Advice for Parents of Young Autistic Children (2004): Working Paper
By James B. Adams, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
Advice for Parents of Young Autistic Children (2004): Working Paper
By James B. Adams, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
Liver is the organ doing this detoxic job. It shouds like those who have liver problems tend to have autism?
both liver and kidney are doing the detox job, ie it takes 3 months to completely clear out the ethyl mercury in thermasol for a healthy adul, sounds a long time to me
my friend's son is autism. mm should get early intervention as early as possible. symptoms for autism may include lack of eye contact, rigid behaviors, lack of early language or even sign language, hand flapping, toe walking, spinning or other repetitive behavior, even self-injury. My friend's son is 7 years old now, have a lot of language after years of speech therapy, can read and write, but kind of low EQ compared with his peers. My friend has also don a tramendous work. She quit her job for her son and joined so many parent support groups and even get trained in special education.
By the way, you and your husband should work as a team now. There will be a lot of stress in your family in this long journey. I saw some families broken up due to special needs children which is sad and bad for their special need children. greatly bless your son and your family.
I don't think there is any children vaccine containing mercury now, and there is no proved link between mercury in vaccine and autism. Autism is cuable, so don't worry too much
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 11:23:45编辑过] Public health support vaccination - that is one of the greatest and most rewarding battles it fought against infectious diseases. Google is not a good source for that, PUBMED is the source and you will find predominantly studies that show no association between the two. Please don't get your self fooled and protect your babies from preventable but potentially serious or even fatal infections.
Risk factors By Mayo Clinic staff Autism affects children of all races and nationalities, but certain factors are known to increase a child's risk. They include:
Your child's sex. Studies show that boys are three to four times more likely to develop autism than girls are. Family history. Families who have one child with autism have an increased risk of having another child with the disorder. It's also not uncommon for the parents or relatives of an autistic child to have minor problems with social or communication skills themselves or to engage in certain autistic behaviors. Other disorders. Children with certain medical conditions have a higher than normal risk of having autism. These conditions include fragile X syndrome, an inherited disorder that causes intellectual impairment; tuberous sclerosis, a condition in which benign tumors develop in the brain; the neurological disorder Tourette syndrome; and epilepsy, which causes seizures. Paternal age. Research increasingly suggests that having an older father may increase a child's risk of autism. One large study showed that children born to men 40 years or older were almost six times more likely to have autism spectrum disorder than were children born to men younger than 30 years. Maternal age, on the other hand, seems to have little effect on autism risk.
my friend's son is autism. mm should get early intervention as early as possible. symptoms for autism may include lack of eye contact, rigid behaviors, lack of early language or even sign language, hand flapping, toe walking, spinning or other repetitive behavior, even self-injury. My friend's son is 7 years old now, have a lot of language after years of speech therapy, can read and write, but kind of low EQ compared with his peers. My friend has also don a tramendous work. She quit her job for her son and joined so many parent support groups and even get trained in special education.
By the way, you and your husband should work as a team now. There will be a lot of stress in your family in this long journey. I saw some families broken up due to special needs children which is sad and bad for their special need children. greatly bless your son and your family.
bless lz's 宝宝 这个mm的回贴很感人,mm的朋友是好样的 第二段写的也非常好,很中肯 再次bless lz and her baby
不是有一本书叫 《十三岁前妈妈改变孩子的一生》吗,而且MM宝宝发现得早,相信有家人的介入,应该可以改变的
Advice for Parents of Young Autistic Children (2004): Working Paper
By James B. Adams, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
记得看过一篇文章,美国最权威的育儿专家也说,如果小孩子呆在家里养,疫苗可以晚一些打。不过上 daycare 就没办法了。
Bless LZ 宝宝!
"I just read an article a few days ago that many big companies such as
MS or Google recruite people who have autism because they can be so
focused. "
really?. this is a bit hard to believe since most of the engineering work requires team work. A lot of communication is involved.
我的理解是,自闭是weak genetics+environmental trigger
還有一點是現在自閉癥的定義太過廣泛,所以所謂自閉孩子越來越多。 很多輕微的borderline case, 只要父母注意輔導, 加上early intervention日后是沒有什么問題的。 不管什么程度, 越早發現越早開始針對治療越好。 祝福樓主。
bless 楼主,轻度的自闭是可以治愈的,尤其发现的早。
"I just read an article a few days ago that many big companies such as MS or Google recruite people who have autism because they can be so focused. "
really?. this is a bit hard to believe since most of the engineering work requires team work. A lot of communication is involved.
Advice for Parents of Young Autistic Children (2004): Working Paper
By James B. Adams, Ph.D., Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Stephen M. Edelson, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
Temple Grandin, Ph.D., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California
看了,不是peer reviewed的paper。
最主要的,文中提到疫苗和autism的关联,只是说可能(不得不说。很多因素都是有可能的),给出的supporting argument是家长的claim和疫苗使用和autism发病率从xx年到现在都是呈现上升趋势(谁知道是不是碰巧),没有任何严格和直接的实验证据支持这个关联。
pubmed上搜索了James B. Adams,11篇publication,主要研究的是化学物质和autism的关联,没有一篇能直接把疫苗和autism连接起来的
I did the analysis for a study on this for Center of Disease Control, and no relationship was found between these two things.
lz mm的心情可以理解,但是似是而非的(伪)科学,还是很多的。
我看过一些这方面的资料,首先就有人指出,以前autism的比例是数千个当中才有一个,现在是100多久又一个。然后给出了一些数据,说疫苗的广泛使用和autism的增长是double positive的。对于疫苗和autism的关系,主要有两点
1 认为疫苗里面的防腐剂----含汞---是造成autism的原因
2 认为是MMR
另外,生女宝的妈妈有一个“好消息”,男宝女宝的autism比例大概是7:1 (如果我没有记错),总之男宝比女宝高很多。所以如果我是男宝的妈妈,我会尽量推迟打这个MMR的时间,特别是如果你家孩子没有这么着急去daycare.
我看过一些这方面的资料,首先就有人指出,以前autism的比例是数千个当中才有一个,现在是100多久又一个。然后给出了一些数据,说疫苗的广泛使用和autism的增长是double positive的。对于疫苗和autism的关系,主要有两点
1 认为疫苗里面的防腐剂----含汞---是造成autism的原因
2 认为是MMR
另外,生女宝的妈妈有一个“好消息”,男宝女宝的autism比例大概是7:1 (如果我没有记错),总之男宝比女宝高很多。所以如果我是男宝的妈妈,我会尽量推迟打这个MMR的时间,特别是如果你家孩子没有这么着急去daycare.
4:1 吧?
现在的都不带 MERCURY了吧
I would say postpone MMR for babies not going to daycare might be a safe practice.
bless, bless....
这里有她的访谈, 她还写了一本书。 她发起成立了一个GREEN VACCINE的组织
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 14:53:18编辑过]
Liver is the organ doing this detoxic job. It shouds like those who have liver problems tend to have autism?
both liver and kidney are doing the detox job, ie it takes 3 months to completely clear out the ethyl mercury in thermasol for a healthy adul, sounds a long time to me
这个到什么程度呢。。。我家的一岁也打了MMR。你说这些他偶尔也有。但是有eye contact的时候更多。看大人脸色。对大人笑。不反应别人叫他名字,我们是宝宝,名字,中文,英文,还有各种昵称一起混着,这么小的孩子,搞不清,玩什么东西专注了,也挺正常吧。
4:1 吧?
但是我记得我看过一起scientifc American 的杂志上面说的不止4:1.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 15:02:39编辑过]
战战兢兢上来问,有eye contact就不是自闭症了是吗?
我们是12个月打了MMR的,现在19个月,有speech delay。 但是她有 eye contact,就是大人说的话不听,也不喜欢学大人说话。
应该不是啦,偶家大宝就是这样,speech delay, 还是偶们改成全英文以后, 3岁多才说话。
我比较倾向基因+环境因素,比如(只是个例子,任何器质性病痛都属于此范围包括癌症)精神病患者一般都有genetic predisposition 如果在生活中遇到压力(这个压力可以是一个别人的眼神)就会诱发精神病。 正常人被别人斜眼看1000次,也不会犯病。有的小孩可能有于基因关系某些系统发育慢一些(比如免疫,肾功能,大脑等等)正好又碰上一些环境因素,那就发病了。 还有就是自闭被定义的太宽了。有些小孩可能天生内向些,或什么地方发育慢些 (我小时候被多数人认为是很笨很苯的小孩,到了初中之后,发现完全就不是那么回事) 可能也容易被误认为自闭。
By the way, you and your husband should work as a team now. There will be a lot of stress in your family in this long journey. I saw some families broken up due to special needs children which is sad and bad for their special need children. greatly bless your son and your family.
医生一般是认为MMR和自闭症没有必然联系的, 但做为父母,还是会担心,即使是万一呢. 一岁半以后,孩子身体好的时候打,心理上感觉安全些.另外,尽量在打疫苗前后保持一段时间的生活稳定性,比如不要一打针就出去旅游什么的.
bless bless
医生一般是认为MMR和自闭症没有必然联系的, 但做为父母,还是会担心,即使是万一呢. 一岁半以后,孩子身体好的时候打,心理上感觉安全些.另外,尽量在打疫苗前后保持一段时间的生活稳定性,比如不要一打针就出去旅游什么的.
好建议,对我们这种准妈妈很有用。 我记得看过哪本杂志(baby talk or american baby) 建议乙肝疫苗也可以晚点打,因为是通过体液传染, 小孩被感染的途径没有
最近疯狂查资料,翻看宝宝日记,发现很多症状如不反应别人叫他名字,爱转圈,玩**,很少eye contact等,都是打完MMR之后出现的.
希望妈妈们吸取教训吧. 还有希望孩子有autism的妈妈们合起来盖作楼,共同战胜病魔!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 14:36:55编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 16:06:11编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-7 7:39:05编辑过]
没有eye contact,
我觉得父母在孩子开始和人交流之后,还是应该注意一下,有没有eye contact,行为有没有异常。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 12:29:35编辑过]
BLESS MM的宝宝,发现的早,应该治疗效果会好些。
bless LZMM的宝宝能治好
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 16:55:31编辑过]
bless 宝宝
战战兢兢上来问,有eye contact就不是自闭症了是吗?
我们是12个月打了MMR的,现在19个月,有speech delay。 但是她有 eye contact,就是大人说的话不听,也不喜欢学大人说话。
打MMR后得austine的事实千真万确!!! 这方面的文章和录像有很多很多,一直是public health里的热门话题。google一下就知道了。
只是,并非每一个austine都是打MMR引起的,也并非所有孩子大了MMR后都会得austine。 所以,打还是不打,仍有很多争论 --利弊靠自己权衡。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 11:23:45编辑过]
Public health support vaccination - that is one of the greatest and most rewarding battles it fought against infectious diseases. Google is not a good source for that, PUBMED is the source and you will find predominantly studies that show no association between the two. Please don't get your self fooled and protect your babies from preventable but potentially serious or even fatal infections.
Autism affects children of all races and nationalities, but certain factors are known to increase a child's risk. They include:
Your child's sex. Studies show that boys are three to four times more likely to develop autism than girls are.
Family history. Families who have one child with autism have an increased risk of having another child with the disorder. It's also not uncommon for the parents or relatives of an autistic child to have minor problems with social or communication skills themselves or to engage in certain autistic behaviors.
Other disorders. Children with certain medical conditions have a higher than normal risk of having autism. These conditions include fragile X syndrome, an inherited disorder that causes intellectual impairment; tuberous sclerosis, a condition in which benign tumors develop in the brain; the neurological disorder Tourette syndrome; and epilepsy, which causes seizures.
Paternal age. Research increasingly suggests that having an older father may increase a child's risk of autism. One large study showed that children born to men 40 years or older were almost six times more likely to have autism spectrum disorder than were children born to men younger than 30 years. Maternal age, on the other hand, seems to have little effect on autism risk.
bless 楼主的宝宝,希望早日治愈!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-6 20:11:38编辑过]
首先autism一般 要到两岁才发现,很多人相信疫苗,汞是原因之一,不过谁也没有确切证明。但以后的疫苗你可以拒绝打,学校是不会拒绝接受你儿子的。 第一要医生写一个证明,说你儿子打疫苗后有“reverse allergy reaction”,给学校。另外可以要 儿科医生给儿子做“blood tittle”, 测血液里一些疫苗的浓度,可能有很多疫苗他体内浓度够高,根本不用打。
我儿子属于development disorder,语言和社交严重delay。但 4岁以后语言社交个方面突非猛进,记忆和阅读能力都超过同龄小孩。所以mm要有信心,何况autism有轻也有重。
1 你肯定已经开始early intervention,但如果还要另外找speech,physical,or ocupational therapy, 保险都报的。 很重要的是找ABA therapist。 ABA目前是最对autism最有效的。ABA大部分保险都不包的。你自己可以查一下。
3。我猜你已经带儿子看了developmental specialist。 但尽量多打听找个最好的,好的医生会给你很多建议,推荐很多therapist或课给你。
4。 很重要的一点,找一个 DAN doctor。这种医生大部过分保险都不报。(可能bluecross报的)。但很值得去看。// 医生会查小孩血液,大便,尿液。看小孩对那些食物是“sensitive”。 譬如大部分autism小孩gluten(面精)和casine(奶制品) sensitive。 我甚至建议你现在就可以停止奶制品,改喝豆奶。特别是如果他只爱喝奶或睡觉不好。我儿子就对奶制品sensitive, 没任何反映,但血液不能过滤率其中大分子,然后集中在大脑。 //我儿子还查出体内酶和细菌不太够,还有一些坏的细菌在体内。 这种会造成有的小孩toe walking。医生会开很多supplement去改善 //还一个我非常感激的是医生查出我儿子不能吸收folic acid,这对交流非常重要,我儿子必须口服另一种类似的药。大部分autism小孩都严重缺folic acid/B12,维生素D,还有锌,镁等。 我一个朋友的儿子是autism, 90%我们吃的东西,他儿子都查出来不能吃。她说食物限制很有用。有时不小心吃了, 她儿子的眼光交流就差多了。(另外前面提到的疫苗过敏证明,儿科医生不愿写的话,DAN医生会写的)
me too!
my friend's son is autism. mm should get early intervention as early as possible. symptoms for autism may include lack of eye contact, rigid behaviors, lack of early language or even sign language, hand flapping, toe walking, spinning or other repetitive behavior, even self-injury. My friend's son is 7 years old now, have a lot of language after years of speech therapy, can read and write, but kind of low EQ compared with his peers. My friend has also don a tramendous work. She quit her job for her son and joined so many parent support groups and even get trained in special education.
By the way, you and your husband should work as a team now. There will be a lot of stress in your family in this long journey. I saw some families broken up due to special needs children which is sad and bad for their special need children. greatly bless your son and your family.
bless lz's 宝宝
再次bless lz and her baby
很同情mm。我儿子很晚才开始讲话,虽然不是autism,但我经历了很多,这方面的信息看了很多,儿子做了很多therapy。首先autism一般 要到两岁才发现,很多人相信疫苗,汞是原因之一,不过谁也没有确切证明。但以后的疫苗你可以拒绝打,学校是不会拒绝接受你儿子的。 第一要医生写一个证明,说你儿子打疫苗后有“reverse allergy reaction”,给学校。另外可以要 儿科医生给儿子做“blood tittle”, 测血液里一些疫苗的浓度,可能有很多疫苗他体内浓度够高,根本不用打。 我儿子属于development disorder,语言和社交严重delay。但 4岁以后语言社交个方面突非猛进,记忆和阅读能力都超过同龄小孩。所以mm要有信心,何况autism有轻也有重。 1 你肯定已经开始early intervention,但如果还要另外找speech,physical,or ocupational therapy, 保险都报的。 很重要的是找ABA therapist。 ABA目前是最对autism最有效的。ABA大部分保险都不包的。你自己可以查一下。 2。如果不在好学区,可以搬到附近学区最好的地方去。好的学区会给你儿子很多免费therapy,差的学区会耽搁你儿子的(请mm三思,等你将来有机会意识到这点的时候,可能已经有点晚)。 3。我猜你已经带儿子看了developmental specialist。 但尽量多打听找个最好的,好的医生会给你很多建议,推荐很多therapist或课给你。 4。 很重要的一点,找一个 DAN doctor。这种医生大部过分保险都不报。(可能bluecross报的)。但很值得去看。// 医生会查小孩血液,大便,尿液。看小孩对那些食物是“sensitive”。 譬如大部分autism小孩gluten(面精)和casine(奶制品) sensitive。 我甚至建议你现在就可以停止奶制品,改喝豆奶。特别是如果他只爱喝奶或睡觉不好。我儿子就对奶制品sensitive, 没任何反映,但血液不能过滤率其中大分子,然后集中在大脑。 //我儿子还查出体内酶和细菌不太够,还有一些坏的细菌在体内。 这种会造成有的小孩toe walking。医生会开很多supplement去改善 //还一个我非常感激的是医生查出我儿子不能吸收folic acid,这对交流非常重要,我儿子必须口服另一种类似的药。大部分autism小孩都严重缺folic acid/B12,维生素D,还有锌,镁等。 我一个朋友的儿子是autism, 90%我们吃的东西,他儿子都查出来不能吃。她说食物限制很有用。有时不小心吃了, 她儿子的眼光交流就差多了。(另外前面提到的疫苗过敏证明,儿科医生不愿写的话,DAN医生会写的) 我儿子不知是因为大了,语言发育跟上了,还是停止奶制品或吃各种supplement有用,反正最近一年进步非常块,和正常小孩一样了。能想到的就这些。希望对mm有用。
Healing the New Childhood Epidemics (Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies)
Kenneth Bock and Cameron Stauth