Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele at Chopard The only thing I've found so far is the USA office contact: 212-821-0300 Or leave a message via "contact us" at CarolineGruosi-Scheufele, vice president of Chopard. (Business Wire photo) CONTACT: Chopard, Isabelle Kellogg, 212.218.7230
还有那个影星christian slater. (I also remember this name mentioned in news report of Zhang)
I got Christian's agent's email address. She said we can email her if we have any questions regarding Christian Slater.
Sorry to update this in English, my current computer does not have Chinese input, yet...and also plz forgive me for any typo.
First of all thank all of those who have been supportive in this endeavor, and thanks to those who have been sharing constructive suggestions, either on or off-line. There are a couple of issues raised by them deserving more attention, at least in my oppionion:
That's a valid question. That's why the purpose of the letter is not to accuse of any misconduct, in contrast, we hope this letter can arouse enough interest and potentially thorough investigations by authorized, professional, and unbiased organizations. Therefore, there were only two questiones being asked: 1. How much did you donate; and 2. Was there any follow up between this foundation and you. I think they are fair and appropriate questions for anyone, and we have to keep this faith that we can only try our best, and let authorities to do their jobs for the justice. If you have other suggestions, feel free to comment in my tread.
2. 那個誰寫了信還是發了email的知一聲啊。 不然發重了不好。
Good point. How about I collect signatures from ppl who wants to join me?? If so, I can put my email address in this thread for you to contact me. I will send you the draft for you to read proof, and you can send me back: a. electronic signature b. your real name and profession (if you dont mind, but guess not necessary). The only downside of this is it might take longer for the mission to accomplish, and we do not know what the other side of the battle is doing. But I am personally inclined to this solution, instead of multiple people hacking one email address at the same time. I plan to send this out in 5 days, hopefully we can have more than 100 signatures.
3. LZ MM或者楼里的MM有人能去天涯把大家写的英文信发一个上去吗?
I would love to, but I don't have account there, either. Anyone who does plz feel free to post this letter there.
We are a group of civilians from China. There has been a heated interest in the investigation on charity donation scandal related to Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. We would like to seek unbiased opinion and assistance from you, since your name has been repeatedly cited by movie star Ziyi Zhang's team in Chinese newspaper, indicating your participative relationship with Ziyi Zhang Foundation [1] and your pledged donation for the purpose of earthquake relief [2]. Specifically, the fundraising party we are talking about here is the one held by Ziyi Zhang during Film Festival of Cannes in May 2008, in which reportedly $1,000,000 US DOLLARS has been raised during this single event [3].
Although we do applaud your generosity and encourage others to join in supporting and volunteering for charitable organization, Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above [4], nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate traces of normal functioning of this organization. Meanwhile, initial attempts to contact Ziyi Zhang’s publicist have failed, or non-satisfactory, at best. In her most recent official statement as response to increased suspicion of this scandal, she claimed that the majority of the money as the result of fundraising in 2008 Gannes event is still “pending”, and she “would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner” [5]. We would hate to make any pre-mature allegation right now, and any comments from you would be invaluable to clarify the whole situation: for example, the amount of money you donated, any follow-up communication with Ziyi Zhang or her foundation in this regard. We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake. Thank you for your help! Sincerely
信写得很好。你也说了,只是调查,所以礼貌,诚恳,还有不先入为主地下结论,这些对收信人来说很重要。 你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
以下是引用MasterOogway在1/28/2010 5:43:00 PM的发言: 信写得很好。你也说了,只是调查,所以礼貌,诚恳,还有不先入为主地下结论,这些对收信人来说很重要。 你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
以下是引用adelekt在1/28/2010 5:59:00 PM的发言: Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above
以下是引用MasterOogway在1/28/2010 5:43:00 PM的发言: 信写得很好。你也说了,只是调查,所以礼貌,诚恳,还有不先入为主地下结论,这些对收信人来说很重要。 你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
如果美国人不去调查“不对自己人这么狠”(我不是同意这种说法,只是引用),那我们怎么知道United Way, Red Cross的丑闻呢? 另外,我不是楼主,不知道这样说妥不妥当,不对楼主你纠正我。我理解楼主发信的目的是为了了解这些有名有姓的人在那个活动上有没有捐钱捐了多少钱。目前没有人知道答案。他们可能已经捐了钱了,支票后来也被兑现了。他们也可能像章子怡声明里说的那样,承诺了捐钱,但是很晚才到位/或者现在还没到位。总之,调查的结果可能对章子怡不利,也可能对章子怡不利。这不属于告洋状吧?只是募捐行为有外国人参与到里面,找他们有礼貌地问一问不过分吧?也不能因为人家是洋人就不问了吧?楼主我解释的不对,你纠正我。
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
如果美国人不去调查“不对自己人这么狠”(我不是同意这种说法,只是引用),那我们怎么知道United Way, Red Cross的丑闻呢? 另外,我不是楼主,不知道这样说妥不妥当,不对楼主你纠正我。我理解楼主发信的目的是为了了解这些有名有姓的人在那个活动上有没有捐钱捐了多少钱。目前没有人知道答案。他们可能已经捐了钱了,支票后来也被兑现了。他们也可能像章子怡声明里说的那样,承诺了捐钱,但是很晚才到位/或者现在还没到位。总之,调查的结果可能对章子怡不利,也可能对章子怡不利。这不属于告洋状吧?只是募捐行为有外国人参与到里面,找他们有礼貌地问一问不过分吧?也不能因为人家是洋人就不问了吧?楼主我解释的不对,你纠正我。
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered. 好的.我把它加进去... 人多力量大..
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered. 加了. 改的部分是黑体字.
We are a group of civilians from China. There has been a heated interest in the investigation on charity donation scandal related to Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. We would like to seek unbiased opinion and assistance from you, since your name has been repeatedly cited by movie star Ziyi Zhang's team in Chinese newspaper, indicating your participative relationship with Ziyi Zhang Foundation [1] and your pledged donation for the purpose of earthquake relief [2]. Specifically, the fundraising party we are talking about here is the one held by Ziyi Zhang during Film Festival of Cannes in May 2008, in which reportedly $1,000,000 US DOLLARS has been raised during this single event [3].
Although we do applaud your generosity and encourage others to join in supporting and volunteering for charitable organization, Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above [4], nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate traces of normal functioning of this organization. Meanwhile, initial attempts to contact Ziyi Zhang’s publicist have failed, or non-satisfactory, at best. In her most recent official statement as response to increased suspicion of this scandal, she claimed that the majority of the money as the result of fundraising in 2008 Gannes event is still “pending”, and she “would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner” [5]. We would hate to make any pre-mature allegation right now, and any comments from you would be invaluable to clarify the whole situation: for example, the amount of money you donated, any follow-up communication with Ziyi Zhang or her foundation in this regard. ============= 这里问问他们如果捐了,捐给那个charity了,我始终觉得那个ziyi基金有可疑。
再重申一边, DRAFT是根据STATEFARM MM的改的.再次谢谢她站出来.
STATEFARM MM再次允许我SHARE她的LIST.欢迎大家捡看着顺眼的骚扰 (KIDDING!!!)
发信对象——1、阿玛尼高层Roberta Armani;2、Jimmy choo 老板Tamara Mellon;3、麦当娜经理人Guy;4、《Hollywood Reporter》的出版人Eric Mika;5、戛纳电影节的发起人Thierry Fremaux;6、戛纳电影节的官方代表Christian Jeune;7、Chopard 的总裁Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele(这个肖邦珠宝的总裁是捐款的共同发起人,是个重点问候人物)
Update: Tamara Mellon has a facebook
Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele at Chopard
The only thing I've found so far is the USA office contact:
Or leave a message via "contact us" at
Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, vice president of Chopard. (Business Wire photo) CONTACT: Chopard, Isabelle Kellogg, 212.218.7230
还有那个影星christian slater. (I also remember this name mentioned in news report of Zhang)
I got Christian's agent's email address. She said we can email her if we have any questions regarding Christian Slater.
Annicko (Christian Slater's agent): [email protected]
Christian Slater's Canadian Manager:
Perry Zimel
Oscars Abrams Zimel & Associates
438 Queen Street East
Toronto ON, M5A 1T4
Phone: 416-860-1790
Christian Slater's US Manager:
Jason Weinberg
Untitled Entertainment
331 North Maple Drive
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-601-2100
Christian Slater's Agent:
Mary Jo Slater
Innovative Artists
1505 10th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone: 310-656-0400
Another agency listing for Christian Slater:
Creative Artists Agency
2000 Avenue Of The Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 424-288-2000
Christian Slater's legal representation:
Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Newman, Warren, Sloane & Richman
450 North Roxbury Drive
8th Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-271-8777
Jan 29 10
跟了那个高楼几层, 我真是有点担心了.我觉得如果ZZY他们真有问题的话,绝对不会在广大网民浩浩荡荡的讨伐里面坐着不管的. 目前MS越来越多越来越复杂的因素牵扯近来, 如果在我们猜疑指责的时候,真的他们做了假帐,打通包括媒体在内的各种管道, 我们就错过了找到真相的最好时机.
我个人能力非常小, 没有特殊关系, 不懂法律, 不懂经济, 不可能时时刻刻灌水抒发观点, 我甚至平时是个比较悲观的人,怀疑一个人或几个人的力量能够起到多大的用处. 我更知道没有一个SOLUTION能给每个人完全满意的答案. 我只是想在有限的时间里面把我们能做到的都做到, 剩下的公道在天,只要我们自己问心无愧.
再重申一下, 我希望一个星期内能把信发出去. 有的姐妹提出多人重复发同样的信不好, 我建议大家把扫描的签名发到我的邮箱 [email protected] 然后我会把信件终稿给你READPROOF. 我希望能收到50-100个签名, 但是套用小章的话: "哪怕今天只有一个人来(给我签名),我也要把这件事做下去".
hey guys:
Sorry to update this in English, my current computer does not have Chinese input, yet...and also plz forgive me for any typo.
First of all thank all of those who have been supportive in this endeavor, and thanks to those who have been sharing constructive suggestions, either on or off-line.
1. 我不反对他们找人查找真相,找美国人,没问题。可是方法不对,我觉得挺可笑。
That's a valid question. That's why the purpose of the letter is not to accuse of any misconduct, in contrast, we hope this letter can arouse enough interest and potentially thorough investigations by authorized, professional, and unbiased organizations. Therefore, there were only two questiones being asked: 1. How much did you donate; and 2. Was there any follow up between this foundation and you. I think they are fair and appropriate questions for anyone, and we have to keep this faith that we can only try our best, and let authorities to do their jobs for the justice. If you have other suggestions, feel free to comment in my tread.
那個誰寫了信還是發了email的知一聲啊。 不然發重了不好。
Good point. How about I collect signatures from ppl who wants to join me?? If so, I can put my email address in this thread for you to contact me. I will send you the draft for you to read proof, and you can send me back: a. electronic signature b. your real name and profession (if you dont mind, but guess not necessary). The only downside of this is it might take longer for the mission to accomplish, and we do not know what the other side of the battle is doing. But I am personally inclined to this solution, instead of multiple people hacking one email address at the same time. I plan to send this out in 5 days, hopefully we can have more than 100 signatures.
3. LZ MM或者楼里的MM有人能去天涯把大家写的英文信发一个上去吗?
I would love to, but I don't have account there, either. Anyone who does plz feel free to post this letter there.
建议大家是否能打电话要传真机号码,发传真或email 应该是比较有效率的方法
I agree. Anyone has their fax #??
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/1 17:32:29编辑过]
We are a group of civilians from China. There has been a heated interest in the investigation on charity donation scandal related to Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. We would like to seek unbiased opinion and assistance from you, since your name has been repeatedly cited by movie star Ziyi Zhang's team in Chinese newspaper, indicating your participative relationship with Ziyi Zhang Foundation [1] and your pledged donation for the purpose of earthquake relief [2]. Specifically, the fundraising party we are talking about here is the one held by Ziyi Zhang during Film Festival of Cannes in May 2008, in which reportedly $1,000,000 US DOLLARS has been raised during this single event [3].
Although we do applaud your generosity and encourage others to join in supporting and volunteering for charitable organization, Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above [4], nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate traces of normal functioning of this organization. Meanwhile, initial attempts to contact Ziyi Zhang’s publicist have failed, or non-satisfactory, at best. In her most recent official statement as response to increased suspicion of this scandal, she claimed that the majority of the money as the result of fundraising in 2008 Gannes event is still “pending”, and she “would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner” [5]. We would hate to make any pre-mature allegation right now, and any comments from you would be invaluable to clarify the whole situation: for example, the amount of money you donated, any follow-up communication with Ziyi Zhang or her foundation in this regard.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake. Thank you for your help!
All news links provided in this letter are from either most neutral, reliable news sources, or personal blog of Miss Ziyi Zhang. More reference is available if requested.
1. Ziyi Zhang Foundation:
2. news regarding to the fundraising party:[email protected]
4. HELP: 谁给个LINK??
5. The most recent announcement from Miss Zi yi Zhang, as response to increased doubts with regard to her charity foundation
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 19:22:00编辑过]
你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United
States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
--要说时间点, by Jan 28, 2010 US time
写的太好了, 顶一个。 如果屁民都放任不管,不去争。这个社会就没法活了。。。
Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above
--要说时间点, by Jan 28, 2010 US time
LOL 好象就是草民那个意思...
加了. REF#5.
你刚才提到没有英文报道的问题,其实只要稍微介绍一些你引用的中文媒体的公信力,然后简单介绍一下link的内容就好了。另外,你提到"nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate a normal functioning of this organization“,这个,附上一份Ziyi Zhang Foundation 08年的Form 99,上面只显示了4万多的assets,天涯网友好像截了图,这种IRS的证明对外国人来说比什么都清晰管用.
我想找来着, 楼太多头晕了.哪个MM存了?
附件 的英文版么?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
就是,就是. 以前看到ZZY就想扇她,现在突然觉得同胞们对一鸡的要求也太高了. 看看笑笑就算了.
就是,就是. 以前看到ZZY就想扇她,现在突然觉得同胞们对一鸡的要求也太高了. 看看笑笑就算了.
这哪是普通的鸡啊,你见过哪只鸡"三个代表"的高调招摇撞骗, 骗了善款还狡辩, 欺骗愚弄广大网民的?
就是,就是. 以前看到ZZY就想扇她,现在突然觉得同胞们对一鸡的要求也太高了. 看看笑笑就算了.
以前我是不FAN她,虽然对她的新闻不感冒,但是喜欢看她的平面照,很是我的茶.但是现在觉得如果有资金(不管是源于国际友人还是我们同胞自己人)应该流向灾区重建而没有落实,而当事情败露而没有公义张现, 给大家一个交代,我觉得我自己是睡不着觉的.
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
这哪是普通的鸡啊,你见过哪只鸡"三个代表"的高调招摇撞骗, 骗了善款还狡辩, 欺骗愚弄广大网民的?
当然不是普通的鸡啊. 她是一只国际的鸡.所以她自以为能代表能人了. 这也是中国人崇洋媚外搞的嘛. 好好的中国人不要做要做一只国际的鸡. 可是就是一只鸡当初不是还是有很多人追捧么. 现在又拿这只鸡做的事去问人家,这么一来不又要被人笑话,作为把柄了么. 我觉得还是别去问人CEO了,多丢脸啊!
就是,就是. 以前看到ZZY就想扇她,现在突然觉得同胞们对一鸡的要求也太高了. 看看笑笑就算了.
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
如果美国人不去调查“不对自己人这么狠”(我不是同意这种说法,只是引用),那我们怎么知道United Way, Red Cross的丑闻呢?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the
charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since
vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She
states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely
We would appreciate your prompt response so
that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at
Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people
who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
overagain mm在另一个楼写的,俺给贴出来
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the
charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since
vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She
states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely
We would appreciate your prompt response so
that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at
Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people
who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
这个好, 如果真的没付钱的就会付了, 不过是不是付给国鸡呢?
如果美国人不去调查“不对自己人这么狠”(我不是同意这种说法,只是引用),那我们怎么知道United Way, Red Cross的丑闻呢?
overagain mm在另一个楼写的,俺给贴出来
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
overagain mm在另一个楼写的,俺给贴出来
At end of the letter to the celebrities, we could add something like
Miss Ziyi Zhang just recently claimed officially to the media that the charity money she raised from the Cannes party is still pending, since vast majority of the donations were in the form of raincheck. She states that she would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner.
We would appreciate your prompt response so that we can make sure the donations and the support from everybody at Cannes in 2008 can be utilized in helping hundreds of thousands people who lost their homes during the tragic earthquake.
Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity, and it will be certainly remembered.
加了. 改的部分是黑体字.
Dear XXX:
We are a group of civilians from China. There has been a heated interest in the investigation on charity donation scandal related to Sichuan Earthquake in 2008. We would like to seek unbiased opinion and assistance from you, since your name has been repeatedly cited by movie star Ziyi Zhang's team in Chinese newspaper, indicating your participative relationship with Ziyi Zhang Foundation [1] and your pledged donation for the purpose of earthquake relief [2]. Specifically, the fundraising party we are talking about here is the one held by Ziyi Zhang during Film Festival of Cannes in May 2008, in which reportedly $1,000,000 US DOLLARS has been raised during this single event [3].
Although we do applaud your generosity and encourage others to join in supporting and volunteering for charitable organization, Ziyi Zhang's team has failed to provide any valid receipt from Chinese Red Cross and other charities as mentioned above [4], nor could we find record from IRS or other federal bureau in United States, which can demonstrate traces of normal functioning of this organization. Meanwhile, initial attempts to contact Ziyi Zhang’s publicist have failed, or non-satisfactory, at best. In her most recent official statement as response to increased suspicion of this scandal, she claimed that the majority of the money as the result of fundraising in 2008 Gannes event is still “pending”, and she “would pursue this issue to all the donors in a timely manner” [5]. We would hate to make any pre-mature allegation right now, and any comments from you would be invaluable to clarify the whole situation: for example, the amount of money you donated, any follow-up communication with Ziyi Zhang or her foundation in this regard. =============
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 19:22:00编辑过]
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
建议大家是否能打电话要传真机号码,发传真或email 应该是比较有效率的方法
LZ MM或者楼里的MM有人能去天涯把大家写的英文信发一个上去吗?天涯那里有很多TX很想发信给这些人,但是无奈英文不好.一直在寻求帮助.我在天涯的IP也被禁言1个月,发不了贴
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/29 14:23:44编辑过]
美国的united way , red cross 里面的乱花钱多了, 为什么对自己人这么狠?还要告洋状?
偶不喜欢zzy, 可也不喜欢窝里斗,告洋状。自己国内的报纸娱乐娱乐可以了, 何必呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/29 18:42:22编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/29 18:42:22编辑过]
两天就弄了个信的底稿. 希望一星期内能发出去. 如果MM愿意的话可以加入(详情看第一页). 我是给了真正的私人EMAIL,没有重新开一个. 具体MM如果有什么需要我帮忙的也可以EMAIL或者短信我.
两天就弄了个信的底稿. 希望一星期内能发出去. 如果MM愿意的话可以加入(详情看第一页). 我是给了真正的私人EMAIL,没有重新开一个. 具体MM如果有什么需要我帮忙的也可以EMAIL或者短信我.
add my signature too.
平的拼音ping 的缩写,平民。
不好意思让大家久等了。 最近有点忙。。。
信已经写好了。 很多人私下里提供了各种帮助,谢谢大家:)
1。 如果你支持的话, 请给我发邮件([email protected])并给我你的电邮地址。
2。 我会立即把信件的终稿给你;
3。你看后如果没有问题, 请回Email, 并附如下信息: 姓名, 所在地, 职业, 然后是扫描的签名(就是你自己手写的签名然后扫描存成*.jpg文件。 举例: Ziyi Zhang, LA, actress, and signature.
4。 等我收集到50个或者下个星期4晚上,我会把信件+签名转成pdf ,给每个参加的人一个备份,星期五正式发出。
打个不合适的比方啊,大家别砸我。 现在这么多人提出支持了, 我 可不可以宣布我已经收到 N 个签名了呢?
好奇问一个,statefarm mm把她的帖子都删了,她报名签名了么??
好奇问一个,statefarm mm把她的帖子都删了,她报名签名了么??
我知道律师妹妹删帖不是因为外界给她施加压力,大家不要猜疑. 她仍然在继续她的工作,而且会给大家及时更新的。 目前只不过她需要更专注不受干扰的做这些事情。毕竟她的难度非常大。
我个人觉得我有责任保护信任我并且给我信息的姐妹门。所以我不会公开她门的ID. 也算为了保持版面的干净把。谢谢妹妹的理解。
我知道律师妹妹删帖不是因为外界给她施加压力,大家不要猜疑. 她仍然在继续她的工作,而且会给大家及时更新的。 目前只不过她需要更专注不受干扰的做这些事情。毕竟她的难度非常大。
我个人觉得我有责任保护信任我并且给我信息的姐妹门。所以我不会公开她门的ID. 也算为了保持版面的干净把。谢谢妹妹的理解。
我知道律师妹妹删帖不是因为外界给她施加压力,大家不要猜疑. 她仍然在继续她的工作,而且会给大家及时更新的。 目前只不过她需要更专注不受干扰的做这些事情。毕竟她的难度非常大。
我个人觉得我有责任保护信任我并且给我信息的姐妹门。所以我不会公开她门的ID. 也算为了保持版面的干净把。谢谢妹妹的理解。
thx that's what i thought too
something big, otherwise she is not a good lawyer
好奇问一个,statefarm mm把她的帖子都删了,她报名签名了么??
你要签就签,你老管我们的事情干嘛, 以前说她的时候你也跟着瞎搀和,你到底想干什么啊?????