等了很久,今天一大,早manager电话过来说,as you know already, there are rumours all over, I am calling to let you know what obviously we have been affected, we are cutting resources, 我们组也有人被lay off, this is a group decision and had been dediced months ago. 此时此刻some peole are getting affected. Your position is fine. (OMG!!!) blah blah blah (we only have like 5 people in our team)
看着还在熟睡中的宝宝,不敢想象如果今天的消息是"Yes, you are affected",会是一个什么样的情景.
THIS IS CRAZY, I feel cold sweat all over..................bless bless bless ============================== 同学们,历史今天又重演了!!!!!!2010年3月1号!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不同的是,没有丝毫的预警,周一突然接到老板的电话。好在我的POSITION还是SAFE的,可是我不能不去想躲过初一能不能躲过十五。 I feel like crying...... 我的妈呀。。。。。。。。。。。。
My manager talked with me today about exactly the same thing. My job is safe, but there will be a few people in our team being affected by this "Resource" action. Whew!
以下是引用lastrose在2009-1-27 15:10:00的发言: My manager talked with me today about exactly the same thing. My job is safe, but there will be a few people in our team being affected by this "Resource" action. Whew!
hopefully we are not working for the same company??
等了很久,今天一大,早manager电话过来说,as you know already, there are rumours all over, I am calling to let you know what obviously we have been affected, we are cutting resources, 我们组也有人被lay off, this is a group decision and had been dediced months ago. 此时此刻some peole are getting affected. Your position is fine. (OMG!!!) blah blah blah (we only have like 5 people in our team)
看着还在熟睡中的宝宝,不敢想象如果今天的消息是"Yes, you are affected",会是一个什么样的情景.
THIS IS CRAZY, I feel cold sweat all over..................bless bless bless
I feel like crying......
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/1 13:09:02编辑过]
看标题还以为mm要说VT的事呢, ft
感觉就是要被lay off啦
more jobs were cut. john deer, home depot, MS, Intel are all cutting jobs.
bless mm!
it does sound scary
看标题还以为mm要说VT的事呢, ft
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-27 20:03:33编辑过]
感觉就是要被lay off啦
exactly, I am still shivering when think about this. phew................
My manager talked with me today about exactly the same thing. My job is safe, but there will be a few people in our team being affected by this "Resource" action. Whew!
hopefully we are not working for the same company??
History repeated itself .................................
Corporate world................................