价 而且只要打折 安家基本都比其他百货公司打的爽快