baby slept hours ba? why 轮轴转? still non-stop. I took care of mimi for about half a month just by myself when she's 6 months old. And its absolutely no time to do anything else except taking care of her. when she's sleeping, i have to clean her bottles, my dishes , and some other errands. even taking a shower makes me very nervious.
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house. I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
thanks for your kind words! we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting. I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38. I didn't buy. but I feel sad.
just buy it next time. think about you two have stable cash flows! that's all that matters! treat yourself well!
以下是引用pmtng在2009-6-25 17:35:00的发言: I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day. I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room. My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out. She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face. 婆媳关系这个问题比较有意思。。我妈来了之后认识了好几个老太太自己过来带孙子。。没有一个说儿媳妇好的。。我有时候想如果有个论坛她们灌水会是什么样子。。。一个巴掌拍不响的。。你肯定有地方她看不顺延很久了。但是你自己不知道。。因为她不说。她会记得。。然后找机会爆发。。比如你买东西不关她事也许她就觉得不顺眼。。记你个罪过。。这种东西没办法的。。一般消费观人生观生活观这种两代的冲突都是必然的。家家都有。只不过程度不同。。
lele's really up to date in terms of fashion taste!..........."刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。" this is so lovely. have to schedule a gathering after mimi's coming.....
以下是引用pmtng在2009-6-25 17:35:00的发言: I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day. I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room. My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out. She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face. Wow, I can see you are a nice and straight person and you need some serious lessons like the ones I got from my inlaws to become more ...
To really think what others will think even we have good purposes. Sometimes they will take it wrong (especially for people is not very open or self-centered) and it is NORMAL. You need to first see them then decide what to avoid and what to ignore.
Anyways, the lessons I learned helped me grow a lot and be more "sophisticated" both at home and at work. That's why I had a lot of concerns when I was deciding whether I should tell my coworker about the news or not.
you described that your gonggong is playing with lele and your popo is cooking and you feel happiness.
all I try to say is that this is only superficial appearance which won't last long.
my inlaws have been living with us for a year, we apparently co-existed peacefully for almost a year, until 2 weeks before their departure.
deep down, no family can sustain this kind of relationship.
If they have different opinions with you and they are trying to get peaceful and holding back the thoughts to themselves, it is better than those inlaws who just behave rude. You should appreciate that.
Maybe there are other things on their mind, maybe they just don't want to leave your daughter and that's why they break out.
Like my popo, she will be very satisfied if she can take care of Ami, she will have all kinds of wired thoughts and very dissatisfied if we send Ami to daycare. People are emotional and it is not all because of your behavior.
以下是引用pmtng在2009-6-25 17:35:00的发言: I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day. I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room. My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out. She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
your popo's behavior is hard to understand. Why did she say things like that since you were getting along well with her and is it just Tian jin di yi to have your husband help carrying things?
you described that your gonggong is playing with lele and your popo is cooking and you feel happiness.
all I try to say is that this is only superficial appearance which won't last long.
my inlaws have been living with us for a year, we apparently co-existed peacefully for almost a year, until 2 weeks before their departure.
deep down, no family can sustain this kind of relationship.
that really depends on and my mom in law are similar type..not picky on anything..whatever the other party do, we say good good..
you can never expect a relationship like mother like daughter..nevertheless..even really mother-daughter retionship doesn't necessarily mean good..just enjoy what you have and do not think too much..if it happens it happens..we are both human beings and have ups and downs..after all..we are a family..just try to value the positive part..other than that..what else you can do..
that really depends on and my mom in law are similar type..not picky on anything..whatever the other party do, we say good good..
you can never expect a relationship like mother like daughter..nevertheless..even really mother-daughter retionship doesn't necessarily mean good..just enjoy what you have and do not think too much..if it happens it happens..we are both human beings and have ups and downs..after all..we are a family..just try to value the positive part..other than that..what else you can do.. I found out that even relationships of mother and daughter can have problems. But it is easier to get forgiveness.
People belong to this building for a long time will remember the story between me and my popo. At that time, everyone agreed that my popo behaved really wacky. But now I think I was not careful or considerate enough as well. Ami's eczema made everybody very nerous and under great stress and my popo just didn't want to leave her. These are all factors.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband...
People belong to this building for a long time will remember the story between me and my popo. At that time, everyone agreed that my popo behaved really wacky. But now I think I was not careful or considerate enough as well. Ami's eczema made everybody very nerous and under great stress and my popo just didn't want to leave her. These are all factors.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband... as I said..overall you are a family..fact that can't be changed. I am always cautious dealing with in is crispy..try hard not to break..
as I said..overall you are a family..fact that can't be changed. I am always cautious dealing with in is crispy..try hard not to break.. 是啊,relationship needs a lot of thoughtfulness, expecially with older generations.
somehow我觉得女的40了如果还在斗有点凄凉。。这世界对女的太不公平了。。一生完小孩整个人的战斗力physically mentally都严重damage。。我曾经也是极度aggressive的一个人立志要做女强人。。现在我想。。算了。让给她们吧。。leave me alone..我现在就想着能早点退休就好。。我逐渐感觉到了当大妈的feel..哈哈 哈哈,我这个人从来都不aggressive,看我选择的职业就知道。不过我的想法很简单。要自己有自己的工作圈子,自己的收入。
以下是引用thinktoomuch在2009-6-25 0:15:00的发言: 哦,今天的电话面试挺糟糕的,我好多都忘了,最后只想赶快结束。复习了几个小时,好多东西都似是而非,主要还是我基本功不扎实。data structure那些, 一仔细问我就开始抓瞎了。觉得很embarassing,希望没给我的推荐人太丢面子。唉,他不推荐我就好了,简直是里外不讨好。 好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever. I don't think I can handle a life that is even much more stressful than it is now. 我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了 是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。 今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question. 当爸妈真不容易啊。没有老人帮忙的,就更忙了啊。 哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce. 晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
yeah the first guy who called, the hiring manager, sounded very young and sharp. I would imagine he expects his team to be same style. Coz when you are young and you are a manager, there is a lot of room to grow, easily to get aggressive and ambitious. That's not my style, at least for now. and I am afraid my rusty brain cannot fit into the team well either... BTW this job does also require on call support.
thanks for your kind words! we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting. I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38. I didn't buy. but I feel sad.
my lg just called me he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei. she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
以下是引用pmtng在2009-6-25 17:35:00的发言: I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day. I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room. My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out. She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
以下是引用pmtng在2009-6-25 20:15:00的发言: my lg just called me he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei. she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
People belong to this building for a long time will remember the story between me and my popo. At that time, everyone agreed that my popo behaved really wacky. But now I think I was not careful or considerate enough as well. Ami's eczema made everybody very nerous and under great stress and my popo just didn't want to leave her. These are all factors.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband...
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk. She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
my lg just called me he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei. she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
still non-stop. I took care of mimi for about half a month just by myself when she's 6 months old. And its absolutely no time to do anything else except taking care of her. when she's sleeping, i have to clean her bottles, my dishes , and some other errands. even taking a shower makes me very nervious.
是啊,有时候可能只能够compromise. As long as you have a positive cash flow now, you can send your daughter to private school no problem since the mortage will simply be cheaper and cheaper.
pat pat. take good rest and relax. bless to JiaJia too! my excuse to mostly water in English is, my work laptop has no Chinese input~~~! my personal laptop is bigger and heavier and relatively too hot to use. and I water faster this way. my precious few free moments of each day ~~~
I see. I agree that it is essential to be visible in the team, stay in your boss's view. Make yourself look busy and important. hehe Politics politics...
baby slept hours ba? why 轮轴转?
still non-stop. I took care of mimi for about half a month just by myself when she's 6 months old. And its absolutely no time to do anything else except taking care of her. when she's sleeping, i have to clean her bottles, my dishes , and some other errands. even taking a shower makes me very nervious.
really admire those full-time moms
It's my fault also. my lg wanted to buy a house around 80w, but I really don't want to live in some tiny dark house with a ceiling so low that I can touch with my hands.
My problem is that I want to live a better life than I can actually afford.
I stretched when we bought the house.
I stretched when I enrolled my daughter to a $1875 daycare.
My coworker said: I should let my parents and my inlaws to take turns to take care of my daughter in turns, so I can save the daycare fee. But I don't want to burden them too much.
I think the final solution for us is to move to other states.
ah? 80w house is tiny?????
we are co-sleeping with my daughter now, she wakes up many times at night.
but we don't do much though, sometimes give her water, sometimes pat her.
when my Mom comes, I will ask her to sleep with my daughter!
is she still waking up multiple times in the nights?
猪乐乐半夜不醒。。俺们一直co sleep。。她睡觉睡的死死的。。但是手脚不停。。前天晚上头把我嘴都撞流血了。。要不就踢她爸的五眼青。。俺们睡觉一人守着一个床边背对猪乐乐护住头。。魔王!魔鬼啊!!!
lele's THE hottest girl!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 17:46:42编辑过]
thanks for your kind words!
we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting.
I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38.
I didn't buy.
but I feel sad.
just buy it next time. think about you two have stable cash flows! that's all that matters! treat yourself well!
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
lele's really up to date in terms of fashion taste!..........."刚才自己跟那奋力要把t shirt脱了穿上我给买的泳装。。还爱豹纹。。" this is so lovely. have to schedule a gathering after mimi's coming.....
What you guys do in Jul 3rd
you described that your gonggong is playing with lele and your popo is cooking and you feel happiness.
all I try to say is that this is only superficial appearance which won't last long.
my inlaws have been living with us for a year, we apparently co-existed peacefully for almost a year, until 2 weeks before their departure.
deep down, no family can sustain this kind of relationship.
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
Wow, I can see you are a nice and straight person and you need some serious lessons like the ones I got from my inlaws to become more ...
To really think what others will think even we have good purposes. Sometimes they will take it wrong (especially for people is not very open or self-centered) and it is NORMAL. You need to first see them then decide what to avoid and what to ignore.
Anyways, the lessons I learned helped me grow a lot and be more "sophisticated" both at home and at work. That's why I had a lot of concerns when I was deciding whether I should tell my coworker about the news or not.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 18:09:25编辑过]
you described that your gonggong is playing with lele and your popo is cooking and you feel happiness.
all I try to say is that this is only superficial appearance which won't last long.
my inlaws have been living with us for a year, we apparently co-existed peacefully for almost a year, until 2 weeks before their departure.
deep down, no family can sustain this kind of relationship.
If they have different opinions with you and they are trying to get peaceful and holding back the thoughts to themselves, it is better than those inlaws who just behave rude. You should appreciate that.
Maybe there are other things on their mind, maybe they just don't want to leave your daughter and that's why they break out.
Like my popo, she will be very satisfied if she can take care of Ami, she will have all kinds of wired thoughts and very dissatisfied if we send Ami to daycare. People are emotional and it is not all because of your behavior.
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
your popo's behavior is hard to understand. Why did she say things like that since you were getting along well with her and is it just Tian jin di yi to have your husband help carrying things?
next week!!!! i'm so excited
michael jackson死了。。。分特
you described that your gonggong is playing with lele and your popo is cooking and you feel happiness.
all I try to say is that this is only superficial appearance which won't last long.
my inlaws have been living with us for a year, we apparently co-existed peacefully for almost a year, until 2 weeks before their departure.
deep down, no family can sustain this kind of relationship.
that really depends on and my mom in law are similar type..not picky on anything..whatever the other party do, we say good good..
you can never expect a relationship like mother like daughter..nevertheless..even really mother-daughter retionship doesn't necessarily mean good..just enjoy what you have and do not think too much..if it happens it happens..we are both human beings and have ups and downs..after all..we are a family..just try to value the positive part..other than that..what else you can do..
that really depends on and my mom in law are similar type..not picky on anything..whatever the other party do, we say good good..
you can never expect a relationship like mother like daughter..nevertheless..even really mother-daughter retionship doesn't necessarily mean good..just enjoy what you have and do not think too much..if it happens it happens..we are both human beings and have ups and downs..after all..we are a family..just try to value the positive part..other than that..what else you can do..
I found out that even relationships of mother and daughter can have problems. But it is easier to get forgiveness.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband...
你们老板好惨啊。。。 true..I was superduper good at work when I was young..with bad temper though.
next week!!!! i'm so excited
People belong to this building for a long time will remember the story between me and my popo. At that time, everyone agreed that my popo behaved really wacky. But now I think I was not careful or considerate enough as well. Ami's eczema made everybody very nerous and under great stress and my popo just didn't want to leave her. These are all factors.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband...
as I said..overall you are a family..fact that can't be changed. I am always cautious dealing with in is crispy..try hard not to break..
as I said..overall you are a family..fact that can't be changed. I am always cautious dealing with in is crispy..try hard not to break..
是啊,relationship needs a lot of thoughtfulness, expecially with older generations.
加加发烧了,加加从出生到现在从没生病发烧过。昨天中午开始突然发烧到39.5。吃了点Tylenol,降了点, 半夜重新升到39.7。
不是10-15%吗? 不过有了孩子有了房子要省钱真的不容易, 偶爹教育偶开源比节流重要, 不过偶还没找到开源的好途径。。。 原来以为租房好贵啊, 活生生一个月付快2000的房租, 现在有了房子, 单贷款就2000, 加上地税, 管理费, 保险, 修理, 3500就这么没了。 偶家还很好吃, 单超市买菜就一个月600, 外加每周至少3次外出吃饭, 时不时外面还买午餐, 一个人另加200, 1000就花吃上了 南瓜也是增加开销的一部分, 600day care, 外加200玩具跟服装费, 800又没了。 还有水电煤气上网电话, 保险维修车加油费等等, 一个月共计支出能控制在7000下就不错了。 还有外加瓜爹学费3万一年, 这样一来, 入不敷出状态中。 可是我还想着旅游。。。。。。 想要3天游北加, 2号晚上走, 5号回南加, 带南瓜的, 大家觉得咋安排好呢, 我想road trip 哈。
开独立日开车来lv。让小两口见见面。lailai 一家也会在这里。
呵呵, 偶不要老二了, 南瓜上公立。
somehow我觉得女的40了如果还在斗有点凄凉。。这世界对女的太不公平了。。一生完小孩整个人的战斗力physically mentally都严重damage。。我曾经也是极度aggressive的一个人立志要做女强人。。现在我想。。算了。让给她们吧。。leave me alone..我现在就想着能早点退休就好。。我逐渐感觉到了当大妈的feel..哈哈
好处是,我appreciate my current job much more! For a working mom, it is perfect. I have lost my desire to compete whatsoever.
我家小人,每天都拿着的一个玩具,相当于security blanket,睡觉都抓在手里的,每天拿到daycare的,今天找不到了
是朋友给我的,后来别人说是Fisher Price一个老款的bouncer上附带的小玩具。我在网上找了找,没卖的啊!bouncer都被新款的取代了,那个小兔子玩具更没卖的了。
今天好热啊。明天好像更热,我老公还有一个电话面试。可怜的人,天天陪小孩睡,一年半没睡好了,脑子都不转了,还要回答coding question.
哦想起来了,我们上个周日带小孩子去看Up就是pixar的那个。时间不好,正好小孩困了,闹,没看完就出来了。可是,就是前面十来分钟还不错,后面is so so-so! I would want my money back! Urgh... pixar is going down. I used to love every movie they produce.
晚了,要去呼呼了。明天还是早起。Tomorrow is another day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 0:16:07编辑过]
你说的是amazon的面试么?茜茜干妈是amazon hr的。
还有就是amazon好像很多工作都是on called,到处背call机,很让人受不了的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 19:57:12编辑过]
我觉得get fired挺容易的。communication通常是非常主要的因素。如果你在老板的眼睛里消失了,或者在老板眼里成了搬不动的石头,那离你真正消失的时候也就不远了。
这种人如果不改变,是个很大的问题。通常他们都不这么觉得,觉得我干了活啊,怎么你们不理解我。。。 唉。说说我看到的例子吧。
我以前那个中国同事,fix bug还挺多的,但是他的工作作风一意孤行,连我都没有办法和他交流。最后交给他一样东西,大家都觉得危险,因为他从来不听大家的意见,搞出个什么来没有人能够控制。开会的时候提出的问题非常古怪,让人感觉他什么也没有搞懂。还老是要求升职,最后老板很烦他,就把他开了。我隔壁组的中国同事还觉得他很冤。但是我和他工作过,我知道他的问题很大。不过他又找到amazon,工资高了很多(20%) 不知道现在混得怎样。他被开的时候我还是很难过的,因为觉得他又一家老小,而且好像也算工作勤奋。。。
yeah the first guy who called, the hiring manager, sounded very young and sharp. I would imagine he expects his team to be same style. Coz when you are young and you are a manager, there is a lot of room to grow, easily to get aggressive and ambitious. That's not my style, at least for now.
BTW this job does also require on call support.
on call太讨厌了。我和我劳工从来不把工作带回家。回家就是家庭时间。
thanks for your kind words!
we will have an offsite tomorrow, will go water rafting.
I went to REI yesterday try to buy a hat, but it costs $38.
I didn't buy.
but I feel sad.
he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me
I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei.
she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
my lg just called me
he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me
I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei.
she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
next week!!!! i'm so excited
我和豆豆妈成立了一个play group。等米米回来,我们可以常常一起活动。
People belong to this building for a long time will remember the story between me and my popo. At that time, everyone agreed that my popo behaved really wacky. But now I think I was not careful or considerate enough as well. Ami's eczema made everybody very nerous and under great stress and my popo just didn't want to leave her. These are all factors.
Later, I see my popo really want to be in a good relationship with me (us) so I forget the whole thing. And she knows I have the power to act. The whole event now simply becomes a 筹码 when I discuss family issues with my husband...
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws
never bought anything for
你婆婆不懂事 小两口吵吵小架 她跟着吓掺和深么
I used to get along with my inlaws, I treated them really well until one recent day.
I had a verbal fight with my lg who refused to help me to move heavy furniture I bought from my car to living room.
My popo jumped in, yelled at me.
She asked why I didn't ask other people to help out.
She also said I bought too much junk.
She also said my parents should feel shameful for my behavior.
I then realized that for all the years I married their son, my inlaws
never bought anything for me (total is zero, none), at the same time, I
bought at least 10 cashmere sweaters for my popo, I bought many things
specifically for my popo. Everytime I orded clothes/shoes online, I let
her pick first and she always picked something.
I seriously want to ask my junk back and dump into garbage can in front of her face.
pat pat
我老公也爱带孩子 可惜奶糖不待见他 他只好做饭
good husband. but who cooks for the baby?
my lg just called me
he said that he will talk to his mom and ask her to apologize to me
I refused, I said, in China, there is no such thing that chang bei apologize to xiao bei.
she will be here for only 20 days, I don't want to talk to her face to face
你不需要她道歉 但你要代你父母接受他的道歉
pat pat
still non-stop. I took care of mimi for about half a month just by myself when she's 6 months old. And its absolutely no time to do anything else except taking care of her. when she's sleeping, i have to clean her bottles, my dishes , and some other errands. even taking a shower makes me very nervious.
really admire those full-time moms
next week!!!! i'm so excited
big congratulations again!
你不需要她道歉 但你要代你父母接受他的道歉
你 再好好读读 好好理解下 真是媒婆职业病哦
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 22:04:26编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 22:06:30编辑过]
你 再好好读读 好好理解下 真是媒婆职业病哦
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 22:04:26编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 22:07:20编辑过]
我觉得get fired挺容易的。communication通常是非常主要的因素。如果你在老板的眼睛里消失了,或者在老板眼里成了搬不动的石头,那离你真正消失的时候也就不远了。
这种人如果不改变,是个很大的问题。通常他们都不这么觉得,觉得我干了活啊,怎么你们不理解我。。。 唉。说说我看到的例子吧。
我以前那个中国同事,fix bug还挺多的,但是他的工作作风一意孤行,连我都没有办法和他交流。最后交给他一样东西,大家都觉得危险,因为他从来不听大家的意见,搞出个什么来没有人能够控制。开会的时候提出的问题非常古怪,让人感觉他什么也没有搞懂。还老是要求升职,最后老板很烦他,就把他开了。我隔壁组的中国同事还觉得他很冤。但是我和他工作过,我知道他的问题很大。不过他又找到amazon,工资高了很多(20%) 不知道现在混得怎样。他被开的时候我还是很难过的,因为觉得他又一家老小,而且好像也算工作勤奋。。。
team work,永远是第一原则啊,多少年前还是学生开始找工作的时候就知道这个道理,behavior question永远都会问的
开独立日开车来lv。让小两口见见面。lailai 一家也会在这里。
你们不是去了LV就去大峡谷了? 上次看你的行程, 好像3,4,5号都已经没在LV了?
我们就玩3天, 不请假了。
如果见得到茜茜, 我真是太高兴了!!
所以不要住一起 就不会有矛盾, 难得见见大家都开心
美女cheer up!
粘爸爸也有麻烦的时候, 晚上南瓜总要见到瓜爹才睡, 有时候瓜爹干活太投入, 就回来晚了, 瓜就非常不爽的入睡, 要不有时快睡了, 一听有人回来就立马跳起来, 接着玩。。。
是啊,有时候可能只能够compromise. As long as you have a positive cash flow now, you can send your daughter to private school no problem since the mortage will simply be cheaper and cheaper.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-25 16:32:09编辑过]
从来没有州破产过, 这真要破了, 08的脸跟啊诺的脸往哪阁哦
估计经济不好, 在哪里都压力大些了, 不过你不说我还真以为MS不炒人的。
身边好几个跟偶lg差不多大的, 做个1,2年就跳了, 还都跳得不错。
May he rest in peace.
May he rest in peace.
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。
我今天去把那个cyst 切了。
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。
pat pat. take good rest and relax. bless to JiaJia too!
my excuse to mostly water in English is, my work laptop has no Chinese input~~~!
I see. I agree that it is essential to be visible in the team, stay in your boss's view. Make yourself look busy and important. hehe Politics politics...
我今天去把那个cyst 切了。
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。
我今天去把那个cyst 切了。
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。
真的。。我觉得如果皮肤够健康黑比较好看。。我上次买la mer粉底跑去柜台给SA看我能不能再买深一号的。。
ms这么容易fire人啊 我工作的公司都是大锅饭式的 想fire个人难死了 只要他不犯深么泄露公司机密破坏公司财产之类的大错特错你就不能fire他 rating再差都不是fire的理由 我以前在中国pg工作的时候 公司惯用伎俩是架空他让他自己走人但绝不fire
我和豆豆妈成立了一个play group。等米米回来,我们可以常常一起活动。
mimi will go to daycare soon...............
i was breastfeeding too but i had to pump it out all the time because she only ate from the bottle.
May he rest in peace. was he really a gay? why a lot of celebs are mentally sick too?
我今天去把那个cyst 切了。
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。
have a good rest
我今天去把那个cyst 切了。
早上9点check-in, 11点的手术,医生12点才来,我从昨天晚上9点多就没吃过东西,饿死我了。等着都快睡着了。