scroll down to "Checkout Your Coupons" and click on "Your Coupon Book" click on the $4 off Seventh Generations diaper coupon click on the size of diapers you wish to purchase on the product page add them to your cart via Subscribe and Save" proceed to checkout and apply coupon code "7GENIOO9" to cut an additional 15% off
Note: You can cancel Subscribe & Save at any time, even right after your order. (If it's not canceled, you'll be billed for subsequent shipments at full price.)
directions below. Plus, all orders qualify for free shipping.
You will get $14 off ($4 + $10) plus whatever 15% on your selected diapers is. To get this deal:
Click here to go to Seventh Generation
down to "Checkout Your Coupons" and click on "Your Coupon Book"
click on the
$4 off Seventh Generations diaper coupon
on the size of diapers you wish to purchase
on the product page add them to
your cart via Subscribe and Save"
proceed to checkout and apply coupon code
"7GENIOO9" to cut an additional 15% off
Note: You can cancel Subscribe
& Save at any time, even right after your order. (If it's not canceled,
you'll be billed for subsequent shipments at full price.)
The original price is even higher than Pampers... But I do not have experience personally either.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/26 14:07:10编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/28 13:19:29编辑过]