Pelvic Station -4-----+4 (From up to down) -4---0----Floating 0----Engaged 0-----+4 On the Perineum
When the baby drops to -4, that means DROP Most of the reason for C-section today is because the baby is too big. If the baby drops in before 36 weeks, you will deliver the baby before its due date.
Cervix Dilation The thinner the cervix, the easier it will be open.
Mucus Plug Placenta position
Six signs of preliminary labor 1. Contraction around the belly 2. Last two weeks, your weight gets stable 3. Nesting, full of energy, but it will last for just 48 hours 4. Dropped belly, lower belly, breathe easier 5. Increased virginal discharge 6. Frequent bowel movement, like a diarrhea, almost one night before labor
Section 2: Actual signs of labor and two breathing techniques
No sequence of the three signs
1. Loss of Mucus plug (maybe two days or two weeks before you see another actual signs of labor) ---Do nothing, do need to see a doctor. Not to worry.
2. Gush—water broken (clear is normal; green is risky, it means the baby’s bowel movement. If it is green ,go to the hospital) Three things to do: i. Sit down—if the cord goes down through the baby, an emergency C is needed (can take a shower, cannot take a bath) ii. Note the time (risk is high after 24 hours) iii. Call a doctor
----------No odor, no color of amniotic fluid (sit down, note the time, call a doctor, green to go)
3. Contraction (The monitor will show two things: your contraction and your baby’s heart rate)
Early contraction: 5 minutes apart, from start to start; (If in that stage, you can still smile during contraction, you are not in labor. Even cannot talk if in real labor.)
Breathing Techniques --------Four rules: focus point (picture, magazine cover…); enhancing breath (inhale by nose, exhale by mouth); thirty seconds; contraction last for 60 seconds, like a bell shape
1. Slow chest breath Like a enhanced breathe, one breathe lasting for 12-16 seconds 2. Hee-hees (the sound of the breath)—even hee hee sound out of your mouth—short and shallow and slow. Inhale more air then exhale Hee-hee is to make your brain busy and no time to feel pain far from the uterus Sounds like one hee per second… try to slow down
Three stage of labor 1. Arrives 10 fingers open (longest stage) i. Early phase -------to 3 fingers (take easy and save energy, stop eating solid food, can last 10-12 hours) ii.Second phase-----4cm to 8 cm; from start to start, contraction every 2-3 minutes; contraction lasts for 1 minute. One on, one off. Length of this phase is 4 to 6 hours. 1 out of 5 has back labor—then pushes back hard or knees on the floor. For the husband----Never leave your wife alone when she is in labor. iii.Third phase ----- 8-10cm. Contraction happens every 60-90 seconds and lasts for about 60-90 seconds. This phase lasts for 1-2 hours For the husband---there is nothing to help. Just stand by and support. 2. Baby is born (1 to 2 hours normally) This stage begins when you start to push. Rotate the baby when the head comes out. Cut the cord. Check the baby from 5 respects: color, breathing, pulse, movement, response . Apucus (? Some kind of evaluation grading) number, >5 is fine. Wipe the baby 1) Protect the eyes because when the baby comes through the virginal, it may catch infections and they go directly to the eyes. 2) Identification 3) Foot prints on birth certificate 4) Vitamin injection
Then wrap the baby with a blanket, put a hat on the baby
3. Placenta is coming out (5 to 15 minutes after delivering the baby) Should make sure the placenta is coming out intact. Test the baby’s blood type by using the cord blood.
Imprinting effect-------lactating the baby soon after the third stage. Remember to take a picture NOW. After around one hour, the new born will be sent to the nursery room.
Position: Put legs wide enough, hands on the knees, feet still touch the bed, put the chin down. Don’t roll back too much. Push like a bowel movement.
A deep breath preceding 3 pushes. 3 pushes as a group when there is a contraction. Count 10 each time. When you push, you hold the breath for 10 seconds, and push down.
Long-steady push.
Don’t be bothered by shitting if it happens. Use enema if you want to avoid the embarrassment.
In the 70s, they shave and give enema to women in labor, but in the 80s, it’s not standard to shave and give enema.
Squat will be the best position if it is an all-natural birth because of the gravity. Not applicable if you use an epidural.
Third breathing technique
Hee hee hee hoo (all shallow and short)
Try not to give any medication before 4cm. Reason: medication will slow down the process. Also not after 8cm because the drug will go to the placenta and the baby will be drugged.
Two choices of drugs: Demerol and Epidural
Epidural: Pros: no pains, does not pass placenta, applicable to C/S Cons: no pushing, no pees and no walking, blood pressure goes down, hot spot (1/2 one side takes effect), shakes, headache for 3 or 4 days if the spine fluid comes out
5CM is the best time to have epidural
Protocin—enhance labor------will be fast and furious labor F+F labor Reason: overdue; big baby; epidural
Most induction takes about 12 hours.
When you use Protocin, you do not have to wait any centimeter to use epidural.
Forceps----metal, hard (My impression: look so terrible) Bottoms are on the baby’s chin bones to grab the baby out.
Vacuum—sucks the baby out
(My conclusion: save energy for push. Try avoid either forceps or vacuum)
Monitoring Two strips on the belly, one for contraction, the other one for baby’s heart rate. If external monitors don’t work well, then there are two internal monitors for mom and baby.
Section 6: C-section and after vaginal delivery Ten reasons of C-section 1. Big baby 2. Fetal Distress (change position, oxygen mask) 3. Wrong position 4. Placenta previa (前置胎盘?) 5. Detached placenta 6. Cords slip down the baby’s head 7. Cervix is not open enough 8. Induction failed 9. High blood pressure 10. herface?
Lying on your left side will give your baby most oxygen.
Two hands will be tied. Two cuts methods---Bikini cut (horizontal) and Classical C (Vertical)
Take out the baby; take out the placenta, and then seal.
Pass the gas is a very important sign that your bowels are functioning normally. After C, you may be given a lot of ice. Remember not to touch ice. Drink some warm fluid. (Warm water or tea)
Recovery after C-section is very important. Try not to use abdomen muscles in two weeks.
After Virginal Delivery Belly—Maybe take 9 months to get to the pre-pregnant position. Depends on your age Breast---hard and large Sitting down really hurts---virginal delivery moms would like to sit on sides. Hemorrhoid may be a problem. Need six weeks to go away.
9-13 pounds will be done after the delivery day. Breast feeding will make you lose more pounds.
Baby Blue Cry for wrong reason, for no reason. Blame for the sharp hormone change.
Six signs of preliminary labor 1. Contraction around the belly 2. Last two weeks, your weight gets stable 3. Nesting, full of energy, but it will last for just 48 hours 4. Dropped belly, lower belly, breathe easier 5. Increased virginal discharge 6. Frequent bowel movement, like a diarrhea, almost one night before labor [此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:16:34编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-1 22:35:51编辑过]
Pelvic Station
-4-----+4 (From up to down)
0-----+4 On the Perineum
When the baby drops to -4, that means DROP
Most of the reason for C-section today is because the baby is too big.
If the baby drops in before 36 weeks, you will deliver the baby before its due date.
Cervix Dilation
The thinner the cervix, the easier it will be open.
Mucus Plug
Placenta position
Six signs of preliminary labor
1. Contraction around the belly
2. Last two weeks, your weight gets stable
3. Nesting, full of energy, but it will last for just 48 hours
4. Dropped belly, lower belly, breathe easier
5. Increased virginal discharge
6. Frequent bowel movement, like a diarrhea, almost one night before labor
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:16:34编辑过]
No sequence of the three signs
1. Loss of Mucus plug (maybe two days or two weeks before you see another actual signs of labor) ---Do nothing, do need to see a doctor. Not to worry.
2. Gush—water broken (clear is normal; green is risky, it means the baby’s bowel movement. If it is green ,go to the hospital)
Three things to do:
i. Sit down—if the cord goes down through the baby, an emergency C is needed (can take a shower, cannot take a bath)
ii. Note the time (risk is high after 24 hours)
iii. Call a doctor
----------No odor, no color of amniotic fluid (sit down, note the time, call a doctor, green to go)
3. Contraction (The monitor will show two things: your contraction and your baby’s heart rate)
Early contraction: 5 minutes apart, from start to start; (If in that stage, you can still smile during contraction, you are not in labor. Even cannot talk if in real labor.)
Breathing Techniques
--------Four rules: focus point (picture, magazine cover…); enhancing breath (inhale by nose, exhale by mouth); thirty seconds; contraction last for 60 seconds, like a bell shape
1. Slow chest breath
Like a enhanced breathe, one breathe lasting for 12-16 seconds
2. Hee-hees (the sound of the breath)—even hee hee sound out of your mouth—short and shallow and slow. Inhale more air then exhale
Hee-hee is to make your brain busy and no time to feel pain far from the uterus
Sounds like one hee per second… try to slow down
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:16:04编辑过]
Three stage of labor
1. Arrives 10 fingers open (longest stage)
i. Early phase -------to 3 fingers (take easy and save energy, stop eating solid food, can last 10-12 hours)
ii.Second phase-----4cm to 8 cm; from start to start, contraction every 2-3 minutes; contraction lasts for 1 minute.
One on, one off. Length of this phase is 4 to 6 hours.
1 out of 5 has back labor—then pushes back hard or knees on the floor.
For the husband----Never leave your wife alone when she is in labor.
iii.Third phase ----- 8-10cm. Contraction happens every 60-90 seconds and lasts for about 60-90 seconds.
This phase lasts for 1-2 hours
For the husband---there is nothing to help. Just stand by and support.
2. Baby is born (1 to 2 hours normally)
This stage begins when you start to push.
Rotate the baby when the head comes out.
Cut the cord.
Check the baby from 5 respects: color, breathing, pulse, movement, response .
Apucus (? Some kind of evaluation grading) number, >5 is fine.
Wipe the baby
1) Protect the eyes because when the baby comes through the virginal, it may catch infections and they go directly to the eyes.
2) Identification
3) Foot prints on birth certificate
4) Vitamin injection
Then wrap the baby with a blanket, put a hat on the baby
3. Placenta is coming out (5 to 15 minutes after delivering the baby)
Should make sure the placenta is coming out intact.
Test the baby’s blood type by using the cord blood.
Imprinting effect-------lactating the baby soon after the third stage.
Remember to take a picture NOW.
After around one hour, the new born will be sent to the nursery room.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:22:10编辑过]
Put legs wide enough, hands on the knees, feet still touch the bed, put the chin down.
Don’t roll back too much.
Push like a bowel movement.
A deep breath preceding 3 pushes.
3 pushes as a group when there is a contraction. Count 10 each time.
When you push, you hold the breath for 10 seconds, and push down.
Long-steady push.
Don’t be bothered by shitting if it happens. Use enema if you want to avoid the embarrassment.
In the 70s, they shave and give enema to women in labor, but in the 80s, it’s not standard to shave and give enema.
Squat will be the best position if it is an all-natural birth because of the gravity. Not applicable if you use an epidural.
Third breathing technique
Hee hee hee hoo (all shallow and short)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:25:04编辑过]
Try not to give any medication before 4cm.
Reason: medication will slow down the process.
Also not after 8cm because the drug will go to the placenta and the baby will be drugged.
Two choices of drugs: Demerol and Epidural
Pros: no pains, does not pass placenta, applicable to C/S
Cons: no pushing, no pees and no walking, blood pressure goes down, hot spot (1/2 one side takes effect), shakes, headache for 3 or 4 days if the spine fluid comes out
5CM is the best time to have epidural
Protocin—enhance labor------will be fast and furious labor F+F labor
Reason: overdue; big baby; epidural
Most induction takes about 12 hours.
When you use Protocin, you do not have to wait any centimeter to use epidural.
Forceps----metal, hard (My impression: look so terrible)
Bottoms are on the baby’s chin bones to grab the baby out.
Vacuum—sucks the baby out
(My conclusion: save energy for push. Try avoid either forceps or vacuum)
Two strips on the belly, one for contraction, the other one for baby’s heart rate.
If external monitors don’t work well, then there are two internal monitors for mom and baby.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:29:35编辑过]
Ten reasons of C-section
1. Big baby
2. Fetal Distress (change position, oxygen mask)
3. Wrong position
4. Placenta previa (前置胎盘?)
5. Detached placenta
6. Cords slip down the baby’s head
7. Cervix is not open enough
8. Induction failed
9. High blood pressure
10. herface?
Lying on your left side will give your baby most oxygen.
Two hands will be tied.
Two cuts methods---Bikini cut (horizontal) and Classical C (Vertical)
Take out the baby; take out the placenta, and then seal.
Pass the gas is a very important sign that your bowels are functioning normally.
After C, you may be given a lot of ice. Remember not to touch ice. Drink some warm fluid. (Warm water or tea)
Recovery after C-section is very important. Try not to use abdomen muscles in two weeks.
After Virginal Delivery
Belly—Maybe take 9 months to get to the pre-pregnant position. Depends on your age
Breast---hard and large
Sitting down really hurts---virginal delivery moms would like to sit on sides.
Hemorrhoid may be a problem. Need six weeks to go away.
9-13 pounds will be done after the delivery day.
Breast feeding will make you lose more pounds.
Baby Blue
Cry for wrong reason, for no reason.
Blame for the sharp hormone change.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:28:42编辑过]
Six signs of preliminary labor
1. Contraction around the belly
2. Last two weeks, your weight gets stable
3. Nesting, full of energy, but it will last for just 48 hours
4. Dropped belly, lower belly, breathe easier
5. Increased virginal discharge
6. Frequent bowel movement, like a diarrhea, almost one night before labor
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-2 10:16:34编辑过]
这个看得我害怕啊,我最近很有nesting mood,而且也drop了,bowl movement也比前几天好。不会要早产吧?我还有好多事情没弄好呢。
这个看得我害怕啊,我最近很有nesting mood,而且也drop了,bowl movement也比前几天好。不会要早产吧?我还有好多事情没弄好呢。
一个原因是, 我现在喝的牛奶是LACTOSE FREE的,所以不加热就喝;
另外一个原因是, 现在宝宝的头估计比以前下一些,所以对BOWEL有压力。。。
学到不少呢~ 希望到时候都能用上!