以下是一月八号的报道原文。上面的中文翻译不完全准确。 More melamine traces found in U.S. formula FDA officials call the levels safe for babies. A byproduct, cyanuric acid, also was found. By Martha Mendoza Associated Press The Food and Drug Administration says the industrial chemical melamine and a byproduct, cyanuric acid, have been detected in four of 89 containers of infant formula made in the United States, doubling previously reported positive results. The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies. In November, the Associated Press reported previously undisclosed FDA tests, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, showing that out of 77 containers of domestic infant formula tested, a can of milk-based liquid Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron contained traces of melamine while Mead Johnson's Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid. The FDA has now updated its response to the Associated Press' FOIA request by posting results of 89 tests on its Web site. Those results show that two additional containers of Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid. Separately, a third major formula-maker - Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac - told AP in November that in-house tests had found traces of melamine in its infant formula. Those levels were below what the FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines. The FDA tested 37 different Abbott Laboratories formulas and had no detections. Abbott, Nestle and Mead Johnson make more than 90 percent of all infant formula made in the United States. Melamine at much higher levels was recently found to have contaminated milk products around the world and has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China and killing at least six infants there. Melamine is rich in nitrogen, which registers as protein on routine tests. Authorities say the melamine was added to Chinese formula to artificially boost its protein levels. The FDA and other experts said they believed the minute melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China. No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have met requirements to sell their product here, according to the FDA. Melamine can legally be used in some food packaging, and can rub off into food from there. It is also part of a cleaning solution used on some food-processing equipment. Mead Johnson officials said that the FDA had informed them of the test results and that they were confident the levels of cyanuric acid were so low that they do not pose a health risk to infants. The company said it was considering changing the cleaning solutions it uses on its manufacturing equipment to reduce cyanuric-acid contamination. Although melamine is not believed harmful in tiny amounts, higher concentrations produce kidney stones, and in serious cases can cause kidney failure. Here are the FDA results for U.S.-made formula: Two samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.412 parts per million and 0.310 ppm. Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.304 ppm, 0.406 ppm and 0.248 ppm. Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron, had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.247 ppm, 0.245 ppm and 0.249 ppm. Two samples from a can of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron had melamine at 0.137 ppm and 0.140 ppm. Before the contamination was disclosed, federal regulators had said they were unable to set a safety threshold for melamine in infant formula. But after news reports broke, the agency set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical, including cyanuric acid, is not present. No formula has tested above that threshold.
以下是一月八号的报道原文。上面的中文翻译不完全准确。 More melamine traces found in U.S. formula FDA officials call the levels safe for babies. A byproduct, cyanuric acid, also was found. By Martha Mendoza Associated Press The Food and Drug Administration says the industrial chemical melamine and a byproduct, cyanuric acid, have been detected in four of 89 containers of infant formula made in the United States, doubling previously reported positive results. The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies. In November, the Associated Press reported previously undisclosed FDA tests, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, showing that out of 77 containers of domestic infant formula tested, a can of milk-based liquid Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron contained traces of melamine while Mead Johnson's Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid. The FDA has now updated its response to the Associated Press' FOIA request by posting results of 89 tests on its Web site. Those results show that two additional containers of Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid. Separately, a third major formula-maker - Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac - told AP in November that in-house tests had found traces of melamine in its infant formula. Those levels were below what the FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines. The FDA tested 37 different Abbott Laboratories formulas and had no detections. Abbott, Nestle and Mead Johnson make more than 90 percent of all infant formula made in the United States. Melamine at much higher levels was recently found to have contaminated milk products around the world and has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China and killing at least six infants there. Melamine is rich in nitrogen, which registers as protein on routine tests. Authorities say the melamine was added to Chinese formula to artificially boost its protein levels. The FDA and other experts said they believed the minute melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China. No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have met requirements to sell their product here, according to the FDA. Melamine can legally be used in some food packaging, and can rub off into food from there. It is also part of a cleaning solution used on some food-processing equipment. Mead Johnson officials said that the FDA had informed them of the test results and that they were confident the levels of cyanuric acid were so low that they do not pose a health risk to infants. The company said it was considering changing the cleaning solutions it uses on its manufacturing equipment to reduce cyanuric-acid contamination. Although melamine is not believed harmful in tiny amounts, higher concentrations produce kidney stones, and in serious cases can cause kidney failure. Here are the FDA results for U.S.-made formula: Two samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.412 parts per million and 0.310 ppm. Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.304 ppm, 0.406 ppm and 0.248 ppm. Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron, had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.247 ppm, 0.245 ppm and 0.249 ppm. Two samples from a can of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron had melamine at 0.137 ppm and 0.140 ppm. Before the contamination was disclosed, federal regulators had said they were unable to set a safety threshold for melamine in infant formula. But after news reports broke, the agency set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical, including cyanuric acid, is not present. No formula has tested above that threshold.
以下是引用homosapiens在2009-1-9 15:19:00的发言: 英文报道的原话:The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies. 中文报道的标题:FDA称污染极严重
以下是引用homosapiens在2009-1-9 15:19:00的发言: 英文报道的原话:The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies. 中文报道的标题:FDA称污染极严重
Strongly agree! 0.X ppm means 0.X part per million!!!! Almost nothing. If you want, you can find anything at this concentration in anything. Don't scare yourself.
郁闷死了, 宝宝刚开始换成enfamil了
fda网站上so far没看见这个新闻
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-9 13:20:31编辑过]
Enfamil Lipil with Iron – 12.9 oz can
milk-based infant formula powder
enfamil next step (9 - 24 months) 有问题吗?
从上面的link看, 应该没问题吧, 我们家也是吃这个
More melamine traces found in U.S. formula
FDA officials call the levels safe for babies. A byproduct, cyanuric acid, also was found.
By Martha Mendoza
Associated Press
The Food and Drug Administration says the industrial chemical melamine and a byproduct, cyanuric acid, have been detected in four of 89 containers of infant formula made in the United States, doubling previously reported positive results. The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies.
In November, the Associated Press reported previously undisclosed FDA tests, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, showing that out of 77 containers of domestic infant formula tested, a can of milk-based liquid Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron contained traces of melamine while Mead Johnson's Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid.
The FDA has now updated its response to the Associated Press' FOIA request by posting results of 89 tests on its Web site. Those results show that two additional containers of Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid.
Separately, a third major formula-maker - Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac - told AP in November that in-house tests had found traces of melamine in its infant formula.
Those levels were below what the FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines. The FDA tested 37 different Abbott Laboratories formulas and had no detections.
Abbott, Nestle and Mead Johnson make more than 90 percent of all infant formula made in the United States.
Melamine at much higher levels was recently found to have contaminated milk products around the world and has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China and killing at least six infants there. Melamine is rich in nitrogen, which registers as protein on routine tests. Authorities say the melamine was added to Chinese formula to artificially boost its protein levels.
The FDA and other experts said they believed the minute melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China. No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have met requirements to sell their product here, according to the FDA.
Melamine can legally be used in some food packaging, and can rub off into food from there. It is also part of a cleaning solution used on some food-processing equipment. Mead Johnson officials said that the FDA had informed them of the test results and that they were confident the levels of cyanuric acid were so low that they do not pose a health risk to infants. The company said it was considering changing the cleaning solutions it uses on its manufacturing equipment to reduce cyanuric-acid contamination.
Although melamine is not believed harmful in tiny amounts, higher concentrations produce kidney stones, and in serious cases can cause kidney failure.
Here are the FDA results for U.S.-made formula:
Two samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.412 parts per million and 0.310 ppm.
Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.304 ppm, 0.406 ppm and 0.248 ppm.
Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron, had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.247 ppm, 0.245 ppm and 0.249 ppm.
Two samples from a can of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron had melamine at 0.137 ppm and 0.140 ppm.
Before the contamination was disclosed, federal regulators had said they were unable to set a safety threshold for melamine in infant formula. But after news reports broke, the agency set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical, including cyanuric acid, is not present. No formula has tested above that threshold.
Enfamil Lipil with Iron – 12.9 oz can milk-based infant formula powder
what is Cyanuric Acid (ppb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-9 14:36:44编辑过]
Enfamil Lipil with Iron – 12.9 oz can milk-based infant formula powder
我打电话问过E家的CS是不是其它SIZE还有种类没有问题,只是这种有问题。他们说FDA只查了这种,其它的他们不知道。但是他们强调,即使是这种也是SAFE TO USE。
我打电话问过E家的CS是不是其它SIZE还有种类没有问题,只是这种有问题。他们说FDA只查了这种,其它的他们不知道。但是他们强调,即使是这种也是SAFE TO USE。
到底Melamine 是三聚氰胺还是Cyanuric Acid 是三聚氰胺? Melamine
那个Cyanuric Acid 是啥咚咚。
到底Melamine 是三聚氰胺还是Cyanuric Acid 是三聚氰胺?
Cyanuric Acid是三聚氰酸.
哦,我看错了,Cyanuric Acid是三聚氰酸
声明,毒理学并非本人专业,我只是阅读了pubmed 上已经发表的文章,并进行了翻译和摘要: 1. 三聚氰胺的毒性事实上是非常低的,有研究显示其急性半数致死量(LD50) > 1克每公斤体重。利用羊,兔以及老鼠作为实验对象,没有发现其有肾脏毒性。并且,有证据显示三聚氰胺在哺乳动物体内并不能被肝脏进行生物转化代谢。 2. 既然三聚氰胺没有肾毒性,为什么它能够造成肾脏衰竭并最终导致儿童死亡呢?
似,并且二者在化工生产过程中常常同时存在。因此,如果在奶粉生产过程中直接加入化工原料三聚氰胺,事实上也同时掺入了混在三聚氰胺当中的三聚氰酸。 4. 当三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸同时存在时,二者能够依靠分子结构上的氢氧基与氨基之间形成水合键,从而将二者连接起来。这种连接可以反复进行,最终形成一个网格结构。最为重要的是,这种结构是很难溶于水的,先请大家记住这点。 5. 当混在奶粉中的这种网格结构被摄入人体后,由于胃液的酸性作用,三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸相互解离,从而破坏了这种复合物,三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸于是分别被吸收入血。
More melamine traces found in U.S. formula
FDA officials call the levels safe for babies. A byproduct, cyanuric acid, also was found.
By Martha Mendoza
Associated Press
The Food and Drug Administration says the industrial chemical melamine and a byproduct, cyanuric acid, have been detected in four of 89 containers of infant formula made in the United States, doubling previously reported positive results. The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies.
In November, the Associated Press reported previously undisclosed FDA tests, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, showing that out of 77 containers of domestic infant formula tested, a can of milk-based liquid Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron contained traces of melamine while Mead Johnson's Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid.
The FDA has now updated its response to the Associated Press' FOIA request by posting results of 89 tests on its Web site. Those results show that two additional containers of Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid.
Separately, a third major formula-maker - Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac - told AP in November that in-house tests had found traces of melamine in its infant formula.
Those levels were below what the FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines. The FDA tested 37 different Abbott Laboratories formulas and had no detections.
Abbott, Nestle and Mead Johnson make more than 90 percent of all infant formula made in the United States.
Melamine at much higher levels was recently found to have contaminated milk products around the world and has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China and killing at least six infants there. Melamine is rich in nitrogen, which registers as protein on routine tests. Authorities say the melamine was added to Chinese formula to artificially boost its protein levels.
The FDA and other experts said they believed the minute melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China. No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have met requirements to sell their product here, according to the FDA.
Melamine can legally be used in some food packaging, and can rub off into food from there. It is also part of a cleaning solution used on some food-processing equipment. Mead Johnson officials said that the FDA had informed them of the test results and that they were confident the levels of cyanuric acid were so low that they do not pose a health risk to infants. The company said it was considering changing the cleaning solutions it uses on its manufacturing equipment to reduce cyanuric-acid contamination.
Although melamine is not believed harmful in tiny amounts, higher concentrations produce kidney stones, and in serious cases can cause kidney failure.
Here are the FDA results for U.S.-made formula:
Two samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.412 parts per million and 0.310 ppm.
Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.304 ppm, 0.406 ppm and 0.248 ppm.
Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron, had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.247 ppm, 0.245 ppm and 0.249 ppm.
Two samples from a can of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron had melamine at 0.137 ppm and 0.140 ppm.
Before the contamination was disclosed, federal regulators had said they were unable to set a safety threshold for melamine in infant formula. But after news reports broke, the agency set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical, including cyanuric acid, is not present. No formula has tested above that threshold.
大家仔细读读英文原文吧, 根本就是中文新闻乱炒作.
英文报道的原话:The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies.
偶们家的一直吃enfamil,最近还换了next step呢。
家里大大小小的enfamil还有个8-9罐, 都扔了, 烧钱. enfamil太可恨了
I hope it's safe too. My baby still drinks E formula.
天呢,我儿子一直都喝enfamil.我刚寄了12桶 next step的,打算喝到2岁多呢。怎么办,要停掉吗?
You can check the codes from the bottom of the cans. If the FDA list doesn't show they have Cyanuric Acid, they are still safe to be used.
英文报道的原话:The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies.
Strongly agree!
0.X ppm means 0.X part per million!!!! Almost nothing.
If you want, you can find anything at this concentration in anything.
Don't scare yourself.
我打电话问过E家的CS是不是其它SIZE还有种类没有问题,只是这种有问题。他们说FDA只查了这种,其它的他们不知道。但是他们强调,即使是这种也是SAFE TO USE。
那个FDA的表上不是还有gentlease, next step和nutri吗?
糟糕多了。 注意这里fda用的是ppb (parts per billion), 不是 ppm (parts per million ) 。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-9 17:08:01编辑过]
非常同意! 就是想拉别人下水为自己遮丑!