a very happy and tender time! Even if it didn't lead to anything in the end, i think it's good to know you can still feel something so touching and simple.... Though i hope it will lead to something..
a very happy and tender time! Even if it didn't lead to anything in the end, i think it's good to know you can still feel something so touching and simple.... Though i hope it will lead to something..
It's very true. Things are actually going well MM. I think we'll have to give it three months, six months, and see how things work out as time goes by.
It's great that these happy moments are kept so that I will forever remember the simple happiness in life. You don't get this very often. I can't help coming back to this post to remind me of my June time. [此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-4 23:24:07编辑过]
感恩节周末,接到老板的鸡毛信-那个公司的项目必须拿下来。 只得吃了BRANCH,身子好乏,补个觉,2点钟回到办公室。 接到P的电话, "hey, where are you?" "in my office." "what? You work too hard. I'm going to the city. I'll see you in the city." 住在长岛的人怎么突然要来CITY? "okay, I could have dinner but will need to come back to office after that." "no don't do that, it's crazy." "see you for dinner." 摇摇头,来了一个捣乱的, 我宝贵的时间呀。
某人6点就到了。"come out, I'm here." 只好离开办公室。"let me call Dough. We can see Dough and Aline for dinner."
走在大街上,冷冷的风,小贩叫卖围今。买下一条,把自己的羊绒围今给我围上。自己挂上那条便宜假冒Burberry。美姿姿的" haha, this is great!"
走过两条街,只见街心花园灯火通明,冬日里发出暖暖的光。进去发现原来是一个溜冰场,好不热闹。 " you wanna try it?" "I can't skate." "not to worry, I'll help you." "Okay!" 到了locker room, "what's your size?" "6" 半分钟他就回来了。刚把冰鞋放在脚上,某人突然蹲下身来帮我系鞋带。这可是孕妇级别的待遇. 公共场合不好拉扯扯,只好安之若素。手没处安置,顺便去摸摸他的头。 人家可不喜欢了,把头甩来甩去。 象小狗一样. [此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/15 1:58:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:31:46编辑过]
this short June story...
full of happiness...
make us imagine...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:34:03编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-30 0:09:47编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:34:27编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:34:49编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-30 22:26:50编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:36:29编辑过]
how do i begin...
this short June story...
full of happiness...
make us imagine...
what a romantic re-statement of my original plain discription of clueless feelings...
thank you!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-30 22:47:24编辑过]
thanks MM u're back! Come back tomorrow night :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-30 23:03:06编辑过]
Enjoy the summer
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:37:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:38:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:39:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:39:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:40:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:40:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:41:47编辑过]
故事写完了,最后成了流水帐了.只是想快快的赶完,把这快乐的时光记下来.其实在开始写东西的那天, 发生了些事,关起门来偷偷的哭,从没有这样单纯的伤心的哭过. 没有怨恨,只有好象要失去了美好的感情一样的哭. 其实,早已磨僵了的心,居然还能这样的哭,都好像是冬天后春天的雨样的纯洁.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-7 9:44:03编辑过]
小小世界, en, like your name...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-8 13:21:18编辑过]
beautiful story :) thanks for sharing...
thanks for marking...
Thanks MM, appreciate you can feel the beautiful feeling from my simple and un-embellished words.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-8 13:31:14编辑过]
grazie 是什么啊?
a very happy and tender time! Even if it didn't lead to anything in the end, i think it's good to know you can still feel something so touching and simple.... Though i hope it will lead to something..
It's very true. Things are actually going well MM. I think we'll have to give it three months, six months, and see how things work out as time goes by.
It's great that these happy moments are kept so that I will forever remember the simple happiness in life. You don't get this very often. I can't help coming back to this post to remind me of my June time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-4 23:24:07编辑过]
成熟男人带着点纯真,真可爱。keep going pls
grazie 是什么啊?
it's thank you in Italian, MM
"hey, where are you?"
"in my office."
"what? You work too hard. I'm going to the city. I'll see you in the city." 住在长岛的人怎么突然要来CITY?
"okay, I could have dinner but will need to come back to office after that."
"no don't do that, it's crazy."
"see you for dinner." 摇摇头,来了一个捣乱的, 我宝贵的时间呀。
某人6点就到了。"come out, I'm here." 只好离开办公室。"let me call Dough. We can see Dough and Aline for dinner."
走在大街上,冷冷的风,小贩叫卖围今。买下一条,把自己的羊绒围今给我围上。自己挂上那条便宜假冒Burberry。美姿姿的" haha, this is great!"
走过两条街,只见街心花园灯火通明,冬日里发出暖暖的光。进去发现原来是一个溜冰场,好不热闹。 " you wanna try it?" "I can't skate." "not to worry, I'll help you." "Okay!" 到了locker room, "what's your size?" "6" 半分钟他就回来了。刚把冰鞋放在脚上,某人突然蹲下身来帮我系鞋带。这可是孕妇级别的待遇. 公共场合不好拉扯扯,只好安之若素。手没处安置,顺便去摸摸他的头。
人家可不喜欢了,把头甩来甩去。 象小狗一样.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/15 1:58:33编辑过]
"She came to work and I came to pick her up. Then we went skating."
DOUGH 张大嘴"这把老骨头,摔一下就要去急诊室的。"
突然拉着我说"Look"我回头, 看到一个4个月左右的孕妇。听到他在我耳边轻轻的:"You will look beautiful when you are pregnant."
晚餐喝了酒,出门后我就迷了路,谁知人家怎么那么清醒,直接把我拉进了地铁, 下了地铁开车就把我运回了家。
过了一阵子两人通电话, P: "Hey, I took Sara to saking!"
[note: Sara his P's daughter. She was three-year-old at that time.]
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/15 2:13:14编辑过]
然后才知道,居然是和他一个医院一个专业的实习医生。看了看,此医院的外科医生大概是挑长象的,很帅, 很可亲, 很年轻。说清楚了对不起我不在大街上交男朋友。可是他还是说,我带你去走走。
我想我已经34岁,我应该BE MORE OPEN。几个月了,不能只说给P听自己MOVE ON了,不能把所有的MEN都拒之门外. 一路上我却都在挖空心思的套瓷. 我想到他的医院去看看他工作的地方。我想问这个人医院里的主治医生他认识几个。我想知道他在做什么。
下了地铁,走着走着, 居然到了那个公园,又是那暖暖的光,那溜冰场。好美好热闹,好温暖的光。
年轻人问,"你来过这里?" 才发现自己已走到场外。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/15 1:48:35编辑过]
有很多很多的事。常常是某个景象 活生生的浮上来。比如那个滑冰场, 比如, 他蹲在我身前给我系鞋带,