WASHINGTON -- The Food and Drug Administration said that it found one positive sample of U.S.-made infant formula containing melamine "at very low trace levels."
Stephen Sundloff, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, said the agency also found melamine in a few samples of products such as nutritional supplements and medical supplements, all made by the five U.S. manufacturers of infant formula. Dr. Sundloff said the melamine detected was at "extremely low levels" and likely was the result of contact with melamine during the processing or from packaging. Melamine was approved to be a "food contact substance" in the late 1960s or early 1970s.
The melamine found in U.S.-made products "is no cause for concern" from a health standpoint, Dr. Sundloff said. The FDA said the low level of melamine was detected with the use of new technology that can detect minute traces of the chemical.
Dr. Sundloff said the agency is also conducting animal tests to determine safety levels.
The traces of melamine were found as part of the FDA program of testing for the industrial chemical after melamine in Chinese-made infant formula sickened tens of thousands of Chinese infants and led to the deaths of four. Dr. Sundloff said the FDA not only sampled products at ethnic markets but also took samples from the five approved infant-formula manufacturers.
Earlier this month, the FDA announced it was restricting entry of all food products from China containing milk after inspectors found evidence of melamine contamination, which has sickened tens of thousands of Chinese infants and caused at least four deaths. Under the FDA directive, importers must prove their food and drink shipments don't contain melamine before they can be released to U.S. markets.
I don't have enough milk anymore. If my lg knows about this, he must say:"see, I told you that breastmilk is better - you should pump it out when the baby doesn't want to be breastfed."
The melamine found in U.S.-made products "is no cause for concern" from a health standpoint, Dr. Sundloff said. The FDA said the low level of melamine was detected with the use of new technology that can detect minute traces of the chemical.
全面一点的新闻出来了: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5j7SAbhJj3By_isZUoRAgTOPHzwkQD94M98PG0 很长,不过有具体的信息: According to FDA data for tests of 77 infant formula samples, a trace concentration of melamine was detected in one product — Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron. An FDA spreadsheet shows two tests were conducted on the Enfamil, with readings of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million.
Three tests of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a melamine byproduct.
The FDA tests also detected melamine in two samples of nutritional supplements for very sick children who have trouble digesting regular food. Nestle's Peptamen Junior medical food showed 0.201 and 0.206 parts per million of melamine while Nestle's Nutren Junior-Fiber showed 0.16 and 0.184 parts per million.
漏了一段, SImilac也不乐观 Previously undisclosed tests, obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, show that the FDA has detected melamine in a sample of one popular formula and the presence of cyanuric acid, a chemical relative of melamine, in the formula of a second manufacturer. Separately, a third major formula maker told AP that in-house tests had detected trace levels of melamine in its infant formula. The three firms — Abbott Laboratories, Nestle and Mead Johnson — manufacture more than 90 percent of all infant formula produced in the United States. 第三家做内部测试的应该就是Similac了
The agency declined to identify the companies and brand names of the products involved. But the nation's five FDA-approved makers of milk-based infant formula are Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Nestlé SA's Nestlé USA unit, PBM Products LLC and Solus Products LLC.
And while the FDA said tests of 18 samples of formula made by Abbott Laboratories, including its Similac brand, did not detect melamine, spokesman Colin McBean said some company tests did find the chemical. He did not identify the specific product or the number of positive tests.
According to FDA data for tests of 77 infant formula samples, a trace concentration of melamine was detected in one product _ Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron. An FDA spreadsheet shows two tests were conducted on the Enfamil, with readings of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million.
Three tests of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a melamine byproduct.
And while the FDA said tests of 18 samples of formula made by Abbott Laboratories, including its Similac brand, did not detect melamine, spokesman Colin McBean said some company tests did find the chemical. He did not identify the specific product or the number of positive tests.
The FDA tests also detected melamine in two samples of nutritional supplements for very sick children who have trouble digesting regular food. Nestle's Peptamen Junior medical food showed 0.201 and 0.206 parts per million of melamine while Nestle's Nutren Junior-Fiber showed 0.16 and 0.184 parts per million.
Three tests of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a melamine byproduct.
Stephen Sundloff, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, said the agency also found melamine in a few samples of products such as nutritional supplements and medical supplements, all made by the five U.S. manufacturers of infant formula. Dr. Sundloff said the melamine detected was at "extremely low levels" and likely was the result of contact with melamine during the processing or from packaging. Melamine was approved to be a "food contact substance" in the late 1960s or early 1970s.
The melamine found in U.S.-made products "is no cause for concern" from a health standpoint, Dr. Sundloff said. The FDA said the low level of melamine was detected with the use of new technology that can detect minute traces of the chemical.
Dr. Sundloff said the agency is also conducting animal tests to determine safety levels.
The traces of melamine were found as part of the FDA program of testing for the industrial chemical after melamine in Chinese-made infant formula sickened tens of thousands of Chinese infants and led to the deaths of four. Dr. Sundloff said the FDA not only sampled products at ethnic markets but also took samples from the five approved infant-formula manufacturers.
Earlier this month, the FDA announced it was restricting entry of all food products from China containing milk after inspectors found evidence of melamine contamination, which has sickened tens of thousands of Chinese infants and caused at least four deaths. Under the FDA directive, importers must prove their food and drink shipments don't contain melamine before they can be released to U.S. markets.
source link please?
five U.S. manufacturers of infant formula
five U.S. manufacturers of infant formula
I don't have enough milk anymore. If my lg knows about this, he must say:"see, I told you that breastmilk is better - you should pump it out when the baby doesn't want to be breastfed."
对啊,相当含混不清。如果是nutritional supplements and medical supplements,那包括Trivosol什么的吗?说了半天啥都没说清楚
天朝政府当初也是这么说的, 到底这个trace是多少啊?
According to FDA data for tests of 77 infant formula samples, a trace
concentration of melamine was detected in one product — Mead Johnson's
Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron. An FDA spreadsheet
shows two tests were conducted on the Enfamil, with readings of 0.137
and 0.14 parts per million.
Three tests of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron
detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a
melamine byproduct.
The FDA tests also detected melamine in two samples of nutritional
supplements for very sick children who have trouble digesting regular
food. Nestle's Peptamen Junior medical food showed 0.201 and 0.206
parts per million of melamine while Nestle's Nutren Junior-Fiber showed
0.16 and 0.184 parts per million.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-25 20:38:28编辑过]
Previously undisclosed tests, obtained by The Associated Press under
the Freedom of Information Act, show that the FDA has detected melamine
in a sample of one popular formula and the presence of cyanuric acid, a
chemical relative of melamine, in the formula of a second manufacturer.
Separately, a third major formula maker told AP that in-house tests had detected trace levels of melamine in its infant formula.
The three firms — Abbott Laboratories, Nestle and Mead Johnson —
manufacture more than 90 percent of all infant formula produced in the
United States. 第三家做内部测试的应该就是Similac了
nod nod
five U.S. manufacturers of infant formula
The agency declined to identify the companies and brand names of the
products involved. But the nation's five FDA-approved makers of
milk-based infant formula are Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Nestlé SA's Nestlé USA unit, PBM Products LLC and Solus Products LLC.
And while the FDA said tests of 18 samples of formula made by Abbott
Laboratories, including its Similac brand, did not detect melamine,
spokesman Colin McBean said some company tests did find the chemical.
He did not identify the specific product or the number of positive
same thing???!!!
本来还想接着上enfamil next step的,现在开始犹豫了。不知道是不是e家奶粉里都有这个东东?
我记得检测出来的是数值是0.14ppm, 0.24 ppm.哪位化学相关专业的出来解释下这个数值.
我记得检测出来的是数值是0.14ppm, 0.24 ppm.哪位化学相关专业的出来解释下这个数值.
part per million. 百万分之一
和国内的比就是三聚氰胺含量多少的差别吧, 可怜的宝宝。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 1:32:32编辑过]
我娃基本没喝过配方奶,之前纯母乳,之后organic whole milk
既然配方奶里面有....我想知道whole milk里面有没有.
我娃基本没喝过配方奶,之前纯母乳,之后organic whole milk
准妈妈请教一下: whole milk 和formula 有啥区别啊?
我记得检测出来的是数值是0.14ppm, 0.24 ppm.哪位化学相关专业的出来解释下这个数值.
既然配方奶里面有....我想知道whole milk里面有没有.
我娃基本没喝过配方奶,之前纯母乳,之后organic whole milk
也想知道这个,现在还是formula + whole milk,看来得赶紧换whole milk
看来宝宝不肯喝牛奶也有道理,可是这年头吃什么安全呢? 是啊,我家娃虽然是母乳的,可是既然配方奶粉里有,牛奶里有,动物饲料里有,猪肉里有,鱼肉里有,连鸡蛋里也有,那我们这些也得吃人间烟火的妈妈的母乳里能逃得了吗?
According to FDA data for tests of 77 infant formula samples, a trace concentration of melamine was detected in one product _ Mead Johnson's Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron. An FDA spreadsheet shows two tests were conducted on the Enfamil, with readings of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million.
Three tests of Nestle's Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a melamine byproduct.
And while the FDA said tests of 18 samples of formula made by Abbott Laboratories, including its Similac brand, did not detect melamine, spokesman Colin McBean said some company tests did find the chemical. He did not identify the specific product or the number of positive tests.
The FDA tests also detected melamine in two samples of nutritional supplements for very sick children who have trouble digesting regular food. Nestle's Peptamen Junior medical food showed 0.201 and 0.206 parts per million of melamine while Nestle's Nutren Junior-Fiber showed 0.16 and 0.184 parts per million.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 10:22:33编辑过]
既然配方奶里面有....我想知道whole milk里面有没有.
我娃基本没喝过配方奶,之前纯母乳,之后organic whole milk
对ORGANIC WHOLE MILK是不是好也有很多说法啊。据说ORGANIC MILK制作过程中加入很多东西。 而且据说他们是把FAT全部提出来,然后按照WHOLE FAT, LOW FAT...中的FAT的比例再加回去。
以前在别的帖子提到过,我在COSTCO买的他们自己牌子的WHILE MILK,离保质期还远,打开2天就味道不对,可喝了又没有问题,我煮开了后证明真的是变质了。所以我怀疑他们牛奶里有抗生素。现在我都不敢买他们的牛奶了。可是别的厂子还不是一样。
序号 标称的企业 产品名称 抽样数 不合格数 三聚氰胺最高含量mg/kg
1 石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司 三鹿牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 11 11 2563.00
2 上海熊猫乳品有限公司 熊猫可宝牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 5 3 619.00
3 青岛圣元乳业有限公司 圣元牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 17 8 150.00
4 山西古城乳业集团有限公司 古城牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 13 4 141.60
5 江西光明英雄乳业股份有限公司 英雄牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 2 2 98.60
6 宝鸡惠民乳品(集团)有限公司 惠民牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 1 1 79.17
7 内蒙古蒙牛乳业(集团)股份有限公司 蒙牛牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 28 4 68.20
8 中澳合资多加多乳业(天津)有限公司 可淇牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 1 1 67.94
9 广东雅士利集团股份有限公司 雅士利牌婴幼儿配方乳粉 30 10 53.40
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 9:04:31编辑过]
对ORGANIC WHOLE MILK是不是好也有很多说法啊。据说ORGANIC MILK制作过程中加入很多东西。 而且据说他们是把FAT全部提出来,然后按照WHOLE FAT, LOW FAT...中的FAT的比例再加回去。
以前在别的帖子提到过,我在COSTCO买的他们自己牌子的WHILE MILK,离保质期还远,打开2天就味道不对,可喝了又没有问题,我煮开了后证明真的是变质了。所以我怀疑他们牛奶里有抗生素。现在我都不敢买他们的牛奶了。可是别的厂子还不是一样。
We always buy Costco milk that we thought it doesn't have 抗生素.
对ORGANIC WHOLE MILK是不是好也有很多说法啊。据说ORGANIC MILK制作过程中加入很多东西。 而且据说他们是把FAT全部提出来,然后按照WHOLE FAT, LOW FAT...中的FAT的比例再加回去。
以前在别的帖子提到过,我在COSTCO买的他们自己牌子的WHILE MILK,离保质期还远,打开2天就味道不对,可喝了又没有问题,我煮开了后证明真的是变质了。所以我怀疑他们牛奶里有抗生素。现在我都不敢买他们的牛奶了。可是别的厂子还不是一样。
radiation很可怕。一般在那个dosage level以下,大家都活得好好的。
我这样安慰自己,美国的奶粉不是特意加那个三聚氰胺。可能是加那些维生素mineral的时候,这些东西合成的时候纯度不够,附带的。就像化学合成,产物最多也就是99.99%。。。。不可避免要带些别的东西。这就是trace amount的来源。
radiation很可怕。一般在那个dosage level以下,大家都活得好好的。
nod nod...
听说多喝水, 可以把它排出去
My baby hasn't started drinking water yet. She is almost 7 months old.
I can't find any recall about it yet.
My baby hasn't started drinking water yet. She is almost 7 months old.
detected an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a
melamine byproduct.
这个cyanuric acid 不知道怎么样?melamine 的副产品,说明生产过程中加了melamine?
现在给娃吃 good start 作为补充,不知道该不该继续吃了,sigh
我这样安慰自己,美国的奶粉不是特意加那个三聚氰胺。可能是加那些维生素mineral的时候,这些东西合成的时候纯度不够,附带的。就像化学合成,产物最多也就是99.99%。。。。不可避免要带些别的东西。这就是trace amount的来源。
radiation很可怕。一般在那个dosage level以下,大家都活得好好的。
I can't find any recall about it yet.
NO recall. FDA hadn't find any negative effects.
Me too. Shocking news.
如果是这样子的话whole milk可能没有问题
不过whole milk也是需要包装的......
觉得好对不起宝宝,小的从5个半月开始全formule,现在快15个月了还是全formula,whole milk喝了不适应,所以还得formula下去,为啥我就不是头奶牛尼
我家马上要switch到whole milk了
也是5个多月开始全formula的,similac organic
这两天给了similac go&grow想过渡一下
还不知道他爱不爱whole milk呢