I do not like this feeling..I guess I prefer freedom over money..I can let the house go..but not my freedom..I work for a living not I live for work..my living standard is pretty low...working is huge part of life span..if it is really painfull better cut it off..life is too short for this..I am so laid back and do not want to compete with anybody..my current boss always thought I should have got her positon..I am like..no..it is yours..I wasn't..neither will I be interested getting it..I am pretty comfortable at where I am..a soso position..a soso pay..hehe..senior position means a lot of responsibility and pressure..I can't take that..
I always think Join makes multiple millions for concert, record and she deserves it..if I eat like she does..just 3 days..I am going nuts..so..no pain..no gain.. I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ... After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day... and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead. I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ... After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day... and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead. I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ... After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day... and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead. I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
我这叫骑虎难下,直接被fire最好了,可是自己有太有责任感了,觉得还要对老公小孩负责。所以男人才愿意带MS啊。 [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 15:45:04编辑过] I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy.. 就是没有什么借口啊。我老公也同意,不过自己很难下决心。前几天想这个问题很烦,现在不想了,反而好一些。
but having an easy life is good for you, right? so you can spend more time with mimi.
My current team is not easy at all. Lots of competitions, people working on weekends, young and old. I was the one on the team longest and I was doing very well. I wanted to slow down and very quickly I lose nearly all my fields. The biggest problem is I have no more interest working in that area, it is all so familiar. That directly affects my morale. I worked off my ass to keep a good review this year, that's why I said it could be me who is going. I don't have that courage to damange my career myself but I have no ground asking for more. I am a little hesitated because I am not sure about house wife life (I don't like to cook ;P and Ami is already a toddler).
Could it be simple Wei Cheng? Change a team, and do some new work is good. At least gives me a reason to fail. hehehe. [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:18:20编辑过]
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
Before I was working for some fun and chanllenges, now I am totally working for money. But I am not that type so I feel quite painful. I hope I could pick up some new interest in my work and that would be the best solution(both earning money to send ami to private and remain more independant). If I cannot, I need to find a place to "die" (get fired) faster... hahaha [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:22:11编辑过]
To me, I think it is a big hint (his team is going to hire two more people, including one at his level, with no really big new features) plus he should be getting all kinds of feedbacks daily. If he is not getting the right feedback, it means he had a very lousy boss and I should be careful in the furture. I am already kind of getting out of my way telling him management think the project is a mess(His boss should be telling him that). If I were him, after I hear this, I will go to the boss's office try to express my stand on the issues and let him hear my voice. But as of me in this issue, I don't want to dig too deep into the water and tell him what he should do... I don't think I should be the person saying "you are fired" ...
If he still cannot get it, there really is a problem of self-awareness.
Well I thought you just wanted to help him . not that you wanted to be his boss and tell him what to do. Anyways, I guess this is not your problem.
Before I was working for some fun and chanllenges, now I am totally working for money. But I am not that type so I feel quite painful. I hope I could pick up some new interest in my work and that would be the best solution(both earning money to send ami to private and remain more independant). If I cannot, I need to find a place to "die" (get fired) faster... hahaha [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:22:11编辑过] toally understand。我来seattle之前辞职办h4的时候那叫一个挣扎啊。。多少人苦于找不到工作我还quit..and quit for no reason。。就是什么都不干了。。然后我就想。。hmm..我干嘛呢。。天天睡到中午这件事吧只有得不到了才觉得美好。。一旦真的天天随便睡估计就没劲了。又有点担心再重新找工作。。再来一轮也挺烦的。。当然也有点舍不得钱。。而且我对让lg养这件事始终有点不太能接受。。有一种很微秒的在家里变成minor的感觉。。你说如果有小孩吧也算个正当理由。。反正就是很折腾。。
I do not like this feeling..I guess I prefer freedom over money..I can let the house go..but not my freedom..I work for a living not I live for work..my living standard is pretty low...working is huge part of life span..if it is really painfull better cut it off..life is too short for this..I am so laid back and do not want to compete with anybody..my current boss always thought I should have got her positon..I am like..no..it is yours..I wasn't..neither will I be interested getting it..I am pretty comfortable at where I am..a soso position..a soso pay..hehe..senior position means a lot of responsibility and pressure..I can't take that..
I always think Join makes multiple millions for concert, record and she deserves it..if I eat like she does..just 3 days..I am going nuts..so..no pain..no gain..
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
My current team is not easy at all. Lots of competitions, people working on weekends, young and old. I was the one on the team longest and I was doing very well. I wanted to slow down and very quickly I lose nearly all my fields. The biggest problem is I have no more interest working in that area, it is all so familiar. That directly affects my morale. I worked off my ass to keep a good review this year, that's why I said it could be me who is going. I don't have that courage to damange my career myself but I have no ground asking for more. I am a little hesitated because I am not sure about house wife life (I don't like to cook ;P and Ami is already a toddler).
Could it be simple Wei Cheng? Change a team, and do some new work is good. At least gives me a reason to fail. hehehe. [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:18:20编辑过]
哦,今天的电话面试挺糟糕的,我好多都忘了,最后只想赶快结束。复习了几个小时,好多东西都似是而非,主要还是我基本功不扎实。data structure那些, 一仔细问我就开始抓瞎了。觉得很embarassing,希望没给我的推荐人太丢面子。唉,他不推荐我就好了,简直是里外不讨好。 好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever. I don't think I can handle a life that is even much more stressful than it is now. 我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了 是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。 今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question. 当爸妈真不容易啊。没有老人帮忙的,就更忙了啊。 哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce. 晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
toally understand。我来seattle之前辞职办h4的时候那叫一个挣扎啊。。多少人苦于找不到工作我还quit..and quit for no reason。。就是什么都不干了。。然后我就想。。hmm..我干嘛呢。。天天睡到中午这件事吧只有得不到了才觉得美好。。一旦真的天天随便睡估计就没劲了。又有点担心再重新找工作。。再来一轮也挺烦的。。当然也有点舍不得钱。。而且我对让lg养这件事始终有点不太能接受。。有一种很微秒的在家里变成minor的感觉。。你说如果有小孩吧也算个正当理由。。反正就是很折腾。。
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
Pat pat... you already tried what you can do. One has to be able to pick up pieces by himself. Don't worry. I think with his experience in MS he would be a very strong candidate, if it would really happen. I heard small/mid size companies are still hiring. Just very competitive.
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ... you think too much..you have done what you could do..just leave it behind..
yeah the first guy who called, the hiring manager, sounded very young and sharp. I would imagine he expects his team to be same style. Coz when you are young and you are a manager, there is a lot of room to grow, easily to get aggressive and ambitious. That's not my style, at least for now. and I am afraid my rusty brain cannot fit into the team well either... BTW this job does also require on call support.
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema. I do feel lucky that he is such a loving dad. Now, reflux/colic is almost gone. Eczema was gone, but back again because of the hot and dry summer.
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema. I do feel lucky that he is such a loving dad. Now, reflux/colic is almost gone. Eczema was gone, but back again because of the hot and dry summer.
wow, you have a hard baby, 11 months still have reflux? We only have eczema and it is still not gone..
you think too much..you have done what you could do..just leave it behind.. Right. I myself felt relieved because I at least tired. 我这个人为一看得开的地方就是不在乎别人的看法。When I just started working, I even ignore emails from bosses ... [此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 1:19:42编辑过]
以下是引用thinktoomuch在2009-6-25 0:15:00的发言: 哦,今天的电话面试挺糟糕的,我好多都忘了,最后只想赶快结束。复习了几个小时,好多东西都似是而非,主要还是我基本功不扎实。data structure那些, 一仔细问我就开始抓瞎了。觉得很embarassing,希望没给我的推荐人太丢面子。唉,他不推荐我就好了,简直是里外不讨好。 好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever. I don't think I can handle a life that is even much more stressful than it is now. 我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了 是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。 今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question. 当爸妈真不容易啊。没有老人帮忙的,就更忙了啊。 哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce. 晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
many times your actual performance is better than what you thought, that's the common habit of our chinese, especially chinese women.
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema. I do feel lucky that he is such a loving dad. Now, reflux/colic is almost gone. Eczema was gone, but back again because of the hot and dry summer.
nonsense nonsense..........lele's so lovely. btw, your hubby looks handsome too (hope you wont think too much ha) 你们说这个人有多烦。。还经常要抢镜。。猪乐乐这自恋遗传基因爆强。。天天去自己closet里拿衣服。。还必须拿她选的。。不然递给她就扔地上。。就爱大嘴猴。。刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。什么粉红色的公主裙倒是不爱。。不知道为啥
哦,今天的电话面试挺糟糕的,我好多都忘了,最后只想赶快结束。复习了几个小时,好多东西都似是而非,主要还是我基本功不扎实。data structure那些, 一仔细问我就开始抓瞎了。觉得很embarassing,希望没给我的推荐人太丢面子。唉,他不推荐我就好了,简直是里外不讨好。 好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever. I don't think I can handle a life that is even much more stressful than it is now. 我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了 是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。 今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question. 当爸妈真不容易啊。没有老人帮忙的,就更忙了啊。 哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce. 晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house. I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house. I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
是啊,有时候可能只能够compromise. As long as you have a positive cash flow now, you can send your daughter to private school no problem since the mortage will simply be cheaper and cheaper.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house. I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
thanks for your kind words! we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting. I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38. I didn't buy. but I feel sad.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house. I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
lele's really up to date in terms of fashion taste!..........."刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。" this is so lovely. have to schedule a gathering after mimi's coming.....
呵呵, 偶不要老二了, 南瓜上公立。
home daycare, 而且我其实已经不在LA了, LA之外60麦的村子, 呵呵
我后来想想我住woodland hills的时候跟住seattle确实没太大差别。。呵呵
我后来想想我住woodland hills的时候跟住seattle确实没太大差别。。呵呵
我都没住valley, 去woodland hills都算进城了, 不过挺适合偶这个懒人的, 节奏很慢。。。
我都没住valley, 去woodland hills都算进城了, 不过挺适合偶这个懒人的, 节奏很慢。。。
I do not like this feeling..I guess I prefer freedom over money..I can let the house go..but not my freedom..I work for a living not I live for work..my living standard is pretty low...working is huge part of life span..if it is really painfull better cut it off..life is too short for this..I am so laid back and do not want to compete with anybody..my current boss always thought I should have got her positon..I am like..no..it is yours..I wasn't..neither will I be interested getting it..I am pretty comfortable at where I am..a soso position..a soso pay..hehe..senior position means a lot of responsibility and pressure..I can't take that..
I always think Join makes multiple millions for concert, record and she deserves it..if I eat like she does..just 3 days..I am going nuts..so..no pain..no gain..
I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ...
After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day...
and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead.
I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 15:45:04编辑过]
就像我们的大VP,在我们这里做得非常好的,但是组织要把他调取管windows mobile(total mess)他也只能去了。没有回头路。这就是大公司。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:12:36编辑过]
I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ...
After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day...
and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead.
I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 15:45:04编辑过]
why you want to switch team then?
you can stay at your current team ya.
I totally agree with you ... Before the baby I enjoyed the job quite much because of the technical chanllenges with smart people around. I had a totally different view point. Very aggressive ...
After the baby... the job becomes a burden to me and the smart people become competitors. But because of the ecomony situation here, I couldn't make too much change. I hope I can be laid off one day...
and I am looking for part time job oppotunities but it is not as easy as before because now the bosses have a bigger voice in such situation. I mentioned it to my boss one day and he frowned saying it would add management overhead.
I guess I will just give up that thought for the time being but still looking because the thought itself is killing me.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 15:45:04编辑过]
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
why you want to switch team then?
you can stay at your current team ya.
I do want a switch, I stayed in my current team for 4 years and there is nothing more to do. I mentioned it to my boss half year ago.
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
I do want a switch, I stayed in my current team for 4 years and there is nothing more to do. I mentioned it to my boss half year ago.
but having an easy life is good for you, right? so you can spend more time with mimi.
but having an easy life is good for you, right? so you can spend more time with mimi.
My current team is not easy at all. Lots of competitions, people working on weekends, young and old. I was the one on the team longest and I was doing very well. I wanted to slow down and very quickly I lose nearly all my fields. The biggest problem is I have no more interest working in that area, it is all so familiar. That directly affects my morale. I worked off my ass to keep a good review this year, that's why I said it could be me who is going. I don't have that courage to damange my career myself but I have no ground asking for more. I am a little hesitated because I am not sure about house wife life (I don't like to cook ;P and Ami is already a toddler).
Could it be simple Wei Cheng? Change a team, and do some new work is good. At least gives me a reason to fail. hehehe.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:18:20编辑过]
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
Before I was working for some fun and chanllenges, now I am totally working for money. But I am not that type so I feel quite painful. I hope I could pick up some new interest in my work and that would be the best solution(both earning money to send ami to private and remain more independant). If I cannot, I need to find a place to "die" (get fired) faster... hahaha
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:22:11编辑过]
米汤 should be good but dont know if it can supplement salt.
To me, I think it is a big hint (his team is going to hire two more people, including one at his level, with no really big new features) plus he should be getting all kinds of feedbacks daily. If he is not getting the right feedback, it means he had a very lousy boss and I should be careful in the furture. I am already kind of getting out of my way telling him management think the project is a mess(His boss should be telling him that). If I were him, after I hear this, I will go to the boss's office try to express my stand on the issues and let him hear my voice. But as of me in this issue, I don't want to dig too deep into the water and tell him what he should do... I don't think I should be the person saying "you are fired" ...
If he still cannot get it, there really is a problem of self-awareness.
Well I thought you just wanted to help him . not that you wanted to be his boss and tell him what to do. Anyways, I guess this is not your problem.
missed it!!! i'll go back to see!
Does mimi still have 湿疹? My mimi's coming soon. we should let them meet :). Their b-days seem only a week apart
Before I was working for some fun and chanllenges, now I am totally working for money. But I am not that type so I feel quite painful. I hope I could pick up some new interest in my work and that would be the best solution(both earning money to send ami to private and remain more independant). If I cannot, I need to find a place to "die" (get fired) faster... hahaha
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:22:11编辑过]
toally understand。我来seattle之前辞职办h4的时候那叫一个挣扎啊。。多少人苦于找不到工作我还quit..and quit for no reason。。就是什么都不干了。。然后我就想。。hmm..我干嘛呢。。天天睡到中午这件事吧只有得不到了才觉得美好。。一旦真的天天随便睡估计就没劲了。又有点担心再重新找工作。。再来一轮也挺烦的。。当然也有点舍不得钱。。而且我对让lg养这件事始终有点不太能接受。。有一种很微秒的在家里变成minor的感觉。。你说如果有小孩吧也算个正当理由。。反正就是很折腾。。
Cannot wait to see mimi!
just saw lele's video. Lele looks like a big girl now.
就像我们的大VP,在我们这里做得非常好的,但是组织要把他调取管windows mobile(total mess)他也只能去了。没有回头路。这就是大公司。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:12:36编辑过]
somehow我觉得女的40了如果还在斗有点凄凉。。这世界对女的太不公平了。。一生完小孩整个人的战斗力physically mentally都严重damage。。我曾经也是极度aggressive的一个人立志要做女强人。。现在我想。。算了。让给她们吧。。leave me alone..我现在就想着能早点退休就好。。我逐渐感觉到了当大妈的feel..哈哈
somehow我觉得女的40了如果还在斗有点凄凉。。这世界对女的太不公平了。。一生完小孩整个人的战斗力physically mentally都严重damage。。我曾经也是极度aggressive的一个人立志要做女强人。。现在我想。。算了。让给她们吧。。leave me alone..我现在就想着能早点退休就好。。我逐渐感觉到了当大妈的feel..哈哈
希望斗的更加智慧点吧,其实我们欠缺的不是hard working,而是art of working...这个项目和老板的communicate是很关键的挑战。还有一个关键是就是尽可能的少接活。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 19:26:08编辑过]
you are so great! what this project is all about?
this is for my dissertation. I'm doing a survey with social service/community improvement nonprofit organizations in the state of NJ.
admire! what do you teach
some boring stuff
no extra pay???? are you a post-doc???
home daycare, 而且我其实已经不在LA了, LA之外60麦的村子, 呵呵
LA 60 miles之外不算村了,绝对不是村儿了哈
600就是family care都已经超级便宜了,我们这儿这么村(离个比la小很多的大城市还要会200miles)都打不住
I do not like this feeling..I guess I prefer freedom over money..I can let the house go..but not my freedom..I work for a living not I live for work..my living standard is pretty low...working is huge part of life span..if it is really painfull better cut it off..life is too short for this..I am so laid back and do not want to compete with anybody..my current boss always thought I should have got her positon..I am like..no..it is yours..I wasn't..neither will I be interested getting it..I am pretty comfortable at where I am..a soso position..a soso pay..hehe..senior position means a lot of responsibility and pressure..I can't take that..
I always think Join makes multiple millions for concert, record and she deserves it..if I eat like she does..just 3 days..I am going nuts..so..no pain..no gain..
呵呵, 偶不要老二了, 南瓜上公立。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 22:04:47编辑过]
就像我们的大VP,在我们这里做得非常好的,但是组织要把他调取管windows mobile(total mess)他也只能去了。没有回头路。这就是大公司。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:12:36编辑过]
I truely think you should have quit a while ago since you enjoy being with mimi and work puts pressure on you even damaging your health..you guys do not have much of financial concern..You could choose the life you want..now you are working for money..and even not that necessary money..staying home is good choice..it wipes out lots of problems..maybe lose some income but potentially might benefit the whole family more..as a working mom I understand it is a big decision as we are used to the 9-5 life and this is a huge symbol that we are financially and mentally independent..changing role is not easy..
My current team is not easy at all. Lots of competitions, people working on weekends, young and old. I was the one on the team longest and I was doing very well. I wanted to slow down and very quickly I lose nearly all my fields. The biggest problem is I have no more interest working in that area, it is all so familiar. That directly affects my morale. I worked off my ass to keep a good review this year, that's why I said it could be me who is going. I don't have that courage to damange my career myself but I have no ground asking for more. I am a little hesitated because I am not sure about house wife life (I don't like to cook ;P and Ami is already a toddler).
Could it be simple Wei Cheng? Change a team, and do some new work is good. At least gives me a reason to fail. hehehe.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 17:18:20编辑过]
还有,要带孩子就从toddler开始带,乐趣无穷,带infant才是真正的非常辛苦。toddler太有意思了,我一个不喜欢小孩儿的人,每天带着宝宝东玩儿西玩儿都特开心,总是很遗憾我lg miss了太多太多(虽然我lg下班之后就全程带宝宝了),我lg自己也很遗憾,总说我没有给宝宝录下来。不是我不想录,那些都是用眼睛而不是用录像机可以捕捉的瞬间。
That's simply too much! You should prepare and jump when there is an opportunity. Hug hug...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:41编辑过]
好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever.
我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了
是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。
今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question.
哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce.
晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:33:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
还有就是amazon好像很多工作都是on called,到处背call机,很让人受不了的。
还有,要带孩子就从toddler开始带,乐趣无穷,带infant才是真正的非常辛苦。toddler太有意思了,我一个不喜欢小孩儿的人,每天带着宝宝东玩儿西玩儿都特开心,总是很遗憾我lg miss了太多太多(虽然我lg下班之后就全程带宝宝了),我lg自己也很遗憾,总说我没有给宝宝录下来。不是我不想录,那些都是用眼睛而不是用录像机可以捕捉的瞬间。
toally understand。我来seattle之前辞职办h4的时候那叫一个挣扎啊。。多少人苦于找不到工作我还quit..and quit for no reason。。就是什么都不干了。。然后我就想。。hmm..我干嘛呢。。天天睡到中午这件事吧只有得不到了才觉得美好。。一旦真的天天随便睡估计就没劲了。又有点担心再重新找工作。。再来一轮也挺烦的。。当然也有点舍不得钱。。而且我对让lg养这件事始终有点不太能接受。。有一种很微秒的在家里变成minor的感觉。。你说如果有小孩吧也算个正当理由。。反正就是很折腾。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:51:37编辑过]
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
我就是那种如果我们家最后只有一个人工作必须要是我。。我觉得在所有角色中这个是最轻松的。。撇开independence的问题。。我一个连洗衣机都不会用带娃一个小时就抓狂绝对不能换dirty diaper的人让我house wife..对我来说那绝对是mentally abuse..我只有假装工作才能上网灌水对猪乐乐的嚎叫假装没听见。。如果不工作我就没有excuse。。想想都要发抖。如果能选我宁愿选1岁以下。。以上。。魔王!魔鬼啊!。
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
Pat pat... you already tried what you can do. One has to be able to pick up pieces by himself. Don't worry. I think with his experience in MS he would be a very strong candidate, if it would really happen. I heard small/mid size companies are still hiring. Just very competitive.
还有,要带孩子就从toddler开始带,乐趣无穷,带infant才是真正的非常辛苦。toddler太有意思了,我一个不喜欢小孩儿的人,每天带着宝宝东玩儿西玩儿都特开心,总是很遗憾我lg miss了太多太多(虽然我lg下班之后就全程带宝宝了),我lg自己也很遗憾,总说我没有给宝宝录下来。不是我不想录,那些都是用眼睛而不是用录像机可以捕捉的瞬间。
希望斗的更加智慧点吧,其实我们欠缺的不是hard working,而是art of working...这个项目和老板的communicate是很关键的挑战。还有一个关键是就是尽可能的少接活。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-24 19:26:08编辑过]
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
you think too much..you have done what you could do..just leave it behind..
还有就是amazon好像很多工作都是on called,到处背call机,很让人受不了的。
yeah the first guy who called, the hiring manager, sounded very young and sharp. I would imagine he expects his team to be same style. Coz when you are young and you are a manager, there is a lot of room to grow, easily to get aggressive and ambitious. That's not my style, at least for now.
BTW this job does also require on call support.
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema.
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema. I do feel lucky that he is such a loving dad. Now, reflux/colic is almost gone. Eczema was gone, but back again because of the hot and dry summer.
wow, you have a hard baby, 11 months still have reflux? We only have eczema and it is still not gone..
you think too much..you have done what you could do..just leave it behind..
Right. I myself felt relieved because I at least tired. 我这个人为一看得开的地方就是不在乎别人的看法。When I just started working, I even ignore emails from bosses ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 1:19:42编辑过]
this is for my dissertation. I'm doing a survey with social service/community improvement nonprofit organizations in the state of NJ.
you are a phd stu as well? hand hand!
nonsense nonsense..........lele's so lovely. btw, your hubby looks handsome too (hope you wont think too much ha)
Yeah, she still has some beside the lips and on the figures and she still cannot eat a lot of food. :(
Cannot wait to see mimi!
she'll outgrow soon. I have a neice (misspelling again) who has the eczama very serious when she's 2 years old and now she's fine now (she's 3 now).
好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever.
我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了
是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。
今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question.
哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce.
晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
many times your actual performance is better than what you thought, that's the common habit of our chinese, especially chinese women.
Today when I talked to my coworker, I think he still sensed something. Then he starts to complain how bad his team is, trying to pursuade me not to join the team.
Maybe he is thinking my joining caused his dangerous position. But it is the opposite relationship. Replacement is always easy to find in such an environment. The boss is not doing this for me! Sigh, very hard to be good people ...
just let it be. he'll get it eventually.
One month at home? That would just kill me.... in our house it was my husband who took one month off when needed (my in-laws left and daycare not started yet). Baby was only 11-month old and was very hard to take care of, reflux, colic and eczema.
the dad is very responsible.
because i can't type chinese here at school
Does anyone have 15% one item BRU coupon? I need to buy a gate for mimi. thanks!
nonsense nonsense..........lele's so lovely. btw, your hubby looks handsome too (hope you wont think too much ha)
你们说这个人有多烦。。还经常要抢镜。。猪乐乐这自恋遗传基因爆强。。天天去自己closet里拿衣服。。还必须拿她选的。。不然递给她就扔地上。。就爱大嘴猴。。刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。什么粉红色的公主裙倒是不爱。。不知道为啥
你们说这个人有多烦。。还经常要抢镜。。猪乐乐这自恋遗传基因爆强。。天天去自己closet里拿衣服。。还必须拿她选的。。不然递给她就扔地上。。就爱大嘴猴。。刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。什么粉红色的公主裙倒是不爱。。不知道为啥
she'll outgrow soon. I have a neice (misspelling again) who has the eczama very serious when she's 2 years old and now she's fine now (she's 3 now).
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 15:48:19编辑过]
好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever.
我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了
是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。
今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question.
哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce.
晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
bless mm和你lg
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:33:52编辑过]
我一single income,宝宝每个月光服装费就200多。。。我看我得整理一下退的退上换版的上换版了
不加班的工作已经是我的dream job条件之一了,我以前经常要加班,全体都要加班一个也别想跑
还有就是amazon好像很多工作都是on called,到处背call机,很让人受不了的。
on call的工作很烦人
我一single income,宝宝每个月光服装费就200多。。。我看我得整理一下退的退上换版的上换版了
不加班的工作已经是我的dream job条件之一了,我以前经常要加班,全体都要加班一个也别想跑
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 16:21:35编辑过]
on call的工作很烦人
我现在这个组就有on call,出什么问题都call到我们这边来,大家强烈反对,老板为此还发了体恤金。不过我情愿不要体恤金。
我就是那种如果我们家最后只有一个人工作必须要是我。。我觉得在所有角色中这个是最轻松的。。撇开independence的问题。。我一个连洗衣机都不会用带娃一个小时就抓狂绝对不能换dirty diaper的人让我house wife..对我来说那绝对是mentally abuse..我只有假装工作才能上网灌水对猪乐乐的嚎叫假装没听见。。如果不工作我就没有excuse。。想想都要发抖。如果能选我宁愿选1岁以下。。以上。。魔王!魔鬼啊!。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 16:21:35编辑过]
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house.
I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
baby slept hours ba? why 轮轴转?
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house.
I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
是啊,有时候可能只能够compromise. As long as you have a positive cash flow now, you can send your daughter to private school no problem since the mortage will simply be cheaper and cheaper.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 16:32:09编辑过]
我现在这个组就有on call,出什么问题都call到我们这边来,大家强烈反对,老板为此还发了体恤金。不过我情愿不要体恤金。
I used to carry a pager also, but my manager 推掉了 for the whole team.
baby slept hours ba? why 轮轴转?
sleep 的时候要做家务阿。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 16:21:35编辑过]
听说要是上一般的私立,也不一定比公立好,而好的私立就很贵。私立的donation挺多,还老要求家长干这干那参与blah blah。不过我自己没研究过,只是听说,不知道对不对。
听说要是上一般的私立,也不一定比公立好,而好的私立就很贵。私立的donation挺多,还老要求家长干这干那参与blah blah。不过我自己没研究过,只是听说,不知道对不对。
baby slept hours ba? why 轮轴转?
we are co-sleeping with my daughter now, she wakes up many times at night.
but we don't do much though, sometimes give her water, sometimes pat her.
when my Mom comes, I will ask her to sleep with my daughter!
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house.
I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
we are co-sleeping with my daughter now, she wakes up many times at night.
but we don't do much though, sometimes give her water, sometimes pat her.
when my Mom comes, I will ask her to sleep with my daughter!
美女cheer up!
we are co-sleeping with my daughter now, she wakes up many times at night.
but we don't do much though, sometimes give her water, sometimes pat her.
when my Mom comes, I will ask her to sleep with my daughter!
猪乐乐半夜不醒。。俺们一直co sleep。。她睡觉睡的死死的。。但是手脚不停。。前天晚上头把我嘴都撞流血了。。要不就踢她爸的五眼青。。俺们睡觉一人守着一个床边背对猪乐乐护住头。。魔王!魔鬼啊!!!
美女cheer up!
thanks for your kind words!
we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting.
I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38.
I didn't buy.
but I feel sad.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house.
I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
猪乐乐半夜不醒。。俺们一直co sleep。。她睡觉睡的死死的。。但是手脚不停。。前天晚上头把我嘴都撞流血了。。要不就踢她爸的五眼青。。俺们睡觉一人守着一个床边背对猪乐乐护住头。。魔王!魔鬼啊!!!
same here, I 护住 my eyes especially.
我一single income,宝宝每个月光服装费就200多。。。我看我得整理一下退的退上换版的上换版了
不加班的工作已经是我的dream job条件之一了,我以前经常要加班,全体都要加班一个也别想跑
it won't be end of world if you don't agree to 加班 ya.
why your manager 哭了?
it won't be end of world if you don't agree to 加班 ya.
why your manager 哭了?
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws
never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I
bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things
specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let
her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
你们说这个人有多烦。。还经常要抢镜。。猪乐乐这自恋遗传基因爆强。。天天去自己closet里拿衣服。。还必须拿她选的。。不然递给她就扔地上。。就爱大嘴猴。。刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。什么粉红色的公主裙倒是不爱。。不知道为啥
lele's really up to date in terms of fashion taste!..........."刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。" this is so lovely. have to schedule a gathering after mimi's coming.....
What you guys do in Jul 3rd
good husband. but who cooks for the baby?