Nearly a million doses of swine flu vaccine for infants may have been slightly less potent than required but should work anyway, federal officials said Tuesday in announcing a recall of the shots.The maker of the vaccine, Sanofi-Aventis, voluntarily recalled 800,000 doses of low-dose, thimerosal- free vaccine in prefilled syringes intended for infants between 6 and 35 months old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
Since most of the vaccine was released a month ago, it has presumably already been used, but the recall is intended to alert doctors to return any supplies they have left.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said the vaccine was fully potent at release but dropped by about 12 percent in follow-up tests.
Nonetheless, Dr. Schuchat said, “we think children who got the vaccine are fully protected, assuming they got the two shots we recommend for that age.”
“We don’t think parents need to contact their doctors,” she continued.
The vaccine was the only thimerosal-free version licensed for children under 2 years old. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that federal health officials consider harmless, but some parents are afraid of the preservative because antivaccine activists blame it for autism and other ills.
Low doses in multidose vials, which contain thimerosal to kill any bacteria or fungus accidentally introduced by needles piercing the rubber stopper, remain available for infants.
Two-year-olds can use the nasal spray vaccine, which contains no thimerosal.
About 95 million doses in various forms are now available, Dr. Schuchat said
以下是引用herumtreiben在12/16/2009 8:22:00 AM的发言: 我们也没打,PD打电话来让我们去打,俺们拒绝了,周围学医的,搞生物制药的都没打~~~ Yes, my hubby is working for NIH. Most of his co-workers rejected...
more info from CDC website: What are the lot numbers affected by this recall? Vaccine doses with the following lot numbers are included in the recall: 0.25 ml pre-filled syringes, 10-packs (NDC # 49281-650-25, sometimes coded as 49281-0650-25): UT023DA UT028DA UT028CB 0.25 ml pre-filled syringes, 25-packs (NDC # 49281-650-70, sometimes coded as 49281-0650-70): UT030CA
Nearly a million doses of swine flu vaccine for infants may have been
slightly less potent than required but should work anyway, federal officials
said Tuesday in announcing a recall of the shots.The maker of the vaccine,
Sanofi-Aventis, voluntarily recalled 800,000 doses of low-dose, thimerosal-
free vaccine in prefilled syringes intended for infants between 6 and 35
months old, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
Since most of the vaccine was released a month ago, it has presumably
already been used, but the recall is intended to alert doctors to return any
supplies they have left.
Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases, said the vaccine was fully potent at release but
dropped by about 12 percent in follow-up tests.
Nonetheless, Dr. Schuchat said, “we think children who got the vaccine are
fully protected, assuming they got the two shots we recommend for that age.”
“We don’t think parents need to contact their doctors,” she continued.
The vaccine was the only thimerosal-free version licensed for children under
2 years old. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that federal health
officials consider harmless, but some parents are afraid of the
preservative because antivaccine activists blame it for autism and other
Low doses in multidose vials, which contain thimerosal to kill any bacteria
or fungus accidentally introduced by needles piercing the rubber stopper,
remain available for infants.
Two-year-olds can use the nasal spray vaccine, which contains no thimerosal.
About 95 million doses in various forms are now available, Dr. Schuchat said
貌似还是injection的。不是mist。打过的,不放心,可以打电话给PED,查一下。 每个孩子的每一针,都是应该有record的。 manufacture, batch#。。。
我的是这样写的: Influenze A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine, No preservative: pediatric dose, US Govt Lic# 1725, Mfd by Sanofi pasteur Inc.
貌似就是这家呀, 哭泣的小猴子。
NYTIMES 的报道, 按说应该可信的。 唉。
MM 说谁麻烦呀? 是我麻烦吗?
呵呵, 就是和你开个玩笑,我喜欢你那个头像,正烦着呢, 寻个开心啊。
不对啊, 我们说这个不需要打第二针呀? 如果No preservative, 应该不要打第二针呀。我觉得recall 的是不需要打第二针的, 你们的好像不在这里。
this is a good reference
Yes, my hubby is working for NIH. Most of his co-workers rejected...
more info from CDC website:
What are the lot numbers affected by this recall?
Vaccine doses with the following lot numbers are included in the recall:
0.25 ml pre-filled syringes, 10-packs (NDC # 49281-650-25, sometimes coded as 49281-0650-25):
0.25 ml pre-filled syringes, 25-packs (NDC # 49281-650-70, sometimes coded as 49281-0650-70):
我说我不打了, 再不打了, 结果, 又被上课啦, 什么你知道1917年的流感大爆发吗, bababa......., 但他有2个info是我认为比较重要的, 一个是据他看到的材料, 这次的猪流感有多少多少例子是损害了支气管和肺部, 说这个是和1917年的流感很像的, 所以, 搞的比较紧张。 另一个是他们每天都收到报道, 有多少例猪流感病例, 最近2个星期开始呈下降趋势了, 这个是好现象, 就是说可能控制住, 传播的慢了。 他们收到的报告是晚了一个星期的。
最主要的他说是: 如果打的人多了, 病情就控制住了, 所以呢, 这里有个责任问题。 我抱头说: 还是别让我们小人儿承担这责任了, 大人们都打好了。
是因为,可能剂量不够,所以, 起到免疫的作用.