the 2nd is hard to live in the real world. 她需要有一个不需要worry的生活,需要有一个在学业上能支持赏识提供他研究环境的老板。这对于不会社交的她,可能需要运气了 不是有很多人没有这样的运气,还在一团糟的生活中执着追求的,对他的家人可能是个痛苦,作为外人,我还是很敬佩他们。
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
Hehe, I think that a brilliant scientist may not need the whole set of social skill of an aggressive president. :) Like Essence said, the fairness plays. :) [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 14:43:53编辑过]
Dear Essence, my pleasure to share some of my thoughts and experience about work. I like research-type of work all the time--I enjoy the moment finding something new, even though it may not be useful at all. I've worked in industry for 4 years. The first project was research-type which was really fun. But it was not so 'mainstream' inside the company--meaning, the job security was quite bad comparing to product-related projects. The worst experience happened after my child was born. I lost 50% of my energy and time to work, and really missed the best opportunity to move the project further to the next critical point. The project was canceled after 2 years. I did some product-related design for a year, which was OK but not as much fun, until the layoff of our whole group. At the time, our industry was in terrible shape so I didn't get a offer in industry; instead I got in a research place. So far I like it better than in industry. I'm still far from my goal; but I'm trying.
Hehe, I think that a brilliant scientist may not need the whole set of social skill of an aggressive president. :) Like Essence said, the fairness plays. :) [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 14:43:53编辑过]
不是aggressive president才需要whole set of social skill啊,everybody in this society needs it 不知道mm是不是在学术界工作,networking, 在学术界的重要性,比在工业界的重要性只是有过之而无不及 teamwork也是很重要的 而且,a brilliant scientist needs a family too 不是针对精华说的第二个女生,就是泛指
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:07:48编辑过]
agree. See many of the 2nd types everyday in top univ. PhD program. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 21:48:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/4 20:58:51编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 0:50:12编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 0:52:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 0:53:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 0:55:55编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 1:08:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 1:01:47编辑过]
she is a genius for sure...
the 2nd is hard to live in the real world.
明白了, 是高中生面世大学.
the 2nd is hard to live in the real world.
ding this thread
TJ 再强,去 ivy league 也就 最多百分之十几,何一个好一点的私立一样。
以下是引用noodles在1/25/2010 11:43:00 AM的发言:
面试就这样结束了。我还没想好评语怎么写。第二个姑娘,虽然很优秀,但是她的交流困难,不能open up,还是很让人concern的。基本上她回答的问题,都不到点子上,我很努力地想问她为何会对科学感兴趣,最终也没答出个所以然来。难道这就象昏君会问何不食肉糜,就象巴黎艳后会问为什么不给他们吃蛋糕一样,人家头脑富有,压根不理解为什么我会对这些东西不感兴趣。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 1:03:23编辑过]
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:07:48编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:25:30编辑过]
其实,这种interview 根本在最后的admission上起的作用很小。 后面那个女生,他的communication skill 中不重要,对他的admission 没什么影响。他的academic 强,就行了。起码, ivy league 和 私校 不看重。
TJ 再强,去 ivy league 也就 最多百分之十几,何一个好一点的私立一样。
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:07:48编辑过]
我觉得,social skill是最难学的功课之一,之一两个字是为了避免太绝对加上的
老美这里,从娃娃出生开始,所谓早教的重点就是--social skill。1岁前主要是和父母以及primary caregiver的socail,1岁之后加入和peer之间的social,再之后peer之间的social增多跟primary caregiver的social减少。。。等等,这种文化里,social重于一切。
其实,这种interview 根本在最后的admission上起的作用很小。 后面那个女生,他的communication skill 中不重要,对他的admission 没什么影响。他的academic 强,就行了。起码, ivy league 和 私校 不看重。
TJ 再强,去 ivy league 也就 最多百分之十几,何一个好一点的私立一样。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:52:59编辑过]
this second kid is probably autism spectrum?
she is a genius for sure...
She knows what she wants and knows to prepare a question list and ask questions.
我觉得,social skill是最难学的功课之一,之一两个字是为了避免太绝对加上的
老美这里,从娃娃出生开始,所谓早教的重点就是--social skill。1岁前主要是和父母以及primary caregiver的socail,1岁之后加入和peer之间的social,再之后peer之间的social增多跟primary caregiver的social减少。。。等等,这种文化里,social重于一切。
Hehe, I think that a brilliant scientist may not need the whole set of social skill of an aggressive president. :) Like Essence said, the fairness plays. :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 14:43:53编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:52:59编辑过]
Totally agree. A good society runs to explore the best of everyone. :)
I have not follow posts here for a while. Have you got a boy (in your avatar)?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 14:47:35编辑过]
I like research-type of work all the time--I enjoy the moment finding something new, even though it may not be useful at all. I've worked in industry for 4 years. The first project was research-type which was really fun. But it was not so 'mainstream' inside the company--meaning, the job security was quite bad comparing to product-related projects. The worst experience happened after my child was born. I lost 50% of my energy and time to work, and really missed the best opportunity to move the project further to the next critical point. The project was canceled after 2 years. I did some product-related design for a year, which was OK but not as much fun, until the layoff of our whole group. At the time, our industry was in terrible shape so I didn't get a offer in industry; instead I got in a research place. So far I like it better than in industry. I'm still far from my goal; but I'm trying.
谢谢mm写了这么多。struggle 啊struggle,正是我在经历的。回头再详细给你回
Hehe, I think that a brilliant scientist may not need the whole set of social skill of an aggressive president. :) Like Essence said, the fairness plays. :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 14:43:53编辑过]
不是aggressive president才需要whole set of social skill啊,everybody in this society needs it
不知道mm是不是在学术界工作,networking, 在学术界的重要性,比在工业界的重要性只是有过之而无不及
而且,a brilliant scientist needs a family too
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 0:53:41编辑过]
Hehe, I personally like the second girl a lot! She seems have the great potential to be an excellent researcher--patience, determination, and focus. I can totally imagine that the second girl has no interest in family background, make-up, or no answers for those common questions--simply because those do not matter to her at all. I agree that she needs to learn some social skill, which in my mind is easy to learn when she's ready. The first girl is kind of Average Joe in comparison, I feel. I'm not so confident that she would easily learn the essence to do excellent research--there are all the distractions around. Maybe she'll be a good leader.
All above are based on the goal I'm imagining--finding a potential researcher. I guess the university diversifies what candidates they 're looking for.
BTW, want to thank you for one of your past post. I wanted quitting my job very badly after my little one was born. Then I saw your post about year-end summary and mentioned how you had similar thoughts but once the child past one year's birthday, things suddenly brightened up and back to normal. I'm so happy that I read it at the time and now have been very happy with my work exactly since the first birthday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 13:07:48编辑过]
agree. See many of the 2nd types everyday in top univ. PhD program.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/25 21:48:20编辑过]
我觉得,social skill是最难学的功课之一,之一两个字是为了避免太绝对加上的
老美这里,从娃娃出生开始,所谓早教的重点就是--social skill。1岁前主要是和父母以及primary caregiver的socail,1岁之后加入和peer之间的social,再之后peer之间的social增多跟primary caregiver的social减少。。。等等,这种文化里,social重于一切。
我到现在都是不会和不熟悉的类型的人说话,感觉非常不舒服。社交能力和为了达到目的而社交我觉得是两个概念。when she's ready的那种真的能学到人与人交往么?我一直以为我就是ready就自然会了,这有什么啊,不就是什么什么和什么什么么。不过现实到目前为止不是。继续探索中。
FF county多好的学区啊,那么多好学校呢,真羡慕~~~
取的那个女生还被列为special interest applicant。也就是说是重点recruit对象,在所有申请人中是top
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/5 12:44:47编辑过]
看来,还是要凭真本事, 那些糊嘴皮子的活, 靠不住。