信上是这么写的: "。。。。These hard economic times forced the business to cease all operations on or about Jan. 22, 2009. It failed financially, so it has no cash, no assets, accounts receivavle, equipment or inventory. In short, there is nothing left from which creditors can collect on their trade debt."
"。。。Although the Corporation certainly would not try to stop you from taking legal action to obtain a judgment against the Corporation, it is the Corporation's sincere belief that such legal action would not yield a financial result."
WHAT THE HE*K???? 我看了就火冒三丈。付的$1100多难道就这样泡汤了? 赶紧给Store打电话,电话已经disconnect了。看样子钱跟家具都没有了。可怜的宝宝!!!
发过火后,我冷静的思考了一下,想了几个方案。虽然可能都是long shot, 但是白白放过了黑心的老板,我才不甘心!马上打了电话给credit card company,看可不可能dispute the charges....Disbute forms 下礼拜才能收到。
除了这个方法,我还想到了这几个方案: 1. Call State Attorney General's Office and file a compliant. Victims可能不少,大家联合起来可能发law suit 或class action. 当然State 出面最好。 2. Call BBB and file a compliant. 3. Call local TV station to get media attention 希望找到其他的victims。人多力量大一点。
信上是这么写的: "。。。。These hard economic times forced the business to cease all operations on or about Jan. 22, 2009. It failed financially, so it has no cash, no assets, accounts receivavle, equipment or inventory. In short, there is nothing left from which creditors can collect on their trade debt."
"。。。Although the Corporation certainly would not try to stop you from taking legal action to obtain a judgment against the Corporation, it is the Corporation's sincere belief that such legal action would not yield a financial result."
WHAT THE HE*K???? 我看了就火冒三丈。付的$1100多难道就这样泡汤了? 赶紧给Store打电话,电话已经disconnect了。看样子钱跟家具都没有了。可怜的宝宝!!!
发过火后,我冷静的思考了一下,想了几个方案。虽然可能都是long shot, 但是白白放过了黑心的老板,我才不甘心!马上打了电话给credit card company,看可不可能dispute the charges....Disbute forms 下礼拜才能收到。
除了这个方法,我还想到了这几个方案: 1. Call State Attorney General's Office and file a compliant. Victims可能不少,大家联合起来可能发law suit 或class action. 当然State 出面最好。 2. Call BBB and file a compliant. 3. Call local TV station to get media attention 希望找到其他的victims。人多力量大一点。
拆了开来一看,是一封没有署名的信,告诉我们这家当地有名的baby specialty store, 在上礼拜22日突然关门大吉了。
"。。。。These hard economic times forced the business to cease all operations on or about Jan. 22, 2009. It failed financially, so it has no cash, no assets, accounts receivavle, equipment or inventory. In short, there is nothing left from which creditors can collect on their trade debt."
"。。。Although the Corporation certainly would not try to stop you from taking legal action to obtain a judgment against the Corporation, it is the Corporation's sincere belief that such legal action would not yield a financial result."
WHAT THE HE*K???? 我看了就火冒三丈。
发过火后,我冷静的思考了一下,想了几个方案。虽然可能都是long shot, 但是白白放过了黑心的老板,我才不甘心!马上打了电话给credit card company,看可不可能dispute the charges....Disbute forms 下礼拜才能收到。
1. Call State Attorney General's Office and file a compliant. Victims可能不少,大家联合起来可能发law suit 或class action. 当然State 出面最好。
2. Call BBB and file a compliant.
3. Call local TV station to get media attention 希望找到其他的victims。人多力量大一点。
...还有其他好主意没有???? 先谢谢大家了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-30 23:52:21编辑过]
刚出差回来看到一封从USA Baby 来的信。满怀希望还以为是来信给我们一个update on 从那里订的baby furniture。大概三四个礼拜之前,我们从那里订了几样 Munire Savannah 的宝宝家具: 包括crib, dresser 和 bookcase。一共$2200多点。订的时候付了50% deposit, 就是$1100多。告知家具4月份会到。
拆了开来一看,是一封没有署名的信,告诉我们这家当地有名的baby specialty store, 在上礼拜22日突然关门大吉了。
"。。。。These hard economic times forced the business to cease all operations on or about Jan. 22, 2009. It failed financially, so it has no cash, no assets, accounts receivavle, equipment or inventory. In short, there is nothing left from which creditors can collect on their trade debt."
"。。。Although the Corporation certainly would not try to stop you from taking legal action to obtain a judgment against the Corporation, it is the Corporation's sincere belief that such legal action would not yield a financial result."
WHAT THE HE*K???? 我看了就火冒三丈。
发过火后,我冷静的思考了一下,想了几个方案。虽然可能都是long shot, 但是白白放过了黑心的老板,我才不甘心!马上打了电话给credit card company,看可不可能dispute the charges....Disbute forms 下礼拜才能收到。
1. Call State Attorney General's Office and file a compliant. Victims可能不少,大家联合起来可能发law suit 或class action. 当然State 出面最好。
2. Call BBB and file a compliant.
3. Call local TV station to get media attention 希望找到其他的victims。人多力量大一点。
...还有其他好主意没有???? 先谢谢大家了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-30 23:52:21编辑过]
我觉得跟信用卡公司dispute就应该能把钱要回来了。人家都破产了,file BBB应该不管用了。
我觉得跟信用卡公司dispute就应该能把钱要回来了。人家都破产了,file BBB应该不管用了。
我现在也觉得还是跟信用卡公司要回钱来的概率稍微大一点。其他的都是long shot,真不想白白便宜了这些黑心的人。尤其是她们另外还有businesses的话。
dispute cc
赢的机会是多少啊? 有人知道吗?
I have never had to dispute any charges before.
USA BABY 是 franchise stores, 跟McDonald's 形式差不多。都是independently operated. 其他城市的 USA BABY可能没有收到影响。
这个信写的真是无赖呀。不过他如果真的破产了,它也真的不在乎了。当年北卡大家具店破产,交cash deposit的人就没拿回钱。
即使账单付了,要找信用卡公司把钱要回来也不难的。只要你留好交钱的收据和这封信,就能证明你没有收到过货。信用卡公司会在几天内就先把credit退到你卡上,然后再调查。一般需要一两个月调查,但是你的证据那么充分,没可能店家赖账的。所以不要担心。就是这口气不顺,但是也没办法了。我还碰上过好几百刀的手机rebate,结果处理rebate的公司破产了,收到信说要等法院settlement, 到现在两年过去了还没有消息的,也只能自认倒霉。