1. Do you take children under 2 / of 6-months 你们接受两岁以下(六个月)的孩子吗? Yes / No 2. When can I schedule a visit to your daycare 什么时候可以去你的幼儿园参观一下? ________am/pm ____________mm/dd/2009 __________________Day星期 Child Care Name名称__________________Tel 电话_____________________________ Child Care Address地址___________________________________________________
1. What is the ratio of children to providers? 孩子与阿姨的比例? 2. How many children are currently enrolled at the center? 现在幼儿园里有多少个孩子? 3. How many children are enrolled full-time? 多少个孩子全天托管在这儿? 4. How many are enrolled part-time? 多少个孩子只上半天? 5. How does the center group the children? (By age? Stage of development? Some other approach?) 小孩子是怎么分班分组的?按照年龄/发育情况/还是别的? 6. How would you decide where to place my child? 向我的小孩子这么大会分到哪个组啊? 7. How many children will be in my child’s group? 我的小孩子在的组有多少个孩子? 8. How many different teachers would my child be with during the course of a day? 9. What are your fees by half day/day/week/month and what do they include? 收费标准与规则,按周/月/天/半天? 10. Whether there are extra charges for diapers, food, or field trips; whether parents pay for care when a child is sick or on vacation? 是否有尿布,食物等的额外费用,小孩子不上幼儿园时也要收费吗? 11. Do you have an opening in June? 六月份有空位子吗? If yes, can you reserve a seat for Jeffrey? 如果有,能替我的小孩子预定一个位子吗? If not, can you put Jeffrey on the waiting list? 如果没有,可不可以把小孩子放到waiting list上?
1. What would a typical day be like for my child? 幼儿园一天的活动安排是什么? Meal time and content: 吃饭时间,吃什么? Nap time 睡觉时间 Outdoor time (even in cold weather?) 屋外活动时间(春夏秋冬四季一样吗?) Is there quiet time as well as active play, TV time? 安静时间,游戏时间,电视时间?
1. What are the qualifications of the teachers you have on staff? (幼儿园老师的背景/ 教育程度) 2. How long does the average teacher stay at the center? (平均每个老师都在幼儿园任教多长时间?) 3. How many teachers are new this year? (今年有多少个新老师?) 4. How many teachers have been at the center for more than five years? 有多少个任教五年以上的老师? 5. Do the teachers have ongoing training in child development and early childhood education? What kind of training do they have? 老师们都经常参加培训吗?培训内容?
1. What are your rules for children’s behavior in my child’s age group? 我的小孩子所在的年龄组有什么必须要遵守的纪律要求? 2. How do the teachers discipline children in my child’s age group? 老师怎么管教Jeffrey这么大的小孩子? 3. What do you do if a child is upset or having a temper tantrum? 小孩子脾气不好或者哭闹时怎么办? 4. How do you handle a disagreement between two children? 两个小孩子之间有矛盾怎么办? 5. How do you handle a child who is sad about being away from home? 小孩子刚来不习惯怎么办?
Fees, hours, policies, and relations with parents 收费,家长的关系
1. How do you communicate with parents? 与家长怎么交流? Daily conversations 日常对话 Notes at drop-off and pick-up times 接送孩子时的交流方法(比如当天行为的汇报notes) parent/teacher conferences 家长会
2. Do you supply meals and snacks? 小孩子吃饭怎么解决?自己带还是幼儿园提供? 3. What is the policy about releasing children to parents and other adults? Is there a sign-in/sign-out sheet? What if I am late because of traffic, or have to work overtime? 接送孩子的要求是怎么样的?有没有签到签出的表格?如果因为加班堵车迟到了怎么办? 4. Can parents drop in any time? 家长可以在幼儿园的任何工作时间内接送孩子吗? 5. What days are you closed during the year? 幼儿园每年有多少天不营业? 6. Do you have a backup system for emergency closings? 如果有什么紧急情况需要暂时关闭幼儿园时有什么后备措施吗? 7. What happens if my child is sick? Can children come in if they have a cold? A fever? Diarrhea? 小孩子生病的时候怎么办?幼儿园接受感冒,发烧,拉肚子或其他病的小孩子吗? 8. Will you let me know if other children are sick? Who cares for a child who gets sick at school? 如果其他小孩子生病,幼儿园会通知所有家长吗?如果小孩子在幼儿园突然发病怎么办? 9. Can you give me the names of two or three parents to call for references? 能给两三个家长的电话让我们交流一下吗?
1. Is the center licensed or registered according to state regulations? 有无营业执照 2.Are meals and snacks nutritious? 食物是否有营养 3.Does the center seem safe? Look for:安全方面: Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers on every floor 烟火探测器/安全出口 Posted fire procedures 是否张贴火灾指示图 Adequate security at the entrance 门口/操场有没有合适的保安措施 Is the play equipment safe, with protections in case a child falls? 游戏措施是否安全?
4. 卫生方面 Is there enough room, indoors and outdoors, for children to play? 有没有足够的游戏空间? Are the rooms clean, bright, and well-ventilated? 房间是否干净,明亮,通气良好? Is the food preparation area clean / strict practice of washing hands before preparing food? 准备食物的地方干净吗?准备之前严格要求洗手吗? Is there a strict practice of washing hands after diapering? 换完尿布后洗手吗? Is the changing area thoroughly cleaned after each diaper change? 换尿布的地方干净吗?
5. 起居方面 Does each child have her own crib? 每个婴儿都有自己的小摇篮吗? Is the space set up to provide enough room for babies to safely crawl, “travel” holding on while walking), and walk? 有足够的空间让小婴儿爬和走吗? Is the space organized to provide separate areas for sleeping and for play? 睡觉和游戏的空间是否分开? Are infants fed and napped according to individual schedules, so that some babies are awake and playing while others are asleep? 小婴儿都是按照自己的作息时间来喂养还是集体统一时间?房间里是否同时有小孩子在睡觉和游戏?
Questions to ask when calling other parents who have used the center 问其他家长的问题
1. Was your child happy there? 你的孩子在幼儿园开心吗? 2. Did you feel that the staff got to know your child as an individual and were interested in your family? 你觉得幼儿园里的阿姨把你的小孩子当作独立的个人来对待吗?他们对你的家庭感兴趣吗? 3. Were you able to talk with your child’s teachers and the directors when you had questions or concerns? 你有疑问或者担心时可以与阿姨和幼儿园的领导及时沟通吗? 4. Were you happy with the program and activities the center provided for your child? 你觉得幼儿园里的课程活动怎么样? 5. Did you have any problems with the staff? 你和幼儿园员工有任何冲突或者其他问题吗?
Schedule and activities 活动日程 1. What would a typical day be like for my child? 幼儿园一天的活动安排是什么? Meal time and content: 吃饭时间,吃什么? Nap time 睡觉时间 Outdoor time (even in cold weather?) 屋外活动时间(春夏秋冬四季一样吗?) Is there quiet time as well as active play, TV time? 安静时间,游戏时间,电视时间?leledow 发表于 2015-03-21 03:39 AM
Questions to ask when you visit the center 参观问题 Enrollment and placement 报名安置 1. What is the ratio of children to providers? 孩子与阿姨的比例? 2. How many children are currently enrolled at the center? 现在幼儿园里有多少个孩子? 3. How many children are enrolled full-time? 多少个孩子全天托管在这儿? 4. How many are enrolled part-time? 多少个孩子只上半天? 5. How does the center group the children? (By age? Stage of development? Some other approach?) 小孩子是怎么分班分组的?按照年龄/发育情况/还是别的? 6. How would you decide where to place my child? 向我的小孩子这么大会分到哪个组啊? 7. How many children will be in my child’s group? 我的小孩子在的组有多leledow 发表于 2015-03-21 10:30 AM
1. Do you take children under 2 / of 6-months 你们接受两岁以下(六个月)的孩子吗? Yes / No
2. When can I schedule a visit to your daycare 什么时候可以去你的幼儿园参观一下?
________am/pm ____________mm/dd/2009 __________________Day星期
Child Care Name名称__________________Tel 电话_____________________________
Child Care Address地址___________________________________________________
Enrollment and placement 报名安置
1. What is the ratio of children to providers? 孩子与阿姨的比例?
2. How many children are currently enrolled at the center? 现在幼儿园里有多少个孩子?
3. How many children are enrolled full-time? 多少个孩子全天托管在这儿?
4. How many are enrolled part-time? 多少个孩子只上半天?
5. How does the center group the children? (By age? Stage of development? Some other approach?) 小孩子是怎么分班分组的?按照年龄/发育情况/还是别的?
6. How would you decide where to place my child? 向我的小孩子这么大会分到哪个组啊?
7. How many children will be in my child’s group? 我的小孩子在的组有多少个孩子?
8. How many different teachers would my child be with during the course of a day?
9. What are your fees by half day/day/week/month and what do they include? 收费标准与规则,按周/月/天/半天?
10. Whether there are extra charges for diapers, food, or field trips; whether parents pay for care when a child is sick or on vacation? 是否有尿布,食物等的额外费用,小孩子不上幼儿园时也要收费吗?
11. Do you have an opening in June? 六月份有空位子吗?
If yes, can you reserve a seat for Jeffrey? 如果有,能替我的小孩子预定一个位子吗?
If not, can you put Jeffrey on the waiting list? 如果没有,可不可以把小孩子放到waiting list上?
1. What would a typical day be like for my child? 幼儿园一天的活动安排是什么?
Meal time and content: 吃饭时间,吃什么?
Nap time 睡觉时间
Outdoor time (even in cold weather?) 屋外活动时间(春夏秋冬四季一样吗?)
Is there quiet time as well as active play, TV time? 安静时间,游戏时间,电视时间?
1. What are the qualifications of the teachers you have on staff? (幼儿园老师的背景/ 教育程度)
2. How long does the average teacher stay at the center? (平均每个老师都在幼儿园任教多长时间?)
3. How many teachers are new this year? (今年有多少个新老师?)
4. How many teachers have been at the center for more than five years? 有多少个任教五年以上的老师?
5. Do the teachers have ongoing training in child development and early childhood education? What kind of training do they have? 老师们都经常参加培训吗?培训内容?
1. What are your rules for children’s behavior in my child’s age group? 我的小孩子所在的年龄组有什么必须要遵守的纪律要求?
2. How do the teachers discipline children in my child’s age group? 老师怎么管教Jeffrey这么大的小孩子?
3. What do you do if a child is upset or having a temper tantrum? 小孩子脾气不好或者哭闹时怎么办?
4. How do you handle a disagreement between two children? 两个小孩子之间有矛盾怎么办?
5. How do you handle a child who is sad about being away from home? 小孩子刚来不习惯怎么办?
1. How do you communicate with parents? 与家长怎么交流?
Daily conversations 日常对话
Notes at drop-off and pick-up times 接送孩子时的交流方法(比如当天行为的汇报notes)
parent/teacher conferences 家长会
2. Do you supply meals and snacks? 小孩子吃饭怎么解决?自己带还是幼儿园提供?
3. What is the policy about releasing children to parents and other adults? Is there a sign-in/sign-out sheet? What if I am late because of traffic, or have to work overtime? 接送孩子的要求是怎么样的?有没有签到签出的表格?如果因为加班堵车迟到了怎么办?
4. Can parents drop in any time? 家长可以在幼儿园的任何工作时间内接送孩子吗?
5. What days are you closed during the year? 幼儿园每年有多少天不营业?
6. Do you have a backup system for emergency closings? 如果有什么紧急情况需要暂时关闭幼儿园时有什么后备措施吗?
7. What happens if my child is sick? Can children come in if they have a cold? A fever? Diarrhea? 小孩子生病的时候怎么办?幼儿园接受感冒,发烧,拉肚子或其他病的小孩子吗?
8. Will you let me know if other children are sick? Who cares for a child who gets sick at school? 如果其他小孩子生病,幼儿园会通知所有家长吗?如果小孩子在幼儿园突然发病怎么办?
9. Can you give me the names of two or three parents to call for references? 能给两三个家长的电话让我们交流一下吗?
1. Is the center licensed or registered according to state regulations? 有无营业执照
2.Are meals and snacks nutritious? 食物是否有营养
3.Does the center seem safe? Look for:安全方面:
Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers on every floor 烟火探测器/安全出口
Posted fire procedures 是否张贴火灾指示图
Adequate security at the entrance 门口/操场有没有合适的保安措施
Is the play equipment safe, with protections in case a child falls? 游戏措施是否安全?
4. 卫生方面
Is there enough room, indoors and outdoors, for children to play? 有没有足够的游戏空间?
Are the rooms clean, bright, and well-ventilated? 房间是否干净,明亮,通气良好?
Is the food preparation area clean / strict practice of washing hands before preparing food? 准备食物的地方干净吗?准备之前严格要求洗手吗?
Is there a strict practice of washing hands after diapering? 换完尿布后洗手吗?
Is the changing area thoroughly cleaned after each diaper change? 换尿布的地方干净吗?
5. 起居方面
Does each child have her own crib? 每个婴儿都有自己的小摇篮吗?
Is the space set up to provide enough room for babies to safely crawl, “travel” holding on while walking), and walk? 有足够的空间让小婴儿爬和走吗?
Is the space organized to provide separate areas for sleeping and for play? 睡觉和游戏的空间是否分开?
Are infants fed and napped according to individual schedules, so that some babies are awake and playing while others are asleep? 小婴儿都是按照自己的作息时间来喂养还是集体统一时间?房间里是否同时有小孩子在睡觉和游戏?
1. Was your child happy there? 你的孩子在幼儿园开心吗?
2. Did you feel that the staff got to know your child as an individual and were interested in your family? 你觉得幼儿园里的阿姨把你的小孩子当作独立的个人来对待吗?他们对你的家庭感兴趣吗?
3. Were you able to talk with your child’s teachers and the directors when you had questions or concerns? 你有疑问或者担心时可以与阿姨和幼儿园的领导及时沟通吗?
4. Were you happy with the program and activities the center provided for your child? 你觉得幼儿园里的课程活动怎么样?
5. Did you have any problems with the staff? 你和幼儿园员工有任何冲突或者其他问题吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 13:48:05编辑过]
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.6
thx for sharing!
以下是引用bruintiff在6/25/2009 4:53:00 PM 的发言:
thanks a lot
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
very good! thanks!
thanks for sharing
mark .........
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