Insurance Pregnant Women

楼主 (北美华人网)
I am new here, but I saw some mm asked about pregnant insurance a few times.  I think this information helps. 
I got laid off when I was 3 mos pregnant almost 3 years ago.  If I took the company cobra, I needed to pay around $1,100 to cover myself and my older daughter.  I talked to my dr. and she suggested I could try AIM.  See link below.  I got it, and I only paid $600 in total from day 1 to 2 months after my baby was born.  There was no co-payment at all.  Also, they put my baby into Health Family plan ($12 a month insurance) right after she was born.
AIM is California's insurance program for mid-income pregnant women.  It is only for California residents.  Other states may have some plans like this.
To qualify for AIM, you must be pregnant, but not more than 30 weeks pregnant.  You do not have insurance, or you have insurance but your insurance coverage has a deductible or co-payment more than $500.  Your household monthly gross income after AIM deductions is $2,935 to $4,400 for 3 people family, $3,535 to $5,300 for 4 people family.  For more details, look at the link above.
The good thing about AIM is they only look at your current income.  You only need to give a copy of one pay stab.  They do not ask how much money you have in the bank.
I hope this helps some of you.
2 楼
thanks for the information.
3 楼
4 楼
you are welcome.  It is a really bad idea that having a baby but no insurance.  You never know how much you will need to pay at the end.
5 楼
New Jersey 有类似的program吗?
6 楼
do not know.  ask your dr.